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Nepenthes mira

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Nepenthes mira
A rosette pitcher of N. mira growing near the summit of Mount Cleopatra
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Order: Caryophyllales
Family: Nepenthaceae
Genus: Nepenthes
N. mira
Binomial name
Nepenthes mira
Jebb & Cheek (1998)[2]

Nepenthes mira (/nɪˈpɛnθz ˈmɪərə/; from Latin mirus "wonderful") is a highland pitcher plant endemic to Palawan in the Philippines. It grows at elevations of 1550–1605 m above sea level.[3]

Nepenthes mira was formally described by Matthew Jebb and Martin Cheek in 1998.[2] The authors suggest that N. mira is related to the Bornean species N. edwardsiana, N. macrophylla, and N. villosa.[4][5] In his Carnivorous Plant Database, taxonomist Jan Schlauer treats this species as a heterotypic synonym of N. deaniana.[6]

Nepenthes mira has no known natural hybrids.[3] No forms or varieties have been described.


  1. ^ Clarke, C.M. & C. Lee 2014. Nepenthes mira. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3.
  2. ^ a b Cheek, M.R. & M.H.P. Jebb 1998. Two new Philippine Nepenthes. Kew Bulletin 53(4): 966. doi:10.2307/4118886
  3. ^ a b McPherson, S.R. 2009. Pitcher Plants of the Old World. 2 volumes. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole.
  4. ^ Cheek, M.R. & M.H.P. Jebb 1999. Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) in Palawan, Philippines. Kew Bulletin 54(4): 887–895. doi:10.2307/4111166
  5. ^ Schlauer, J. 2000. "Literature reviews" (PDF). Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 29(2): 53.
  6. ^ Schlauer, J. N.d. Nepenthes mira Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine. Carnivorous Plant Database.

Further reading

  • Amoroso, V.B., L.D. Obsioma, J.B. Arlalejo, R.A. Aspiras, D.P. Capili, J.J.A. Polizon & E.B. Sumile 2009. Inventory and conservation of endangered, endemic and economically important flora of Hamiguitan Range, southern Philippines. Blumea 54(1–3): 71–76. doi:10.3767/000651909X474113
  • Bauer, U., C.J. Clemente, T. Renner & W. Federle 2012. Form follows function: morphological diversification and alternative trapping strategies in carnivorous Nepenthes pitcher plants. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25(1): 90–102. doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2011.02406.x
  • Co, L. & W. Suarez 2012. Nepenthaceae. Co's Digital Flora of the Philippines.
  • Fleischmann, A. & G. Heubl 2009. Overcoming DNA extraction problems from carnivorous plants. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 66(2): 209–215. doi:10.3989/ajbm.2198
  • McPherson, S.R. & V.B. Amoroso 2011. Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of the Philippines. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole.
  • (in German) McPherson, S. & T. Gronemeyer 2008. Die Nepenthesarten der Philippinen Eine Fotodokumentation. Das Taublatt 60(1): 34–78.
  • McPherson, S., G. Bourke, J. Cervancia, M. Jaunzems, E. Gironella, A. Robinson & A. Fleischmann 2011. Nepenthes leonardoi (Nepenthaceae), a new pitcher plant species from Palawan, Philippines. Carniflora Australis 8(1): 4–19.
  • McPherson, S.R. 2011. Comparison of the highland Palaweño Nepenthes. In: New Nepenthes: Volume One. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole. pp. 364–381.
  • (in German) Meimberg, H. 2002. "Molekular-systematische Untersuchungen an den Familien Nepenthaceae und Ancistrocladaceae sowie verwandter Taxa aus der Unterklasse Caryophyllidae s. l." (PDF). Ph.D. thesis, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Munich.
  • Meimberg, H. & G. Heubl 2006. Introduction of a nuclear marker for phylogenetic analysis of Nepenthaceae. Plant Biology 8(6): 831–840. doi:10.1055/s-2006-924676
  • Meimberg, H., S. Thalhammer, A. Brachmann & G. Heubl 2006. Comparative analysis of a translocated copy of the trnK intron in carnivorous family Nepenthaceae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 39(2): 478–490. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2005.11.023