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List of schools in Tsuen Wan District

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This is a list of schools in Tsuen Wan District, Hong Kong.

Secondary schools




Primary schools



  • Hoi Pa Street Government Primary School (海壩街官立小學)
  • Tsuen Wan Government Primary School (荃灣官立小學)
  • CCC Chuen Yuen First Primary School (中華基督教會全完第一小學)
  • CCC Kei Wai Primary School (中華基督教會基慧小學)
  • CCC Kei Wai Primary School (Ma Wan) (中華基督教會基慧小學(馬灣))
  • Chai Wan Kok Catholic Primary School (柴灣角天主教小學)
  • Emmanuel Primary School (靈光小學)
  • HKTA Yuen Yuen Institute Shek Wai Kok Primary School (香港道教聯合會圓玄學院石圍角小學)
  • Ho Shun Primary School (sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) (嗇色園主辦可信學校)
  • Holy Cross Lutheran School (路德會聖十架學校)
  • Hong Kong Baptist Convention Primary School (香港浸信會聯會小學)
  • Kwai-Ming Wu Memorial School of Precious Blood (寶血會伍季明紀念學校)
  • Lei Muk Shue Catholic Primary School (梨木樹天主教小學)
  • Mary of Providence Primary School (天佑小學)
  • Shak Chung Shan Memorial Catholic Primary School (天主教石鐘山紀念小學)
  • Sham Tseng Catholic Primary School (深井天主教小學)
  • Si Yuan School of the Precious Blood (寶血會思源學校)
  • SKH Chu Oi Primary School (Lei Muk Shue) (聖公會主愛小學(梨木樹))
  • Tsuen Wan Catholic Primary School (荃灣天主教小學)
  • Tsuen Wan Chiu Chow Public School (荃灣潮州公學)
  • Tsuen Wan Public Ho Chuen Yiu Memorial Primary School (荃灣公立何傳耀紀念小學)
  • Rosebud Primary School (玫瑰蕾小學)

Special schools





  1. ^ a b c "School List by District Tsuen Wan". Education Bureau. 2022-01-31. Retrieved 2022-02-19.