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Draft:David Stuckenberg

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Dr. David Stuckenberg speaks on behalf of his company, Genesis Systems at The Consumer Electronics Show, Las Vegas, NV. January 2024.

David James Stuckenberg (born September 7, 1981) is a former U.S. Presidential Candidate and prominent figure in international business, government, and politics and a defense strategist, scientist, and author.[1] [2] Stuckenberg has been called "The George F. Kennan of this century" by senior defense leaders and "A National Treasure," by Ambassador R. James Woolsey, 16th Director of Central Intelligence.[3] A statesmen, like Benjamin Franklin, Stuckenberg is a polymath.

In 2017, Stuckenberg co-founded Genesis Systems, a science and technology company focused on solving global water scarcity.[4] [5] [6] As Co-founder and Chairman of the American Leadership and Policy Foundation[7] (ALPF) (a 501C3), he has advocated for democratic policies that support law, economics, and defense. Stuckenberg has been a voice of leadership in the U.S. Department of Defense and government on critical infrastructure security and key national security strategies.[8] [9] He has served as a military advisor, scientist, and strategist at the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the U.S. Department of State, the National Security Counsel, and the United States Air Force advising Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).[10] [11] He has also advised members of the U.S. Congress and Senate on security issues.

In 2023, Stuckenberg was widely quoted by media and U.S. Congressional members after the high-altitude China balloon incident over North America; one of his published works in 2015 described potential uses of such platforms.[12][13][14][15]

"In a 2015 report for the American Leadership & Policy Foundation, Air Force Maj David Stuckenberg, one of the nation’s leading EMP experts, wrote extensively about the threat balloons carrying bombs pose to national security. 'Using a balloon as a WMD/WME platform could provide adversaries with a pallet of altitudes and payload options with which to maximize offensive effects against the U.S.,' he wrote in the report."[16]

According to media, "NATO leaders have called Stuckenberg a 'young disruptor', others call him a global influencer. He’s also an executive and director of strategy for the Headquarters Texas Air National Guard (one of the largest in the U.S.), who founded and led the Electromagnetic Defense Task Force (EDTF) for two years."[17][18] Stuckenberg also founded the San Antonio Electromagnetic Defense Initiative (EDI) presently comprised of more than 110 agencies and 720 stakeholders.[19] EDI is currently led by a Brigadier General and is now called San Antonio Electromagnetic Defense (EMD).[20] [21] According to the United States Air Force (USAF), the EDTF and EDI-EMD are White House Benchmarked programs and received government funding.[22]

Stuckenberg is a combat tested aviator and former USAF Special Operations Pilot. He is a decorated veteran and recipient of the Air Medal and six Aerial Achievement Medals, having completed more than 150 combat missions after 9/11, according to the United States Air Force Air University and other U.S. government sources.[23][24]

David was a 2024 U.S. presidential primary candidate for the Republican Party. His campaign dubbed "Operation Dark Horse" began more than a year after most candidates entered the primary and just two months before the Iowa Caucus.[10] [25] His campaign committee was called Citizens for David Stuckenberg[26], which secured his name on ballots in IA, NH, S.C. MO, D.C., ND, AL, AR, CA, OK, TN, TX, GA, AZ, and LA (as of April 14, 2024).[27] [28] During his campaign, members of the UK media called Stuckenberg "The One to Watch..."[29]

His unique campaign was covered by English speaking papers around the world, including Times of India for his policy positions on international security and India-U.S. relations: "Highlighting the potential for a mutually beneficial relationship, Stuckenberg added, 'Where cooperation is concerned between India and the United States, there is rich goodwill and opportunity to continue to uplift our societies.'"[30] A thematic of his campaign was that other candidates had little experience in national security and that time was not on America's side to get America's house in order.[31]



In 2017, Dr. Stuckenberg co-founded Genesis Systems, a company focused on solving global water scarcity at the water, food, and energy nexus. He is the primary inventor and engineer of the technology[32] which is, according to the company, unique for its ability to scale water production from air to utility-scale applications to help stabilize GDPs by islanding water supplies.[33] Stuckenberg is credited with authoring or co-authoring more than 20 U.S. and international patents on technologies, according to USPTO and government sources.[34] [35]

According to Pepperdine University, Genesis Systems was named a U.S. Most Fundable Company in 2022 noting, "Genesis Systems is a global leader in nano-liquid technologies. It is solving global water scarcity by solving energy and scale-up barriers to making mass water from air."[36] Genesis Systems has generated global interest within the investment, technology, and startup communities with media noting the company has "an eye on one day becoming a $1 billion dollar unicorn" and winning Startup of the Year."[37] [38] [39] As a company, Genesis Systems broke early startup fundraising records for similar companies.[40]

Stuckenberg has been a visible advocate for water scarcity solutions around the world, writing and lecturing at universities and in the business sector at NASDAQ, CES, BP, Citi, Oracle, and international organizations like the United Nations.[41] In 2022, he addressed the United Nations General Assembly and postulated that water in the air should be considered in humanity's wider strategy to solve water and sustainability issues, "Recognize that earth's air contains 37 quadrillion tons of water through vapor - enough to provide humanity with new sustainable fresh water supplies."[42]

Defense Strategies:


Stuckenberg's thesis on gray zone warfare and strategic effects is considered ground breaking and has been briefed to senior leaders across 29 NATO nations. His thesis directly led to the formation of the Electromagnetic Defense Task Force, the first of its kind in the U.S. Department of Defense.[18]

David was the first defense strategist to design a program to protect all critical infrastructure within a major metropolitan area.[19] His defense program in San Antonio, Texas, EDI/EMD, has become an exemplar for how to test and develop wholistic city-wide defense systems (food, water, sanitation, telecom, and energy).[22] The program is ongoing and is led by USAF Brigadier General Michael J. Lovell.[43]

As an aviator, his research work was some of the earliest published to address the changing nature of war from drones. In fact, he predicted that drones would change life both on the battlefield and in urban areas.[8] Stuckenberg and his co-author note, "Congress inadvertently failed to examine many of the potential problems relating to domestic drone integration."[44]

During his time at Whiteman, AFB, in 2007, as a Second Lt, Stuckenberg was mentored by Phil Sumrall. During this time, he published a ground breaking work called: The Coming Age of Cis-lunar and Deep Space Power.[45] The work correctly predicted the U.S.-China competition that would develop in space and for future lunar resources and recommended redoubling space program development efforts.[46][47]



As a scientist, David Stuckenberg led programs at the Joint Chiefs of Staff and during his post-doctoral fellowship at John's Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. During his tenure at the lab, "...Dr. Stuckenberg’s research on understanding asymmetric use of water as an instrument of societal control and the development of emerging and federated supply-side water technologies was highlighted by the U.S. government as 'transformative."[3]

His work at the nexus of technology and strategy has been lauded both as visionary and disruptive. Leaders in NASA, including Phil Sumrall, a member of Wernher von Braun's engineering team[48] and the former Manager of Artemis (formerly Ares V ), said of David's research at Genesis Systems, "As a member of the NASA Apollo engineering team that put man on the moon, I have seen many important technical efforts... However, when I learned about Genesis [Systems] fundamental technology, I knew it was going to be as important as the Apollo Program. Genesis [Systems] will better our future by making the water in the atmosphere available to all people wherever they live."[40] Sumrall is listed on Genesis Systems' company web page as a Director (current member of the Board of Directors).[49]

As a manager and scientist at Genesis Systems, Dr. Stuckenberg continues to author and co-author scientific work in the field of water and materials sciences.[50] [51] The company recently began a special partnership to develop military water systems with the Air Force Research Labs (AFRL).[52]



This chronological list of writings does not include Stuckenberg's published scientific journal articles and patents:

Early life


Although born in Santa Yenez, California, Stuckenberg grew up in Missouri and Oklahoma. His parents Jim and Patricia Stuckenberg moved from California to Oklahoma in the 1980s.[54] After their divorce, according to his biography, Stuckenberg never attended primary school (past the second grade), and worked selling his father's western art (Jim Stuckenberg)[55] from 11 years old until he joined military service in 2003.[31]

Public Service and Military Career:


Dr. Stuckenberg entered the United States Air Force as an enlisted member in 2003. After a short time as a Crew Chief, he attended the USAF-ROTC and received an officer's commission at the University of Missouri-Columbia (Detachment 440).[56]

He has flown more than 150 combat missions as a USAF Special Operations Pilot. Stuckenberg presently holds the title of Acting Director of Strategy, HQ Texas Air National Guard (part of the U.S. National Guard Bureau).[11] Because of this status, under Title 32 of the U.S. code, he can legally run and hold public office.

Maj David Stuckenberg with Ambassador R. James Woolsey as they depart a Security Briefing at the U.S. Senate. Washington, D.C., 2019.

After commissioning, Maj Stuckenberg earned his pilot wings and served in several leadership and staff positions including: Director of the 6th Air Mobility Wing (now 6th Air Refueling Wing), Commanders Action Group (CAG), and Chief of Wing Conventional Plans and Programs (XP) during which he was programmatically responsible for bi-lateral U.S. treaty compliance (for the Eastern United States), $1.0 trillion in Department of Defense assets, and 33 tenet units (including two Combatant Commands). Before serving in his current position, Maj Stuckenberg served as a scientist and strategist at the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In this capacity, he conducted planning and war gaming evaluations at the nexus of emerging strategies and technologies (with a focus on space, quantum, and A.I.).[11]

Prior to this assignment, he was a Military Advisor and USAF Strategic Policy Fellow assigned to the U.S. Department of State where he led the largest aviation peacekeeping and capacity building portfolio in the State Department’s history and regularly advised the White House, National Security Council, and NATO.[18]

Prior to assignment in Washington D.C., Maj Stuckenberg served as Aide-de-camp to the Commander of Air Education & Training Command. In this capacity, he also served as the MAJCOM’s lead strategist and subject matter expert on technology.[18]



While running in a crowded field, "Stuckenberg’s presidential bid [was] focused on economic reform, national security, and border control policies," rather than wider social issues.[57] Stuckenberg is a moderate Republican whose message focused on visible outcomes and uniting the nation's diverse voters under shared goals (healthy national security, economy, and immigration).[54] During campaign interviews, Stuckenberg emphasized the need to rapidly get the United States and its alliances on footing to win a Great Power Competition underway with Russia and China.[57]

Stuckenberg argued that the western order established by the treaty of Westphalia is in rapid decline and that Western nations must rapidly correct course and adopt a new strategy called "Prevention" to help them win.[29] [58] According to Stuckenberg, a failure to win represents the likelihood of living under tyranny and even war, "Hope is not a strategy. And as the U.S. marches to the drumbeat of indifference and folly, the avoidable cost will be the lives of an entire generation of young - your children and mine. This loss must be prevented. We must ensure Peace Through Strength."[59]

One political commentator wrote of his policies and positions:

"You’re probably wondering why a reporter from the town farthest north and west in Massachusetts travelled diagonally across the Commonwealth as far as one can go without getting his socks wet. To cover a presidential campaign launch. Of a Republican. Easy.

It’s good to know what all sides are thinking. And from the press release I’d received the week before, I sensed that this primary challenger from Florida was more than capable of some high-level thought. The research I did on Mr. Stuckenberg (Dr. Stuckenberg, to be accurate) left me with mixed emotions. Where his positions diverged with my leftist outlook, such as the answer to America’s immigration challenges for example, or U.S. involvement in the Israel/Palestine conflict, the gap was wide enough to drive a truck through.

The ideological overlap, however, surprised me. His views on natural resources, agriculture, and fresh water protection were based in science. The America First rhetoric [characteristic of the GOP under Trump] was not a cynical jingoistic play — long-range calculations have clearly been brought to bear on the question of who the beneficiaries of the nation’s productivity and prosperity should be.

And let’s be clear, this candidate making a bid for Trump’s long-cooled seat cushion has bona fides any candidate would envy..."[58]

According to Stuckenberg's Official 2024 California Candidate Statement, Key Policy Positions during his 2024 campaign were outlined as:[60]

  • Reforming Immigration: "Our priorities lie in preserving America's integrity. We will solve illegal immigration promptly by deploying federal troops to our borders within 72 hours [of being elected]."
  • Reducing Taxes: "Additionally, we will implement 33% tax cuts for all incomes [levels] to revitalize our economy."
  • Strengthening the U.S. Military: "Restoring our military's strength will enable us to maintain an all-volunteer force and promote Peace Through Strength."
  • Balancing the Budget and Reducing Debt: "Once achieved, we will focus on balancing the national budget, reducing debt, cutting regulations, ensuring Social Security's solvency, and fixing our healthcare system."
  • Restoring Trust in Government: "To restore trust in government, we will prioritize honesty and fairness. As a native Californian, I believe our government should represent the interests of all citizens, not just special interests or extremes. We will approach governance with reason and common sense."
  • Renewing Vision, Rebuilding Protections for Families and the Constitution: "...[W]e will foster hope, forgiveness, and work towards rebuilding families and a sense of national unity, grounded in our commitment to the [U.S.] Constitution.



David Stuckenberg "...earned his bachelor’s degree from Central Missouri State in Warrensburg, Missouri, and went on to receive [sic] a master’s from George Washington University in Washington, D.C., and doctorate from King’s College..."[31]


  1. ^ Morse, Hanna (November 7, 2023). "Why a Republican presidential candidate is announcing his run in Plymouth, Ma, Wednesday". The Patriot Ledger (USA Today). Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  2. ^ Cridlin, Jay (December 26, 2023). "Meet the Tampa entrepreneur running a long-shot White House campaign". Tampa Bay Times. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  3. ^ a b "About Dr. David J. Stuckenberg". U.S. Department of Health. August 5, 2022. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  4. ^ Castenson, Jennifer (March 6, 2024). "Innovation That Can Solve Housing's Water Scarcity Challenge". Forbes. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  5. ^ Autry, Greg (September 21, 2023). "You Think That Fresh Water Is Valuable On The Moon? Try The Earth!". Forbes. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  6. ^ Attwood, James (September 13, 2021). "Tampa Startup Making Water From Air Says Tech Can Go Mainstream". Bloomberg. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  7. ^ "About Us". American Leadership and Policy Foundation. April 14, 2024. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  8. ^ a b Stuckenberg, David (April 14, 2024). "Drones in the U.S. National Airspace System: A Safety and Security Assessment". Harvard Law National Security Journal. Online February 2015.
  9. ^ Stuckenberg, David (April 14, 2024). "Water Scarcity: The Most Understated Global Security Risk". Harvard Law National Security Journal. Online May 2018.
  10. ^ a b Barreda, Virginia (November 24, 2023). "What to know about David Stuckenberg, the Air Force Reserve major running for president". Des Moines Register. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  11. ^ a b c Budjenska, Donna (August 9, 2019). "About the Author". Air University Press. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  12. ^ Stuckenberg, David (2015). "Novel High-Altitude Delivery Platforms for Weapons of Mass Destruction". American Leadership & Policy Foundation. 2015 Blue Paper (1).
  13. ^ Bedard, Paul (February 3, 2023). "Dry run: Balloons called top 'delivery platform' for nuclear EMP attack". The Washington Examiner. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  14. ^ Cooper, Helene; Wong, Edward (February 4, 2023). "China's spy balloon drifted for 7 days across the U.S.: A Timeline". New York Times. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  15. ^ Smith, Chris (February 9, 2023). "Rep. Chris Smith debates in favor of a resolution condemning Chinese Communist Party's spy balloon". C-SPAN. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  16. ^ Bedard, Paul (February 3, 2023). "Dry run: Balloons called top 'delivery platform' for nuclear EMP attack". The Washington Examiner. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  17. ^ Mondale, Arthur (February 9, 2023). "Chinese balloon reignites focus on Electronic Warfare and intelligence gathering platforms". FOX NEWS. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  18. ^ a b c d "David James Stuckenberg: AUTHOR OF ELECTROMAGNETIC DEFENSE TASK FORCE". Air University. August 9, 2019. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  19. ^ a b Boltman, Lori (January 12, 2021). "Power grid protection at forefront of San Antonio, JBSA electromagnetic defense initiatives". Defense Virtual Information Distribution Service. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
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  21. ^ Budjenska, Donna (August 9, 2019). "Electromagnetic Defense Task Force: Author Interview". Air University Press.
  22. ^ a b "Author of Electromagnetic Defense Task Force". USAF Air University. August 9, 2019. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  23. ^ "About Dr. David Stuckenberg". U.S. Department of Health. August 5, 2022.
  24. ^ Budjenska, Donna (August 9, 2019). "About David Stuckenberg, Maj, USAF". Air University. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  25. ^ Bedard, Paul (2023-11-03). "Operation Dark Horse: Surprise entry in 2024 GOP race - Washington Examiner". Retrieved 2024-04-15.
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  27. ^ "Results of the 2024 Republican Party presidential primaries". USA Today. April 14, 2024. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  28. ^ "About David". WebArchive.org. January 26, 2024 [January 26, 2024]. Archived from the original on January 26, 2024. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  29. ^ a b Maitlis, Emily; Sopel, Jon; Goodall, Lewis Goodall (March 4, 2024). "David Stuckenberg, "The One to Watch"". The News Agents. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  30. ^ "Dr. David Stuckenberg announces presidential run, focuses on strengthening U.S.-India Ties". Times of India. January 29, 2024. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  31. ^ a b c Burns, Doug (November 7, 2023). "Combat pilot, 42, entering GOP presidential race, promises American 'turnaround'". Iowa Capital Dispatch. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  32. ^ "Atmospheric Water Generation Systems And Methods: David J. Stuckenberg". USPTO Report. April 14, 2024. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  33. ^ "About Genesis Systems". GenesisSystems.com. April 14, 2024. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  34. ^ "About Dr. David J. Stuckenberg". U.S. Department of Health. August 5, 2022. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  35. ^ Stuckenberg, David (April 14, 2024). "Search". U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  36. ^ "2022 U.S. Most Fundable Company Winners". Pepperdine University: Graziadio Business School. April 14, 2024. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  37. ^ Fleury, Michelle (January 15, 2024). "BBC World Business Report: Talking Business CES 2024: Genesis Systems". BBC World Business Report. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  38. ^ Cridlin, Jay (October 14, 2022). "Tampa startup behind WaterCube water generator wins 'most fundable' prize". Tampa Bay Times. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  39. ^ Rogers, Cheryl (February 8, 2022). "Tampa Bay Area companies win awards at Startup of the Year Summit". 83 Degrees Media. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
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  41. ^ "UN Water Conference Side Panel Genesis Systems-NASDAQ" (PDF). United Nations. April 14, 2024. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  42. ^ Stuckenberg, David (April 14, 2024). "From Dr. David Stuckenberg, Delegate" (PDF). United Nations. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  43. ^ "National Guard Biography". www.nationalguard.mil. Retrieved 2024-04-15.
  44. ^ Stuckenberg, David; Maddox, Stephen (2014). "Drones in the U.S. National Airspace System". International Journal of Aviation Systems, Operations and Training (IJASOT). 1 (2): 1–22. doi:10.4018/IJASOT.2014070101. ISSN 2334-5306.
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  49. ^ "Director". Genesis Systems. April 14, 2024. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  50. ^ Kode, Venkateswara R.; Stuckenberg, David J.; Went, Erick K.; Erickson, Owen M.; Plumer, Ethan (September 1, 2022). "Techno-Economic Analysis of Atmospheric Water Generation by Hybrid Nanofluids to Mitigate Global Water Scarcity". Liquids. 2 (3): 183–195. doi:10.3390/liquids2030012. ISSN 2673-8015.
  51. ^ "David Stuckenberg water". Google. April 14, 2024. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  52. ^ EIN Presswire (March 13, 2024). "Genesis Systems Awarded Air Force Research Laboratory and United States Air Force Contract". WHNT.com. Retrieved April 15, 2024.
  53. ^ Fields, Arnold (2012). Leadership: Ethics, Law, and Spirituality. Quantico, VA: Marine Corps University Press. p. 455.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  54. ^ a b Stuckenberg, David (November 12, 2023). "David Stuckenberg Running for United States President, David Takes Questions at Greenbrier Townhall". Citizens for David Stuckenberg. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  55. ^ André Landre, Lisa (November 8, 2018). "Jim Stuckenberg, among last true 'cowboy artists,' named 2018 Vaquero Artist of the Year". Santa Yenez Valley News. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  56. ^ "Meet David". Citizens for David Stuckenberg. April 14, 2024. Archived from the original on March 1, 2024. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  57. ^ a b Dougherty, Justin (January 19, 2024). "One-on-One with GOP Candidate". FOX NEWS (North Carolina). Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  58. ^ a b Velázquez, Jason (January 23, 2024). "Democracy in Dispute: David Stuckenberg". The Graylock Glass. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  59. ^ Stuckenberg, David (December 15, 2024). "Communism Reduced to Ashes During the Cold-War: Now Threatens to Overcome America". Veterans Reporter News. p. 12. Retrieved April 14, 2024.
  60. ^ Stuckenberg, David (April 14, 2024). "Official Voter Information Guide [2024 Presidential Election]". California Secretary of State. Retrieved April 14, 2024.

