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Draft:Bravyi-Kitaev transformation

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Bravyi-Kitaev Transformation


The Bravyi-Kitaev (BK) transformation[1][2] is a powerful tool in quantum computing, specifically designed for efficiently simulating fermionic systems on a quantum computer. It offers a significant advantage over other fermion-to-qubit mappings like the Jordan-Wigner transformation by reducing the complexity of simulating fermionic interactions. While the Jordan-Wigner transformation requires strings of Pauli operators to represent fermionic interactions, leading to gate complexity scaling linearly with the system size, the BK transformation achieves a logarithmic scaling. This improvement makes the BK transformation a preferred choice for simulating larger fermionic systems.

Intuitive Picture: Grouping and Parity


At its core, the BK transformation leverages a clever grouping of fermionic modes and tracks the parity of fermionic occupation within these groups. Imagine arranging your fermionic modes (e.g., lattice sites in a condensed matter system) in a binary tree structure. Each node in this tree represents a group of fermionic modes.

The BK transformation introduces a set of qubit operators, each associated with a specific node in the tree. These qubit operators, instead of representing the occupancy of individual fermionic modes like in Jordan-Wigner, encode the parity of the fermionic occupation within the subtree rooted at that node. In other words, the qubit stores a 0 if there's an even number of occupied fermionic modes within its subtree and a 1 if there's an odd number.

How it Reduces Complexity


This hierarchical parity encoding is the key to the BK transformation's efficiency. When a fermionic creation or annihilation operator acts on a specific mode, it only affects the parity of the groups along the path from that mode's leaf node up to the root of the tree. Since the height of a balanced binary tree is logarithmic in the number of leaves (fermionic modes), updating the relevant qubits after a fermionic operation only requires a logarithmic number of Pauli operator applications. This contrasts sharply with the Jordan-Wigner transformation, where an operation on one fermionic mode can potentially flip the state of all qubits representing subsequent modes.

Formal Definition (brief overview)


While a full formal description requires a more detailed mathematical treatment involving binary trees and parity sets, the core idea can be summarized as follows:

The BK transformation maps a fermionic creation operator to a product of Pauli operators acting on the qubits associated with the nodes along the path from leaf to the root. This product typically involves both (bit-flip) and (phase-flip) operators, carefully chosen to update the parity information stored in the qubits. The specific form of this mapping depends on the chosen convention for labeling the nodes and ordering the operators.

Advantages and Disadvantages



  • Logarithmic scaling: Significantly reduces the gate complexity for simulating fermionic interactions compared to the Jordan-Wigner transformation.
  • Suitable for various architectures: Adaptable to different qubit connectivity layouts.


  • More complex mapping: The transformation itself is more intricate than Jordan-Wigner, requiring more sophisticated classical preprocessing.
  • Non-local: While the operator locality is improved, it's still not perfectly local, meaning operations on nearby fermions can affect distant qubits.



The Bravyi-Kitaev transformation has found wide applications in quantum chemistry, materials science, and condensed matter physics, enabling the simulation of larger and more complex fermionic systems on quantum computers. It continues to be an active area of research, with ongoing efforts to further optimize and generalize the transformation for different applications and quantum computing architectures.


  1. ^ Bravyi (1 Apr 2000). "Fermionic quantum computation".{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  2. ^ Bravyi. "Fermionic quantum computation". Arxiv.