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The Long-Acting Therapeutics Patents and Licensing Database (LAPaL) was established to provide comprehensive data on long-acting medicinal products and drug delivery technologies available worldwide. This open-access resource aims to facilitate collaborations in the long-acting therapeutic space and promote access to these treatments. LAPaL includes detailed information on the main characteristics of the drugs and drug technologies and an overview of their intellectual property landscape [1][2].

Inclusion Criteria


The database includes compounds with a prolonged half-life and a sustained release profile, with dosing schedules ranging from once a week to once a year. This criterion ensures that the listed medications offer extended therapeutic benefits and may improve patient adherence. Compounds are categorized into small molecules and biotherapeutics for effective scientific comparison [1].

Regulatory Affairs and Clinical Trial Updates

The LAPaL website provides extensive information of regulatory approval status and registered clinical trials on both marketed and investigational long-acting drugs, serving as a reliable scientific resource for medical professionals and researchers working on prolonged and sustained release medications [1][2].


To be included in the LAPaL database, a technology[1] must be patented under a single assignee and have a pipeline of drug candidates in clinical trials with sustained or prolonged therapeutic activity. This ensures that the showcased technologies have unified intellectual property control and are relevant in producing long-acting medicinal products. Additionally, statistical analysis for the technologies can be performed based on therapeutic areas and administration routes [1][2].

Database Highlights

Comprehensive Listings: LAPaL provides detailed information on a wide range of long-acting substances and technologies, including assignees, patent status, and descriptions of the medicinal drugs and their mechanisms of action.

Search and Filter Capabilities: Users can search for specific compounds or technologies using various filters, such as therapeutic area, patent status, and assignee. This feature enables researchers and developers to quickly access relevant information [1].

User-Friendly Interface: The database features an easy-to-use interface that facilitates navigation and enhances user experience. Information is organized clearly, allowing users to find the required details efficiently [3].

Patent and Licensing Information: Each patent entry includes comprehensive details, such as filing dates, patent numbers, and jurisdiction. Additionally, licensing opportunities are highlighted, offering potential avenues for collaboration and partnerships [4][5].

Regular Updates: The LAPaL database is regularly updated to reflect new patents, changes in patent status, and the addition of new long-acting therapeutic drugs, ensuring users have access to the latest information.

Educational Resources: The website offers educational resources to help users understand the complexities of patenting and licensing long-acting therapies. These resources are beneficial for professionals with varying levels of experience.

Funding and Collaboration LAPaL is a collaborative initiative funded by the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP),[2] the Long-Acting/Extended Release Antiretroviral Research Resource Program (LEAP),[3] and Unitaid, in partnership with the University of Liverpool and AVAC.[4]


The Long-Acting Therapeutics Patents and Licensing Database is a valuable resource for scientists, entrepreneurs, and investors in the pharmaceutical sector. By providing comprehensive and up-to-date information on long-acting therapeutic substances and technologies, LAPaL supports the development of medications that may improve patient adherence and outcomes. The database's search features, extensive listings, and user-friendly interface make it a useful tool for fostering innovation in long-acting treatment development [1].



  1. ^ https://www.google.com/search?q=drug+development+technology&sca_esv=4aa4cadb6d3a9fe9&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enGB1060GB1060&sxsrf=ADLYWIKx3Oz-1KIPoMdiPyhWDXVh9_jwIw%3A1719828501495&ei=FYCCZpj7Hf-dhbIPgJOBoAc&ved=0ahUKEwjY2Z-3zIWHAxX_TkEAHYBJAHQQ4dUDCBA&uact
  2. ^ https://medicinespatentpool.org/
  3. ^ https://longactinghiv.org/
  4. ^ https://avac.org/
  5. ^ Lapal (no date) Long Acting Therapeutics Patents and Licenses Database. Available at: https://lapal.medicinespatentpool.org/ (Accessed: 26 June 2024).
  6. ^ https://medicinespatentpool.org/what-we-do/lapal
  7. ^ Medicines Patent Pool. (2024). Privacy policy update. Retrieved from https://lapal.medicinespatentpool.org/assets/pdf/Privacy_policy_update_2024.pdf
  8. ^ Medicines Patent Pool. (n.d.). South Africa tech transfer hub LOI press release. Retrieved from https://stage2.mpp.acw.website/news-publications-post/south-africa-tech-transfer-hub-loi-press-release/
  9. ^ Gaayeb L, Das A, James I, et al. Voluntary licensing of long-acting HIV prevention and treatment regimens: using a proven collaboration- and competition-based mechanism to rapidly expand at-scale, sustainable, quality-assured and affordable supplies in LMICs. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2023 Jul;26 Suppl 2:e26092. DOI: 10.1002/jia2.26092. PMID: 37439078; PMCID: PMC10339000.