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The Burki (historically also known as Barak, Baraki, Birki (of Baburnama), Barki, Braakee or Urmar) are a Pushtun tribe of South Waziristan, Pakistan, whose "homeland" is Kaniguram. The first Pushtun warrior/intellectual Pir Roshan, whose given name was Bayazid Khan, was a Baraki/Urmur/Burki who is popularly known by his admirers as Pir Roshan (the enlightened one) and as Pir Tarik (the one of darkness) by those who hated his enlightened ideas as a threat to both the din and to the establishment. In the 16th century he wrote the first book in the language of the Pashtuns. He was fluent in Ormuri (his mother tongue), Pushtu, Arabic and Persian.

Language and demographics

Ormuri [1] is the first language of the people in Kaniguram; today, all are bilingual in the local Pashto dialect of Wazirwola. Most also can converse in Urdu and some in English. Burki are still found in Baraki Barak in Logar and outside Ghazni Afghanistan, however Pashto and Dari has replaced Ormuri language there. Baraki Barak, and especially Logar, were scenes of genocide and murder during the Russian/Soviet occupation of Afghanistan (1979–1989).


According to Montstuart Elphinstone in 1815 he [2] incorrectly describes the "Baraki" as a class of "Taujiks" in his seminal work "An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul," based on his travels in the early nineteenth century. The scholarly tendency of the day was to label anyone who spoke "Urmar" as Taujik, despite the fact that the Baraki also spoke Pashto and one of their kin, Bayazid Khan, wrote the first book in Pashto. Taujiks then and now do not speak/learn Pashto or practice "Pashtunwali" as they—the Barak/Urmar (anglicized to "Burki")—do. Furthermore, the Baraki/Urmar could not / did not speak Farsi (or Dari), the languages of the Taujik and Farsiwan, except a few who were members of the Amir's court. The Baraki/Burki "homeland" of Kaniguram in the heart of the Pushtun core (i.e. where the Mahsud and Waziri tribes "do Pukhtunkhwa") only confirms their lineage. It is important to note that Elphinstone in his "travels" West to the land of the Afghauns and towards Caubul (Kabul) never made it past Peshawar and is unlikely to have come across any Baraki/Barak.

Elphinstone in his "account" on page 315 writes: "The next class of Taujiks are the Burrukees who inhabit Logur and part of Boot Khauk... they differ from the other Taujiks in as much as they form a tribe under chiefs of their own, and have a high reputation as soldiers. They have separate lands and castles of their own and furnish a good many troops to the government, closely resemble the Afghauns in their manners and are more respected than any other Taujiks... their lands were once extensive; but their origin is uncertain; they pretend to be sprung from the Arabs, but others say they are descended from the Kurds or Coords."

Captain Leech [3] is the first person who has given some detailed notes on the Barki Barak (Logar) dialect of the Ormuri language. He collected quite a few words and sentences and published them in "The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal" {(Vol. VII-1838), Part-I, Jan to June, 1838}, under the name of "A Vocabulary of the Baraki language". About five pages from 727 to 731 have covered the subject. While introducing the tribe and its language, he says:

"The Barkis are included in the general term of Parsiwan, or Tajak; they are original inhabitants of Yemen whence they were brought by Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni; they accompanied him in his invasion of India, and were pre-eminently instrumental in the abstraction of the gates of the temple of Somnath. There are two divisions of the tribe. The Barkis of Rajan in the province of Lohgad, who speak Persian, and the Barakis of Barak, a city near the former, who speak the language called Barki; at Kaniguram under Shah Malak who are independent. The Barakis of this place and of Barak alone speak the Baraki language. It is clear from Capt. Leech's "assessmnet" that he is mixing the Barakis up with the Baluchis, whose lineage does suggest a possible peninsula connection of some who came to the Baluchistan region in Mahmud of Ghaznavi's time. But the Baraki have been in the greater Afghanistan region much longer/prior to the 10th century.

We receive a warning from the study of this Vocabulary, not to be hasty in referring the origin of a people merely from the construction of their language; for it is well known that the one now instanced was invented by Mir Yusuf; who led the first Barakis from Yemen into Afghanistan. His design was to conceal and separate his few followers from the mass of Afghans (called by them Kash) who would no doubt at first look upon the Barkis with jealousy as intruders. The muleteers of Cabul, being led by their profession to traverse wild countries and unsafe roads have also invented a vocabulary of pass words."

Henry Walter Bellew's book (1891) [4] "An Enquiry into the Ethnography of Afghanistan", Bayazid's people — currently referred to as "Burki" but who until the early twentieth century were known as Barak or Baraki—were found in large numbers during the Greek period in their present environs (p. 62). On page 8 of this seminal work, Bellew refers to the Baraki's origins as "mysterious" but not of Arab/Ansari descent. On page 62, he writes of the Baraki: "After the time of the Greek dominion, the Baraki increased greatly in numbers and influence, and acquired extensive possessions towards the Hindu Kush in the north and the Suleman range in the south, and eastward as far as the Indus. During the reign of Mahmud Ghaznavi (2 November 971 - 30 April 1030), the Baraki were an important tribe, and largely aided the Sultan in his military expeditions. The reputation then acquired as soldiers they still retain, and the Afghan monarchs always entertain a bodyguard composed exclusively of Baraki. . . . In Afghanistan though their true origin is not suspected, the Baraki are a distinct people. The Baraki pretend descent from the Arab invaders, but this is a conceit of their conversion to Islam. They are a fine, tall and active people, with fairer complexions than the generality of Afghans, and are held in consideration as a respectable people. They have no place in the Afghan genealogies by that name, being generally reckoned along with the Tajik population. Yet it is not altogether improbable that the present ruling tribe (Barakzai) of the Durrani/Abdali in Afghanistan is originally derived from the Baraki."[5]

George Grierson has given a detailed account of the language in the "Memoirs of the Asiatic Society of Bengal" 1918 [9], along with history of the tribe and the language. This work has been revised by including more information on the subject and published in his well-Known "Linguistic Survey of India Vol. X" in 1921. According to him:

"Ormuri is a West Iranian language, and its nearest relatives are the dialects of western Persia and Kurdish. Another interesting point is that Ormuri, although a West Iranian language, contains manifest evidence of contact with the Dardic languages whose present habitat is the hill country south of the Hindu Kush. At the present day these languages are being gradually superseded by Pashto, and are dying out in the face of their more powerful neighbour. Those of the Swat and Indus Kohistans are disappearing before our eyes. There is reason to believe that this has been going on for several centuries. In historic times they were once spoken as far south as the Tirah valley, where now the only language heard is Pashto, and the fact that Ormuri shows traces of them leads to the supposition that there were once speakers of a Dardic languages still further south in Waziristan and, perhaps, the Logar country before they were occupied by the Afghans."

Even today there are still two opinions regarding the Burki's roots, one is that the Urmar/Burkis origins are Kurdish from Uromiyeh on Lake Urmia the capital city of Irans West Azerbaijan Province on the foot of the Caucasus. The name Urmai is supposed to be derived from Syriac, Ur, meaning "cradle," and mia, meaning "water" Hence, the name Urmia. Around the 10th Century this area was ruled by Daisam Al-Kurdi, who had a number of skirmishes with the Ghuz Tribes and eventually fell to the Ghaznavid Empire. Lake Urmia's second largest island, Kaboudi, is the burial place of Hulagu Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan and the sacker of Baghdad.

The other opinion according to Kaniguram tradition is the Burkis were from Yemen who came to assist Mahmud Ghaznavi in the capture of India. In Mahmud's previous 16 attempts to invade he came across the Indians magic spell which resulted in his invading horses feet catching fire and was unable to go forward. Mahmud Ghaznavi was told about a religious Syed family in Yemen could help him overcome this spell magic. When the Burkis came from Yemen they landed near Karachi and were received by Mahmud Ghaznavi who named their landing site ORMARRA after them in respect of these people who were neither called as Burki nor ORMARR on that time. According to the folklore the first name given to them by Mahmud Ghaznavi was ORMARR (in Pashto OR means fire and MARR means Extinguisher) so ORMARR was given the name to the people who pray some holy verses on the clay and ask the kings army leaders to go forward and throw this clay in front the fire so the magic will disappear where this dust reaches. In this way Mahmud Ghaznavi's army was able to conquer India. Following the victory Mahmud Ghaznavi gave these people another name BARKAWI (the people who have the ability to make any one victorious) and this Barwaki was then changed to BRRUKI (in ORMARRI language) and Burki elsewhere. Upon their return journey to Ghazni these people opted for Waziristan which was sparsely populated at the time.

Irrespective of which of the two theories is correct, what is however accepted is the key role of the Burkis in Mahmud Ghaznavi armed conquest of India and their settlement in Waziristan as a reward for this.

Today the Burkis speak Ormuri, but are also bilingual in the Waziri dialect of Pashto. Burki are still found in Baraki Barak in Logar and outside Ghazni Afghanistan. During the Russian/Soviet occupation, Baraki Barak and Logar were scenes of genocide and murder. Today, the Baraki/Urmar all go by the nomenclature of "Burki." The Burki today are all Sunni (Hanafi fiqh) Muslims.

Settlement in Kaniguram

The Burki primarily inhabit Kaniguram, the most populous settlement in South Waziristan, at around 6700 feet above sea level. This has been their tribe's focal point for over 800 years. Kaniguram has historically been off limits to outsiders except for the Burki and, more recently, the Mahsuds. Common store fronts signs are "Burki knives" or "Burki pharmacy" and are indicative of their dominant position in Kaniguram despite being significantly outnumbered by Mahsuds. Relations between the Burki/Urmar and the Mahsud are as complex as they are intimate: they are generally on good terms except for occasional skirmishes/war between the two from time to time. Despite being an enclave within what has become Mahsud territory, the Urmar/Baraki/Burki have stubbornly retained their mother tongue/identity/traditions in Kaniguram. Kaniguram's layout is distinctive from other hamlets/settlements in the FATA in that the homes are adjacent or interconnected. Land in and around Kaniguram is exclusively in Burki, and to a lesser degree, Mahsud, ownership or control. They are considered as the armory of the Mahsuds due to their small arms cottage industry which, however, does not rival Darra Adam Khel's. Kaniguram's daggers once rivaled those of Damascus. In Kanigurram the Burkis are divided into two categories one Upper Kanigurram and the second is lowwer kanigurrnam. The khails of Lahore Burkis resemble the ones in upper kanigurram.

Kaniguram is accessible from the north via the Razmak road and south from Wana on a narrow metalled road that is one of the few roads in South Waziristan. Access from this main "road" is limited to a suspension foot bridge across a wide ravine that separates Kaniguram from the main road and is easy to guard as behind it are mountains (Preghal and Jullundur) which limit access from the north. This foot bridge has, more often than not, been unusable due to sabotage, damage etc. The people of this settlement often have to climb down the steep ravine from the road during harsh winter months and then climb back up to the Kaniguram side. They have been appealing to both the GONWFP's FATA-DC to fund a permanent structure linking this road to Kaniguram for decades to no avail. The elders have appealed in the past via the extended tribal members—the Punjabi branch—for provision of electricity including approaching Gen Zahid Ali Akbar Khan (a Punjabi born Burki), when he was the head of WAPDA and was close to the late dictator General/President Zia-ul-Haq, but their requests fell on deaf ears. Their perceptions of their extended Burki kin provide a valuable insight into their views on those who—fail to provide support—have the arrogance to call their Burki brethren of Kaniguram "the hillbillies." Yet, the Burki of Kaniguram have tenaciously held onto their core (traditions/language) and to the Pukhtunkhwa values of nang (honor), melmastia (hospitality) and badal (revenge). Bayazid Khan (Pir Roshan) would be proud of them for this.

Many of Kaniguram's Burki spend winters in second homes in Dera Ismail Khan and Tank, Pakistan, where some work at the airport, or as traders. They are very involved in Pakistan's trucking and construction industries based primarily out of Karachi and are enterprising businessmen and traders. The Burki Group of Companies and SK BURKI Bros are such companies.

The Burki Diaspora

The Burki also live in other parts of Pakistan and there are pockets in Logar and Ghazni provinces of Afghanistan. Some "khels" of the Burki settled in Jullundar, Punjab during the 17th and 18th centuries and some were famous horse breeders who traded Afghan horses down in the South Asian plains and returned home with vital goods. Those who settled in the Punjab did so in "bastis," essentially two or three close hamlets—like Basti Baba Khel, Basti Sheikh Darwish which were protected like fortresses with high walls and gun turrets within which tribal members exclusively resided. They purchased, and were also gifted by the Royal Court for martial services rendered, large tracts of lands outside of their hamlets which they farmed as they became sedentary. In 1947, the bastis were abandoned and the Burkis migrated en masse to Pakistan, some to their native region of Kuniguram with the majority, however, settling in Lahore and Rawalpindi.

Like neighboring tribes in the FATA, the Baraki/Urmar/Burki continued to adhere to the belief that cohesion of the tribe required that marriage should be within the tribe only. Thus the Burki diaspora (in Punjab and elsewhere) also maintained ties to Kaniguram until 1947. Although many of the Burki of Punjab adopted Punjabi much to the disappointment of their Kanigruam brethren, some continued to speak Pushto at home (but not Urmari).

Today, the Burki are also found in the Western countries, and are well educated and involved in professional fields like medicine, engineering and economics. Shahid Javed Burki a Rhodes Scholar — vice president at the World Bank and a former Finance Minister of Pakistan.

Service in the Military, Political and Sports Fields

Since the foundation of Pakistan in 1947, many members of the Burki quam have played a public role in country's civilian, military and sports arenas. Sandhurst trained General Wajid Ali Khan Burki (1900–1988) who was President Ayub Khan's right hand man in the late 1950s. His eldest son Jamshed Burki—a career civil servant—was a very popular, and well respected, Political Agent in the Khyber Agency and also was a NWFP Home Secretary in the GONWFP's Home and Tribal Affairs Dept. General Burki's sister-in-law, Shaukat Khanum (Burki), was the mother of Imran Khan[6], the current founder/leader of the Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf (PTI) political party.

Many Burki have served, and serve, in Pakistan's military at senior, even flag, levels. The Burki are known in the sports world (cricket, field hockey, wrestling, squash and swimming). Arshad Iqbal Burki is a top three ranked Squash player in Pakistan. The cricketer Imran Khan and his Burki cousins (sons of his mother's sisters) Majid Khan and Javed Burki spent their careers playing cricket at Oxford and professionally representing Pakistan at international cricket events. Hamidullah Khan Burki (1920–2003) was a Field Hockey player on Pakistan's first Hockey team at the 1948 Olympics at London. In 1950, he captained Pakistan's hockey team when it won Pakistan its first Gold Medal (in any sport) at the World Cup in Barcelona. He was also a former naval officer in the British Royal Indian Navy (1942–1946, and he commanded a flotilla of landing craft in the Arakan campaign (Burma).

Social characteristics of the Burki/Baraki

The Burki are known in the FATA as being hot tempered, yet intelligent and as being excellent negotiators/peace makers by other Pashtun tribes in the FATA.

Unlike the other tribes of South Waziristan, the Burki have traditionally placed a high premium on learning/education/knowledge. The Burki have the highest literacy rates in the FATA. Pir Roshan, born Bayazid Khan (1525-1581 or 1585), the first warrior/insurgent/intellectual to unite various Pushtun quams to rebel against the tyranny of Emperor Akbar, wrote the first book in Pashto in the 16th century. Girls of the tribe are encouraged to obtain an education when available and marriage was generally at a later age than was the norm amongst other tribes. Unlike the other tribes, the Baraki/Burki have never embraced the tradition of selling their daughters in marriage to other Pashtun tribes. Marriage generally for the Burki of both Kaniguram and elsewhere was only within the tribe. Marriage was generally between cousins, often first cousins. When the Baraki/Burki dispersed from Kaniguram, they continued to seek brides from the tribe and, until fairly recently, marrying a non-Burki was not an option. Marriage with another Pushtun was acceptable but not encouraged. This was related to inheritance and keeping the blood line pure.

In terms of music and dance, the Attan is performed by the Burkis as in many of the different Pashtun tribes. Some styles of Attan portray themes of war while others portray celebration, especially for events such as marriage, engagements, family gatherings and also as a prelude to the arrival of spring.

Notable Personalities


Pir Roshan (literal translation: old man/saint/elder of light) (Bayazid Khan) 1525-1585 Pushtun Warrior/Intellectual, founder Roshaniyya (Enlightenment) movement. Inaccurately referred to Bayazid ANSARI as well as founder of the Afghan illuminati. Descendants comprise the "Baba Khel" branch of the Burki Qaum (tribe)


  • Brig. General Faiz-ul-Karim Khan Burki (Kaniguram) Frontier Force
  • Brig. General Amir Muhammad Burki (Kaniguram)
  • Brig. General Umar Farooq Burki (Baba Khel)
  • Maj. General Masud Burki (Baba Khel) - Former CEO Saindak Metals Limited (SML)- Copper-Gold Project
  • Lt. General Bilal Umer (Burki) - (Shaheed, GHQ Attack 2009) son of Colonel Umer (Baba Khel), Maternal Uncle of Rohail Hyatt
  • Lt. General Muhammad Amin Khan Burki (Baba Khel)
  • Lt. General Farhat Ali Burki (Baba Khel)
  • Lt. General Attaur Rehman (Burki) (Baba Khel)
  • Lt. General Abdur Rauf Burki (Baba Khel) - chief organizer of the All Burki Qaumi Movement (ABQM)
  • Lt. General Faruq Ahmad Khan (Burki) (Baba Khel) - Chairman Prime Minister's Inspection Committee and National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)


  • Feroze Khan (field hockey) September 1904-April 2005 (Burki) (Baba Khel)- 1928 Amsterdam Olympics Gold Medal - British India Hockey Team
  • Hamidullah Khan Burki 1920-2003 - (Baba Khel) 1948 London Olympics, Pakistan Hockey Captain (Barcelona, 1950), journalist/writer
  • Niaz Khan (Baba Khel), Pakistan Hockey Team 1948 and 1952 Olympics
  • Javed Burki (Baba Khel) - Pakistan Cricket Captain (1960s) Former Secretary Ministry of Water and Power & Commerce. Former CEO of Pakistan Automobile Corporation (PACO)
  • Imran Khan[6] Niazi (mother a Burki- Baba Khel) - Cricketer, Pakistan Cricket Captain (1992)

Government Service:

  • Jamshed Burki (Baba Khel) - Interior Secretary - Governor of Pakistan
  • Jahanzeb Burki (Baba Khel)- Former Inspector General Police
  • Raza Khan (Burki) (Baba Khel) - Former Inspector General Police and Head of ZA Bhuttos Security detail
  • Mohammad Khan (Baba Khel) - Minister of Education - Emirate of Afghanistan from 1919 to 1929
  • Rozi Khan Burki (Kaniguram) - Senior Customs Officer and well known linguist (Ormuri)
  • Nawabzada Jahanzeb Jogezai (mother a Burki) - Inspector General Police and Head of President Leghari's Security detail.


  • Mr. Jahanzeb Khan Burki (Kaniguram) chairman Burki Group
  • Mr. Sher Khan Burki (Kaniguram) [7]


  • Dr Tariq Burki (Kaniguram) FCPS, FRCS, Royal London Hospital London

Situation in South Waziristan Agency Today

The influx of foreigners into South Waziristan over the last two decades, has eroded the cohesion and influence of the Tribal Maliks/Structure to include the Burki. A calculated strategy of these "jihadi" intruders who have been relatively successful in causing dissension and internal conflict within all the tribes and sub-tribes of SWA to include the Burki. In an area historically rife with conspiracies, many of the locals in SWA suspect that foreign intelligence agencies are funding these groups with the aim of destabilizing their region. An unsurprising outlook in a locale that is inhabited by xenophobic tribes who resent foreign intrusion regardless of their religious affiliation (i.e. to include fellow Muslims) in the best of times.

Recent Books and Research

Imran Khan [6] has covered the Burkis and Kaniguram in his book "Warrior Race". Intereestingly the invading armies in Afghanistan seem to have paid significant attention from a historical perspective. During the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, Saint Petersburg State University Institute of Oriental Studies seemed to have been the institution tasked to study the Roshaniyya movement.in order to understand their foe (see reference section below). The Soviets were not far off the mark as it so happens that Waziristan was the focal point for some of the toughest fighters against the Soviets.

Following the 2002 invasion, the West also sent their scholar into the field to study and understand this movement. Dr. Sergei Andreyev, (Chief Joint Mission Analysis Center, United Nations), an Oxford academic was sent on UN assignment to Afghanistan, while at the same time he was funded by the Institute of Ismaili Studies to research and write a book on the movement. There have been multiple editions of this book; however its sale and distribution remains restricted 10 years on.


  1. ^ Burki, Rozi (12 July 2001). "Dying Languages; Special Focus on Ormuri".
  2. ^ Elphinstone, Montstuart (1815). An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul. London.
  3. ^ Leech, Captain (1838). The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. London.
  4. ^ Bellew, Henry (1891). An Enquiry into the Ethnography of Afghanistan. London.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  5. ^ An Enquiry into the Ethnography of Afghanistan, pg 62, Bellew)
  6. ^ a b c Khan, Imran (1993). Warrior Race. London: Butler & Tanner Ltd. ISBN 0701138904.
  7. ^ SK BURKI & BROS
  • Sufi Illuminati: The Rawshani Movement in Muslim Mysticism, Society and Politics by Sergei Andreyev Publisher: Routledge ISBN 9780700706686
  • The Rawshaniyya: Sufi movement in the Mughal tribal periphery, in Late Classical Sufism. (Curzon Persian Art & Culture) (Hardcover) Sergei Andreyev
  • Sufi Illuminati: the Rawshani Movement in Muslim Mysticism, Society and Politics, London, Curzon Press, London, 350 pp, to be published in 2004 ISBN 0700706682 Sergei Andreyev
  • Warrior Race - Imran Khan - Butler & Tanner Ltd ISBN 0701138904
  • Babur-Nama By Mughal Emperor Babur Translated by Annette Beveridge: Pg 527, 530, 544, 589, 594, 598-601, 638, 673, 679, 692, 681; Birki, Barak, Barakistan, Birkistan
  • Roshaniya movement and the Khan Rebellion - Author: Yury V. Bosin
  • Punjab Notes and Queries Volume II, Page 160 (History of Bayezid) Desiples of Sheikh Bazid – Pathans of Mastwi – Tirah (FYI)
  • Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall - Geschichte der Assassinen
  • Dabistan of Mohsani Fani (Translated by Leyden, 11th Volume of the Asiatic Researches (Pages 406, 407, 420 (Ala Dad))
  • Captain Leech - The Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengalâ{(Vol. VII-1838), Part-I January to June 1838}, About five pages from 727 to 731
  • Memoirs of the Saints, translated by Dr. Bankley Behari
  • Dr. Bellew on Barik/Baraki Pathans - An Inquiry into the Ethnography of Afghanistan/H.W. Bellew
  • Tribes of Central Asia: From the Black Mountain to Waziristan/H.C. Wylly
  • Rawshaniyya movement ... Reprinted from Abr-Nahrain, by Saiyid Athar Abbas Rizvi (Author) ASIN: B0017UJT6S
  • The beginning of Pashtun written culture and the Rawshaniyyah movement, in Proceedings of the Third European Conference of Iranian Studies, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, to be published in 1999
  • Religious factor in the traditional Pashtun warfare, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Weaponry and Warfare in Historical and Social Perspective, Hermitage Press, St Petersburg, 1998, pp. 55–59
  • Uwaysi Aspects in the Rawshani Doctrine, in Central Asia and the Eastern Hindukush. Countries and Peoples of the East journal, vol. XXXII, St Petersburg, 1998, pp. 137–148
  • The Rawshaniyya; Millenarian Sufi Movement in the Mughal Tribal Periphery, in Persianate Sufism in the Safavid and Mughal Period. An International Conference on Late Classical Sufism, London 19–21 May 1997, Abstracts, pp. 7–8
  • British Indian Views of the Later Followers of the Rawshaniyya, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, in Iran, vol. XXII, London, 1994, pp. 135–138
  • Turmoil on the Roof of the World, in Central Asia and the Caucuses in World Affairs, Hastings, 1993, pp. 1–5
  • Notes on the Ormur People, in St Petersburg Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. IV, St Petersburg, 1993, pp. 230–238
  • On a Little-Known Rawshani Source, in: Man, Culture, Philosophy, The Urals University Press, Yekaterinburg, 1992, pp. 335–349 (In Russian)
  • Two Rawshani Sources on Five Pillars of Islam, in: St Petersburg Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. I, St Petersburg, 1992, pp. 380–384 (in Russian)
  • Aminullah Gandapur, "Tarikh-e-Sar Zamin-e-Gomal" (Urdu) History of the Gomal Land; National Book Foundation, Islamababd, 2008, P- 58-60; Quoting from sources like "Tuzk-e-jahangiri" (Emperor Jahangir] Notes [Raverty] 'Glossary of Tribes' [Sir Danzil Ibbeston, Edward Maclagan and H.A.Rose] and Imperial Gazetteer of India NWFP 1901

Pictures of Kaniguram

Video of Kaniguram Attan


Waziristan Music



See also