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Patrick Facon

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Patrick Facon
Born12 September 1949

Patrick Facon, born on September 12, 1949, in Constantine and passed away on May 29, 2016[1], was a French historian and a mission officer at the Center for Aerospace Strategic Studies (CESA).[1]

Youth and Education


He earned a Ph.D. in 1977 from the Paris Nanterre University. In 2000, he became qualified to supervise research at the Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University.[2]



Patrick Facon was a senior lecturer at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, a speaker at the French Air Force Academy, the Saint-Cyr Military Academy, and the Center for Higher Aeronautical Education (CESA), and a research professor at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.


  • Aeronautics Medal (2016)
  • Corbay Prize from the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, chaired by Jean Mesnard
  • Member of the National Air and Space Academy (1996)


  • The Battle of Britain (1940), 1992
  • Strategic Bombing, 1996
  • The Fourth Republic, 1944-1958: From Liberation to May 13, 1997
  • The Air Force in Turmoil: The Battle of France, 1939-1940, 1997
  • Vichy-London-Algiers, 1940-1944: The French State, 1998
  • Conquest of the Skies: Heroes, Enigmas, Dramas, 2001
  • Aerial Warfare, 1933-1945, 2003
  • The Grand Atlas of Aviation, Editions Atlas, 2004
  • '39-'45 on the Paths to Victory, 2005
  • Military Helicopters: From the First Flights to the Second Gulf War, 2005
  • The Air Force in Turmoil: The Battle of France, 1939-1940, with Vincent Lanata, 2005
  • History of France, with Philippe Boissinot, Marie-Claude Bossuat, and François Pernot, 2005
  • The Air Force of Victory: 1942-1945, 2005
  • Atlas of Ships of the First World War, Editions Atlas, 2007
  • Atlas of the First World War: Testimonies of Poilus, Editions Atlas, 2007
  • Battles in the Skies of France: May-June 1940, 2010
  • From the Gulf to Libya: 20 Years of Aerial Operations, with Jean-Paul Paloméros, 2011
  • Summary of Air Strategy, CESA - CEMS Air, 2013


  1. ^ a b Lagneau, Laurent (May 30, 2016). "Décès de Patrick Facon, historien incontournable de la guerre aérienne et de l'armée de l'Air". Zone Militaire.
  2. ^ "La disparition de Patrick Facon, historien de l'aviation militaire". l'Opinion. June 3, 2016.