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List of True Blood characters

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(Redirected from Terry Bellefleur)

True Blood is an American television drama series created and produced by Alan Ball, airing from 2008 to 2014. It is based on The Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris.

This article includes main characters (i.e., characters played by the main cast members), as well as every recurring vampire and every other character to appear in at least four episodes.[1][better source needed]

Main characters

Name Portrayed by Starring seasons Recurring seasons Episode Count
Sookie Stackhouse Anna Paquin 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - 80
Sookie Stackhouse is a telepathic waitress in a small-town restaurant. Because of her ability, she has difficulty forming lasting human relationships. She becomes involved in a romantic relationship with a vampire, Bill, upon discovering that she can't read his mind. This relationship with a supernatural being causes controversy amongst the residents of her small town. Through Bill, she finds herself entering a world of creatures and supernatural conflict that surpasses even her worst nightmares. Sookie has lived with her grandmother, Adele Stackhouse, since childhood, after the death of her parents. After Adele's death, Sookie inherits the home. It is revealed in season 3 that Sookie is part faerie, a race of supernaturals who are widely believed to have been driven to extinction by vampires, who drained them of their blood to obtain the ability to walk in the sun. The faeries commonly refer to this as "stealing their light" and hence have a distinct fear and hatred of vampires. It is from the faeries that Sookie inherited her telepathic powers, magical light, and delicious-tasting blood. Sookie comes into contact with a community of faeries living in a hidden world in Bon Temps and, after learning of Bill's betrayal at the end of season 3, joins them in their magical world. She quickly learns their communication with her was a trick to keep all the humans with faerie DNA in the faerie world. Sookie returns to Bon Temps after a few minutes, only to learn that a year has passed in the human world. Upon discovering a naked, wandering Eric, who had his memory wiped out by Antonia/Marnie, Sookie takes him in. They develop a relationship, and Eric gradually falls in love with Sookie. Under Antonia/Marnie's control, he tries to kill Bill, but Sookie uses her faerie light to stop him and remove the spell. When Tara, Holly, and the others at the Moon Goddess emporium are held captive near the end of season 4, Sookie brings Jason, Jesus, and Lafayette to save them. Their plan fails and only Jason escapes. The others eventually flee with the help of Sookie's faerie powers and "Brujo" magic from Jesus. Unknown to the group, Marnie uses Lafayette's medium ability to inhabit his body, after which she kills Jesus for his magic and attempts to kill Bill and Eric. Holly creates a safe circle and, with the help of Tara and Sookie, calls for friends, family members, and ancestors from beyond to help them. Sookie sees her Gran, Adele Stackhouse, and confesses she is lost without her. Gran tells her the answer is in her heart, and that there's no fear in being alone. After letting Bill and Eric feed from her to heal them, she breaks off her relationship with both vampires. She returns home where Debbie Pelt, who blames Sookie after being abjured by Alcide, is waiting with a shotgun. Tara jumps in the firing line and is shot in the head, after which Sookie fatally shoots Debbie. Season 5 begins with Sookie and Lafayette reluctantly convincing Pam to turn Tara into a vampire, a decision that causes tension between Sookie and vampire-hating Tara. Sookie is forced to tell Alcide the truth about Debbie's death when the Pelts come to Bon Temps in search of their daughter, Alcide tells them it was Marcus Bosman who killed their daughter. After drowning her sorrows with alcohol, Sookie is visited by Alcide. He informs Sookie that he lied, meaning she is no longer a suspect in Debbie's death, and she responds by kissing him, oblivious to the fact that Bill and Eric are watching from outside. The two vampires eventually interrupt the couple to reveal that Russell Edgington is on the loose. Sookie uses her faerie power to help them find Russell's hiding place. Having completed her mission with the vampires, Sookie focuses on her family as Jason discovers that their parents were killed by vampires. He takes her to a cloaked faerie nightclub, where Claude reveals it was Sookie's scent, made irresistible by her faerie blood, which drew the vampire to her parents. She attempts to rid herself of her powers, but Jason stops her and convinces her to accept her faerie nature. She is visited by a mysterious Ghost Monster, convincing her to turn to the spirit of her Gran. Adele directs Sookie and Jason toward a scroll hidden under her old bed which the "fae" help them to decode. Her ancestor promised his first fae-bearing female (Sookie) to Warlow, the vampire who killed her parents and appeared to her as the Ghost Monster. After Eric saves the faeries from Russell Edgington, Sookie agrees to help him save Bill, who is locked in religious fervor. Their attempts are in vain, as Bill drinks Lilith's blood and is reborn. The season ends with Eric urging Sookie to run.

In Season 6, she is courted by a faerie/vampire hybrid named Ben Flynn, later revealed to be Warlow. He attempts to turn her into his faerie/vampire bride, though she refuses and is saved by Bill. She ends the season in a relationship with Alcide. In Season 7, she slowly rekindles her relationship with Bill and goes back to him after Alcide is killed. When he is infected with Hep V and chooses to die, she is devastated. But when he asks her to end his life and give up her faerie powers, she finally accepts her faerie powers as a gift and stakes him instead. Five years later, Sookie is seen happy, pregnant, and in a relationship with an unknown man, hosting all of her human and non-human friends for a dinner party at her house.

Bill Compton Stephen Moyer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - 80
Bill Compton is a vampire romantically involved with Sookie. Turned during the American Civil War against his will, Bill shows more compassion for human life than many other vampires. He is outwardly expressive of his emotions and holds onto memories of his past human life—behaviors that are unique amongst his vampire peers. While not an extremely old vampire, Bill is quite powerful and was referred to by Russell Edgington as one of the most promising vampires in the Americas. Bill risks his life and standing in vampire society to protect Sookie from those who wish to take advantage of her fae ancestry. It is revealed in season 3, and hinted at in season 2, that Bill's original mission during his return to Bon Temps was to investigate reports of Sookie's fae heritage and deliver her to Queen Sophie-Anne of Louisiana, who planned to drain her blood so she could walk in the sun. Once Sookie discovers Bill's ulterior motive behind his initial interest in her, she banishes him from her life. Shortly after, the Queen arrives at Bill's house in Bon Temps, expecting him to hand Sookie over. When he refuses, the two begin a duel to the death. By making a deal with Nan Flanagan, Bill has the Queen killed by snipers and becomes the new Vampire King of Louisiana.

In early episodes, it is revealed that Bill had a human wife and two children (Tom and Sarah) before he became a vampire. A short time after being turned, Bill returns to his family in his desperation to see them one last time. He discovers that his son has recently died of an illness (pox). Upon seeing his tears of blood at the death of his son, his wife becomes hysterical, at which point Lorena, Bill's maker, steps in and glamors her before removing Bill from his family forever. The fates of Bill's wife and young daughter, who was not present during his return home, are unclear, although Adele Stackhouse refers to the recently deceased previous owner of Bill's family home as the last Compton in Bon Temps. In episode 4 of the fourth season, Bill becomes involved in a sexual relationship with Portia Bellefleur (sister of Sheriff Bellefleur) until, upon meeting her grandmother, he realizes she is a descendant of his daughter Sarah.

Sam Merlotte Sam Trammell 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - 79
Sam Merlotte is the owner of Merlotte's, where Sookie works. During the first season, Sam is characterized by his adoration and loyalty toward Sookie Stackhouse. When Bill Compton becomes involved with Sookie, he openly disapproves of their relationship and, despite initial support of vampire rights, feels as though vampires and humans should be separate whether they are equal or not. Sam is a shapeshifter and is often seen watching over Sookie in the form of a dog, and the first supernatural introduced to the series isn't a vampire. Presumably, Bill is aware that Sam is a shifter, suggesting in one episode that Sam is the only one who can protect Sookie while he is away, and displaying a coldness to Sam in his dog form. Because of his nature, Sam is targeted by a maenad in the second season. As Sam was adopted as a baby, in the third season he explores his family background and meets his somewhat backward birth family which consists of his alcoholic father, his manipulative mother, and his crude younger brother. Sam's mother and brother both can shapeshift though his father does not. Sam's adoptive parents abandoned him when he was a teenager after witnessing his first transformation into a beagle. He returned home to find they had moved, leaving behind all his possessions. It is from his adoptive father, on his death bed, that he learns the identities of his birth parents though he is warned by his adoptive mother that they are bad people and he is better off not knowing them. Sam suffers from anger issues and has a darker hidden past.
Jason Stackhouse Ryan Kwanten 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - 80
Jason Stackhouse is Sookie's not-too-bright, self-involved brother, who is vigilant in defending and protecting Sookie. He supervises a road crew during the day and is known for bedding the women of Bon Temps at night. During the first season, he is the prime suspect in the murders of four women, all of whom have a connection to him. After the death of his V-addict girlfriend Amy, he comes to believe that he is responsible for the murders. He is then recruited by the Fellowship of the Sun, an anti-vampire church, who approve of what they believe to be his crime of killing fangbangers.

In the second season, Jason briefly becomes an active member of the Fellowship, but later leaves it. In the third season, he develops a relationship with a supernatural creature, Crystal Norris, and thinks of joining the police. Crystal is forced to leave town with her fiancé but Jason pledges to find her. Like his sister, Jason is also part faerie though he does not appear to have inherited any of the special abilities that Sookie possesses. However, some speculate that his potential faerie "ability" is the sexual magnetism that many faeries possess. In the fourth season, he is a deputy on the Bon Temps police force and caretaker of the were-panthers of Hotshot. He is kidnapped by Felton and Crystal who are now V-addicts and raped by all the women of the were-panther community after it is believed he is the "ghost daddy" meant to revive the dwindling numbers of the genetically weakened inbred pack. He manages to escape with Hot Shot and Crystal and kill Felton in the process, however, as a result of the excessive, untreated bites from attempting to be turned were-panther by the others, he is left on the side of the road badly wounded. He is found by Jessica, who tells him to "drink" and he is healed by her blood. When the witches cast a spell to bring the vampires out into the daylight, Jessica breaks free of her silver bonds and almost burns herself trying to walk out into the sunlight. Jason comes at the last second and takes her back into the house, closing the door and saving her life. Jason starts having intermittent sexual fantasies about Jessica—some involving Hoyt. Jessica and Jason finally do have sex after she breaks up with Hoyt. In the culmination of season 4, when The Moon Goddess Emporium is being held captive by Marnie, Jason tries to save Sookie, Tara, and everyone else inside. When Pam angrily fires a bazooka at the place, and it blows up at the protective barrier Marnie has placed around the emporium, all vampires present (Eric, Bill, Pam, and Jessica) heal quickly, but Jason is left severely burned and blind. Jessica once again offers her blood and saves his life. He admits his feelings to Jessica, and she also admits her own. They agree to have a relationship, but only as friends with benefits. Jessica states that she just got out of her first and only serious relationship, and doesn't want to be tied down to anyone. With the season 5 premiere, Jason is greeted by Rev. Steve Newlin, who admits to Jason he's always had feelings for him. When Jason kindly rejects him, Newlin loses it and tries to bite Jason. Jessica rushes back and says "Jason is mine", then threatens the Rev. with either leaving Jason alone - or the true death. Jason tries to cope with his feelings for Jessica in their casual relationship and turns down advances from other girls despite his open relationship status. After running into his high school teacher, who is revealed to have slept with an underage Jason, he struggles with his inner demons; saying that there is a big hole in him, with something just missing - and he's been trying to fill it with sex, which so far has worked - but now it is not. And he doesn't know how to be friends with a girl. Jessica, who is present for this speech - says that he is already friends with a girl and that she is there to talk and listen to him. Jason later goes to a secret club with Sheriff Andy and Judge Clements, which is revealed to be a fairy safehouse. When the girl he is with reads his mind, he realizes the supernatural aura of the place and then sees his cousin Hadley. She explains that he and Sookie must join her and the other faeries or the vampires will kill them, as they did their parents. Jason, believing his parents died in a flood, tries to get more information from Hadley but gets kicked out of the club with Sheriff Andy and presumably attacked by 2 male faeries.

Tara Thornton Rutina Wesley 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - 75
Tara Thornton has been Sookie Stackhouse's best friend since they were children. Tara grew up in a very abusive home with an alcoholic mother and consequently finds it difficult to fit in with normal society or to trust people. She is very adept at reading people and constantly distances herself from others by speaking her observations candidly and plainly. As a result, she has difficulty holding down a job until she becomes a bartender at Merlotte's. In the first season, Tara deals with her alcoholic mother and ultimately pays for her mother to have a faux exorcism from "Miss Jeanette" who turns out to be a pharmacist in a nearby town who was scamming them. Before discovering the scam, Tara returns to Miss Jeanette for her exorcism which she believes will put her life on track. During the exorcism ritual, Tara sees herself as a child with black eyes, though this is later revealed to have been Maryann's consciousness attracted by the spiritual power of ritual. In the second season, she is under the influence of the maenad Maryann Forrester, who manipulates her intense relationship with a man named Eggs (Benedict). Eggs are shot dead by Jason while admitting forcefully to Andy Bellefleur his guilt for the murders Maryann forced him to do while under her influence. Having lost the only man she ever loved, Tara attempts suicide in the third season by taking pills though the attempt is thwarted by Lafayette.

Tara is later abducted by a delusional vampire who believes she loves him. He holds her captive for many days, even taking her to the mansion of Russell Edgington, for whom he works, where he plans to turn her into a vampire. She eventually escapes the vampire by tricking him into letting her drink his blood so she would have the power to smash his skull with one of the weapons that adorned the wall of their room. However this does not kill him and he comes after her, eventually being killed by Jason at Merlotte's. Tara ends up traumatized by her experience and after discovering that Jason had been the one who killed Eggs, cuts off her hair and leaves Bon Temps. In season 4, Tara has moved to New Orleans and working as a cage fighter, and is in a relationship with another fighter, Naomi. In the season 4 finale, Tara is shot in the head by Debbie. Sookie picks her up from a pool of her own blood, cradling her and screaming for help. Pam enters Sookie's house looking for Eric and sees the dead bodies of Debbie and Tara on the floor. At Sookie and Lafayette's behest, Pam turns Tara into a vampire. Because half of her brain was previously missing before the healing process brought on by Pam's turning of her, not only is Tara now a vampire, but there is now a severe personality change. Tara and Pam become very close over the course of season 5 and Tara begins to deeply care for her new maker. At the end of the season, Tara rescued Pam from the Vampire Authority and the two shared a long, heartfelt kiss. Tara was killed at the beginning of season 7 by one of the wild Hep V vamps while fighting to save her mother.

Lafayette Reynolds Nelsan Ellis 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - 80
Lafayette Reynolds is a short-order cook at Merlotte's, a drug dealer, a member of Jason Stackhouse's road crew, and Tara's cousin. During the first season, he is seen selling vampire blood. Due to this, Eric captures and tortures him in the second season, only to instruct him on selling vampire blood once again in the third season, at the queen's orders. In the third season, Lafayette is introduced to a male witch, Jesus, who becomes his romantic interest. Jesus works as a nurse for Lafayette's mother, Ruby Jean (Alfre Woodard), who is mentally ill, though she often has moments of unexpected clarity. In season 4 Lafayette begins to explore Wicca with his fellow lover/Witch Jesus. In season 4, he discovers that he's a medium (just like Marnie) and that he can contact the spirits of the dead. When Jesus helps to fight against Marnie, her spirit comes back and possesses Lafayette in order to avenge her death and take Jesus' powers. While inside Lafayette, she kills Jesus and licks his blood in order to transfer Jesus' inner demon to Lafayette's body. Apparently, that demon stayed with him after Marnie leaves.

Many of the others in Bon Temps are quite accepting of Lafayette's sexuality, and while he is quite open about it, almost to the point of flaunting it, he doesn't do so to the point of making anyone uncomfortable. On the rare occasion someone, usually a traveller passing through, makes a homophobic remark, he is quick to defend himself and is very capable of doing so, both verbally and physically, with many in the community backing him up.

Lafayette is killed at the beginning of the second novel in the series. In True Blood, he is saved due to the popularity of his character and to help expand Tara Thornton's role in the series.

In casting, Alan Ball had concerns that the character's sexuality would be a dominating trait, "because you don't want to bring in someone who's going to play that in a phony way".[2] Nelsan Ellis says that it took him a few episodes to find the character.[3] Ellis says that he based many of Lafayette's mannerisms on his mother and his sister,[2] and that the costuming also helps him get into character.

I have more makeup on than any of the females in the cast. Once they get me with the fake eyelashes and the eye makeup, I listen to some Rihanna and I'm there.

Andy Bellefleur Chris Bauer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - 75
Andy Bellefleur is a police detective in Bon Temps who is somewhat incompetent at his job and is regularly disrespected by the town's citizens. He is a recovering alcoholic. He is assigned to investigate the series of murders that occur during the first season. Throughout the season, Jason Stackhouse is Andy's primary suspect even when evidence doesn't point toward him being responsible. He is suspended from his duties in the second season but makes a comeback as he claims to have shot Eggs, whom the town believes is responsible for the murders committed by Maryann. In the third season, he takes over from Sheriff Dearborne and reluctantly trains Jason to be a police officer. For most of Maryann's reign of terror, he manages to keep from falling under her influence until the night she is killed by Sam. Andy is one of the few Bon Temps residents who remember what Maryann had done, although his knowledge of who and what she was appears limited as he was heavily intoxicated a lot of the time. In season 4 he is shown to have an addiction to V "vampire blood". It is also revealed in season 4 that his sister, Portia, is a direct descendant of Bill Compton, which would also mean that Andy is a direct descendant of Bill, as well.
Eric Northman Alexander Skarsgård 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - 72
Eric Northman is the Sheriff of Area 5, a vampire district in Louisiana. A Swedish Viking warrior in life, he is over 1,100 years old and is a powerful and wealthy member of the vampire community. Eric runs the vampire bar, Fangtasia, in Shreveport, and develops an interest in Sookie Stackhouse after discovering her unique ability to read minds during the first season. He requests Sookie's services in finding a thief in the first season, then enlists her aid again in the second, seeking to retrieve his maker Godric, an ancient vampire who has gone missing in Dallas. His attraction to Sookie becomes more apparent as he tricks her into consuming his blood. In the third season, however, he protects Sookie from werewolf attacks and becomes intent on revenge on vampire king Russell Edgington, after discovering that Russell was the vampire who killed his human relatives before Eric became a vampire. Eric's father is shown to have worn a crown which was taken by Russell Edgington to add to his collection, which suggests that Eric's family may have been early Swedish nobles or royalty. In season 4, he buys Sookie's house while she is away in Fae and is cursed by Marnie while trying to shut down her coven. He is left without a memory of who he is and is taken in by Sookie. Eric demonstrates more sensitivity with Sookie and the two fall in love. He is confronted by Marnie again who possesses him to kill Bill. Sookie uses her powers to stop Eric from killing Bill, releasing him from Marnie's control and restoring his memories from before and during his amnesia. While his old personality has returned, he is still in love with Sookie. Eric and Bill then team up to stop Marnie. After stopping her, Eric and Bill are both rejected by Sookie, who loves them both. When Nan visits, she reveals that both Eric and Bill have been sentenced to the True Death. However, she reveals she is starting a rebellion against the Authority after having been sentenced herself and asks them to join. When she threatens Sookie, Eric decapitates her guards to distract her so Bill can stake her. In the season 6 finale, after killing many humans at Vamp Camp by drinking Warlow's blood, Eric leaves his progeny behind to go back to his homeland in Sweden and relax. Unknown to him, Warlow is killed by Jason and his blood is no longer in effect. Eric is last seen catching on fire on top of a mountain. However, in season 7 it is revealed Eric is still alive but on the run. Pam goes looking for him and when she finally finds him it is revealed Eric has caught the Hep-V virus. He has given up living and is just waiting to die. When Pam tells him Sarah Newlin was saved by Jason and is still alive, Eric makes it his mission to kill Sarah.
Arlene Fowler Bellefleur Carrie Preston 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - 76
Arlene Fowler is a waitress at Merlotte's. A four-time divorcee, she is a single mother of two. While she has a good heart, she is often apt to resort to bigotry (directed at vampires) and openly disapproves of Sookie's relationship with Bill. Arlene often makes remarks that have distinctly racist undertones though this often appears to be unintentional. Toward the end of the first season, she becomes engaged to her boyfriend Rene, who later turns out to be a murderer and is later killed in self-defense by Sookie when he attacks her. During the second season, she develops a relationship with Terry Bellefleur but soon discovers she is pregnant with what she believes to be Rene's baby in season three. She soon becomes depressed and afraid that her baby will grow up to be a serial killer and then, with the aid of the new waitress at Merlotte's, she secretly attempts to have a miscarriage using a mysterious brew, to no avail. While initially Terry believed the baby was his, when Arlene informs him that it is Rene's Terry tells her the baby's paternity is no issue to him and her fear of her unborn child's future seems to slacken, knowing that there will be a good man in its life though it is unknown if her intention to miscarry still lingers. After the birth of her baby, she remains adamant that her baby is evil due to Rene's genetics.
Jessica Hamby Deborah Ann Woll 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1 70
Jessica Hamby is a young vampire "made" by Bill as a part of his punishment for murdering a fellow vampire at the end of the first season. Having been raised in an overly strict Christian family, she relishes the freedom that comes with being a vampire, but her petulant attitude often tries Bill's patience. At Bill's request, for most of her part in season 1, she lives at Fangtasia with Pam and Eric who let her feed on a man with tattoos and body piercings, though they quickly become frustrated and annoyed by her and return her to Bill not long after. During season two, Jessica finds a love interest in Hoyt Fortenberry, but he ends their involvement after she attacks his obnoxious mother. During the third season, Jessica makes several young vampire mistakes, such as accidentally draining a person to death. She eventually rekindles her romance with Hoyt and moves in with him. Jessica is a character exclusive to the series; she does not appear in the Southern Vampire Mysteries. Jessica is increasingly frustrated by the constant regrowth of her hymen after sex, remarking angrily that she will be a virgin forever.
Pam Swynford De Beaufort Kristin Bauer van Straten 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1, 2 61
Pamela Swynford De Beaufort, commonly referred to as simply Pam was made into a vampire by Eric about a century before the events of the series. She is introduced during the first season as his loyal (albeit lazy) assistant and the bouncer at Fangtasia. Pam is the former madame of a brothel in San Francisco circa 1905, as revealed during the fifth season; it is while she is being attacked by a serial killer that she first meets Eric Northman, who later turns her when she attempts to commit suicide to avoid a future of dying as a lonely pariah because of her profession as a prostitute. Cynical and devoid of feelings for anyone except Eric (except Tara in seasons 5 and 6), she is often by his side though she does not accompany him to Dallas in the second season, presumably, she was told to run Fangtasia in Eric's absence. After Lafayette is healed by Eric's blood, Pam enlists him to sell V for Eric. Throughout the series, Pam often displays lesbian tendencies and is even seen performing a sexual act on the new female dancer at Fangtasia who later becomes jealous of Pam for her close relationship with Eric. In season three Pam was briefly held captive and tortured by the Magister, who was trying to find out who was selling V, though she revealed nothing, further proving her fierce loyalty to Eric. She wept tears of blood when Eric attempted to burn Russell Edgington in the sun and himself in the process. This was the first time she had been seen to show deep emotions. In season four, after she finds out about the incident with Eric and the witches, she goes after them and demands that Marnie remove the spell she cast on Eric. Marnie casts a spell on Pam to make her face rot, which leaves Pam horrified. At the beginning of season 5, Pam turns Tara after making a deal with Sookie and Lafayette. While she initially cared little for her new progeny, the two grew closer over the course of season 5 after Tara moved into Fangtasia permanently, eventually resulting in the two sharing a long, heartfelt kiss at the end of the season when Tara rescued Pam from the Vampire Authority. The two continued to behave as a couple at the start of season 6 and it becomes evident that Pam truly does care for Tara, in her own way. When Tara died at the start of season 7, Pam initially showed no reaction (since she was in Morocco) but when talking the issue over with Eric, shows her sadness and becomes tearful. She and Eric occasionally speak to one another in Swedish.
Alcide Herveaux Joe Manganiello 4, 5, 6, 7 3 41
Alcide Herveaux is a werewolf who helps Sookie in finding Bill while Bill is held captive by Russell Edgington. He does this to relieve the debt his family owes to Eric Northman. Alcide is one of the few good werewolves introduced thus far. He is handsome and has an ongoing attraction to Sookie. He admits to Sookie early on that he used to be in love with his ex-fiancée Debbie, who is a werewolf. She led people to believe she left him because he didn't want a baby, wasn't "man enough" and left him for Coot, a pack master of Russell Edgington's alliance of werewolves. At the end of season three, Eric borrows Alcide's truck to help kill Edgington, finally relieving him of his debt to Eric. In season 4 it is revealed that he is back together with Debbie, who is in a recovery program, and living in Shreveport. He is confronted by the Shreveport pack master Marcus Bosman about not joining the pack. He prefers not to be part of a pack, but when Debbie insists on joining, Alcide relents. He even tells Marcus he's open to moving up in the pack to please Debbie. His relationship with Debbie becomes strained when she senses Alcide might have feelings for Sookie after he saves her life. In addition, Alcide doesn't want the same things that Debbie does, such as a family and being more involved with the pack. Alcide also loses faith in Marcus after Marcus and his friends beat Tommy to death. He and Sam eventually team up to exact vengeance on Marcus. Seeing Marcus in his bedroom with Debbie becomes the last straw for Alcide and after Sam beats up Marcus, Alcide breaks his windpipe with his bare hands to protect Sam and abjures Debbie; a werewolf recognition that one werewolf no longer recognizes the existence of another werewolf.

Alcide informs the pack that it was he who killed their packmaster, Marcus, so they would release Sam whom they thought had killed Marcus, Alcide covers up the fact that Sookie had killed Debbie had they spend the night together. Alcide finds out their new packmaster is working for Edgingtion and is giving the pack V; Alcide does everything in his power to stop it. Recently, Alcide accepted the role of packmaster, a position he never aspired to have. While being packmaster, Alcide was more aggressive and became more of a leader than a lone wolf. He did enjoy the benefits of packmaster, such as control over the pack and thavingany female pack member he wanted. However, even though Alcide inherited the flesh of JD, most of his pack, like Rikki, ignores his commands. Alcide's pack's aggressive behaviour, and murder of the students who tried to persuade them to reveal their existence, publicly frustrates him. He despises violence and unsuccessfully tries to cover up Nicole's escape. When Rikki confronts him with Nicole and Nicole's mom's capture, proving the packmaster lied to his own pack, Rikki charges Alcide with the assistance of two female werewolves but Alcide finishes them off, though he restrains from killing them. He then walks away and turns his back on werewolf society, befriending Sam Merlotte once again. Alcide turns up at Terry's funeral to support Sookie and the two start a relationship. In season 7 Alcide is killed by the town's hate group against supernaturals.

Willa Burrell Amelia Rose Blaire 7 6 16
Willa Burrell is the daughter of former Louisiana Governor Truman Burrell and has long clashed with her father over vampire rights. Eric abducts her and takes her to Fangtasia where Willa soon reveals to Eric that her mother left her father after having an affair with a vampire, which prompted the Governor's hatred of vampires. Eric asks her if she wants to help them, and she says yes. He decides to turn Willa into a vampire, making her his second progeny, and she’s overjoyed at the privilege. However, Eric tells her that he made her a vampire to get even with The Governor and wants her to go home, a plan she hates. Willa finally returns home under Eric’s orders to tell her father she’s a vampire, and for a brief moment, he considers ending the vampire hunt. But Willa when tries to feed on him, Sarah shoots Willa and has her arrested. Later Willa is disgusted to realize that The Governor put her in camp and promises to cure her. Willa demands to be sent to Gen Pop so Tara can train her. She subsequently helps Eric and Nora escape from camp and lets Pam know the TruBlood is being laced with Hep V. After feeding off Bill, Willa becomes high from the blood and relishes in the sunlight, but it wears off once Warlow dies.

In season 7, after the death of Tara, Willa becomes slightly depressed because, with the disappearance of Pam and Eric, she is all alone. Eric returns to Bon Temp and tells Pam that Willa is still part of their family and he must say goodbye to her in person before he dies. Eric summons Willa, and though Eric appears genuinely happy to see his young progeny, she angrily yells at him for abandoning her so soon after she was made. Along with the other healthy vampires, she fights the Hep V Vamps. Willa is later released from Eric. Eric apologizes and tells her that he is proud to have her in the family. At the end of the series, Willa, now working for Arlene, is last seen with Sookie, Sam, Jason, Jessica, and Arlene at Sookie's house for a Thanksgiving celebration.

James Kent Luke Grimes (Season 6) & Nathan Parsons (Season 7) 7 6 14
James Kent is a vampire who was born during the late 1940s or early 1950s. James Kent meets Jessica in a vampire camp, where experiments are done with vampires. There Sarah Newlin wants to force James to have sex with Jessica, but James refuses as he doesn't want to be a rapist. He is burned again and again by UV light and his teeth are broken because of his refusal. Jessica is impressed by James act and they get closer together. Later James gets to know Lafayette and falls in love with him.
Violet Mazurski Karolina Wydra 7 6 14
Violet is a vampire who was born in Prussia during the late 12th century. As Jason is about to be attacked by hungry vampires at the vampire camp, Violet claims Jason as her own. When Jason has sex with Jessica Violet gets very jealous. She kidnaps Wade Cleary, Adilyn Bellefleur, and Jessica. However, Hoyt Fortenberry kills Violet and sets the others free.


Name Portrayed by Starring seasons Recurring seasons Episode Count
Hoyt Fortenberry Jim Parrack 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 - 59
Hoyt Fortenberry is Jason's best friend, who works on the road crew. Sweet and good-hearted, he is the only person whose thoughts are consistently kind when Sookie eavesdrops and is unprejudiced against vampires. He is extremely shy around women and takes the prospect of forming a relationship seriously. For the majority of the first season he is bossed around by his mother,but eventually stands up to her. In the second season, he begins a relationship with Jessica, a newly turned vampire and Bill Compton's vampire-ward. He breaks up with her after she attacks his mother, but they rekindle their romance during the third season and are shown to be living together in the fourth season. Hoyt breaks up with Jessica due to her difficulties having a normal relationship and her growing feelings for Jason, though he is unaware of the latter. After Jessica has a night with Jason, Hoyt leaves her and goes on a self-destructive streak, almost allowing himself to be drained dry by a vampire and joining a hate group. Although initially enthusiastic, when the group tries to get him to kill Jessica, Hoyt finds that he cannot move beyond the theoretical and actually act on the group's ethos, instead freeing Jess and calling the police. The group then tries to kill him, but the police arrive in time with help from Sam and Luna. Having finally had enough, Hoyt takes a job in Alaska, meaning to start a new life. Before he leaves, he has a final sit down with Jason and Jessica, and after forgiving them, nonetheless asks Jess to use her glamor to remove his memories of the both of them, so that he can move on. She tearfully does so. As he leaves town, Jason pulls him over and begs him not to go, but Jess's glamor has worked and he treats Jason as a stranger. As Hoyt drives off to Alaska, oblivious, Jason breaks down at the loss of his friend. Later on, at Terry's funeral, Maxine Fortenberry tells Sookie Hoyt is doing well and is dating a normal woman. After Violet kills Maxine in season 7, Jason calls Hoyt to tell him the news. Returning to Bon Temps with his girlfriend, Hoyt unknowingly avenges his mother's death by killing Violet as she prepares to torture and kill Jason, Jessica and others. He and Jessica later reunite and rekindle their relationship, finally marrying in the series finale. Hoyt's Alaskan girlfriend falls in love with and marries Jason Stackhouse.
Lettie Mae Thornton Adina Porter 1, 7 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 38
Lettie Mae Thornton is Tara's abusive, alcoholic mother. During the first season, she persuades Tara to fund an exorcism to expel a demon that she is convinced lives inside her. She blames the demon for her actions, claiming he targeted her for her closeness with Jesus. Tara reluctantly agrees to pay for Lettie Mae's exorcism, after which Lettie Mae visually and mentally improves and develops into a faithful member of the local Christian community. The woman that performed the exorcism, Miss Jeanette, is exposed as a fraud and later killed by Maryann, but Lettie Mae refuses to believe her exorcism was unreal. In the second season, she assists her gay nephew Lafayette in taking Tara away from Maryann's detrimental influence but is later manipulated by Tara, who wants to go and save Eggs from Maryann, and holds a gun on Lafayette and Sookie while Tara runs to help him. This dissolved the short truce she had with Lafayette who was visibly scared during the experience due to the shock of his torture at the hands of Eric the vampire. In the third season, Lettie Mae is oblivious to a suicide attempt of her daughter as she happily "converses" with the reverend who had come by to speak religiously with Tara. When Tara pays her mother a visit on her way to leave Bon Temps for good, she discovers Lettie Mae is having an affair with her church's married reverend who had previously appeared apprehensive of her subtle advances. In an episode of the fourth season, it's discovered that she's now the reverend's wife. Lettie Mae's sister is Lafayette's mother. She comments to Tara that she pities her for having to raise a sexual deviant, which is the only reference she makes to her sister in the series. In 5, she comes and visits Tara at Fangtasia, having found out she was a vampire, and tells her she's not her daughter anymore. In 6, Lettie Mae and Reverend Daniels are in charge of Terry's funeral, and co-work with Sam to offer shelter at the new Bellefleur's Bar & Grill. She tries to reconcile with Tara and lets Tara drink from her. In season 7, Tara is killed shortly afterwards in battle with Hep-V infected vampires. Lettie Mae does not take her death well and after drinking from Willa, starts to have visions of Tara speaking in another language. This later causes her to burn herself on purpose so she would have to drink Willa's blood again.
Nicole Wright Jurnee Smollett-Bell 6, 7 - 15
Nicole Wright is the co-founder and member of the VUS (Vampire Unity Society), a group that wants peace between humans and vampires. After Luna Garza shape-shifted from being Steve Newlin back to herself on Live TV, the group now encourages any other supes to come out and show their existence to the world. They try to talk to the werewolves into helping them when Rikki leads the pack to attack the group, killing her boyfriend and her friends. She is almost killed by Rikki when Alcide backs Rikki off of her and she runs away in the woods, soon followed by Sam Merlotte and Luna's daughter/Martha's granddaughter, Emma. She begins a relationship with Sam and falls pregnant by him. At the beginning of Season 7, she is abducted by the group of Hep V vampires and taken to their lair at Fangtasia though she is later rescued. Terrified by the danger ever-present in Bon Temps, she convinces Sam to move away with her for the sake of their unborn child.
Reverend Daniels Gregg Daniel 7 3, 4, 6 12
Reverend Daniels is the pastor of one of the churches in Bon Temps and a respected member of the community. In Season 3, he begins a romantic relationship with a seemingly reformed Lettie Mae, and by Season 4, the two are married. He and Lettie Mae are sought out by Arlene and Terry in Season 4 to rid their home of the evil spirits that they believe are targeting their baby, Mikey. In Season 6, he performs the service at Terry's funeral at Arlene's request. Reverend Daniels is also a leading supporter of Sam's decision to pair up humans with vampires in an attempt to ensure mutual protection and security. In Season 7, he offers an aimless Willa the light-proof basement of the church as a place for her stay until she figures out a more permanent living situation.
Ginger Tara Buck 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 21
Ginger is one of the human employees working at Fangtasia and first appears in the final episodes of season one. She is known for her shrill, and frequent, screaming. During Sookie's telepathic investigation at Fangtasia, when Eric enlists her to help identify who is stealing money from the bar, Ginger is introduced as the last human employee (though her exact job title is never provided). She is obsessed with Eric and therefore very loyal to him and Pam. She is mentally unstable due to excessive glamour. By reading Ginger's repeatedly glamored mind, Sookie is able to learn that a vampire is responsible, prompting Longshadow to attack. Bill kills Longshadow to prevent him from harming Sookie, and Ginger is traumatized from having to watch. Pam reluctantly glamors her again to solve the problem, deciding that further deterioration of her mind is preferable to transforming her into a vampire to ensure her silence. Ginger continues to work at Fangtasia in season two, but her vapid, emotional nature makes her unreliable. She tells Sookie the location of Lafayette when held at gunpoint by her in Episode 3 and lets Sam Merlotte, Lisa and Colby Fowler into Fangtasia before dark after Sam bribes her in Episode 11. In season four, she is showing a large measure of loyalty and caring towards Pam as she holds Pam in her coffin during Antonia's spell, and later she comforts Pam during a bout of jealous despair, even when told not to. In season 6, Ginger is taken to the Governor Burrell's vamp camp due to her (inadvertent) involvement in the kidnapping of his daughter. She is kept there to supply food for the vampire prisoners, but is rescued by Eric. In season 7, Ginger's connections to Pam, Eric, and Fangtasia are revealed. Pam confesses to Eric that it was Ginger who actually had the idea for Fangtasia, but that Pam glamored her and then took credit for it. Before they opened the bar, Ginger worked for Pam and Eric at the video store that they were assigned to by the Magister. A fan of vampire films, Ginger was a customer at the store and quickly developed a crush on Eric which led her to apply for the daytime position. Though it is never made clear when or how she found out that Eric and Pam were vampires, it is implied that she was well aware of this even before vampires came out of the coffin.


Name Portrayed by Starring seasons Recurring seasons Episode Count
Holly Cleary Lauren Bowles 4, 5, 6, 7 3 48
Holly Cleary is a witch, hired as a waitress at Merlotte's in the third season. She is very friendly and helps Tara and Arlene throughout Season 3. She reveals herself as a victim of a brutal rape from years before and a single mother of two. She is also a devoted Wiccan. When Arlene decides that she doesn't want her baby, but cannot morally abort it, Holly performs a Wiccan ceremony that aimed to lead Arlene miscarrying, though the ritual is unsuccessful. She is also present at Tara's rape victim support group.

In season 4, it is revealed that she is one of Marnie's students and a member of her coven. After the incident with Eric, she leaves the coven, while she still is a waitress at Merlotte's, Sookie reads her mind and finds out that she has abandoned Marnie's witch coven for her and her sons' safety. Tara asks her to rejoin the coven and take revenge on the vampires who attacked them, Marnie betrays the coven for her quest for power. She then begins to date Andy Bellefleur at the end of Season 4. In season 7, Holly is one of several characters captured by Hep-V vampires. She is rescued by Sookie and Bill when the vamps take her on a "field trip" as a food source. Sookie then later uses her powers to jog Holly's memories in order to find out the other prisoners are being held in the abandoned Fangtasia. In episode 5, Andy proposed to Holly, and she accepted.

Crystal Norris Lindsay Pulsipher 3 4 12
Crystal Norris is a werepanther living in the inbred commune of Hotshot who becomes involved with Jason after he sees her during a drug raid on Hotshot. She seems to be very attracted to him but also informs him she has been promised to her half-brother and thus fiancé, Felton. Jason attempts to lure her away from Hotshot, unaware of her supernatural background, but Felton and her father get her to return every time. Eventually, Crystal escapes Hotshot and hides in Jason's house, who is content with her choice and continues his relationship with her. She then reveals she is a werepanther, but he isn't fazed. Eventually she is forced to leave town with Felton, just after Felton kills her father. Jason pledges to track her down. She reappears as Jason's kidnapper with the intent to turn him into a werepanther in order to breed with him and continue the werepanther bloodline. After Jason escapes and kills Felton, she declares herself the head of the werepanther community. She asks Jason to return to be with her, but he rejects her.
Rikki Naylor Kelly Overton 6 5 11
Rikki Naylor is a werewolf and was a member of Marcus Bozeman's pack up until his death. She was instructed to bring Sam Merlotte, the prime suspect in his death, back for torture until he told them where the body is. It's not until after they find the body do they realize Alcide Herveaux, the next in line for packmaster, killed Marcus. When Alcide declines to be packmaster, J.D. steps up to be leader of the pack. When Alcide finds out J.D. has been making other wolves to drink V, he challenges J.D. to fight for the title of packmaster and Rikki volunteers to be Alcide's second in command. During their training, Rikki and Alcide get a little bit closer and end up having sex. On the night of the challenge, Alcide loses and gets beaten up by J.D., and Alcide takes off back to his father's trailer in Jackson, not even telling Rikki where he went. It's not until Martha Bozeman brings Rikki to his father's trailer does he decide to finish off J.D. once and for all when he force feeds her the V, and she OD'ed. After Alcide became packmaster, the relationship between Rikki and Alcide begins to strain as he cheats on her with another werewolf and she attacks a group of VUS (Vampire Unity Society) members who were following them around, against Alcide's wishes. When Alcide lets Nicole and Sam go, Rikki finds out he lied about their deaths and challenges him, thinking he's no longer fit to be pack master. Alcide wins, but doesn't kill her, allowing her to become the new pack master.
Jackson Herveaux Robert Patrick 6 5, 7 12
Jackson Herveaux is Alcide Herveaux's father and was a pack master at one point a long time ago. Now he lives in a trailer home in Jackson, Mississippi. When Martha Bozeman brings Rikki Naylor to his trailer home for help after she OD'ed on V, he injects silver into her to force the V out of her system. He helps his son take back the pack from J.D. by giving him a vial of V. After Alcide kills J.D., Jackson becomes a member of the pack, and appears to be Alcide's second, instead of Rikki. Throughout Alcide's journey to find Sam and Nicole, he tries to get him to understand that he needs to do what is right, not what's good for the pack. With this information, Alcide decides to let Sam and Nicole go. Alcide drops his dad off at his trailer, thanking him for his help, and Jackson leaves Alcide to deal with the pack on his own. In season 7, Sookie calls Jackson to tell him of Alcide's death.
Niall Brigant Rutger Hauer 6 7 6
Niall Brigant is a very powerful and ancient fae of royalty, and also the faerie grandfather of Sookie Stackhouse and Jason Stackhouse. Flashbacks reveal that he was born around 3500 B.C. in the same fae tribe as Warlow, and he was the only faerie survivor left alive by Warlow when he returned and slaughtered the tribe following being made vampire by Lilith. He arrives in Bon Temps at the beginning of season six to help the Stackhouses fight off Warlow. He tells them that their faerie bloodline is of royalty, and that's why Warlow wants to marry Sookie. In an attempt to round up all the fae to help them fight Warlow, Niall finds all the faeries in the nightclub dead, having been killed by Warlow sometime earlier. He comes across Ben Flynn, and after learning he is kindred, he recruits him to help him find Warlow. When it's discovered by Niall and Jason that Ben Flynn IS Macklyn Warlow, they attempt to hunt him down but are overpowered, and Jason is glamoured. Warlow drains Niall of almost all of his blood and throws him into the dark dimension that he was stuck in for the past twenty years. Niall manages to manifest in the human world just in time to help Sookie and Jason kill Warlow. The siblings then help Niall escape the dimension. His fae powers are exponentially more powerful than any other fae, enabling him to teleport in the blink of an eye and channel his light into powerful energy blasts that can obliterate vampires with the force of a supernova.
Adilyn Bellefleur Bailey Noble 7 6 17
Adilyn Bellefleur is the half-faerie daughter of Bon Temps sheriff, Andy Bellefleur. She was conceived late in Season 4 when the faerie Maurella seduced Andy and became pregnant, as revealed in Season 5, during which she gave birth to four halfling daughters before taking off and leaving them in Andy's care. In Season 6, Andy quickly realizes that his daughters physically age at a much more rapid rate than humans, and they transform from infants to young women in a matter of days. Due to how fast all of this happens, Andy is too overwhelmed with his newfound fatherhood to assign names to any of his girls and simply calls them Number 1, Number 2, Number 3, and Number 4. Once the girls reach their teen years (after mere days of life), they decide to sneak out of the Bellefleur mansion for a night on the town. While trying to purchase liquor, they meet Jessica, who was assigned by Bill to bring the girls back to his house so that he might acquire some of their faerie blood for experimental purposes. Though the girls initially agree, they eventually try to leave Bill's, which prompts Jessica to attack them. Unable to control herself, she drains and kills all but Number 4, who is rescued by a furious Andy. Following this, she requests that her father finally give her a name, which he does - Adilyn. In honour of her sisters, he also gives her the middle names Braelyn, Charlaine, and Danika. Though unsure of her powers, Adilyn was instrumental in saving Sookie, who was being held captive by Warlow on the Faerie Plane at the end of Season 6. She has also begun to develop an unlikely respect for a remorseful Jessica, who has offered both Adilyn and Andy ongoing protection from deadly Hep-V vamps.

Seasonal antagonists

Name Portrayed by Starring seasons Recurring seasons Episode count
Rene Lenier / Drew Marshall Michael Raymond-James 1 3, 4 14
Rene Lenier was the main antagonist of Season 1, though his malevolent nature is not revealed until the season's end. Rene is introduced as a Cajun resident of Bon Temps. He is a co-worker and close friend of Jason's. Initially, he is portrayed as a protagonist who approves of Sookie's dating a vampire. He becomes engaged to Arlene and is widely respected in Bon Temps. Unbeknownst to the locals, however, Rene is Drew Marshall, who had previously lived in Bunkie, Louisiana, and fled that town after killing his sister Cindy in a rage after he found out she was a "fang banger". Having moved to Bon Temps, he speaks with a trained Cajun accent, lives under a false identity and uses Jason as an unwitting source to find out which women have slept with vampires. Now Bon Temps is rocked by the mysterious murders of fang bangers. Sookie is likely to be the next victim, and Bill and Sam do their best to protect her. But Rene presents himself as an ally, and it is not until he is finally alone with Sookie that his psychopathic nature is revealed. Rene attacks Sookie, and after a brutal struggle, she manages to kill him in self-defense. Later, Arlene learns she is pregnant with Rene's child and becomes distraught at the thought of carrying an "evil child".

Rene appears to Arlene in the season 4 finale and warns her about Terry. He tells her he's met the ghosts of Terry's past and she must run.

Maryann Forrester Michelle Forbes 2 1 15
Maryann Forrester was the main antagonist of Season 2. Maryann Forrester is a wealthy maenad, who initially presents herself as a social worker. Drawn to Bon Temps due to the potent energy she attributes to a ritual performed by a faux voodoo doctor, she takes an interest in Tara and has Tara move in with her. She introduces Tara to Benedict Talley, a troubled man she had previously taken in to take care of and used to kill several of her victims. Throughout the second season, Maryann's true nature becomes apparent: she is devoted to Dionysus and intends to find a suitable supernatural creature to kill in his honour, hoping to bring him to earth once again. She finds pleasure in hosting giant orgies, creating mayhem and chaos and witnessing pure lust. She controls the actions of the inhabitants of Bon Temps by putting a bizarre spell on them, which turns their eyes completely black and has them do her bidding. Sookie, however, is unaffected by Maryann's spell. Maryann turns into a full-blown antagonist when she settles into Sookie's house and orders the Bon Temps residents to capture Sam Merlotte, whom she intends to sacrifice in her tribute to Dionysus. She ultimately succeeds in capturing Sam and has Eggs slide a knife in his heart, but Bill saves Sam. Sam, shifting into a white bull, has Maryann believe Dionysus has returned to earth. Hence Maryann drops her supernatural shields and Sam, still in the guise of a white bull, is able to kill Maryann for good. After she is killed the townfolk return to their senses and have no memory of what they had done under Maryann's influence and remember her simply as the elegant woman who threw wild parties. In season 5, Sookie remembers Maryann when she thinks about all the people in her life who believed she was not human.
Russell Edgington Denis O'Hare 3, 5 20
Russell Edgington was the main antagonist of Season 3 and secondary antagonist of season 5. A 2,800-year-old vampire, Russell is the vampire king of Mississippi. He was born a Celt, though he speaks in German when angered. It is implied that he allied himself with Hitler during WWII, telling Eric Northman, "Adolf was right; there is a Master Race...it's just not the human race." Though often gentle and polite, he is also shown to be wrathful, manipulative, and somewhat mentally unstable (particularly after the death of his vampire progeny and consort Talbot) not recognizing the power that "the Authority" supposedly have over vampires in general, and secretly defying them (as shown when he kills the Magister). His great age means he is much stronger and faster than Eric or Bill (who Russell effortlessly defeats in single combat) or any other being in the show thus far. He can also fly.

He abducts Bill in season three in hopes of gathering intel on the queen of Louisiana, who he hopes to marry in order to merge their respective kingdoms. After discovering that Sookie has unusual abilities, Russell takes an interest in her. When Bill is no longer of use to him, he orders Bill's execution, but Sookie thwarts his plans. After Eric kills Russell's consort Talbot in retaliation for Russell murdering Eric's human family centuries ago, Russell becomes hysterical and kills an anchorman on live television to address a statement to the world, in which he announces his view that vampires and humans aren't equals and vampires will rule over them. This has widespread fallout as shown in season 4 with the vampires focusing hard on improving their image. Eric, Sookie and Bill manage to dispose of Russell at the end of the third season by tricking him and burying him underneath concrete.

In the season 4 finale it is implied that Russell has escaped the concrete, when Alcide finds a mysterious hole in a parking garage floor with silver chains discarded near it.

In season 5 it is revealed that he was released from concrete by Salome, to serve her agenda. He managed to kill Roman, the Magister of the Authority and escape once more. He goes against the Authority again when his proposition to drain all faeries in order to gain the ability to walk in sunlight is rejected. He was staked by Eric Northman in the finale of Season 5.

Marnie Stonebrook Fiona Shaw 4 - 12
Marnie Stonebrook was the main antagonist of Season 4. Marnie Stonebrook is a local shop owner and palm-reader, and leader of the Wiccan coven to which Holly Cleary and Jesus Velasquez belong. A timid character, she comes under the influence of the spirit of Antonia, whose great power allows her to raise a bird from the dead. Seeing an apparent necromancer as a threat to vampires, Bill Compton sends Eric Northman to break up the meetings, but Antonia possesses Marnie to cast a spell on him wiping Eric's memories. Marnie is unsure how the spell works, but attempts to reverse it under pressure from Pam. When Pam, impatient, becomes menacing, Antonia again inhabits Marnie, and casts a spell on Pam, disfiguring her. Marnie's students quickly abandon her as a result. Bill has Marnie captured and imprisoned in his mansion, but she admits while glamored that she has no idea how to reverse either spell. She is then fully taken over by Antonia, who plans to kill all vampires. Tara runs into her walking down a road while waiting for Pam to attack her, and they band together to get revenge on vampires. Antonia gathers the coven of Wiccans to fight against the vampire race. When the battle becomes too extreme, the others want out but she forces them to stay. After the massacre of the Tolerance Festival, Antonia is disheartened by seeing innocent casualties and leaves Marnie's body, but Marnie convinces her to rejoin her as collateral damage is to be expected, revealing a shift in her attitudes. After Marnie cold-bloodedly kills a member of the coven Antonia wants out, but Marnie puts a binding spell on her drawing her back in. Jesus performs a ritual to free Antonia's spirit from Marnie. Bill shoots Marnie, killing her. However, Marnie's spirit appears before Lafayette and enters his body. She kills Jesus to steal his power and then tries to burn Eric and Bill at the stake. With the help of Holly, Sookie and Tara, the spirits of Antonia and Adele appear and convince Marnie it is time to leave the realm of the living, which she does.
Salome Agrippa Valentina Cervi 5 - 11
Salome Agrippa was the main antagonist of Season 5. She was a Chancellor of the Authority and was revealed to be Salome from the New Testament, famed for her dance of the seven veils which, according to legend, impressed her uncle, King Herod, so much that he offered to give her anything in the world she desired. After consulting her mother, she requested the head of John the Baptist, who publicly condemned Salome's mother's remarriage to her former husband's brother as invalid. Roughly 2,100 years later, Salome tells Bill Compton a different version of the story; her mother used her new husband's "fondness for teenage virgins" as a political tool to eliminate her adversary, and the so-called dance was rather the delivery of Salome to the King's bed, resulting in rape. Salome cites the humans of her youth as "far more savage than any vampires [she] has known." Salome was the main antagonist of Season 5. She was lovers with Roman Zimojic, who uses her as his secret weapon: to seduce Bill Compton and Eric Northman. She has claimed to have been lifelong friends with Nora Gainsborough, who is revealed to be involved with the Sanguinistas, who believe Lilith will rise and everyone against her will pay. Salome's true alliance remained with the Sanguinistas, as she's the one who freed Russell Edgington, lied about injecting him with silver, and tampered with his iStake, resulting in his escape, and the murder of Roman Zimojic. After Roman's death she became the new Guardian. In the season 5 finale, after the remaining Chancellors are pitted against each other by Lilith through visions in which she tells each of them that only one can lead them, Salome, believing herself to be the true chosen one, as she is the strongest and most devout believer in Lilith, drinks the vial believed to be filled with Lilith's blood so that she can carry out her will, which she refers to as "The Rapture," but her blood was replaced by Bill's with his own and mixed with silver. Soon after, as Salome lay dying, she accepts her fate, and says to Bill, "Lilith chose wisely." admitting to herself that she was never worthy of having Lilith’s powers. Bill stakes her and consumes the blood himself, appearing to die and be reborn, thus fulfilling Salome's prophecy.
Lilith Jessica Clark 5, 6 8
Lilith was the true main antagonist of Season 5. Lilith is the goddess that the Sanguinistas (an underground religious group composed mainly of vampires) worship and pray to. She is acknowledged in The Original Testament, the vampire Bible and predecessor to both the Old and New Testaments, as the second vampire—after God himself—and is portrayed as the messiah of vampires. The Sanguinistas also possess a vial which they believe contains the blood of Lilith. She shares her role as the season's antagonist with Bill Compton and Salome Agrippa.
Sarah Newlin Anna Camp 2, 6, 7 22
Sarah Newlin was the main antagonist of Season 6 and Season 7. She claims to have originally supported vampire rights, but that she had an epiphany after her fangbanger sister disappeared. She argues with her husband frequently because he will not give her more of a leadership role in the Fellowship of the Sun. She has a strong attraction to Jason Stackhouse and moves him from the Fellowship camp into her home so that she can be close to him. The two characters have an affair, though their relationship dissolves when her husband realizes that Sookie is his sister and believes (incorrectly) that Jason is a spy. She disagrees with Steve's methods about starting a vampire war and can be seen openly arguing with him on live television during an interview with Nan Flanagan after the Godric fiasco. Sometime in between season 2 and season 6, she and Steve got a divorce, and she wrote a book about her marriage to him. In season six, it's learned that she, along with lover Gov. Truman Burrell, began the war of human vs. vampires. First seen taunting her ex-husband on coming events Sarah is revealed to be the mastermind behind the Vamp Camps. After a rejection from Burrell on having a child to replace Truman's daughter Willa (turned vampire by Eric) Sarah seduces Jason Stackhouse into a sexual relationship, only later to be interrupted by Jessica. Sarah's rise to power continues throughout the season after the death of Burrell. Newlin is also revealed to be the "blonde tyrant" Lilith warned of. Slowly becoming unhinged, Newlin looks to gain revenge on Jason through experiments involving Jessica with another vampire named James. Keeping the governor's death under wraps, Sarah assumes ultimate control of the Vamp Camps and their agenda to distribute TruBlood containing hepatitis V, which causes vampires to slowly and painfully meet the "true death". After learning the truth of what's inside the TruBlood, several vampires including Jessica, Pam, Tara, Willa, James, and Steve all refuse to drink their rations of TruBlood, thus leading them to be put in a giant white circular room to meet the sun. The representative of the Yokanoma Corp. arrives looking for the governor only to find Sarah. After a violent struggle, Newlin kills the representative with her high heel and praises Jesus. Eric arrives at the camp looking for revenge by releasing the vampires to attack the humans. Sarah is seen hiding amongst the corpses and makes her way to the roof above the white room to manually open the ceiling allowing the sun to shine down on the vampires, who are discovered to be feeding on Bill . . . absorbing the blood of Warlow. Eric then forces Steve to meet the sun, but not before Steve shouts his final words "I love you, Jason Stackhouse!" Sarah is shown running to escape with Jason tracking her down. While she tries to explain that she was just doing God's work, Jason pulls a gun on her and explains he is talking to Jesus and Jesus thinks she is an average lay. As the two struggle, Jason prepares to shoot her in the head, but then exclaims he does not want any more blood on his hands and lets Newlin escape. Sarah thanks Jason and then drives away. In season 7, it is revealed that Sarah has dyed her hair and is living in a commune with a new age Guru. However, Eric and Pam track her as well as members of a Yakuza family associated with the makers of Tru Blood. Both groups team up and capture her with Yakuza wanting to use the Hep-V cure in her blood to synthesize and distribute a cure called New Blood. Eric and Pam double cross the Yakuza and distribute New Blood themselves. Pam keeps Sarah chained the basement of Fangtasia where vampires pay $100,000 to drink from her. As a result, Sarah has lost her mind and spends her time being haunted by visions of her dead husband.
Macklyn Warlow/Ben Flynn Rob Kazinsky 6 9
Macklyn Warlow is the vampire who attacked and killed Corbett and Michelle Stackhouse and is the main antagonist of season 6, along with Sarah Newlin. This mysterious figure seemingly could manifest himself to Sookie as a semi-transparent entity with a covered face. He appears to be part fae,[4] as seen from his telepathy and abilities to fire energy beams and walk in sunlight. Warlow was born in 3532 BC, in the same village as Niall Brigant, and turned at age 32, in 3500 BC.[5] Sookie's ancestor John Stackhouse made a contract with Warlow on 5 August 1702[6] granting Warlow his first fae-bearing female heir. When Sookie's parents wouldn't give her to him, Warlow killed them and was subsequently sent to another dimension by Claudine, as the faerie elder tried to do with Russell Edgington. Warlow, as stated in the Book of the Vampyr, is one of the progenies of Lilith herself.[7] Lilith chose Warlow because she believed he could save the vampire race. Resentful for turning him, he used his faerie powers to kill her. As such, he has outlived his maker by millennia and has been active sporadically in the human realm to modern times. His name is known to those who have studied the Book of Lilith, but he remained a somewhat mysterious figure even to Lilith's most ardent followers. He managed to escape the faerie realm and is found by Sookie on her way to work, where he was on the ground in pain, supposedly having been attacked by a vampire the night before, going under the name Ben Flynn. Believing him to be a fellow faerie, she lets him rest in her home and directs him to the faerie nightclub before he leaves. He comes across Niall Brigant and offers to help Niall find Warlow. He is once again brought back to Sookie's house, where he's assigned to protect her. Upon Jason and Niall's discovery that Ben is Warlow, they attempt to kill him, only for him to overpower them. Sookie discovers that Ben is Warlow and attempts to feed him food laced with colloidal silver, but it has no effect. He attempts to court Sookie, but she forces him out of her house with her faerie light in the middle of foreplay. Warlow explains that he was trying to save Sookie from her parents, who were attempting to kill her to protect her from Warlow. Lilith's blood allows Bill to recognize Warlow as Lilith's progeny. Warlow's faerie/vampire blood is stable enough for vampires to walk around in the daylight, so Bill asks the creator of Tru Blood to help synthesize it. Sookie realizes Warlow was right about her parents when her father's spirit possesses Lafayette and attempts to kill her again. Warlow is set free by Bill to save Sookie, who in turn transports him to the faerie realm to keep Warlow out of Bill's reach. Warlow explains that he wants to make her his faerie-vampire bride, so they will only need to feed off each other for eternity, and Sookie develops feelings for him. When Sookie asks Warlow to help her save her and Bill's friends, Warlow demands that he become hers. After much consideration, Sookie ultimately decides to give herself to him, being resentful toward her parents after they tried to kill her twice. However, when Sookie brings Bill to Warlow, they find that he has been attacked by Eric, who is angry at Bill for not having brought Warlow to save Nora. After Bill saved the other vampires by allowing them to drink the blood sample he drank earlier, Sookie tells Warlow that she wants to take things slowly and introduce Warlow to her friends and family first. Warlow grows angry and tries to turn Sookie by force. Bill, Jason, and others rescue Sookie and take her back to her house. Warlow follows and defeats all who stand in his way. Before he is able to drain Sookie, Niall partially comes through the dimension that he was trapped in. He physically holds the faerie-vampire hybrid long enough to instruct Jason to stake him. Jason is successful, and Warlow is killed. Warlow's death caused all who drank his blood to lose the ability to walk in daylight.

Past main characters


In order of episode appearances

Name Portrayed by Starring seasons Recurring seasons Episode Count
Terry Bellefleur Todd Lowe 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1, 7 56
Terry Bellefleur is an Iraq war veteran who works as one of the cooks at Merlotte's and he's a cousin of Detective Andy Bellefleur. He shows clear signs of post-traumatic stress disorder but despite his unusual behavior, is a gentle soul. He is one of the few who are kind to Bill, and he finds him to be a kindred soul as Bill is a veteran like him. While working at Merlotte's, he begins to show interest in Arlene, and the two become romantically involved during the second season. Due to Maryann's influence, their relationship appears to progress more quickly than Terry wants. In the third season, Arlene reveals she's pregnant with Rene's baby, but Terry still wants to be the child's parent. In season 5, we learn more about Terry's time in Iraq when his Sgt., Patrick Devins arrives in Bon Temps and tells him that the rest of their squad has been killed in fires recently. We learn that one of the Privates, Eller, shot a teenage boy who was attacking him when they were off duty celebrating the 4th of July, and then the boy's family came out to confront the squad, who were brutally killed by Terry's group when a shot was fired. The boy's mother, before being put down by Terry, cursed the monster Ifrit on them. Soon after, their bodies were burned. This incident is the cause of Terry's PTSD. When issued an ultimatum by the spirit of the grandmother of the family that either he or the captain who ordered him to kill her must kill the other to live, Terry goes to confront him, intending to have a fair fight to decide things. Instead, the captain takes Arlene hostage, and after a tense fight, Arlene is able to get the revolver and give it Terry. With the captain on his knees, he begs Terry to spare him, but after what he has just done Terry pulls the trigger. The Ifrit consumes the captain's body and the curse on Terry is lifted. However, Terry continues to be haunted by his actions. He pays an old war buddy to kill him, but not before setting his affairs in order so Arlene would be provided for. He takes out a massive life insurance policy then awaits his fate. Arlene, not knowing about the hit, has a vampire friend of Holly's glamour Terry into forgetting his time in Marines. As a result, Terry forgets about arranging his own assassination. He experiences peace and happiness in his life for a short while before being shot by a sniper rifle while throwing away garbage outside of Merlotte's. Despite Arlene's misgivings, Terry is buried with full military honors.
Steve Newlin Michael McMillian 2, 5, 6 1, 3, 4, 7 30
Rev. Steve Newlin is head of the Fellowship of the Sun (a prominent anti-vampire church that makes regular TV appearances in the True Blood universe, intent on spreading fear and hatred of vampires) and the secondary antagonist of season 2. He is featured mainly in the second season, as Jason decides to join his church. In the second season, his church holds Eric's maker Godric, who came to them voluntarily, to burn him to death publicly. When Sookie and Bill start investigating Godric's disappearance, Newlin orders Sookie's abduction, but it fails. Later, when Sookie visits his church in disguise, he recognizes her and locks her in his basement. Godric and the Texas vampires, however, thwart his plans of burning everyone associated with Godric, lecturing him on vampires showing more humanity than Newlin and his humans. It is also revealed that vampires killed Newlin's father, who was the previous head of the church. In the third season, he makes recurring appearances on television, especially after Russell Edgington slaughters an anchorman on live television and Newlin sees his chance to call for the death of all vampires once again. An earlier interview with Nan Flanagan reveals Newlin was being investigated by the IRS and apparently going through a divorce seen in the post-mortem of the episode "I Got a Right to Sing the Blues". In the fourth-season episode "If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin'?", it is said that Steve Newlin has been missing for six months. In the final episode of Season 4, it is revealed he has been turned into a vampire as punishment. In the fifth-season episode "Turn! Turn! Turn!" Newlin confronts Jason and admits he's a "Proud Gay American Vampire" and was in love with Jason the whole time. He is brought in by the Authority as the new spokesperson for the AVL, taking Nan Flanagan's place. After the Vampire Authority is destroyed and Governor Burrell's anti-vampire movement is set in motion, Steve Newlin is taken by a new group of vampire police to be studied. When various vampires feed upon Bill to protect themselves against the sun, Eric prevents Steve from doing so, as retribution towards Godric & Nora’s deaths. Seeing Sarah opening up a silo to sunlight, Steve uses his last words to proclaim his love for Jason before being burned to death. In season 7, a vision of Steve repeatedly plagues Sarah Newlin.
Jesus Velasquez Kevin Alejandro 3, 4 5 25
Jesus Velasquez is introduced in the third season as a potential love interest to Lafayette. He was born in Catemaco, Veracruz, México, a famous place, full of "brujos". He works as a nurse at the mental institution where Lafayette's mother is a patient. On their first meeting, he seems to take an immediate interest in Lafayette, followed by a personal visit to Merlotte's to spend time with Lafayette while he is at work. Although they like each other, he leaves once he finds out Lafayette is a drug dealer. When Lafayette calls Jesus to help with his mother, their attraction is once again ignited, and they spend the night together. Jesus reveals himself to be a "brujo" (or "witch") to Lafayette and encourages him to develop his wiccan talents. In season 4, he is revealed to be a Wiccan student of Marnie Stonebrook. The character is exclusive to the series, and was developed to help extend Lafayette's storyline. In the season 4 finale, Marnie kills Jesus to gain his power. His ghost later visits Lafayette to comfort him.
Tommy Mickens Marshall Allman 3, 4 - 22
Tommy Mickens is an illiterate teenage shapeshifter and Sam's younger brother. He has tried to kill Sam and has stolen from him. He is shocked by the news of having a brother he never knew about and hates him at first, but after spending time with him he begins to enjoy having Sam as a brother to the point that he asks Sam to let him stay with him after a fight with his father. After Sam discovers that his parents have been using Tommy in dog fighting, he lets Tommy move in. He starts working in Sam's bar, but is fired after picking a fight. While working in the bar he shows an attraction to Jessica, even attacking Hoyt in his dog form. He then attempts to steal Sam's money, but Sam angrily shoots him - an injury that is healed in Season 4. At some point during the year separating seasons 3 and 4, Tommy, left with no place to stay, is aided by Maxine Fortenberry who welcomes him to stay at her house. Later Tommy is contacted by his mother and is abducted by Joe Lee who intends to use him for dog fighting again. Tommy manages to retaliate immediately and kills Joe Lee and his mother while trying to escape. He then goes to Sam for help, and they both dispose of the bodies in the swamp, to be eaten by the alligators. Bearing out the legend relayed to Sam early in season four, Tommy, having killed his shifter mother, becomes a Skinwalker, complicating Sam's life significantly. In the form of Sam, he fires Sookie and has sex with Luna before kicking her out, prompting Sam to kick him out for good. He then takes the form of Maxine to sell her natural gas rights. He then writes an apology note for Sam on his way out before being confronted by Marcus who is looking for Sam. Tommy shows up to Marcus' shop in the form of Sam and Marcus warns him to stay away from Luna, his ex-wife. Tommy as Sam claims he never touched her, but that his brother did, prompting Marcus and his wolves to beat up Tommy to the point that he reverts to his original form. Alcide then takes Tommy to Merlotte's where Sam meets them. Tommy is about to die from the beating and shape shifting. Sam tries to call for some vampire blood to heal Tommy, but Tommy doesn't want it and makes amends with Sam before dying.
Bud Dearborne William Sanderson 1, 2, 3 5 22
Bud Dearborn is the sheriff of Renard Parish and an old friend of Sookie and Jason's deceased parents. While he is well respected in the town of Bon Temps, he goes out of his way to show his distaste for vampires and vocally objects to Sookie's relationship with Bill. He doesn't believe Jason is the murderer in the first season. Despite the blatant prejudice he shows Bill, he regularly scolds Andy for being unfair and biased in his dealings with suspects. In the second season, he investigates the murders of Miss Jeanette and Daphne. His attempts at identifying and locating their killer is complicated by the outrageous behavioru of Bon Temps' residents while under Maryann's influence. In the third season, Bud resigns after yet another murder takes place and leaves Andy Bellefleur in charge. In season 5, it's revealed Bud is in a group of assassins after shifters, dating the Dragon of the group named Sweetie Des Arts. When Bud and Sweetie are about to feed Sookie to pigs, the police show up and everyone is put under arrest. Bud resists, however, and is shot by Andy Bellefleur, killing him.
Luna Garza Janina Gavankar 4, 5 6 20
Luna Garza is a shapeshifter in whom Sam takes a romantic interest. A member of one of Sam's evening shapeshifter gatherings, Luna reveals that she is a Skinwalker and can take the form of another human being. She is initially reluctant to start a relationship with Sam because her ex-husband, and father of her daughter, is a jealous werewolf, but finally decides she wants to be with him. She is turned off from him after the first night they supposedly have sex when he is extremely rude toward her. She and Sam soon learn that it was Tommy, in the form of Sam, that had sex with her. She and Sam finally consummate their relationship on a camping trip with her daughter. When a group of gunmen begin hunting down supes and hurt her and Sam, she sends her daughter Emma to live with her grandmother, Martha Bozeman, until she and Sam deal with the gunmen. During that time, Steve Newlin and Russell Edgington feed the wolfpack with V and when Martha refuses to drink, Russell takes Emma away while from her in wolf form and gives her to Steve as his new pet. Upon discovery of Emma's whereabouts, Sam and Luna sneak into the Vampire Authority to get her back. The plan was to have Luna shapeshift into Steve Newlin as she walks Emma out with Sam following them as a fly when Rosalyn Harris, thinking Luna is Steve, puts her in front of a camera to explain Steve and Russell's actions at a fraternity house that killed 22 people. Luna shape-shifts back to herself on National TV, and Sam kills Rosalyn before she could attack Luna. The pain of shape-shifting back into herself fatally wounds Luna and tells Sam to take her daughter and hide her from the public and the wolf pack before she dies.
Nora Gainesborough Lucy Griffiths 5, 6 - 18
Nora Gainsborough is a chancellor of the Authority. Nora's maker was Godric, making her and Eric Northman siblings. Although members of the authority, Nora and chancellor Alexander Drew were both secretly members of the Sanguinistas, a group of vampires who take the Vampire Bible to heart and believe that humans are nothing more than food for vampires and believe that Lilith will rise and take down those who don't stay true to her. Nora's cover was blown when she tried to help Eric and Bill Compton escape the country for killing spokesperson Nan Flanagan. During her interrogation, she blew chancellor Drew's cover, and he is staked by Roman in front of the rest of the Chancellors. When looking for Russell, Bill theorizes that Eric told Nora and is using Russell to help her Sanguinista movement. After Bill, Eric, Sookie and Alcide found Russell Edgington, Eric finds out that Bill is probably right, as Nora reveals to Eric that finding Russell Edgington was God's plan, and that Lilith will rise again. Eric tries to stop Roman, but is too late as Russell Edgington breaks free and stakes Roman in front of everyone. After they drink Lilith's blood, everyone is convinced they are doing God's work, until Godric appears before her and Eric and shows that the path they are taking is wrong. She and Eric escape the Authority, only to break back in again to get Jessica, Pam and Bill out. In the middle of their escape, Jason mentions the name Warlow, and Nora recognizes his name from the Vampyr Bible, Lilith's progeny. Afterwards, she tries to find Warlow, because only Warlow can kill Lilith. In her search for him she is caught by the new vampire police and is taken away. Nora is taken to Vamp Camp, where she is strapped to a gurney and infected with Hep V in front of Eric. Eric frees them both and takes Nora to Bill, begging him to use his new powers to heal her. Despite giving her some of his blood, Bill can't heal her. While Bill is trying to find Warlow, Nora succumbs to the virus and dies in Eric's arms.
Nan Flanagan Jessica Tuck 4 1, 2, 3, 7 17
Nan Flanagan is the spokesperson for the American Vampire League (which follows the agenda of the Authority) and has intermittently been shown being interviewed on televised news programs within the series. She presents a beautiful, unthreatening view of vampires to the human community at large. She denounces acts of violence committed against vampires (especially those perpetrated by the Fellowship of the Sun during the second season) and denies allegations of vampire attacks on humans based on a lack of evidence. Off the air, she is revealed to be much more aggressive and not possessed of particularly lofty ideals. In "I Will Rise", it is implied that she is a high-level bureaucrat within the vampire community, a position that gives her the authority to fire Godric. Although she has power over sheriffs, Sophie-Anne, in "I Got A Right To Sing The Blues", says that Flanagan and the League have no authority over vampire monarchs. A "documentary" on the fifth disc of the season one DVDs shows pictures of Nan Flanagan with both President Roosevelts (Teddy and Franklin) and possibly appearing in a painting by Georges Seurat. The season three episode "Everything is Broken", she conducts an interview with Eric on behalf of the Authority regarding Russell, King of Mississippi. She later issues Eric the Authority's order to go after Russell and kill him. Nan is shown to deal out harsh words and punishments with ease in her mission to make vampires equals witoumans. Despite this, she is secretly a hypocrite; after stating out loud that she only drinks True Blood, Nan Flanagan is shown to have a woman in her limousine that she feeds upon. She has a more prominent role in Season 4 as she has elected Bill Compton the Vampire King of Louisiana and the two work together rigorously to restore a positive image of vampires into the minds of humans after Russell created an extremely negative one. During the vampire war against witches, she and Bill become at odds with each other when she appears to be more concerned with their image instead of their survival. She would prefer not to kill any humans to ruin their image while Bill believes that killing the necromancer Marnie/Antonia would better ensure their survival. In the season 4 finale, Nan reveals she knows about Sookie's blood. She also reveals to Bill and Eric that she quit both the AVL and the Authority and is making plans to overthrow the latter. She tries to recruit Bill and Eric and they refuse. When she threatens Sookie, revealing that she knows what Sookie is, Eric kills her guards while Bill kills Nan himself.
"Eggs" Benedict Talley Mehcad Brooks 2 1 13
"Eggs" Benedict Talley is a guest of Maryann Forrester's who has a less than reputable past; he gradually begins a romantic relationship with Tara Thornton during the second season, but their relationship is constantly manipulated by Maryann. It becomes apparent that Maryann regularly puts Eggs under her influence and then has him perform horrible actions, such as murder and cutting out human hearts. After Maryann's death, he comes to Sookie requesting her aid in regaining his memories of the moments in which Maryann controlled him. Sookie does so, and he remembers murdering several people at Maryann's command. Shocked, he turns himself in to Andy Bellefleur and presents him with the knife the murders were committed with. Jason mistakes this as an attempt to murder Andy and shoots Eggs. His death causes great grief to Tara, but the police force can blame him for the murders committed by Maryann. After Tara discovers that Sookie gave Eggs the ability to see the crimes he committed under Maryann's hypnosis, she ends her friendship with her. But they quickly reconcile after Sookie pays for Eggs' funeral arrangements.
Lorena Krasiki Mariana Klaveno 2, 3 1, 5 13
Lorena Krasiki is the vampire who "made" Bill. She has first introduced briefly in a season 1 Civil War era flashback when Bill, exhausted and near death after the South's surrender, came to her small house in the woods seeking assistance. Pretending to be a lone widow at the time, she let him in and tried to seduce him. When he refused her advances, she attacked him and, after becoming intrigued by him, eventually turned him into a vampire. A lonely yet malevolent being, Lorena quickly becomes emotionally dependent on Bill. Through her influence he becomes a crazed killer and together they revel in the torture of humans before draining them of their blood, often having sex as their victims bleed to death watching. When Bill realizes the monster he has become he forces Lorena to release him and leaves her.

The two do not meet again for more than 70 years when, in season 2, she is summoned to the vampire hotel in Texas by Eric who, in his desperation to find Godric, schemes with her to hold Bill captive while Sookie infiltrates the Fellowship of the Sun so that he cannot interfere. Lorena is coerced into Eric's plan. Her love and longing for Bill has intensified over the years and as she holds him captive the two share memories of their twisted past together. Bill eventually escapes after hitting her over the head with a plasma television. Lorena makes an appearance at the party after Godric is freed from the Fellowship of the Sun and challenges Sookie who aggressively defends her relationship with Bill and warns Lorena to stay away from him. When she tries to attack Sookie, she is stopped by Godric who again comments on her old age and how she has not bettered herself over so much time. He then orders her to leave his domain, which she begrudgingly does, but not before an emotional departing with Bill outside.

Lorena returns in season 3 when Bill is captured by Russell Edgington. At the time, she appears to have been living as a guest in Russell's mansion. Upon seeing Lorena, Bill becomes enraged and hurls a lamp at her, engulfing her in flames, but she survives. Russell leaves Bill to Lorena and though at first Bill resists her advances, the two end up having violent sex, and he twists her neck 180 degrees. After this he calls Sookie and ends their relationship though he does so only to protect Sookie and delude Lorena into believing he has returned to her. Eventually Bill's deception becomes apparent, and she resolves to kill him per instructions from Russell. She spends a lengthy and very emotional time torturing him in the servants' house on the mansion grounds before allowing werewolves to feed on his blood. When Sookie escapes from Russell and bursts into the room to save Bill, Lorena attacks her, but Sookie gets the upper hand and plunges a piece of wood into Lorena's chest, killing her.

Patrick Devins Scott Foley 5 4 9
Patrick Devins is an Iraq war veteran who was Sgt. to Private Terry Bellefleur, and not a resident of Bon Temps. Back in Iraq, Patrick's squad were celebrating victory on the 4th of July by drinking and smoking drugs when a teenaged boy began confronting Private Eller. The squad told him to get rid of him, but he misheard them, and wasted him instead. The boy's family came out to confront the squad, and one of the family members opened fire, resulting in their deaths. A Muslim woman cursed the monster Ifrit on them just before Patrick ordered Terry to shoot her. Their bodies were set on fire soon after, where Terry saw the monster rise from the fire, but just thought it was the drugs. Patrick arrived in Bon Temps at the end of season 4 and in season 5 told Terry that the rest of the squad were killed in fires. After Lafayette conjures up the spirit of the woman Terry killed, named Zaafira, she tells them that Terry has to kill Patrick or the other way around. Patrick runs out and takes Arlene hostage in Merlotte's, but ends with Terry shooting Patrick twice in the head, destroying the curse.
Adele Stackhouse Lois Smith 1 4, 7 8
Adele Stackhouse (née Hale), commonly referred to as "Gran", is Jason and Sookie's paternal grandmother. Her husband is missing, presumed dead. A widow living on her own, she raised Jason and Sookie following their parents' deaths. Sookie keeps living with her after becoming an adult and later inherits Gran's house. She is portrayed as a very kind-hearted, motherly figure, with even Tara Thornton's mother crediting her for raising Tara when she couldn't. She is one of the few characters who support Sookie's relationship with Bill and is greatly interested in Bill's historic knowledge of Bon Temps, as she is head of the "Descendants of the Glorious Dead", an organization devoted to honoring the memory of the Civil War. Mid-season, Adele is brutally killed by Rene Lenier, who originally came to her house to murder Sookie. Adele had a brother, Bartlett Hale (Cheyenne Wilbur), whose pedophilic affinity for Sookie when she was a child prompted Bill to kill him. At the time he had been disowned by Adele after she too discovered his desires for her granddaughter and the two had apparently not spoken for many years. In the season 4 finale, Adele's spirit appears to take Marnie's spirit out of Lafayette.
The Governor Arliss Howard 6 - 6
The Governor is the Governor of Louisiana and the secondary antagonist of season 6. After the TruBlood factories were blown up by the Vampire Authority, Governor Burrell announced that a vampire curfew has been set in stone, and all vampire businesses will be shut down, at the same time encouraging all citizens to go out and buy themselves weapons. All the while, he has a secret business relationship with one of the TruBlood factories to produce the synthesized blood in a bottling plant he was left with so he can gain some revenue to be re-elected. Eric sneaks into his house and tries to glamour him out of what he's doing when it's revealed he's put a lot of his money into a research facility/prison for vampires where they study them, and they created new weapons to fight against them: a silver bullet that emits a UV ray and contact lens that prevents the vampires from hypnotizing humans. His daughter, Willa, tells Eric Northman that her father hates vampires so much because her mother was caught by him with another vampire. After consuming some of Warlow's blood so he can walk in the daytime, Bill Compton attacks the governor's mansion. Burrell is decapitated by Bill, and his head is found by Sarah Newlin. Sarah has worked with other state politicians to cover up his death, releasing a statement saying the governor survived an attack by vampires and is running the state from an undisclosed location while Sarah makes public appearances on his behalf
Amy Burley Lizzy Caplan 1 - 6
Amy Burley is Jason's bohemian, V-addicted love interest. Hailing from Storrs, Connecticut, she meets Jason in the vampire bar Fangtasia. After learning he is looking for more V to use, she comes to his house and uses V together with him. She starts a relationship with Jason, who thinks that she might be "the one," and becomes a waitress at Merlotte's. When she and Jason run out of V, she orchestrates the abduction of one of Lafayette's vampire clients, Eddie. It becomes apparent she has experience in kidnapping vampires, implying she is a drainer. She and Jason lock Eddie in the basement, but soon Eddie warns Jason that Amy is a psychopath. Jason disapproves of Amy's cruel treatment of Eddie and attempts to free him, but Amy stakes Eddie in reaction, straining her relationship with Jason. Amy promises she and Jason will do only one last trip of V, but while doing so, she is strangled to death by Rene Lenier.
Roman Zimojic Christopher Meloni 5 - 5
Roman Zimojic is the head of the Authority. Roman's ranking in the authority is the Guardian, as in Guardian of the Blood of Lilith, the first vampire created in God's image. What the vampires are holding back from the humans is they have a bible that pre-dates the Old and New Testament, which states that vampires were created in God's image and humans were created to nourish vampires. The Authority focuses on mainstreaming, claiming they believe the bible is a metaphor on how to live your life in peace among humans, and are trying to take down the Sanguinistas, who believe that humans should be farmed like cattle and serve as nothing but food. However, the Authority themselves are just using mainstreaming to gain power and satisfy their ego. After what happened with the witches in season 4, the Authority issued the true deaths for Bill Compton and Eric Northman, and asked spokesperson Nan Flanagan to take them out. Eric kills her bodyguards and Bill stakes her to protect themselves, but shortly after are brought to Roman, along with chancellor Nora Gainesborough (Eric's sister), who tried to help them flee the country. Bill offers Roman an exchange: if they bring in Russell Edgington, they'll be let go. After bringing Russell in, Eric and Bill are freed and Russell is about to be executed, when we discover that someone tampered with Russell's iStake, who then rips it off and stakes Roman in front of everyone.
Dawn Green Lynn Collins 1 - 5
Dawn Green is Sookie's co-worker, previously in a relationship with Jason. She briefly attempts to rekindle her relationship with him, but after he criticizes her after finding out she slept with a vampire, she forces him out of her house at gunpoint. Shortly thereafter, Sookie discovers her strangled body. It is later confirmed she was murdered by Rene Lenier, who targeted "fang bangers", women who slept with vampires. In the season one episode "Escape from Dragon House", it is revealed that Hoyt Fortenberry had a crush on Dawn, which Sookie discovers while reading the minds of several people at Merlotte's.
Eddie Fournier Stephen Root 1 2 4
Eddie Fournier is the vampire that supplies Lafayette with V during the first season. A middle-aged, overweight gay man, he became a vampire shortly after his marriage with his wife fell apart and he became dire for male attention. He believed becoming a vampire would spark the interest of gay males in him, but seems to spend most of his days at home watching television. He is under the illusion Lafayette is genuinely attracted to him, while Lafayette pretends to want Eddie to collect his blood. Jason and his V-addicted girlfriend Amy abduct him so as to use him as a V reservoir, but as Jason tries to free Eddie, he is staked by Amy. Eddie briefly reappears in the second season, as Jason has a nightmare involving his mixed feelings about vampires. In season four, Lafayette goes to a witch's coven, and their leader, Marnie, contacts Eddie from the dead who then tells Marnie that he has a rose to give to Lafayette. Stunned, Lafayette abruptly leaves.

Additional characters


Supporting vampire characters


In order of first appearances

Name Portrayed by Premiere episode Appearing seasons
Liam, Malcolm & Diane Graham Shiels, Andrew Rothenberg & Aunjanue Ellis 1.01: Strange Love (Liam); 1.02: The First Taste (Malcolm and Diane) 1
Liam, Malcolm, and Diane are vampire acquaintances of Bill Compton who live together in a "nest" (a small coterie of vampires; living together in this way often makes the members more brutal and callous about human life) and come to live Bon Temps during the first season. They all despise mainstreaming and have no regard for human life. Malcolm is the oldest of the three; indeed, he is older than Bill, and assumes a leadership role in the nest. He likes to party and has a human lover named Jerry. Sookie discovers, telepathically, that Jerry has hepatitis D and is trying to infect the nest. Liam pays Maudette Pickens a large sum of money to have sex with her and is videotaped in the act. Diane slept with Bill shortly after she was turned in the 1930s and has been trying to seduce him ever since. All three vampires are killed in a fire set by Royce Williams and his associates, Chuck and Wayne. Sookie initially thinks Bill was caught in the fire as well.
Longshadow Raoul Trujillo 1.04: Escape from Dragon House 1
Longshadow is the bartender at Fangtasia. In season one, Sookie discovers that he's been stealing money from the bar when she reads the mind of a waitress working there named Ginger. Longshadow glamors Ginger when she discovers what he's been doing. Bill stakes Longshadow to save Sookie's life when he attacks her for revealing his treachery, and this murder means that Bill now must be punished by the local vampires.
Chow Lin Patrick Gallagher 1.09: Plaisir d'Amour 1, 2
Chow is the bartender at the Shreveport Vampire Bar, Fangtasia. Chow is introduced in the series as the new bartender after Longshadow is staked by Bill. When they first meet in season one, Bill admits that he prefers Longshadow after Chow boasts of having a lower par in a golf video game for Wii.
The Magister Željko Ivanek 1.10: I Don't Wanna Know 1, 3, 7
The Magister was a vampire judge who presided over all the vampires of North America. He was from the Iberian peninsula and was turned during the late ninth century. He was feared because of his political power and advanced age. During the first season, he tried and sentenced Bill for murdering Longshadow, a fellow vampire. As punishment for the crime, he forced Bill to sire Jessica in order to replace the vampire he had killed during a time when their numbers are so important. In season three, he tasked Sophie-Anne and Eric with finding out who was selling vampire blood and their source. Although he was suspicious that they were the actual culprits he nonetheless took their innocence at face value. In episode 7, he was forced by King Russell to officiate the marriage between him and Queen Sophie-Anne. After the deed was done, Russell used The Magister's cane to decapitate him.
Godric Allan Hyde 2.05: Never Let Me Go 2, 3, 4, 5
Godric was the vampire sheriff of Area 9, a designation for an area that includes Dallas, Texas. He is 2,100 years old and was turned vampire as a teenager, and like all vampires has not apparently aged since being turned. He is also covered in tattoos. He is depicted as being friendly toward humans, interested in their well-being, and supportive of a peaceful co-existence between vampires and human beings. Eric Northman claims "there are none above him in the New World", referring (erroneously[8]) to the physical power he has accumulated as one of the oldest vampires in the Americas. He and Eric investigated Nazi Germany's use of werewolves in World War II.

When he goes missing, Eric sends Sookie Stackhouse and Hugo to the Dallas area to look for him. It is discovered that he is being held prisoner by the Fellowship of the Sun for a ritual execution. While infiltrating the Fellowship, Sookie is captured and attacked by one of their members, Gabe. As Gabe is attempting to rape Sookie, Godric appears and rescues her by breaking Gabe's neck. Conflict at the Fellowship comes to a head with a standoff between the Fellowship members and a vampire force led by Stan (one of Godric's lieutenants). Godric is able to defuse the incident without bloodshed. However, the Fellowship retaliates by sending a suicide bomber to his home, destroying three vampires and killing two human companions.

When asked how a vampire as powerful as he is could have been captured by humans, Godric reveals that he was taken into their custody willingly, believing that allowing himself to be killed by anti-vampire fanatics will bring about some sort of reconciliation, and atonement for his many crimes against humans during his long life. He takes the blame for what Nan Flanagan describes as a "PR disaster", as well as for the deaths from the bombing. He resigns as sheriff at her recommendation. After such a long life, Godric finds himself weary of his existence and saddened that humans and vampires refuse to work together and coexist, so decides he has been alive long enough. As his maker, Godric is greatly loved and revered by Eric, who begs him not to kill himself—to no avail. He "meets the sun" at dawn on the roof of the Hotel Carmilla, surprised and inspired by the fact that a "human", Sookie Stackhouse, would accompany him and shed tears at his end.

In the season three finale, Godric's spirit apparently appears to Eric and tries to get him to embrace peace and forgiveness during his battle with Russell. He expresses his sadness at Eric's actions when he and Bill bury Russell alive, rather than allow Russell the peace that true death would bring.

In Season 5, Godric's spirit again appears to his progeny Eric Northman, as Eric is feeding on humans under the influence of Lilith's blood. His last appearance is to his two progeny, Eric Northman and Norah Gainsborough, as Norah attempts to convert Eric to the religion of Lilith by forcing him to drink her blood. Instead of the expected Lilith appearing, Godric's spirit appears and attempts to reconcile Norah to his peaceful ways. Lilith appears in this vision and before a horrified Eric and Norah, rips Godric to shreds, thus ending his spirit visitations.

Born in Gaul in the first century BC, Godric was captured during one of Julius Caesar's invasions and sent to Rome where he was sold as a slave. His Roman master turned out to be a vampire, and after years of using and abusing him (also giving Godric the brand on his shoulder), the vampire turned Godric at the age of 16. Godric stayed with his master/maker until he learned all the tricks of being a vampire, then killed him (how he did it isn't known). Killing his maker got him in trouble with the ancient vampire community so he fled, living alone and feral. His life in Rome had given Godric a fascination for war and death, and he'd often watch or join in battles and raids for fun. It was on the coast of Britain that Godric first saw Eric Northman in a raid, and being impressed by him, Godric turned him.

Isabel Beaumont Valerie Cruz 2.05: Never Let Me Go 2
Isabel is a lieutenant of Godric's introduced during the second season. She and Stan bicker constantly throughout the investigation in Dallas, much to Eric's frustration. At one point, Stan mentions that she has been working for Godric for forty years. She has a human boyfriend, Hugo, who accompanies Sookie when she infiltrates the Fellowship of the Sun, but is revealed to be a traitor to the vampires. In a conversation with Eric, she describes her interest in Hugo as being like "a science experiment", however even after the discovery of Hugo's treachery she admits to still loving him (prompting Godric to reduce his punishment from execution to banishment). During a meeting with Nan Flanagan that results in Godric's resignation, he recommends that Isabel take his position as the sheriff of Area Nine. Whether or not she becomes Godric's replacement after his suicide is unclear. Her appearance in "I Will Rise Up" suggests that she does not follow Hugo into exile.[9] Sookie phones her while she is looking for Bill, suggesting that she is still in Dallas.
Stan Baker Ed Quinn 2.05: Never Let Me Go 2
Stan Baker is Godric's lieutenant in Texas. He is opposed to vampires "coming out of the coffin", and wants to kill the members of the Fellowship of the Sun. Despite his high position under Godric's rule of Area 9, his brash, unrepentant attitude and his view of humans as nothing more than food made him untrustworthy in the eyes of most other vampires. His age is unknown but it's implied that he was turned during the 19th century. According to Isabel, he was killed by Luke's suicide bombing Godric's nest.
Sophie-Anne Leclerq Evan Rachel Wood 2.11: Frenzy 2, 3, 4
Sophie-Anne Leclerq was the Vampire Queen of Louisiana, a 500-year-old vampire. She commands Eric to make Lafayette sell V to keep her fortune from running out, despite vampire taboos against humans drinking their blood, and against the V trade in general. Her human lover, Hadley, is Sookie's cousin. She is seen as very cold and unforgiving and also having the personality of a spoiled child, (possibly from being transformed at a young age). But she is very powerful and full of useful information about supernatural creatures. Sophie-Anne is forced into a marriage of convenience with Russell Edgington who wishes to possess her territory. Hadley informs Sophie-Anne of Sookie's ability at some point before the series, and she subsequently sent Bill Compton to Bon Temps to seduce her and procure her for Sophie-Anne. In doing this, Bill allowed the Rattrays to beat Sookie within an inch of her life so Bill can feed her his blood. When Sookie angrily throws Bill out after discovering this, he blames Sophie-Anne. He lures the Queen to his home and tells her only one of them will leave alive. The pair fight briefly, only for Bill to reveal armed forces who were hiding inside the house the entire time. After calling him a traitor, Sophie-Anne is violently gunned down and killed with wooden bullets by the armed forces who are revealed to be Nan Flanagan's. Flanagan thanks Bill for his cooperation, and it is shown that Sophie-Anne's death w a part of a deal made between Nan and Bill, whom she makes the Vampire King of Louisiana.
Talbot Theo Alexander 3.02: Beautifully Broken 3
Talbot is Russell Edgington's husband, turned by him some 700 years ago in his native Greece. He is seen to be very sensitive, taking interruptions to his carefully planned dinners and damage to his mansion very personally. During the episodes, we can hear Talbot speaking Greek. Talbot has a liking for Eric Northman and seems to be totally uninterested in Russell's political plans. Eventually, his anger over Russell's antics reaches a boiling point and he breaks several of the artifacts Russell has collected over the centuries. Eric agrees to spend time with him while Russell is out of town to calm him down. However, once they are alone Eric seduces him and stakes Talbot from behind, killing him. Russell, unhinged by Talbot's death, had his remains placed in a glass jar which he took with him wherever he went. In the season 3 finale, Sookie takes Talbot's remains and pours them down the sink, torturing Russell by turning on the garbage disposal as she does.
Franklin Mott James Frain 3.02: Beautifully Broken 3
Franklin Mott was a British vampire who worked for Russell Edgington as an investigator. He was first seen entering Merlotte's and having a one-night stand with Tara. He then revealed his true colours when he blackmailed Jessica into telling him all she knew about Bill. He then bit and tied up Tara and took her to Russell's mansion. He was emotionally unstable and wanted Tara to become his vampire bride. In order for Tara to escape and find Sookie, she mercilessly bludgeoned him using a medieval morning star. Despite his injuries, which included a crushed skull, he survived. In the episode "Everything is Broken", Franklin found Tara in the parking lot of Merlotte's. While he was choking her, Jason shot him in the heart with a wooden bullet, granting him the true death at last.

Additional characters, introduced in season 1


In order of first appearances

Additional characters, introduced in season 2


In order of first appearances

Name Portrayed by Premiere episode Appearing seasons
Luke McDonald Wes Brown 2.02: Keep This Party Going 2
Luke McDonald is a member of the Fellowship of the Sun depicted as a friend, enemy, and rival of Jason Stackhouse at different points in the second season. Growing up in Odessa, Texas, he signs up to join a training camp for the Fellowship of the Sun (an anti-vampire church) when a knee injury prevents him from joining the military or maintaining a college football scholarship. On the bus ride there, he bonds with Jason Stackhouse, though he later becomes jealous of the amount of attention Jason receives. At camp, Luke tells Jason that the only reason that Sarah likes him is because she wants to sleep with him, making his resentment clear to everyone. Luke is eventually selected to join the Soldiers of the Sun, though his initial performance is poor due to his attempts at out-pacing Jason. Though a bitter animosity grows between the two characters, they make amends when Jason helps Luke climb over a fence he is too exhausted to scale.

After the confrontation between Stan's vampires and the Fellowship, it initially appears that Luke has left his position with the Soldiers of the Sun. Later, at Godric's gathering, he arrives with a silver bomb strapped to his chest. After detonating the bomb, he's killed in the explosion along with (according to Isabel) three vampires and two human companions. The character was part of various interactive internet campaigns related to the show; including a fictional blog and YouTube channel.

Barry Horowitz Chris Coy 2.04: Shake and Fingerpop 2, 4
Barry Horowitz is a bellboy at the Dallas vampire hotel, the Hotel Carmilla, in the second season. Sookie discovers that he is also a telepath. He is terrified of anyone learning that he is a telepath and refuses to communicate with her. Nevertheless, when Sookie calls for his help telepathically when the Fellowship of the Sun captures her, he does help her. Lorena briefly feeds from Barry, stopping when she realizes that his blood tastes different from other humans. This distracts Lorena long enough for Bill to attack her and knock her unconscious with a plasma television. Bill then helps Barry escape. Barry briefly appears in Episode 1 of Season 4 in Fae, the magical world of the fairies, with his faerie godfather, eating a magical glowing fruit.
Gabe Greg Collins 2.05: Never Let Me Go 2
Gabe is a mercenary who helps train and lead the Soldiers of the Sun, Rev. Steve Newlin's secret, paramilitary unit of the Fellowship of the Sun. Appearing in the second season of True Blood, he is characterized by the typical abhorrence of vampires common among Fellowship members. After Hugo informs Rev. Newlin that he and Sookie Stackhouse are being sent to infiltrate the Fellowship, Gabe helps Rev. Newlin kidnap and imprison the two of them in the church basement, where they are also keeping vampires and a vampire-fighting arsenal. Once Rev. Newlin learns that Jason (a Fellowship member at the time) and Sookie are siblings, he and Gabe apprehend Jason. Gabe is left to execute Jason for his betrayal, but Jason overpowers him and escapes. Enraged, Gabe returns to the church, and tries to rape Sookie. Before he succeeds, Godric appears and breaks his neck.
Hadley Hale Lindsey Haun 2.11: Frenzy 2, 3, 5
Hadley Hale is the cousin of Sookie and Jason Stackhouse and one of Queen Sophie-Anne's human lovers. Hadley is first mentioned during "Cold Ground" in season one when the residents of Bon Temps are visiting Sookie's home to offer their condolences for the recently murdered Adele "Gran" Stackhouse. Tara Thornton asks Sookie whether she should contact Hadley, and Sookie responds that after leaving a rehabilitation clinic that Gran paid for, no one has heard from Hadley or knows where she is. She makes her debut in the series during the second-season episode "Frenzy", when Bill Compton visits Sophie-Anne, the vampire queen of Louisiana. Hadley is a member of Sophie-Anne's retinue of human companions and is often in her mistress' company. When Sophie-Anne leaves Bill momentarily, Hadley asks him how Sookie and Gran are doing. Though she is still interested in her past amongst human beings, she's aware that there is no way she can return from the vampire world she is now a part of. In the third season Sophie-Anne is shown to be very concerned for Hadley's safety when King Russell Edgington and Eric Northman break into her house. The Queen worriedly yells Hadley's name and asks to be reunited with her in her imprisonment, thus revealing that Hadley is the human lover and companion of Sophie-Anne. She was the one who revealed Sookie's gift to Sophie-Anne, sparking the queen's interest in her. Eric later uses Hadley to get information about Sookie from Sophie-Anne. After Sophie-Anne stays silent, a scared and injured Hadley tells Eric what he wants to know and by doing so, saves her own life. Eric uses her again when he catches her leaving Sophie-Anne's bedroom and orders her to deliver a message to Sookie. In episode 9 of season three, it’s revealed that Hadley has a young son (about 8 years old) named Hunter. Hunter, like his mother's cousin Sookie, is telepathic.

Additional characters, introduced in season 3


In order of first appearances

Name Portrayed by Premiere episode Appearing seasons
Yvetta Natasha Alam 3.01: Bad Blood 3
Yvetta is the new exotic dancer of Fangtasia in season three. Initially enjoying the attention of Eric, as much as she eventually gets to think he actually cares for her, she is eventually hit with the realization that she is of no interest at all to him. In retaliation for his callous attitude, she saves Sookie from captivity, and cleans out the bar's safe. Though thought of as an uneducated immigrant by Pam, Yvetta reveals that in her native country, Estonia, she was a cardiologist.
Cooter (Coot) Grant Bowler 3.01: Bad Blood 3
Cooter is the leader of his werewolf pack that was responsible for kidnapping Bill Compton at Russell Edgington's request. He is engaged to Debbie, Alcide's ex-girlfriend. He is seen as immature, wild, and crazy. In episode 7, he is shot twice by Alcide, and dies.
Gus Don Swayze 3.01: Bad Blood 3
Gus is a werewolf member of Coot's pack until killed by Jessica whilst leading an attack on her and Bill, on orders from Russell.
Melinda Mickens J. Smith-Cameron 3.02: Beautifully Broken 3, 4
Melinda Mickens is Sam's biological mother, who gave him up for adoption. She is also the mother of Tommy and the wife of Joe Lee. She is seen as a poor mother, who tries to use Sam to get things from him. She is a shifter, like her sons. It is revealed that she is scared to leave Joe Lee, since it is him that had previously pushed her into dogfighting for money and now she expects Tommy to do the same because she is too old. She apparently dies at Tommy's hand while trying to come between Tommy and Joe Lee as they fight.
Joe Lee Mickens Cooper Huckabee 3.02: Beautifully Broken 3, 4
Joe Lee Mickens is Sam's biological father, who was serving time in jail when Sam was born. He is also the father of Tommy and husband to Melinda. He tries to use Sam for money while pretending to be a caring father. He tries to hide from Sam the fact that he forces Tommy in to dogfights in order to make money. He dies at Tommy's hand after Joe Lee tries to recapture Tommy and make him fight again in the 4th season.
Calvin Norris Gregory Sporleder 3.02: Beautifully Broken 3
Calvin Norris is the head of the inbred Norris clan, managing the family's drug business. He strongly opposes the budding relationship between his daughter, Crystal, and Jason Stackhouse, demanding that Crystal marry her brother/cousin Felton. He is shot dead by Felton, moments before the DEA attacks their home.
Debbie Pelt Brit Morgan 3.04: 9 Crimes 3, 4
Debbie Pelt is a werewolf and Alcide's ex-girlfriend. After breaking up with Alcide, she becomes engaged to Coot. While Sookie becomes convinced it is possible to reunite Alcide and Debbie, Debbie becomes a member of Coot's pack in a bizarre initiation ceremony. At this ceremony, Sookie and Alcide discover Russell Edgington, a vampire who employs werewolves to carry out missions for him, supplies this pack with V. Later on, in episode 6, Debbie and Coot feed on Bill Compton's blood after Bill is tortured by Lorena. After Sookie, Tara and Alcide free Bill in episode 7, Debbie reappears and threatens to kill Sookie, but is stopped by Tara. When Coot enters the scene, Alcide fatally shoots him, causing Debbie to vow vengeance upon Alcide.

After burning down a hair salon operated by Alcide's sister, Debbie leads a werewolf attack on Sookie's house at Russell's orders. While Bill and Jessica fight off the werewolves, Debbie personally confronts Sookie and the two become entangled in a brutal fight. After Sookie scars Debbie with a pair of scissors, she forces Debbie out of her house with a shotgun. In season 4 she has rekindled her relationship with Alcide and living with him, sober and reformed. However, their renewed relationship hits a few bumps as Debbie has different desires from Alcide and also suspects him of having feelings for Sookie. She almost leaves Alcide for her new pack master Marcus, but Alcide arrives and kills him before breaking up with Debbie. In the last episode of season 4 Debbie, having been abjured by Alcide, turns up in Sookie's house with a shotgun and attempts to shoot Sookie. She shoots Tara in the side of the head after Tara pushed Sookie out of the way, and in retaliation Sookie kills Debbie while Debbie begs for her life on the floor.

Felton Norris James Harvey Ward 3.04: 9 Crimes 3, 4
Felton Norris is Crystal's brutal brother/cousin/fiancé and a frontman in the Norris family drug business. He is violent and frequently beats Crystal when she strays from him. Just before the DEA raid the town Felton reveals he is addicted to V. In the season three finale, he forces Crystal to leave town with him, after shooting their father. He is seen again in Episode 2 of Season 4 when it is revealed he and Crystal have kidnapped Jason in order to turn him into a were-panther. He is ambushed and killed by Jason while trying to recapture Jason after Jason escapes the bed that the Hotshot were-panthers tied him to in an effort to add new bloodlines to the in-bred Hotshot community.
Summer Melissa Rauch 3.05: Troubles 3
Summer is the sweet girl next door who has had a crush on Hoyt for a long time. After his breakup with Jessica, she, with help from Maxine, becomes his new girlfriend. She is shown to be opposed to vampires, hence attaining Maxine's approval. Eventually she has her heart crushed when Hoyt returns to Jessica. She has a very upbeat talkative personality, loving dolls and show tunes and talks constantly. Hoyt finds it hard to stand her but admits that it is better than being alone. It is something of a visual gag that Summer at 5'0" is nearly a foot and half shorter than the 6'5" Hoyt.
Don Bartolo Del Zamora 3.10: I Smell a Rat 3, 4, 5
Don Bartolo is the grandfather to Jesus, and a brujo or shaman, who lives in Mexico. Don Bartolo attempted to teach Jesus the ways of being a brujo, but Jesus' mother would not allow it, and Jesus was never allowed to see his grandfather again. Don Bartolo is first shown in a flashback when Jesus was a young boy. Seen later in current times, he is older, grayer, yet still a mysterious force to be dealt with.
Claudine Crane Lara Pulver 3.7: Hitting the Ground 3, 4, 5
Claudine Crane was a faerie first introduced in "Hitting the Ground". She had stated that she, and others like her, had protected and, on occasion, saved Sookie from danger.

Her first appearances were in a dream realm Sookie, while being comatose after getting drained, and Bill, after ingesting faerie blood, visit.

She later appears when she gets Sookie to Faerie, a realm inhabited by faeries and part-faeries, which Sookie escapes from, after learning the faeries' true intentions with her and other part-faeries.

Claudine is drained and killed by the amnesiac Eric after she comes back to the human realm to get Sookie back to Faerie.

Additional characters, introduced in season 4


In order of first appearances

Name Portrayed by Premiere episode Appearing seasons
Portia Bellefleur Courtney Ford 4.1: She's Not There 4
Portia Bellefleur is Andy Bellefleur's cousin and a successful attorney. She has business dealings with Bill Compton, which develop into a sexual relationship. Bill breaks the relationship off when he discovers that Portia is one of his descendants, which he considers incestuous. Portia was far more reluctant to end the relationship, so Bill glamours her into being afraid of him.
Antonia Gavilán Paola Turbay 4.11: Soul of Fire 4
Antonia Gavilán de Logroño was the main antagonist of Season 4, with Marnie. She was a powerful witch who originally lived in the city of Logroño in northern Spain during the late sixteenth century. She became a necromancer to save her village from fever; she served as a midwife as well as a healer. Later, Antonia was fed upon by vampires hiding out as priests within the local Roman Catholic church, raped by the vampire Luis (now one of Bill's sheriffs in Louisiana) at his maker's behest, and in 1610, at the height of the Spanish Inquisition, burned to death at the stake. As she was dying, she and her fellow witches cast a spell that brought all vampires within twenty miles of Logroño out of the ground and into the sun, destroying them.

Antonia repeats this act in Bon Temps four centuries later, after inhabiting Marnie's body inside Bill's compound. She eventually becomes disheartened over the collateral damage done in her war against the vampires, however, and leaves Marnie's body. But Marnie convinces Antonia to re-bond with her, for she wants to continue the war with Antonia as her source of power. After Marnie kills a member of their coven, Antonia sees that Marnie has become evil and leaves her body; but Marnie puts a binding spell on her and draws her back in. Antonia is finally freed from Marnie by Jesus, and all the spells she has performed have been broken.

In the last episode of season 4, Antonia returns to Marnie to ease her passage to the afterlife and to comfort and forgive her.

After Antonia reformed as main antagonist, Marnie took on the role.

Marcus Bozeman Dan Buran 4.5: Me and the Devil 4, 5
Marcus Bozeman is the werewolf pack leader of Shreveport. He shows up at Alcide's house urging him to join his pack now that he's moved to Shreveport, but Alcide refuses. Marcus then visits Debbie to get her to convince Alcide to join, which he eventually does. Marcus sees potential in Alcide to rise up the ranks in the pack and urges the pack to stay out of the war between vampires and witches. Marcus is then revealed to be Luna's ex and warns Sam to stay away from her. Marcus then goes to Merlotte's to find Sam only to find Tommy and tells Tommy to tell Sam to meet him at his bike repair shop. At his shop, Marcus tells Sam to stay away from Luna. Sam claims that he never touched her but that his brother did, prompting Marcus and his wolves to beat him up. He is shocked to see that Sam changed into Tommy. When Tommy dies, Sam vows vengeance against Marcus. Marcus then visits Debbie when he questions Alcide's allegiance. When Debbie questions it, too, along with a lack of desire to have children, Marcus offers to help her with that. Marcus is killed by Alcide during a confrontation at Alcide and Debbie's house.
Naomi Vedette Lim 4.1: She's Not There 4
Naomi is Tara's girlfriend from New Orleans. She met Toni, the name Tara was using, cage-fighting. After receiving mail addressed to Tara Thornton, she travels to Bon Temps to confront Toni/Tara. After making up with Tara, Pam tries to kill them out of anger, and Tara tells her that she will not have her blood on her hands and tells her to leave.
Mavis Nondumiso Tembe 4.6:I Wish I Was the Moon 4
Mavis was an African-American, Creole woman during the early 20th century. In flashbacks the story of her death is told: she was having an affair with a married white man. After she had his child, he killed the baby. When she found out, she grieved and then tried to attack him, but he then killed her.

Bent on seeing her baby one last time, she doesn't find rest and wanders as a spirit, showing herself to Mikey Bellefleur and Lafayette. After possessing Lafayette, the matter is resolved, and with the help of Jesus, she leaves in peace with the spirit of her baby.

Additional characters, introduced in season 5


In order of first appearances

Name Portrayed by Premiere episode Appearing seasons
Martha Bozeman Dale Dickey 5.1 Turn! Turn! Turn! 5
Martha Bozeman is the mother of the pack master Marcus, who was killed by Alcide at the end of season 4. As Emma's grandmother, she claims to simply want to be a part of Luna's daughter's life, believing Emma to be a werewolf rather than a shifter.
Rosalyn Harris Carolyn Hennesy 5.2 Authority Always Wins 5
Rosalyn Harris is a chancellor of the Authority. She was present at Russell Edgington's execution where she witnessed his escape, and the brutal demise of Guardian Roman Zimojic. She's faithful to the Authority's path to mainstreaming, but after witnessing Dieter's demise at the hands of Russell for speaking against the Sanguinistas, she, Bill and Eric join them to protect themselves. After drinking the blood of Lilith, she becomes a full believer of Lilith, and takes it very seriously. In the season 5 finale, Sam shape shifts into a fly and enters her mouth, and shifts back into a human, blowing her up.
Kibwe Akinjide Peter Mensah 5.2 Authority Always Wins 5
Kibwe Akinjide is a chancellor of the Authority and appears to be in charge of the Authority's bodyguards. After arriving to retrieve Russell Edgington, Kibwe brutally murders all of the humans Russell had yet to feed, including Alcide's co-worker Doug. He is present at the execution of Russell Edgington and witnesses Russell's escape and staking of Guardian Roman Zimojic. He reveals himself to be a true Sanguinista after Roman's death. When Bill slips into a religious fervor after having visions of Lilith, Bill secretly decapitates Kibwe when he finds out she has appeared to him as well.
Dieter Braun Christopher Heyerdahl 5.2 Authority Always Wins 5
Dieter Braun is a chancellor of the Authority and appears to be in charge of the Authority's security camera system and UV lights in the cell blocks. As he watches Nora in her cell praying to Lilith, he proclaims out loud that the Vampire Bible is nothing but a book, for he knew the guy who wrote it, and he was high when he did. It is unknown if he was gloating or telling the truth. His true alliance remains with the Authority. He is present at Russell Edgington's execution, where he witnesses Russell's escape and Roman's brutal demise. Afterwards, when the chancellors chose to follow the path of Sanguinistas, he screams blasphemy and Russell rips his head off.
Alexander Drew Jacob Hopkins 5.2 Authority Always Wins 5
Alexander Drew is a chancellor of the Authority. Alexander Drew was turned vampire when he was just a child and has remained that for years. He helped Roman Zimojic when he began to mainstream with other humans. Their close relationship came to an end when Nora Gainsborough revealed her true alliance with the Sanguinista, and ratted out Chancellor Drew as well. The Authority find a video on his laptop of him feeding off a human woman, claiming that she's nothing but food. The video was sent by him to known enemies of the Authority with the encrypted message "In secrecy and solidarity". Chancellor Drew is staked by Roman in front of everyone as he tries to explain himself.
Molly Tina Majorino 5.3 Whatever I Am, You Made Me 5
Molly is an employee of the Authority and the inventor of the iStake, a device that is strapped directly over the heart of its potential victim and delivers a lethal projectile when remotely triggered or tampered with. She was turned in her 20s. When Bill and Eric are tasked with locating Russell Edgington, she outfits them with iStakes that are to be triggered if they fail. She is unsympathetic to the Sanguinistas who have taken over the Authority and is sentenced to the True Death after a futile attempt to escape with Eric and Nora. She denounces the Sanguinistas before being executed with her invention.

See also



  1. ^ TVIV.com—True Blood characters
  2. ^ a b Hiltbrand, David. "Actor brings extended life to 'True Blood' character". The Philadelphia Inquirer. Retrieved August 20, 2010.
  3. ^ Rhett, Starrene (28 June 2010). "Nelsan Ellis (Lafayette) Talks 'True Blood,' Gay Marriage, Tyler Perry". Vibe Magazine. Retrieved 2010-08-20.
  4. ^ But as we later learn from Niall in True Blood season 7, episode 1, Warlow was pure fae, not a human, when turned. He is the only known fae–vampire.
  5. ^ True Blood season 6, episode 6; scene begins about Prime Video counter 19:15.
  6. ^ True Blood season 5, episode 10; the scene begins at Prime Video counter 44:55.
  7. ^ Her first, and thus the oldest sired vampire, per flashback dated by caption as 3496 BC in True Blood season 6, episode 5 (near the end).
  8. ^ Aemac (March 22, 2010). "Denis O'Hare: Russell's Older Than Godric". Archived from the original on August 22, 2010. Retrieved August 10, 2010.
  9. ^ "True Blood Episode 2.09: I Will Rise Up—Synopsis". HBO. Retrieved April 26, 2010.