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Other namesSinai Respiratory Distress Syndrome (SRDS-22), Chimera
A culture of SRDS bacterium on a yellow petri dish 2 weeks after exposure to the pathogen
SpecialtyInfectious disease
SymptomsFever, sore throat, muscular pain, headaches, respiratory distress, hemoptysis, necrosis
ComplicationsAcute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
Usual onsetFive hours to three days post exposure
CausesSRDS bacterium spread by droplets, fomites, and aerosol
Risk factorsAge, underlying health conditions (especially respiratory)
Diagnostic methodSaliva-based testing, or medical prognosis
Differential diagnosisInfluenza, pneumonia, other respiratory viral infections
PreventionCoordinated medical services, and respiratory infection protection (eg. masks)
TreatmentSupportive care
MedicationCurrently in development
Prognosis20–85% mortality
Frequency55,257,829 (+7.98% since Sep 15, 2024)
Deaths17,972,452 (as of Nov 22, 2024 by WHO)

Chimera-X7, medically known as Sinai Respiratory Distress Syndrome (SRDS-22), is a highly contagious, and virulent gram-negative bacterium that emerged in late 2022, causing a devastating global pandemic. First identified in a remote village nestled in the southern Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, Chimera-X7 spread rapidly due to its airborne transmission and the initial absence of distinct clinical symptoms. Chimera-X7 infection can present with a biphasic clinical course. The initial phase often mimics a common flu, potentially delaying diagnosis. Symptoms during this stage may include fever, cough, muscle aches, fatigue, and headache. In the later stages, the disease can progress to severe respiratory distress, with symptoms like shortness of breath, rapid breathing, and chest tightness. A distinctive and alarming symptom of Chimera-X7 infection is necrosis of the throat and chest tissues, which can manifest as sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and chest pain. Chimera-X7 is primarily transmitted through airborne droplets expelled by coughing, sneezing, or talking. Prolonged close contact with infected individuals also carries a risk of transmission. Unlike some other infectious diseases, Chimera-X7 is especially spread through casual contact or contact with contaminated surfaces.

The mortality rate associated with Chimera-X7 is significantly higher than typical bacterial infections, but differs from others due to the accompanying high infectivity. It can range from 20-85% depending on factors like age, underlying health conditions, and access to timely treatment. The presence of throat and chest necrosis can worsen the prognosis. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for improving outcomes. Initial treatment protocols relied on a combination of broad-spectrum antibiotics. As research progressed, newer, more targeted antibiotic therapies emerged and became the mainstay of treatment, but only nulls the symptoms and can’t completely remove the infection. In severe cases with tissue necrosis, additional interventions like surgical debridement (removal of dead tissue) might be necessary. Supportive care plays a vital role in patient recovery. This may include oxygen therapy, respiratory assistance (such as mechanical ventilation in severe cases), and management of secondary infections that can arise during the course of the illness. Pain management becomes particularly important for patients experiencing throat and chest necrosis. The only way a patient can survive the infection is to live out the bacteria’s vice of the body, there is yet to be a definitive cure for the disease but remedies are currently being developed by numerous major health bodies.

The initial delay in identifying the outbreak in the Sinai Peninsula allowed for wider transmission before containment measures were implemented. Public health interventions, including contact tracing, isolation, mask mandates, and social distancing, are crucial in mitigating the spread of the disease. A global scientific effort focused on developing rapid diagnostic tests, effective treatment protocols, and a safe and efficacious vaccine. International collaboration is considered to be essential in facilitating the rapid sharing of knowledge, resources, and potential treatment options.

History and Name


Chimera-X7 first emerged in late 2022, with the initial cluster of cases identified in a remote village nestled in the southern Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. This outbreak marked the beginning of a devastating global pandemic. Chimera-X7's airborne transmission allowed for rapid global spread. The initial delay in identifying the outbreak allowed the infection to gain a foothold before containment measures were implemented. The name "Chimera" draws inspiration from Greek mythology. A chimera was a monstrous creature, a fusion of disparate parts – a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail. The mythical beast symbolized something unlike anything encountered before. It was named by chief public health officer Dante Emmanuel of King's College London School of Medicine. It's medical name is derived from it's region of first detection (Sinai Peninsula), and the distress of the respiratory system.

Since its emergence in late 2022, Chimera-X7 has caused numerous outbreaks around the world. The exact number of cases is still being determined, but estimates suggest the total number of infections globally has surpassed 55 million as of November 22nd, 2024. The disease has also caused significant mortality, with fatalities approaching 18 million. A critical turning point came in late 2023 when the World Health Organization declared a global health emergency due to the rapid spread of Chimera-X7. This triggered a global response effort focused on developing diagnostics, treatment protocols, and a vaccine. Public health measures aimed to control the spread of the disease through contact tracing, isolation, mask mandates, and social distancing. As of November 22nd, 2024, the pandemic continues. The world grapples with the ongoing challenges of containing and eradicating Chimera-X7, while the full impact of this devastating disease continues to unfold. International actions have been implemented to prevent widescale mortality including the enactment of states of emergency, and the closing of borders.

Signs and Symptoms




The length of time between exposure to the virus and the development of symptoms (incubation period) is between 12 and 90 hours, and usually between 1 and 3 days. Recent estimates based on mathematical models predict that around 5% of cases may take longer than 5 days to develop.

Doctors in Nice, France aiding a patient in the latter stages of infection

Chimera-X7 infection follows a two-stage clinical course. The initial phase lasts approximately 24-72 hours. Symptoms usually begin with a sudden influenza-like stage characterized by fever, chills, dry cough, muscle aches, fatigue, headache, sore throat, and bloodshot eyes. The fever is usually higher than 38.3 °C (101 °F). The disease progresses to a second phase characterized by a rapid worsening of respiratory function. This later stage may involve dyspnea (difficulty breathing), shortness of breath even at rest, chest tightness, and tachypnea (rapid breathing). Additional complications associated with Chimera-X7 infection in this phase include necrosis (tissue death) in the throat and chest, mild cataract formation, and hemoptysis (coughing up blood). This phase can usually become apparent four to seven days after symptoms begin, or 12-24 hours after the first phase has been present for over 3 days. By this stage, the patient would require severe medical assistance.

Necrosis and Tissue Damage


Chimera-X7 progresses to cause necrosis, in and around the area at which the pathogen resides. This necrosis primarily targets the throat and chest tissues, significantly compromising a patient's ability to breathe effectively. In the throat, necrosis can obstruct the airway, making inhalation and exhalation difficult. Within the lungs, necrotic tissue impedes the diffusion of oxygen across the alveolar membranes into the bloodstream. This combination of airway obstruction and impaired gas exchange can lead to severe hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) throughout the body. The necrotic process itself further disrupts the delicate architecture of the lungs, hindering their ability to function properly. In severe cases, widespread necrosis can extend beyond the respiratory system, potentially contributing to additional organ dysfunction. The presence and extent of necrosis play a critical role in determining disease severity and prognosis in Chimera-X7 infection.

Recovery or Death


The course of the illness following this second phase can vary. Some patients experience a gradual improvement in respiratory function and make a full recovery. Others may require mechanical ventilation or other intensive supportive care measures. The chance of death significantly decreases after 2 weeks of symptoms, with the chances beginning to decrease at the point medical attention is received. The presence of complications like necrosis (tissue death) in the throat and chest can worsen the prognosis. In a significant amount of cases, Chimera-X7 can cause a patient to succumb to their symptoms in various manners following typically 7-10 days, these include:

Microscopic view of the tissue within the throat dying due to necrosis

Severe Respiratory Failure: The rapid worsening of respiratory function in the second phase can overwhelm the lungs' ability to provide adequate oxygen exchange. This can lead to hypoxia (oxygen deficiency at the tissue level), causing cellular damage and organ failure.

Necrosis of Throat and Chest Tissues: Tissue death in the throat and chest can significantly compromise airflow and gas exchange. Necrosis in the throat can obstruct the airway, making breathing difficult, while necrosis in the lungs can impair the diffusion of oxygen into the bloodstream.

Secondary Bacterial Infections: The compromised respiratory system due to Chimera-X7 infection can be more susceptible to secondary bacterial infections, further complicating the illness and potentially leading to organ failure.

Complications from Cytokine Storm: In severe cases, the body's immune response to Chimera-X7 infection can trigger a cytokine storm, an uncontrolled release of inflammatory chemicals. This can damage healthy tissues throughout the body and lead to multi-organ failure.

Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for improving patient outcomes. Research is ongoing to develop more effective treatment strategies. The survivors don't seem to develop antibodies against Chimera-X7 that last longer than 2 months as a large group of previous patients have been reported to contract the disease numerous times after their initial infection, but it is unclear whether they aren't immune to the disease or a specific strain.


A view of the crisis in Cairo, multiple infected individuals attempted to carry themselves to a First Aid tent. The man in the middle is close to succumbing to his illness.

The infection known as Chimera-X7 comes about due to SRDS bacterium cells, which is yet to be classified against a known section of documented bacteria strains due to the nature of it's unique symptoms and construction, and the urgency around the pandemic surrounding the disease.



Chimera-X7 is mainly transmitted when people breathe in air contaminated by droplets/aerosols and small airborne particles containing the bacterium. Infected people exhale those particles as they breathe, talk, cough, sneeze, or sing. Transmission is more likely the closer people are. However, infection can occur over longer distances, particularly indoors. The transmission of the bacteria is carried out through fluid particles, or droplets, which are created in the respiratory tract, and they are expelled by the mouth and the nose. There are three types of transmission: “droplet” and “contact”, which are associated with large droplets, and “airborne”, which is associated with small droplets. If the droplets are above a certain critical size, they settle faster than they evaporate, and therefore they contaminate surfaces surrounding them. Droplets that are below a certain critical size, evaporate faster than they settle; due to that fact, they form nuclei that remain airborne for a long period of time over extensive distances.

Infectivity can begin 6 to 12 hours before the onset of symptoms. Infected people can spread the disease even if they are pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic. Most commonly, the peak viral load in upper respiratory tract samples occurs close to the time of symptom onset and declines after the second week after symptoms begin. Current evidence suggests the period of infectiousness of up to ten days following symptom onset for people with mild to moderate Chimera-X7, and up to 20 days for persons with severe Chimera-X7, including immunocompromised people. Infectious particles range in size from aerosols that remain suspended in the air for long periods of time to larger droplets that remain airborne briefly or fall to the ground. Additionally, Chimera-X7 research has redefined the traditional understanding of how respiratory disease are transmitted. The largest droplets of respiratory fluid travel relatively far and can be inhaled or land on mucous membranes on the eyes, nose, or mouth to infect. Aerosols are highest in concentration when people are in close proximity, which leads to easier transmission when people are physically close, but airborne transmission can occur at longer distances, mainly in locations that are poorly ventilated; in those conditions small particles remain suspended in the air for hours to days.



Sinai respiratory distress syndrome (SRDS-22) is a novel severe acute respiratory syndrome bacterium. It was first isolated from three people with pneumonia connected to the cluster of acute respiratory illness cases in Dahab. All structural features of the novel SRDS-22 bacterium particle occur completely different from any other bacterium known in nature, particularly in its ability to transmit efficiently while maintaining a high mortality rate.

Outside the human body, the bacterium is yet to be destroyed by any mass-produced household soap which makes it especially infectious in fomites. Hospital disinfectants, alcohols, heat, povidone-iodine, and ultraviolet-C (UV-C) irradiation are being tested for their effective disinfection of the pathogen for surfaces as the bacterium doesn't appear to have a core weakness in it's bacterial structure.

SDRS-22 seems to be a close relative to the bacterium responsible for anthrax (bacillus anthracis). It is thought to have an animal (zoonotic) origin, but it's true origin is still being researched with possibilities lying within nature. Genetic analysis has revealed that Chimera-X7 genetically clusters with no known bacteria groups or genus', only simply sharing traits with other distinct pathogens as the bacteria structure is among the strongest ever discovered. It's closest relative (Anthrax), only shares roughly 0.5% at the whole genome level with the pathogen. The structural proteins of Chimera-X7 include membrane glycoprotein (M), envelope protein (E), nucleocapsid protein (N), and the spike protein (S), which means the bacterium holds a similar structure of a virus, something unlike anything ever seen in nature. For example, the M protein of SRDS-22 is about 3% similar to the M of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), maintains around 0.8% homology with pangolin SARS-CoV, and has 0.2% homology with the M protein of SARS-CoV; whereas, the closest similarity between the SRDS-22 bacterium and anthrax is in the cell wall, which only shares roughly 17% of similarity.

Known Variants of Chimera-X7


As of November 22nd, 2024, the numerous variants of the pathogen are grouped into either clades or lineages. The WHO, in collaboration with partners, expert networks, national authorities, institutions and researchers, have established nomenclature systems for naming and tracking Chimera-X7 genetic lineages by GISAID, Nextstrain and Pango. The expert group convened by the WHO suggested the labeling of variants using the prefix Canto with a Roman numeral designation following this, in reference to Dante's divine comedy touching on the separate circles of hell. A representative for the conglomerate stated how "utilizing the naming from such a grave piece of literature, especially of one that focuses on demonic and hellish nature, may help in further expressing the danger of the pathogen". Many scientific bodies have expressed criticism toward this choice as it seemingly "novelizes the delicate naming system for a scientific concept that will remain etched in history", causing the WHO to release a statement regarding the matter on June 30th, 2024.

Currently, there are 7 significantly known variants of the pathogen that each differ slightly from the originally discovered bacterium. Of these that are spreading among the general population, they include: X7 Canto I (colloquially known as the Cairo Variant), X7 Canto II (Double Eye Variant), X7 Canto IV (Swine Port Variant), X7 Canto V (Versace Variant), and X7 Canto VII (Murry River Variant). X7 Canto III (Nairobi Variant) and X7 Canto VI (Spitfire Variant) are considered to be mostly contained, with many of their cases being replaced by other variants. An alarming emerging variant known as X7 Canto VIII (Duckworth Variant), is currently being investigated in communities surrounding Los Angeles, specifically in the lower-income sectors such as Compton. Out of these, the most deadly is the Swine Port Variant, first detected in the Port of Copenhagen among the crew of a livestock transport brig. The most infectious is the Murry River Variant, reported by the Australian government in Mystic Park, Victoria before it spread across to Southeast Asia and spread globally. The Australian Government not only forced this variant out of their country, but they successfully eradicated the disease from their country before gaining Lockdown Status in late 2024.

Timeline of Pandemic


Act I: The Sinai Outbreak (Late 2022)


The initial outbreak of Chimera-X7 in the Sinai Peninsula was not promptly identified due to limitations in diagnostic capabilities and a lack of robust disease surveillance systems in the region. This critical delay allowed the virus to spread undetected for a significant period. The densely populated nature of the Sinai Peninsula, coupled with close social interactions within the community, facilitated silent person-to-person transmission of Chimera-X7. Individuals infected with the bacterium in the early stages, often lacking specific symptoms themselves, unwittingly transmitted the virus to others. This silent spread was further amplified by the characteristics of Chimera-X7 transmission. Unlike some diseases that require close contact or exchange of bodily fluids for transmission, Chimera-X7 is an airborne pathogen. This means that the virus can be transmitted through respiratory droplets expelled by coughing, sneezing, or even talking.

In crowded spaces with poor ventilation, the risk of airborne transmission is significantly heightened. As a result, the combination of a missed initial detection window, the densely populated environment, and the mode of transmission of Chimera-X7 all contributed to its rapid and silent spread within the Sinai Peninsula. Travelers from the Sinai Peninsula unknowingly carried Chimera-X7 beyond the region, seeding new outbreaks in geographically distant areas. The absence of distinct symptoms in the early phase of infection further aided the undetected spread of the virus. As travelers carried Chimera-X7 across borders, they unwittingly established new transmission chains in various regions, contributing to the global nature of the Chimera-X7 pandemic.

