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[[File:Paternoster animated.gif|160px|right|A Paternoster Type of APS]]
An '''Automated (car) Parking System''' (APS) is a mechanical system designed to minimize the area and/or volume required for parking cars. Like a [[Multi-storey car park|multi-story parking garage]], an APS provides parking for cars on multiple levels stacked vertically to maximize the number of [[parking space|parking spaces]] while minimizing land usage. The APS, however, utilizes a mechanical system to transport cars to and from parking spaces (rather than the driver) in order to eliminate much of the space wasted in a multi-story parking garage<ref name=Patrascu>{{Citation
| title = How Automated Parking Systems Work
| url = http://www.autoevolution.com/news/how-automated-parking-systems-work-19523.html
| year = 2010
| author = Patrascu, Daniel
| journal = Autoevolution
| accessdate = 2012-11-16
}}</ref>. While a multi-story parking garage is similar to multiple [[parking lot|parking lots]] stacked vertically, an APS is more similar to an [[automated storage and retrieval system]] for cars<ref name=Patrascu />. The [[paternoster]] (shown animated at the right) is an example of one of the earliest and most common types of APS<ref name="McDonald">Sanders McDonald, Shannon.[http://www.trforum.org/forum/downloads/2012_112_Cars_Parking_Sustain.pdf "Cars, Parking and Sustainability"], ''The Transportation Research Forum http://www.trforum.org/''.Retrieved on 16 October 2012.</ref>.

APS are generically known by a variety of names, including:

* Automatic parking system (not to be confused with in-car parking guidance systems)
* Automated parking facility (APF)
* Automated vehicle storage & retrieval system (AVSRS)
* Car parking system
* Mechanical parking
* Robotic parking garage

==History of Automated Parking Systems==
[[Image:Automated Carparking.jpg|right|thumb|A Semi-Automated Parking System]]
The concept for the automated parking system was and is driven by two factors: a need for parking spaces and a scarcity of available land.

The earliest use of an APS was in Paris, France in 1905 at the Garage Rue de Ponthieu<ref name="McDonald" />. The APS consisted of a groundbreaking<ref name="McDonald" /> multi-story concrete structure with an internal elevator to transport cars to upper levels where attendants parked the cars<ref name=Hamelink>{{Citation
| title = The Mechanical Parking Guide 2011
| year = 2011
| author = Hamelink, Ir. Leon J.
| isbn = 1-466-43786-3

In the 1920s, a [[Ferris wheel]]-like APS (for cars rather than people) called a [[paternoster]] system became popular as it could park eight cars in the ground space normally used for parking two cars<ref name=Hamelink />. Mechanically simple with a small footprint, the paternoster was easy to use in many places, including inside buildings. At the same time, [[Kent Automatic Garages]] was installing APS with capacities exceeding more than a 1,000 cars.

APS saw a spurt of interest in the U.S. in the late 1940s and 1950s with the Bowser, Pigeon Hole and Roto Park systems<ref name="McDonald" />. In 1957, 74 Bowser, Pigeon Hole systems were installed<ref name="McDonald" />, and some of these systems remain in operation. However, interest in APS in the U.S. waned due to frequent mechanical problems and long waiting times for patrons to retrieve their cars<ref name=Beebe>{{Citation
| title = Automated Parking: Status in the United States
| url = http://www.worldparkingsymposium.ca/parking-library/download/137/00000137_d010010wx.pdf
| year = 2001
| author = Beebe, Richard S.
| accessdate = 2012-11-15
}}</ref>. Interest in APS in the U.S. was renewed in the 1990s, and there are 25 major current and planned APS projects (representing nearly 6,000 parking spaces) in 2012<ref name=Monahan_Article>{{Citation
| title = Man vs Machine: Is Robotic Parking Right for Your Project?
| url = http://walkerparking.com/files/Monahan-Robotic%20Parking-Pkg%20Prof%20Sept%202012.pdf
| year = 2012
| author = Monahan, Don
| journal = International Parking Institute
| issue = September 2012
| accessdate = 2012-11-15

While interest in the APS in the U.S. languished until the 1990s<ref name="McDonald" />, Europe, Asia and Central America had been installing more technically advanced APS since the 1970s<ref name=Hamelink />. In the early 1990s, nearly 40,000 parking spaces were being built annually using the paternoster APS in Japan<ref name=Hamelink />. In 2012, there are an estimated 1.6 million APS parking spaces in Japan<ref name="McDonald" />.

The ever-increasing scarcity of available urban land ([[urbanization]]) and increase of the number of cars in use ([[automobile|motorization]]) have combined with [[sustainability]] and other quality-of-life issues<ref name="McDonald" /><ref name=Greenandsave>{{Citation
| title = Automated Parking And Garage Lights Take “Green” Garages To New Levels
| url = http://www.greenandsave.com/green_news/green-building/automated-parking-takes-green-garages-new-levels-10108
| year = 2012
| author = Staff, Greenandsave
| journal = GREENandSAVE.com
| accessdate = 2012-11-16
}}</ref> to renew interest in APS as alternatives to [[Multi-storey car park|multi-story parking garages]], [[parking|on-street parking]] and [[parking lot|parking lots]]<ref name="McDonald" />.

==Space Saving==
[[Image:Autoturm von Innen.jpg|right|thumb|A Large Fully Automated Parking System]]
All APS take advantage of a common concept to decrease the area of parking spaces - removing the driver and passengers from the car before it is parked. With either fully automated or semi-automated APS, the car is driven up to an entry point to the APS and the driver and passengers exit the car. The car is then moved automatically or semi-automatically (with some attendant action required) to its parking space.

The space saving provided by the APS, compared to the multi-story parking garage, is derived primarily from a significant reduction in space not directly related to the parking of the car:

* Parking space width and depth (and distances between parking spaces) are dramatically reduced since no allowance need be made for driving the car into the parking space or for the opening of car doors (for drivers and passengers)
* No driving lanes or ramps are needed to drive the car to/from the entrance/exit to a parking space
* Ceiling height is minimized since there is no pedestrian traffic (drivers and passengers) in the parking area, and
* No walkways, stairways or elevators are needed to accommodate pedestrians in the parking area.

With the elimination of ramps, driving lanes, pedestrians and the reduction in ceiling heights, the APS requires substantially less structural material than the multi-story parking garage. Many APS utilize a steel framework (some use thin concrete slabs) rather than the monolithic concrete design of the multi-story parking garage. These factors contribute to an overall volume reduction and further space savings for the APS<ref name=Monahan_Article />.

==Other Considerations==

In addition to the space saving, many APS designs provide a number of secondary benefits:

* The parked cars and their contents are more secure since there is no public access to parked cars<ref name="Ovrom">{{Citation
| title = The Parking Dilemma: Innovative Solutions for Parking and Parking Requirements
| url = http://ladbs.org/LADBSWeb/LADBS_Forms/Publications/BudOvromRoboticParking.pdf
| year = 2011
| journal = PowerPoint Presentation
| pages = 16
| last1 = Ovrom | first1 = Bud
| last2 = Labds
| accessdate = 2012-11-15 }}</ref>
* Minor parking lot damage such as scrapes and dents are eliminated
* Drivers and passengers are safer not having to walk through parking lots or garages<ref name="Atlas">{{Citation
| title = Safe Parking: What You Should Do to Protect Employees and Guests
| url = http://www.parking.org/media/51945/MAR10_Randall%20Atlas_web.pdf
| year = 2010
| author = Atlas, Randall I.
| journal = International Parking Institute
| issue = March
| accessdate = 2012-11-16
* Driving around in search of a parking space is eliminated, thereby reducing engine emissions<ref name="Ovrom" />
* Only minimal ventilation and lighting systems are needed<ref name=Hamelink />
* Handicap access is improved<ref name="Ovrom" />
* The volume and visual impact of the parking structure is minimized<ref name="Ovrom" />
* Shorter construction time<ref name=Monahan_Article />

==Fully Automated vs Semi-Automated==

Fully automated parking systems operate much like robotic valet parking<ref name=House>{{Citation
| title = Automated Parking (Video)
| url = http://www.jamesonfoster.com/parking.php
| author = House, Jameson
| accessdate = 2012-11-16
}}</ref>. The driver drives the car into an APS entry (transfer) area. The driver and all passengers exit the car. The driver uses an automated terminal nearby for payment and receipt of a ticket. When driver and passengers have left the entry area, the mechanical system lifts the car and transports it to a pre-determined parking space in the system. More sophisticated fully automated APS will obtain the dimensions of cars on entry in order to place them in the smallest available parking space.

The driver retrieves a car by inserting a ticket or code into an automated terminal. The APS lifts the car from its parking space and delivers it to an exit area. Most often, the retrieved car has been oriented to eliminate the need for the driver to back out.

Fully automated APS theoretically eliminate the need for parking attendants.

Semi-automated APS also use a mechanical system of some type to move a car to its parking space, however putting the car into and/or the operation of the system requires some action by an attendant or the driver.

The choice between fully and semi-automated APS is often a matter of space and cost, however large capacity (> 100 cars) tend to be fully automated.

== APS Applications==

By virtue of their relatively smaller volume and mechanized parking systems, APS are often used in locations where a multi-story parking garage would be too large, too costly or impractical<ref name=Monahan_Article /><ref name=Munn>{{Citation
| title = Past Hoboken: Automated Parking Facilities Enter Hopeful New Era
| url = http://www.npapark.org/pdfs/article_sample.pdf
| year = 2009
| author = Munn, Charlie
| journal = Parking
| issue = March
| accessdate = 2012-11-16
}}</ref>. Examples of such applications include, under or inside existing or new structures, between existing structures and in irregularly shaped areas.

APS can also be applied in situations similar to multi-story parking garages such as freestanding above ground, under buildings above grade and under buildings below grade.

==APS Costs==

The direct comparison of costs between an APS and a multi-story parking garage can be complicated by many variables such as capacity, land costs, area shape, number and location of entrances and exits, land usage, local codes and regulations, parking fees, location, and aesthetic and environmental requirements.

Following is a comparison<ref name=Monahan_Article /> of building costs for generic APS and multi-story parking garages:

{|border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" align="center"
|- align="center"
! Application !! Type !! Parking Spaces !! Sq Ft per Space !! Building Cost !! Cost per Space
|- align="center" cellpadding="5"
| rowspan="2" | Freestanding Above Grade || Parking Garage || 200 || 320 || $3,200,000 || $16,000
|- align="center"
| APS || 200 || 225 || $5,225,000 || $26,125
|- align="center"
| rowspan="2" | Below Building Above Grade || Parking Garage || 200 || 450 || $6,750,000 || $33,750
|- align="center"
| APS || 200 || 225 || $6,125,000 || $30,625
|- align="center"
| rowspan="2" | Below Building Below Grade || Parking Garage || 200 || 450 || $9,450,000 || $47,250
|- align="center"
| APS || 200 || 225 || $7,025,000 || $35,125

The comparison above is for building costs only. Not included, for example, is the cost of land or the opportunity cost of the use of the land (i.e. the value of the additional space made available by the smaller size of the APS). As evidence of the complexities of comparing the costs for APS and multi-story parking garages, the same author presents an actual case study <ref name=Monahan_presentation>{{Citation
| title = De-Mystifying Automated Parking Structures
| url = http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/Documents/areas/ctr/ziman/UCLA%20Parking%20Dilemma%20Symposium_Don%20Monahan.pptx
| year = 2011
| author = Monahan, Don
| journal = PowerPoint Presentation
| pages = 8
| accessdate = 2012-11-15
}}</ref> as follows:

{|border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" align="center"
|- align="center"
! Application !! Type !! Parking Spaces !! Sq Ft per Space !! Building Cost !! Cost per Space
|- align="center"
| rowspan="2" | Freestanding Above Grade || Parking Garage || 203 || 445 || $6,000,000 || $29,600
|- align="center"
| APS || 217 || 268 || $6,200,000 || $28,200

In this case study, the APS also provides roughly 7,000 sq. ft. of additional open space compared to the multi-story parking garage which provides no open space and requires minimum setbacks be utilized. Other references<ref name="McDonald" /><ref name=Hamelink /><ref name=Munn /><ref name=Skelley>{{Citation
| title = Waiting for the Robo-Garage?
| url = http://urbanland.uli.org/Articles/2012/Aug/ul/SkelleyRoboGarage?utm_source=uli&utm_medium=eblast&utm_campaign=090412
| year = 2012
| author = Skelley, Jack
| journal = Urban Land Magazine
| issue = August
| accessdate = 2012-11-16
}}</ref> also indicate that the cost comparison between APS and multi-story parking garages is highly dependent on the application and the detailed design.

==Automated Parking System Suppliers==

The following partial list of APS manufacturers demonstrates the broad variety of types and configurations of APS:

* Boomerang Systems
* Dongyang Menics
* Fujihen Sokuki
* Klaus Parking
* MP Parking
* Robotic Parking Systems
* Skyline Parking
* Stolzer Parking
* Suvidha Parking
* Unitronics
* U-Parkit
* Wohr Parking
* Yee-Fung

==See Also==

* [[Automated storage and retrieval system]]
* [[Automobile]]
* [[Autostadt]]
* [[Multi-storey car park]]
* [[Parking]]
* [[Parking lot]]
* [[Parking space]]
* [[Paternoster]]
* [[Sustainability]]


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[[Category:Parking facilities]]

Revision as of 17:38, 10 December 2012