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List of G7 leaders

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This is a list of the heads of state and heads of government of the Group of Seven nations at each G6, G7, G8 summit since the organisation's inception in 1975. The Group consists of the 6-7-8 largest industrialized democracies, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,the United Kingdom and the United States. The European Union is also a member since 1977, represented by the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Council, which before 2009 was the leader of the state holding the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union, also sometimes coinciding with a G7/8 nation, and is since 2009 a permanent position. The G7 holds an annual summit, which each nation's head of government attends. Each year the heads of government take turns assuming the presidency, whose job it is to set the agenda for and host the annual summit. The leader who has been in office the longest of the seven leaders is considered the Senior G7 leader; currently Justin Trudeau since December 2021.

While the current G7 consists of seven nations, it didn't always. The group was formed as the Group of Six, G6, including all of today's members minus Canada. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, Canada joined in the second year of the group's existence, 1976, forming the Group of Seven, G7. Russia joined the Group of Eight, G8, in 1997, under the leadership of President Boris Yeltsin. Russia was suspended in March 2014 after the Russian annexation of Crimea, the group being thereafter again referred to as the Group of Seven.[1]

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United States
United States
European Union
European Union
Commission Council
1st — 1975
Had not joined Valéry Giscard d'Estaing Helmut Schmidt Aldo Moro Takeo Miki Had not joined Harold Wilson Gerald Ford Had not joined
2nd — 1976
 United States
Pierre Trudeau James Callaghan
3rd — 1977
 United Kingdom
Giulio Andreotti Takeo Fukuda Jimmy Carter Roy Jenkins James Callaghan
4th — 1978
 West Germany
Helmut Schmidt
5th — 1979
Joe Clark Masayoshi Ōhira Margaret Thatcher Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
6th — 1980
Pierre Trudeau Francesco Cossiga Saburo Okita[a] Francesco Cossiga
7th — 1981
François Mitterrand Giovanni Spadolini Zenkō Suzuki Ronald Reagan Gaston Thorn Margaret Thatcher
8th — 1982
Belgium Wilfried Martens
9th — 1983
 United States
Helmut Kohl Amintore Fanfani Yasuhiro Nakasone Helmut Kohl
10th — 1984
 United Kingdom
Bettino Craxi François Mitterrand
11th — 1985
 West Germany
Brian Mulroney Jacques Delors Bettino Craxi
12th — 1986
Netherlands Ruud Lubbers
13th — 1987
Amintore Fanfani Belgium Wilfried Martens
14th — 1988
Ciriaco De Mita Noboru Takeshita Helmut Kohl
15th — 1989
Sōsuke Uno George H. W. Bush François Mitterrand
16th — 1990
 United States
Giulio Andreotti Toshiki Kaifu Giulio Andreotti
17th — 1991
 United Kingdom
John Major Netherlands Ruud Lubbers
18th — 1992
Giuliano Amato Kiichi Miyazawa John Major
19th — 1993
Kim Campbell Carlo Azeglio Ciampi Bill Clinton Henning Christophersen[b] Belgium Jean-Luc Dehaene
20th — 1994
Jean Chrétien Silvio Berlusconi Tomiichi Murayama Jacques Delors Helmut Kohl
21st — 1995
Jacques Chirac Lamberto Dini Jacques Santer Jacques Chirac
22nd — 1996
Romano Prodi Ryutaro Hashimoto Romano Prodi
23rd — 1997
 United States
Boris Yeltsin Tony Blair Netherlands Wim Kok
24th — 1998
 United Kingdom
Tony Blair
25th — 1999
Gerhard Schröder Massimo D'Alema Keizō Obuchi Manuel Marín[c] Gerhard Schröder
26th — 2000
Giuliano Amato Yoshirō Mori Vladimir Putin Romano Prodi Jacques Chirac
27th — 2001
Silvio Berlusconi Junichirō Koizumi George W. Bush Belgium Guy Verhofstadt
28th — 2002
Spain José María Aznar
29th — 2003
Greece Costas Simitis
30th — 2004
 United States
Paul Martin Republic of Ireland Bertie Ahern
31st — 2005
 United Kingdom
José Manuel Barroso Tony Blair
32nd — 2006
Stephen Harper Angela Merkel Romano Prodi Finland Matti Vanhanen
33rd — 2007
Nicolas Sarkozy Shinzō Abe Angela Merkel
34th — 2008
Silvio Berlusconi Yasuo Fukuda Dmitry Medvedev Gordon Brown Nicolas Sarkozy
35th — 2009
Tarō Asō Barack Obama Sweden Fredrik Reinfeldt
36th — 2010
Naoto Kan David Cameron José Manuel Barroso Herman Van Rompuy
37th — 2011
38th — 2012
 United States
François Hollande Mario Monti Yoshihiko Noda
39th — 2013
 United Kingdom
Enrico Letta Shinzō Abe Vladimir Putin
40th — 2014
 European Union
Matteo Renzi Suspended
41st — 2015
Jean-Claude Juncker Donald Tusk
42nd — 2016
Justin Trudeau
43rd — 2017
Emmanuel Macron Paolo Gentiloni Theresa May Donald Trump
44th — 2018
Giuseppe Conte
45th — 2019
Boris Johnson
46th — 2020
 United States[d]
Ursula von der Leyen Charles Michel
47th — 2021
 United Kingdom
Mario Draghi Yoshihide Suga Joe Biden
48th — 2022
Olaf Scholz Fumio Kishida
49th — 2023
Giorgia Meloni Rishi Sunak
50th — 2024
51st — 2025
TBD Keir Starmer TBD

List of Senior G7 Leaders


The following is a chronology of senior G7 leaders from the founding of the G6 (a precursor organization to the G8) to the present.[e]

Entered office as
Head of State
or Government
Began time as
senior G8 leader
Ended time as
senior G8 leader
Leader Office
16 October 1964[f] 15 November 1975 5 April 1976 142 days Harold Wilson United Kingdom Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
16 May 1974 5 April 1976 27 June 1976 83 days Helmut Schmidt Germany Chancellor of West Germany
20 April 1968 27 June 1976[g] 4 June 1979 2 years, 342 days Pierre Trudeau Canada Prime Minister of Canada
16 May 1974 4 June 1979 3 March 1980 273 days Helmut Schmidt Germany Chancellor of West Germany
20 April 1968[h] 3 March 1980 30 June 1984 4 years, 119 days Pierre Trudeau Canada Prime Minister of Canada
4 May 1979 30 June 1984 28 November 1990 6 years, 151 days Margaret Thatcher United Kingdom Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
10 May 1981 28 November 1990 17 May 1995 4 years, 170 days François Mitterrand France President of France
1 October 1982 17 May 1995 27 October 1998 3 years, 163 days Helmut Kohl Germany Chancellor of Germany
10 July 1991 27 October 1998 31 December 1999 1 year, 65 days Boris Yeltsin Russia President of Russia
20 January 1993 31 December 1999 20 January 2001 1 year, 20 days Bill Clinton United States President of the United States
4 November 1993 20 January 2001 12 December 2003 2 years, 326 days Jean Chrétien Canada Prime Minister of Canada
17 May 1995 12 December 2003 16 May 2007 3 years, 155 days Jacques Chirac France President of France
2 May 1997 16 May 2007 27 June 2007 42 days Tony Blair United Kingdom Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
7 May 2000 27 June 2007 7 May 2008 315 days Vladimir Putin Russia President of Russia
20 January 2001 7 May 2008 20 January 2009 258 days George W. Bush United States President of the United States
10 May 1994[i] 20 January 2009 16 November 2011 2 years, 300 days Silvio Berlusconi Italy Prime Minister of Italy
22 November 2005 16 November 2011 7 May 2012 173 days Angela Merkel Germany Chancellor of Germany
7 May 2000[j] 7 May 2012 24 March 2014 1 year, 321 days Vladimir Putin Russia President of Russia
22 November 2005 24 March 2014 8 December 2021 7 years, 259 days Angela Merkel Germany Chancellor of Germany
4 November 2015 8 December 2021 Incumbent 2 years, 322 days Justin Trudeau Canada Prime Minister of Canada

List of seniority of current G7 leaders

Leader Office In Office Since Term Length
Justin Trudeau Canada Prime Minister of Canada 4 November 2015 8 years, 356 days
Emmanuel Macron France President of France 14 May 2017 7 years, 164 days
Joe Biden United States President of the United States 20 January 2021 3 years, 279 days
Olaf Scholz Germany Chancellor of Germany 8 December 2021 2 years, 322 days
Giorgia Meloni Italy Prime Minister of Italy 22 October 2022 2 years, 3 days
Keir Starmer United Kingdom Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 5 July 2024 112 days
Shigeru Ishiba Japan Prime Minister of Japan 1 October 2024 24 days

G7 tenure



  1. ^ Okita was actually Foreign Minister at the time, filling in for Prime Minister Ōhira, who died 10 days before the conference began.[citation needed]
  2. ^ Vice-President of the European Commission[citation needed]
  3. ^ Acting Commission President following the March 1999 resignation of the Santer Commission[citation needed]
  4. ^ Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, the 2020 summit was cancelled.[citation needed]
  5. ^ Canada did not join the organization until 1976 while Russia did not join until 1997. Therefore, Canadian leaders prior to 1976 and Russian leaders before 1997 are not included in this list.[citation needed]
  6. ^ Wilson first served as Prime Minister from 16 October 1964 to 19 June 1970, and then again from 4 March 1974 to 5 April 1976.[citation needed]
  7. ^ Canada joined the organization on this date. Trudeau had been in office longer than any of the other leaders and so took the title of senior G8 leader from Schmidt.[citation needed]
  8. ^ Trudeau first served as Prime Minister from 20 April 1968 to 4 June 1979, and then again from 3 March 1980 to 30 June 1984.[citation needed]
  9. ^ Berlusconi first served as Prime Minister from 10 May 1994 to 17 January 1995, then again from 11 June 2001 to 17 May 2006, and then again from 8 May 2008 to 16 November 2011.[citation needed]
  10. ^ Putin first served as President of Russia from 2000 to 2008.[citation needed]


  1. ^ Myers, Steven Lee; Barry, Ellen (2014-03-18). "Putin Reclaims Crimea for Russia and Bitterly Denounces the West". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2022-02-20.