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Russian bayors

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Bayors (Swedish: baijorer [baˈjǔːrɛr] or ryss(e)baijorer, Russian bayors), were a group of Russian noble families who had entered Swedish service in the late 16th–early 17th centuries and were incorporated into the Swedish nobility. The word is derived from Russian ‹See Tfd›Russian: бояринъ, romanizedbojarin 'boyar' and in the Swedish language of the early modern era it referred to all Russian noblemen.[1]

Of these, the most notable were the families:

  • Rosladin (Розладинъ)
    Swedish coats-of-arms of the immatriculated bayor families except the Baranoffs (the dates refer to the immatriculation at the Riddarhus, not to the beginning of their Swedish service, which in several cases took place much earlier)
  • Baranoff (Барановъ/Борановъ)
  • Aminoff (Аминевъ, branches later re-introduced in Russia as Аминовъ)
  • Kalitin/Callentin (Калитинъ)
  • Butterlin (Бутурлинъ, Buturlin)
  • Zebotaioff/Sabotaioff (Чеботаевъ, not Зебетриевъ etc.), one branch later known as Apolloff (Опалёвъ, not Аполловъ etc.)
  • Pereswetoff-Morath (Пересвѣтовъ (-Муратъ, not Моратъ))
  • Clementeoff (Клементьевъ) https://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/Clementeoff_nr_1956 (wrong coat-of-arms in the picture above)
  • Nassokin (Насакинъ, not Нащокинъ) https://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/Nassokin_nr_740 (wrong coat-of-arms in the picture)
  • Golawitz (Головачевъ)
  • Rubzoff (Рубцовъ; originally not a noble family but of Smolensk posadskie liudi),

which were all immatriculated ('introduced') at the Swedish House of Nobility (for their immatriculation numbers, see the List of Swedish noble families). In 1818, those families resident east of the Bothnian were similarly immatriculated at the Finnish House of Nobility, then in the Russian Grand Duchy of Finland (compare the List of Finnish noble families). The coats-of-arms granted by the kings of Sweden almost invariably allude to military prowess and tend to include weaponry which was regarded as 'Muscovite' (sabres, bows and arrows, maces; sometimes ‘tamed’ or ‘Swedicised’ by the crown within which they are crossed), mounted warriors and ‘northern’ animals. Of particular importance as a model, was the coat-of-arms of the Aminoffs.[2]

During the seventeenth century, most of the bayor families were closely associated with the province of Ingria, where they were supposed to constitute a part of the ruling class that might be more acceptable to the Orthodox, to a large extent Russian, population than was the Lutheran Swedish and German nobility. Simultaneously, however, the bayors were expected to raise their sons as good Lutherans in order to retain an 'eligibility' to offices in the state and in the army.[3] This fact led to nearly full integration into the Swedish nobility by the end of the seventeenth century, although at home, and especially among the women, Orthodoxy and syncreticism may still have been fairly widespread. The bayor families practiced endogamy to a large extent in the 17th century, which might have allowed Russian traditions to live on ‘at home’ but show increasingly less outwardly. This is to be contrasted with the state of affairs in c.1640 when almost all bayors would have regarded – and showed – themselves as Orthodox, as the elderly still did in the 1660s. Till the mid-century they frequently interceded for the protection of Orthodox institutions.[3] The French Ingrian family Barohn, several of whose members spoke Russian and were used as interpreters, was occasionally added to the group on a par with the ‘true’ bayors.[citation needed]

Especially in the early decades of Swedish Ingria, there were also, at a social level higher than the peasantry but below the bayors by far: the Russian townspeople of the city of Ivangorod and the townships of Jama, Caporie and Nöteborg, with some particularly well-off individuals (e.g. of the families Babin, Lebed, and Belous); the Orthodox clergy; the Russian so-called 'half' bayors, Swedish: half-baijorer; and a very small group of Tatar warriors. (The last two groups soon disappear from sight.)[3]

A measure of their integration with Sweden may be had from a glance at the considerable number of officers from the bayor families who fought in the Swedish armies during the Great Northern War (1700–1721), mainly on the Baltic front[citation needed] Notice that the Nassokins and Baranoffs derived from an earlier, pre-Ingrian, layer of bayors and had for all practical purposes lost their Russian cultural identity,[citation needed] living, as they did, in Livonia and Finland; the Swedish Rosladins, the Butterlins and the Zebotaioffs of the name were already extinct on the male line at the time. The officers were:

In several cases on the Baltic front, more than one bayor descendant might be found in the same detachment.[citation needed] Thus in the cavalry regiment of Colonel Carl Pereswetoff-Morath in Ingria we find the Captain Stephan Aminoff, the Lieutenant Carl Gustaf Rubzoff, and a Corporal Alexander Pereswetoff-Morath along with Major von Rohr, an Ingrian nobleman of German parentage.

Among families which, for one reason or other, are not as regularly counted among the bayors we find the Homutoffs (Хомутовъ), the Carpofskis (Карповскiй), and the Luhmenoffs (Лугмѣновъ). The first two would doubtless have been among the most central ones had they not been extinguished on the male line before immatriculation. Several individual noblemen who had no issue or who were soon repatriated to Russia could be similarly referred to as ‘bayors’ in the 17th century.[1]

At the present time, there seem to be living representatives only of the Aminoffs and the Pereswetoff-Moraths (and possibly, although apparently no longer in Scandinavia, the Kalitins).[citation needed]


  1. ^ a b Пересветов–Мурат, ‘Из Ростова…’
  2. ^ Cf. Tengström, “Muschoviten…”
  3. ^ a b c Pereswetoff-Morath, ‘“Receptacula…’
  4. ^ Genos 67(1996), s. 12-18, 46-47 (Kuka oli luutnantti Jöran Moras?)
  5. ^ Adam Lewenhaupt, Karl XII:s officerare. Biografiska anteckningar, vols 1–2, Stockholm 1920–21
  • Aminoff, B. [H.], ‘Ur ingermanländska handlingar’, in: Genos: tidskrift utgiven av genealogiska samfundet i Finland, vol. 4 (1933) http://www.genealogia.fi/genos/4/4_20.htm.
  • Aminoff, B. H., Släkten Aminoff, Ekenäs 1978.
  • Arseniew, S., ‘Svenska adliga ätter med rysk härstamning’, in: Personhistorisk tidskrift, no. 1 (1898/9) (https://runeberg.org/pht/1899/0136.html).
  • Gustaf Elgenstierna, Den introducerade svenska adelns ättartavlor, vols 1–9, Stockholm 1925–36.
  • Lewenhaupt, A., Karl XII:s officerare. Biografiska anteckningar, vols 1–2, Stockholm 1920–21.
  • Lind, J. H., ‘De ingermanlandske «Ryss-Bajorer»: Deres sociale og genealogiske baggrund’, in: Gentes Finlandiae, vol. 6, 1984.
  • Pereswetoff-Morath, A., ‘ “Otiosorum hominum receptacula”: Orthodox Religious Houses in Ingria, 1615–52’, Scando-Slavica, vol. 49, 2003.
  • Tengström, L. “Muschoviten - Turcken icke olijk”: ryssattribut, och deras motbilder, i svensk heraldik från Gustav Vasa till freden i Stolbova, vol. 2, Jyväskylä 1997.
  • Vuorimies, H., ‘Kuka oli luutnantti Jöran Moras?’, in: Genos: tidskrift utgiven av genealogiska samfundet i Finland, vol. 67 (1996) http://www.genealogia.fi/genos/67/67_12.htm.
  • ‘П.Б.’, ‘О Русскихъ фамиліяхъ въ Шведскомъ Дворянствѣ’, in: Сѣверный архивъ, no. 4 (1827). [Note that this article introduced – largely erroneous – Swedish material and does not constitute any form of ‘Russian corroboration’ of the genealogical notions then flourishing in Sweden regarding these families.]
  • Пересветов-Мурат, А. И., ‘Из Ростова в Ингерманландию: М.А. Пересветов и другие русские baijor 'ы’, in: Новгородский исторический сборник, vol. 7 (17), 1999 http://norroen.info/articles/peresvetov/bajors.html.

See also
