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User:Magnus Manske/HighlightEditSections.js

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
addOnloadHook ( extendededitlinks ) ;

function extendededitlinks_get_event_target ( e ) {
  var targ ;
  if (!e) var e = window.event;
  if (e.target) targ = e.target;
  else if (e.srcElement) targ = e.srcElement;
  if (targ.nodeType == 3) targ = targ.parentNode; // defeat Safari bug
  while ( targ.nodeType != 1 || targ.className != "editsection" ) targ = targ.parentNode ;
  return targ ;

function extendededitlinks_is_relevant_heading ( current , compare ) {
  if ( current.nodeType != 1 ) return false ;
  if ( current.tagName.length != 2 ) return false ;
  if ( current.tagName.substr ( 0 , 1 ) != "H" ) return false ;
  if ( current.tagName> compare.tagName) return false ;
  return true ;

function extendededitlinks_onmouseover ( e ) {
  var target = extendededitlinks_get_event_target ( e ) ;

  var h2 = target ;
  while ( h2.nodeType != 1 || h2.tagName.substr(0,1) != "H" ) h2 = h2.parentNode;

  var newdiv = document.createElement ( "div" ) ;
  newdiv.style.backgroundColor = "#DDDDDD" ;
//  newdiv.style.border = "1px solid black" ;
//  newdiv.style.padding = "2px" ;

  h2.parentNode.insertBefore ( newdiv , h2 ) ;
  newdiv = h2.previousSibling ; // Unneccessary?

  var x = h2 ;
  do {
    var y = x ;
    x = x.nextSibling ;
    newdiv.appendChild ( y ) ;
  } while ( x && !extendededitlinks_is_relevant_heading ( x , h2 ) ) ;


function extendededitlinks_onmouseout ( e ) {
  var target = extendededitlinks_get_event_target ( e ) ;

  var h2 = target ;
  while ( h2.nodeType != 1 || h2.tagName.substr(0,1) != "H" ) h2 = h2.parentNode;

  var newdiv = h2 ;
  while ( newdiv.nodeType != 1 || newdiv.tagName != "DIV" ) newdiv = newdiv.parentNode;

  for ( var y = newdiv.firstChild ; y ; y = z ) {
    z = y.nextSibling ;
    newdiv.parentNode.insertBefore ( y , newdiv ) ;
  newdiv.parentNode.removeChild ( newdiv ) ;

function extendededitlinks () {
  var spans = document.getElementsByTagName( "span" );
  for ( var i = 0 ; i < spans.length ; i++ ) {
    if ( spans[i].className != "editsection" ) continue ;
    var a = spans[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[0] ;
    a.onmouseover = extendededitlinks_onmouseover ;
    a.onmouseout = extendededitlinks_onmouseout ;