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Draft:List of The Young and the Restless characters (2020s)

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A list of notable characters from the CBS soap opera The Young and the Restless who had a significant impact on the storylines and debuted since January 2020.

Tanner Watts

Tanner Watts
The Young and the Restless character
Portrayed byChase Coleman
First appearanceJanuary 2, 2020
Last appearanceMarch 23, 2020
ClassificationFormer; recurring
In-universe information
WifeTessa Porter

Tanner Watts was portrayed by Chase Coleman from January to March of 2020.[1].



Tanner is a successful platinum recording artist who was once married to Tessa. They'd bonded over their shared music dreams and believed in each other when no one else did. Not even Tanner's own mother thought his music career would take off, but it finally did. He called Tessa on New Year's Eve, hoping that she would be his opening act while he went on tour.

At first, Tessa hesitated, because she hadn't told Mariah about her past with Tanner. At long last, Tessa came clean and revealed the whole story. Mariah learned how they had drunkenly gotten married at an all-night chapel in a moment of spontaneity. Tessa claimed it was also a way for her to escape her difficult life at home. She and Tanner spent 3 carefree months together, but then reality came crashing down and the fun times ended. They'd gotten a divorce and that was that.

Although Mariah seemed understanding, Tessa still wasn't sure about going on tour with Tanner. So, Tanner decided to come by Tessa's apartment to convince her. Tanner knew that she had a girlfriend and wondered if Mariah was holding Tessa back. He said that there was no reason for them to be ashamed of their past. In fact, it was great material for songwriting. Tessa guessed that Tanner's songs "Fess Up" and "Girl in Absentia" were about her. After much deliberation, Tessa took the leap and went on tour with Tanner. It helped that Tanner already had a girlfriend, which assuaged Tessa's theories about him having ulterior motives.

Throughout February, Tanner continuously inserted himself in Tessa and Mariah's relationship. He intercepted their calls and texts, and even barged in on a video chat between them (shirtless, no less!) During the video chat, Tanner gushed at the photo of him and Tessa that was posted on social media. He seemed pleased that people were commenting "new power couple." Mariah got the wrong idea that Tanner and Tessa were sleeping together and had a one-night-stand with Lindsay in retaliation.

Feeling guilty, Tanner tried to help Mariah make amends with Tessa. They coordinated with each other so that Mariah could apologize to Tessa at their next gig. As Tanner played the guitar, Mariah appeared on stage and publicly declared her love for Tessa in front of the live audience. Mariah begged for forgiveness but the grand gesture didn't have the desired effect. Tessa ran away, and later got upset with Mariah for invading her territory. Tessa didn't stay mad for long though, and Tanner was cool with Mariah joining them for the rest of the tour. Mariah was grateful for Tanner's help, and even joked about his habit of going shirtless.

Alyssa Montalvo

Alyssa Montalvo
The Young and the Restless' character
Portrayed byMaria DiDomenico
First appearanceMarch 16, 2020
Last appearanceDecember 18, 202
ClassificationFormer; recurring
Created byJosh Griffith
In-universe information
OccupationCriminal Reporter
FatherAJ Montalvo
MotherEvelyn Montalvo
GrandfathersMartin Montalvo
GrandmothersHazel Montalvo
UnclesJohn Montalvo

Alyssa Montalvo is an old friend of Adam Newman’s from Kansas. She was portrayed by Maria DiDomenico from March 16, 2020 to December 18, 2020[2].



While on vacation in Kansas, Adam ran into an old friend of his named Alyssa. They'd known each other since kindergarten but had lost touch after graduating from high school. Upon seeing her again, Adam invited Alyssa over to meet Chelsea, and the three of them started chatting amicably. Reminiscing about their childhood, Alyssa and Adam recalled how they had been fascinated with the local mysteries in town. For example, some animals had been killed down at Chambers Farm. Alyssa warned everyone that the killer might get tired with the livestock and move on to humans. Luckily, the culprit was only a coyote. Alyssa's love of mysteries had continued into adulthood, as she was currently a reporter who specialized in crime. The conversation eventually turned to the topic of Alyssa's father, AJ, who tragically died after falling from a barn loft. Alyssa also mentioned that her mother had died a few years ago, so there was no one left to tell her stories about her father. Later, once alone, Adam and Chelsea continued to talk about Mr. Montalvo. Alyssa's father had gone to prison for tax evasion, because no one could prove that he was a loan shark. At some point, Adam remembered that Victor had been in town at the time of Mr. Montalvo's accident. Thinking that it was a strange coincidence, Adam and Chelsea wondered if Victor might have been involved in the death of Alyssa's father.

Determined to find out more, Adam started digging for clues. He learned that his step-father, Cliff, had been in some financial trouble, but then a large sum of money suddenly appeared in his bank account. Based on the bank records, Adam guessed that Cliff had gone to AJ for a loan. After connecting more of the dots, Adam came to a startling conclusion. He theorized that AJ had arranged for Cliff's car accident, and in return, Victor had caused AJ's death. With a plan in mind, Adam lured Alyssa to Genoa City under false pretenses. He pretended to have information about some criminals for a story that she was writing. When Alyssa arrived, she whipped out a pad of paper to take notes, claiming that she was old-fashioned. Adam acted distracted and brought up Mr. Montalvo's death. When he told Alyssa about his suspicions, she freaked out. At first, Alyssa was appalled at his unfounded accusations. Once she cooled off though, she became determined to find the truth and wanted to help Adam. She got the coroner to confess that he had doctored AJ’s autopsy report. It looked like his body had been moved post-mortem, and that he hadn't actually died from falling. Alyssa had recorded the whole conversation with the coroner and gave the evidence to Adam, along with some other files and records. There were even some bank statements, showing that Victor had paid the coroner through one of his shell companies. Alyssa also wrote an article that painted Victor as a murderer, and Adam told her that he would publish it himself. AJ, on the other hand, hadn’t been a killer. He had only wanted to scare Cliff. However, the guy he had hired to drive the car was an alcoholic, and the crash ended up killing them both. This was never the intended outcome. It is unclear how Alyssa got this information.

Alyssa got annoyed that her article hadn’t been published yet. She stormed over to the penthouse, demanding answers. Adam wasn’t home, so Chelsea tried to reassure her that everything was okay. Because of the serious subject matter of the story, the fact-checking process needed to be handled carefully. When Chelsea offered to give her some money, Alyssa accused her of bribery. Chelsea laughed and said it was just a big misunderstanding. Miffed, Alyssa explained that she wasn’t writing the story for money or fame. She just wanted the truth to come out. Then Adam came home, and Alyssa confronted him. Chelsea reiterated that they were just perfecting the story. Alyssa didn’t buy it, so Adam lied that he was trying to get her story published in a prestigious magazine. It could take her reporting career to the next level, and it would give her story the exposure it deserved. Placated, Alyssa left and went back to the hotel. In the Grand Phoenix lobby, Victoria ran into Alyssa and struck up a conversation. Alyssa was shocked to find out that Adam was now CEO at Newman Enterprises. It was clear that Adam had used her for his own selfish gain, and that he had blackmailed Victor with Alyssa’s evidence. Adam had abused his childhood connection with Alyssa to his own advantage, which Victoria labelled as “emotional manipulation.” Furious, Alyssa wondered how she hadn’t seen through Adam’s lies. Although they weren’t close anymore, Alyssa had believed that she could trust Adam. Victoria warned her what Adam was truly like, and vowed to strike back. While talking to Victoria, Alyssa mentioned that she couldn’t take her article to another publishing company, since she had signed an NDA. However, Alyssa was willing to risk getting in trouble. She gave the story to Victoria, who asked Billy to publish it through Chancellor Media. Luckily, Billy hesitated to publish it. Alyssa’s article named the wrong person as AJ’s killer.

Alyssa was surprised when Victor paid a visit to her hotel room. While there, he told her who really killed AJ. It was Adam. Yes, young 11-year-old Adam had killed her father, then blocked it from his memory. He had been trying to defend Hope from AJ’s anger. Victor made It clear that it would be very unwise for Alyssa to publish her article. Aside from the violation of the NDA, it named the wrong person as the culprit. Shaken up, Alyssa started packing, so that she could leave Genoa City and all the craziness behind. Suddenly, there came a knock at her door from Victoria, and Alyssa let her in. Noticing the suitcase, Victoria tried to convince Alyssa to stay. Thanks to Nikki, Victoria had recently learned the truth about Adam as well, and she wanted Alyssa to team up with her. Adam deserved to pay for what he did to AJ, or so Victoria thought. But Alyssa was more understanding, and just wanted to let the whole matter go. Adam had been a scared 11-year old boy, and despite everything that had happened, it was hard for Alyssa to resent him. After all, he had been her friend from kindergarten until the end of high school. Victoria claimed that the sweet Adam she’d known didn’t exist anymore. Alyssa stood firm in her decision though and walked out the door, leaving Victoria to enact revenge on her own.

At some point during the summer, Alyssa had a change of heart, and returned to Genoa City to destroy Adam's life. Somehow, she'd caught wind of Adam murdering someone in Vegas. Alyssa tried to find out more from Chance, but he stayed loyal to Adam and didn't reveal anything. Not about to give up, Alyssa then teamed up with Billy to write an exposé on Adam for Chancellor Communications. Once Alyssa decided that Billy was sincere and dependable, the two allies sprung into action. They began collecting evidence, since Adam had taken all the proof that Alyssa had previously collected. As luck would have it, the widow of the murdered man in Vegas was finally ready to talk, much to Adam's horror. Thanks to a bug planted in the ChanceComm office, Chelsea and Adam both knew that the exposé was shaping up to be quite extensive. Desperate, Chelsea tried to guilt Alyssa into cancelling the story by using Connor for sympathy. AJ Montalvo had done some questionable deeds, and as a result, Alyssa had grown up without a father. Now, the same thing could happen to Connor, if Adam's crimes were exposed. Alyssa saw right through Chelsea's attempt to manipulate her, and seethed that she was still furious over Adam's betrayal. They'd been friends for more than a decade, and for Adam to use her like that was downright despicable. She stated again that she wasn't doing this for fame, fortune, or to further her career. Alyssa just wanted the truth to be known about her father's death. The world deserved to know just how much of a monster Adam was. One day, Billy went by Alyssa's hotel room and assumed the worst when he found it empty. Unable to locate her, Billy accused Adam of doing something to get Alyssa out of the way. Although Adam had not harmed Alyssa, he was indeed responsible for her absence. He'd planted a false lead in Arizona, and Alyssa had gone there to follow up on it. Adam just needed enough time to convince the widow to keep quiet. Billy eventually learned of Alyssa's whereabouts when she called him to discuss her progress. Feeling like they had gathered enough info, Billy and Alyssa prepared to publish the article. Later, when Billy contacted her about writing a sequel to the exposé, Alyssa told him that she had left GC and was finished with revenge, apparently satisfied with the damage that had already been inflicted upon Adam. In December of 2020, Alyssa was revealed to be back in Genoa City and the one who accused Billy of shooting Chance when trying to shoot Adam. Lily discovered Alyssa was back in town using the alias of Celeste Rosales. After detective Rey Rosales went to get Alyssa, Lily snuck into the room and found black leather gloves. After telling Rey, he got the gloves tested and found gun shot residue. On December 18, Rey arrested Alyssa for Chance's shooting. Alyssa was only remorseful she had hit Chance and not Adam.

Naya Benedict

Naya Benedict
The Young and the Restless character
Portrayed byPtosha Storey
First appearanceDecember 22, 2020
Last appearanceAugust 3, 2021
In-universe information
ParentsSutton Ames
SpouseEric Benedict
DaughtersAmanda Sinclair

Hilary Curtis

Imani Benedict

Naya Benedict (born Ames) is the biological mother of Hilary Curtis and Amanda Sinclair. She has been played by Ptosha Storey from December 22, 2020 to August 3, 2021[3].



Naya Ames was born into a wealthy Christian family as the daughter of Sutton Ames. When Naya was in college, she dated Richard Nealon, who had impregnated her with twin daughters. Sutton was a Politician, so to protect the family's image, Naya was ordered to give up her daughters, and they arranged for her cousin Rose Turner to take Naya's twins. But, Rose could only take the one twin: Hilary, while the other twin, Amanda was left on the doorstep of a fire station. Sutton and his wife paid Rose for the one twin and cuts all contact with her, figuring it was the safest way to protect the image. Naya went along with all of her parents decisions, ashamed of what she had done. Richard died soon after in a car crash, and Naya graduated and finished college. She went to work for her father and met her future husband. Naya would become Naya Benedict, and they'd have a daughter named Imani Benedict and raise her in the lap of luxury.

Naya Benedict first appeared on December 24, 2020 when Amanda Sinclair and Devon Hamilton showed up at her house. Imani Benedict was visiting her mother at the time, and Amanda and Devon decided to leave, but Naya saw Amanda. Amanda kept calling Naya and hanging up. Naya wondered if it was the person she saw outside her house. She was floored when Amanda tearfully revealed that she was one of the daughters she gave up for adoption. Amanda asked Naya for a meeting and Naya agreed, but later backed out, sending Amanda a text saying she was sorry, but she wasn't ready. After Imani confronted Amanda, Amanda went to Naya's house and demanded some answers, saying she wasn't leaving till she got them. Amanda promised to leave Naya alone if she talked to her, so Naya agreed to talk to her. Naya said she would, but she can't let her husband find out, so she would say she had to take a short business trip. Amanda wasn't sure if she could trust Naya, but Naya promised her that she would be there. Naya showed up at Amanda's suite in Genoa City. Amanda offered Naya something to drink, but Naya declined, and proceeded to tell Amanda her story. However, Amanda was upset that Naya let the twins go and never look back. After learning her father died in a car accident, Naya lamented that they were both gone. Naya inquired as to what Amanda meant by that, and Amanda bluntly stated that her twin Hilary Curtis was dead. Shocked, Naya asked how, and Amanda said it was a car accident. Naya said she was surprised Rose didn't say anything, and Amanda said that Rose was dead as, snarking that she shut the door so tight she didn't know. Naya started to get upset and Amanda lashed out at her, saying Hilary was a star and she missed out on getting to know her. In the middle of Amanda's tirade, a knock on the door interrupted them. It was Imani, who was furious to find Amanda with Naya and accused her of lying, but Naya tearfully told Imani that it was all true, and that Amanda was also her daughter. Naya was apologetic, but Imani just wanted them to go, so Naya left with her.

Imani later filed a restraining order against Amanda, and Naya sent Amanda a text to apologize. Amanda opted not to fight Imani's restraining order, but Naya eventually came to see Amanda. Naya expressed a desire to get to know Amanda, but asked they keep their relationship a secret for now. Amanda and Naya made slow and steady progress as they each told the others about their life, but every so often, Amanda hurt feelings would come out and she'd lash out at Naya. Naya later came to Amanda and asked her for help in defending her grandfather, who has been accused of killing her father. Naya revealed the names of Amanda's grandfather and father respectively to her. Naya said Sutton had a team of lawyers and they wanted Amanda to lead their defence. Naya told Amanda this would also be a good way for her to come into the family. Amanda ultimately met with her grandfather and formally accepted the case. Naya sent Amanda a box of files that contained a picture of Richard so Amanda could see what her father looked like.

Imani Benedict

Imani Benedict
The Young and the Restless character
Portrayed byLeigh-Ann Rose (2020-22)
Denise Boutte (2022)
First appearanceDecember 22, 2020
Last appearanceSeptember 20, 2022
ClassificationPast, recurring
Introduced byAnthony Morina & Josh Griffith
In-universe information
ParentsNaya Benedict
Eric Benedict
Half-sistersHilary Curtis
Amanda Sinclair
GrandparentsSutton Ames

Imani Benedict is the younger half-sister of Amanda Sinclair and Hilary Curtis. She has been portrayed by Leigh-Ann Rose from December 22, 2020 to August 12, 2022. Denise Boutte temporarily replaced Rose in September 2022[4].



On Christmas Eve, Amanda went to confront her birth mother Naya at her house. While watching from across the street, Amanda saw Naya greet a woman named Imani at the door. Imani called Naya "mom," meaning that Amanda had a younger half-sister. Amanda was shocked by the unexpected revelation and left without talking to either of them. However, Amanda later spoke to Naya on the phone and arranged to meet in Genoa City. Although Naya backed out, Imani showed up at Amanda's hotel room instead. Imani refused to believe that Amanda was her long-lost relative and accused her of working for their enemies. The Benedicts had a lot of political power, and Imani assumed Amanda was either out for their money or wanted to ruin their family's reputation. It was easier for Imani to think the worst of Amanda, rather than the alternative - that Naya had been keeping some major secrets from her. Amanda and Naya eventually did meet, but their conversation was interrupted by Imani barging in. Once again, she accused Amanda of lying, but Naya was ready to come clean. Even after Naya explained the truth, Imani filed a restraining order against Amanda. Naya seemed apologetic that Imani had gone to such extremes, but Amanda wasn't buying her apology. Just like in the past, Naya was letting family members make decisions for her. Amanda didn't think it was worth fighting the restraining order, since she was so disgusted by the Benedicts' behaviour. Backing down from challenges was not usually in Amanda's nature, but she claimed to not want any further contact with her bio family. Amanda was furious and called Imani a brat while talking to Devon. He tried to get her to reconsider cutting all ties, but the ticked-off twin was ready to put this whole mess behind her. Imani didn't appear for a few months. During her absence, Naya's father, Sutton Ames, was accused of killing Amanda's father, Richard Nealon. Shortly before his death, Richard had learned about some scandalous business dealings between the Newmans and the Ameses. Amanda theorized that Victor would have as much of a motive to silence Richard as Sutton. Richard may have even blackmailed someone at Newman to pay off his student debt. On April 16th, Amanda met with Sutton and Naya at Society to discuss their defence strategy. Sutton praised Amanda's work and invited her to their house for the weekend - not as their attorney, but to meet the rest of the family. Amanda emotionally accepted and Naya beamed with a smile. Shortly after, Amanda arrived at the Grand Phoenix and got an ominous text from Imani. It said "This will only end badly for you." Imani returned on April 29th when she showed up at Amanda's hotel room unannounced. Since Amanda hadn't responded to the text, Imani had no choice but to show up in-person. She warned Amanda to drop the case and told her that she would never be accepted into the family. Amanda shouldn't get her hopes up and should be wary of Sutton. Amanda didn't buy any of this and was appalled by her audacity. Surely Naya raised her better than this! On May 7th, Sutton ran into Imani as she entered the Grand Phoenix lobby. He chastised her for missing the family luncheon that he'd hosted for Amanda over the weekend. He also told Imani not to antagonize Amanda anymore. Imani thought it was weird that he was already so protective of Amanda. Sutton said that Amanda was just trying to help their family, for which he was grateful. It wouldn't hurt for Imani to show some appreciation as well. Surprisingly, Imani went up to Amanda's room and apologized for her hostile behaviour, then even offered to help with the case. As it turned out, Imani had graduated from law school as well but had just never taken the bar exam. Imani admitted to being insecure and thought that by helping with the case, she could also get to know Amanda in the process. Understandably, Amanda was skeptical about Imani's 180, but thanked her for the apology and the offer. On May 17th, Amanda met with Imani at Crimson Lights. To gauge Imani's mind-frame, Amanda asked her a series of questions that were mainly about Sutton. Imani admitted that she thought Sutton could be capable of murder under the right circumstances. But, being capable wasn't a crime. Amanda welcomed her onto the case but later told Devon how odd Imani's response had been. Was Imani as devoted to her family as she seemed? After talking to Victor, Amanda learned that Richard was desperate for some help and had heard about Victor's past at the orphanage. As it turned out, Richard had known about Naya's pregnancy, but not that she'd had twins. Determined to find his child, Richard turned to Victor, who put him in contact with a private investigator. On May 26th, Amanda sat with Imani and Naya in the Grand Phoenix lobby to update them on her findings. Despite Victor's insight, there were still a lot of missing details. How had Richard found out about Naya's pregnancy? Had Naya lied about having no further contact with Richard after their breakup? Before long, Naya became distraught, and Imani chastised Amanda for asking so many insensitive questions. But, Amanda was just doing her job. On May 31st, Amanda invited Imani to her hotel room to discuss matters further. Imani wasn't pleased with the change in plans and still thought that Richard could have been murdered by someone at Newman. Imani revealed that she had spoken to Sutton, who wasn't happy about the new direction either. Amanda didn't like that Imani and Sutton had conferred behind her back. To ease the tension, Imani asked if Amanda wanted to get lunch with her. The two sisters ended up at Society and chatted about college and literature. They had both studied French and both liked the "Claudine" novels. Their conversation was unexpectedly rather pleasant. For once, Amanda and Imani were actually getting along. Upon entering the restaurant, Nate noticed the ladies and approached their table. Amanda referred to Imani as a friend while introducing her, and Nate commented that "Imani" was a beautiful name. When Amanda stepped aside to answer a call, Imani asked Nate if he'd ever dated Amanda. Nate confirmed he had and seemed amused by her bluntness. Imani said that speaking her mind sometimes got her into trouble, but mostly, it gets her what she wants. Nate wondered why he'd never seen her around before, and Imani explained that she was visiting from out of town. Eventually, Amanda returned and Nate left. Then Nikki appeared, hoping Amanda remembered her from Phyllis' party a few months ago. Amanda did, and introduced Imani as a colleague. Then Nikki started to inquire about the Ames case. However, Amanda politely interjected that they had to get to a meeting. The meeting in question was with Denise Tolliver, the P.I. who had helped Richard all those years ago. Amanda and Imani wanted to speak with her to confirm Victor's story and find out more. Back in the hotel room, Denise told them that she remembered Richard clearly, and everything she said lined up with Victor's version of events. In fact, Denise had succeeded in finding the child's foster parents, and had given Richard their contact info. On June 3rd, Imani returned to Amanda's hotel room with Naya, who was there to apologize. Naya had been caught off guard when she'd heard what Richard had been up to in his final days. She also hadn't handled it well when Amanda had accused her of lying. Once alone, Amanda got emotional about the entire situation. Imani checked on Amanda to see if she was okay and said she'd gotten a room at the Grand Phoenix until the trial. On June 7th, Imani ran into Nate at Crimson Lights. Imani was glad he remembered her name and told him it meant "faith" in Swahili. She joined him for coffee and learned he was a doctor, as well as the face of AskMDnow. So that's why he seemed familiar. Imani said there was something about his face that made her feel "smarter, safer, and healthier all at once." They laughed over people recognizing Nate everywhere, including the grocery store. Imani had to get back to work and left for the Grand Phoenix. In the hotel room, Amanda quickly became frustrated at Imani's lack of cooperation. The jury should know that Richard reached out to Sutton to find his child, not to blackmail him. But Imani did understand. A murder conviction would be far more damaging to their status than an unwed pregnancy. It was Sutton who was being stubborn. Amanda realized she had to see Sutton and settle this. On June 10th, Sutton got frustrated with Amanda for not following the defence strategy he wanted. He stormed out of Society and Naya went after him to try and reason with him. Imani was impressed by how Amanda stood up to Sutton, but thought she was bluffing about quitting the case. Amanda was quite serious though and refused to back down. None of this was adding up, and Imani claimed to be just as baffled by their grandfather's attitude.

Tara Locke

Tara Locke
The Young and the Restless character
Portrayed byElizabeth Leiner
First appearanceMarch 1, 2021
Last appearanceAugust 6, 2021
In-universe information
OccupationShoes Designer
HusbandAshland Locke (?-2021)
SonsHarrison Locke Jr.

Tara Locke is the ex-wife of Ashland Locke and the mother of Harrison Locke. She had an affair with Kyle Abbott, who is Harrison's real father. She has been portrayed by Elizabeth Leiner from March 1st[5] to August 6, 2021[6].



Tara was born to a banker (her father), and an event planner (her mother). She has a younger brother that she eventually became estranged from, and their parents apparently died at some point, though not until Tara and Shane were adults. Tara worked at an antique store where she would meet and eventually marry the older Ashland Locke. Tara became a shoe designer, whose brand was particularly popular in Paris. By late 2010s, Tara and Ashland were (seemingly) no longer having sex because he was also busy and inattentive, and she didn't just care about his money. When Kyle Abbott was in New York, he and Tara started having an affair that ended when be left New York. Tara became pregnant as a result, and managed to somehow pass the baby off as Ashland's. Tara conducted a DNA test in secret and found out that her child was Kyle's, but allowed Ashland to think he was the father. They named the baby Harrison.

Tara was first mentioned by Theo Vanderway during a meeting between him and Sally Spectra at the Crimson Lights on February 8. During the visit at Jabot Cosmetics, Theo and Sally informed Kyle at the Boardroom, they know about his relationship with Tara and that he might be the father of her young son Harrison. Concerned, Kyle phoned Tara and asked her to call him back. She later contacted Kyle by texting him to informed him not contact her again. On March 1, 2021, Kyle was on his way board a plane to New York to confront Tara, when he was reunited with Tara at the Grand Phoenix. Tara pleaded with him to drop the search for the truth about Harrison. He tells her that he knows during the time they were together, she didn't sleep with Ashland and while looking at the photos of Harrison, he noticed the similarities, because Harrison looks just like him. Kyle says he is getting a DNA test one way or the other, but Tara admitted that she had a DNA test done on Harrison and Kyle is the father. Before she left, she tells him that Harrison is happy and not to come looking for them. On March 3, Tara calls Kyle to inform him that she and Ashland are coming to Genoa City on business, and that he better not say anything about being Harrison's father. On March 11, Ashland and Tara at the Grand Phoenix, at first Ashland mistakes Kyle for someone who works at the hotel and offer him cash to get the bags from the car, but Summer suggest she can get Ashland some real help since her mom owns the place. Tara will try to get Ashland upstairs, Ashland recognize Kyle as John Abbott’s grandson. Ashland tells Kyle that he’s seen Kyle’s photo before and never forgets a face. Then Kyle and Tara pretend they’re meeting for the first time. After Kyle walks into Crimson Lights and sees Sally with Tara as they were discussing Tara's Shoe Designing and Sally's decision to return to Fashion Designing. Kyle fed up with Sally’s games, but Sally argue that they’ve been talking about design, not cheating and Sally mentioned that Tara’s pretending she doesn’t even know who Kyle is. Sally is working a connection, but she could tell both Tara and Ashland about what she knows. But, Sally won’t do that on one condition: Kyle has to back off. Kyle confronts Tara, Tara is upset over their run-in earlier, but Kyle insisted that was a chance encounter. Tara warns that if there are any more “accidental” run-ins, she doesn’t want to hear Harrison’s name. From where Tara was standing, she could see something in Kyle’s eyes, when Ashland talked about Harrison. Tara tells Kyle to forget about Harrison, Kyle asked Tara about the ruthless reputation of Ashland’s. After Kyle admits that Ashland seemed nice, Tara insists that’s only until you cross him. Tara argue that Ashland will crush her along with Kyle, if he finds out what really happened between them. Kyle thinks that means they’re kind of in this together, but Tara disagrees. Tara insists that she won’t put the life she has with her child at risk and warn Kyle to stay far away. Tara and Ashland decide to head to Society, where they meet Jack Abbott and Abby Newman. Tara goes to freshen up as Kyle and Summer Newman arrive. Summer confronts Tara about what her real agenda is, and Tara promises her she is not a threat to her. Tara informs Summer she may need to keep an eye on a certain red head, who seems to be looking for information. Tara assures Summer she can handle her affairs, and suggests Summer handle hers. As Ashland and Tara go to leave, Tara tells Kyle it was nice to see him, and they exchange an uncomfortable looks that Ashland notices. After arriving in New York with Ashland, Tara calls Kyle about her suspicious worry that Ashland knows about her and Kyle's relationship, because he doesn't say a word, which means something is troubling him. Kyle reassures her that Ashland doesn't know of their past relationship, because Tara's hypersensitive on the subject.

On April 16, Tara phone Kyle and said she had just had a bad fight with Ashland where he was furious to the point of screaming at her. Kyle asked if it had to do with him, but Tara abruptly let Kyle go saying that she has to get to Harrison, before she could said anything more. On April 21, Kyle sees Tara at the Grand Phoenix. She says she has come to talk to Ashland, and Kyle questions her more about what went on between her and Ashland. Kyle asks her to come to his room, and Tara is reluctant because if how Ashland would react if she finds out. Kyle says he won't and she agrees. Once in the room, Tara says that Ashland said he knew what she did, and when she asked, he said she knew. He then started yelling at her before calmly letting her go. Tara says this is what Ashland does, and Kyle asks why she stays married to him. Tara snaps that her marriage is none of his business. Summer arrives and sees the two of them together. They bring her up to speed before Tara leaves, saying she can handle her husband. Tara is in the lobby when Kyle comes back down. They briefly lock eyes before Kyle heads out. Concerned, Tara follows him knowingly that Kyle is about to confess to his affair with Tara. Kyle arrives at Society and interrupts a conversation between Jack and Ashland. Kyle says they need to get some things straight as Tara stands behind him looking worried. At Society, Jack, Ashland, Tara and Kyle had come together. It becomes tense when Kyle says they need to talk. Tara pulls Ashland aside. Ashland had Tara's calls forwarded to call answer. He knew she’d be in touch with Kyle. Meanwhile, Kyle wants to confess to Ashland. Jack calls it a bad idea. The men have a stare-off. Tara asks Ashland to go back to New York. He accuses her of protecting Kyle. Then, Ashland takes off. He’s late for a meeting. Tara goes after him and Jack thinks he’s lucky that he didn’t confess, because Tara stopped him. On April 23, after learning about the investors backing out of Jabot, Jack, Kyle and Summer learns Ashland has initiated his attack on Jabot by going after their weak spots. After Summer left Jabot to head to the Grand Phenix to try to convince Tara to stop Ashland's attack on Jabot, Tara has mentioned that she has everything to lose: her marriage and her son. Then, Tara gets a phone call from Nikki Newman that Ashland is on his way to the Hospital after suffering a heart attack at the Newman Ranch, after ending the call, she left Summer and headed to the Hospital to be with Ashland. After, learning about Ashland's heart attack, Jack, Kyle and Summer worried about the possibility of Harrison losing his father at a early age. Then Kyle was at the lobby, when he stops Tara, who was about to leave the Grand Phoenix with Ashland's things as she was head back to the Hospital. Kyle asked Tara how she was doing, she tells him that she's processing, then it turns to the conservation about Harrison and Ashland. Tara said she knows Kyle hates Ashland, Kyle mentioned he hopes for Harrison's sake, Ashland will be okay, but he doesn't feel pity for him. Tara runs into Billy Abbott, who informs her that Victor Newman coerced Ashland into signing his company over to him by saying he wouldn't get him help for his heart attack. Tara snaps that her sole focus is on her husband. Tara calls Kyle and asks him to meet with her the next morning. Tara tells Kyle that Ashland's heart attack changed him and he has ceased the attacks on Jabot. Kyle doubts it, but Tara says that Kyle can trust her and that Ashland is anxious to get home to Harrison. Tara later runs into Nikki at Crimson Lights and tells her what Billy told her, asking if it what he said was true, but Nikki denies it. On April 28, Harrison called his mother at the Grand Phoenix to ask her when she and Ashland are coming home, unaware that Kyle is listening to the phone conservation. After the phone call ended, Kyle wants to know something about Harrison that he can hold onto. Tara will admit Harrison’s favorite song is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and that he botches the lyrics by singing “bup, bup, bup the world so high.”, Kyle thinks that pretty cute and thank Tara for giving him that info. On April 30, Tara meets with Kyle in his Hotel room, while Summer was in the shower, Tara didn't like the way their conservation ended at the Lobby. Tara sends a photo of Harrison on his phone as a goodbye present, Kyle knows that Harrison is cute by looking at his photo, later after Tara left, Kyle and Summer looked at Harrison's photo, which Summer replies "he's adorable", while Summer is ordering some food, Kyle is staring at a photo of his son.

On May 14, as Kyle and Summer prepare their toast at their engagement party at Society, Summer stop drinking and gasps, "oh no", as Tara walks in holding Harrison’s hand. Tara apologized for interrupting the engagement party, but asked to speak to Kyle. Kyle met Tara at the Grand Phoenix where she revealed that Ashland had manipulated her into telling him the truth about her affair with Kyle. After she told him the truth, he threw her out and threatened to take Harrison from her. Tara asked Kyle to hide her until she can figure something out. She advised Kyle to claim paternity and fight for Harrison. Kyle was annoyed since Tara didn't want him to originally, but Tara snarked that the situation has changed. Kyle said he would have to talk to Summer first, and Tara said that while she understood that, time was not on their side. She told Kyle she would text him her new number, so he would be able to contact her when he made his decision. Kyle made his decision and texted Tara to come back to the room where he promised to protect her and Harrison and said he would claim paternity. Tara profusely apologized to Summer for how things had turned out. The next day, Tara went out while wearing a hoodie and cap. She let Kyle spend some time with Harrison and told him the nanny was available for anything. As Tara went to leave the hotel, she ran into Ashland and they got into a huge argument about Harrison and the fact that she was keeping Harrison away from him. Summer's mother and the hotel owner Phyllis Summers overheard the argument and told Ashland to leave. Tara thanked Phyllis, but Phyllis said she only did it for Summer's sake, and Tara agreed that mothers would do anything to protect their children. After Kyle told his father Jack Abbott about Harrison, Jack agreed to let Tara and Harrison move into the Abbott mansion. Tara thanked Jack for his charity, and Kyle had a DNA test done that would allow him to claim custody of Harrison legally.

With Sally's help, it didn't take Ashland long to find out where Tara and Harrison were and he immediately went to confront her. Tara allowed Ashland to see Harrison, and then Ashland started making threats to Tara. However, Kyle revealed that he had a DNA test done on Harrison to prove he was Harrison's father. Ashland was stunned and read the results. Tara apologized to Ashland, but Ashland left with barely a word. Tara was glad that Kyle was willing to be apart of Harrison's life, and they told Harrison that Kyle was his father, but also told him that Ashland will always be his father as well, and now he as two. Jack then told Harrison that he was his grandfather. Kyle and Harrison continued to bond, which Tara was really happy to see. She was also happy that Harrison had a grandpa now since he didn't before. Ashland made a request to meet with Tara alone where they talked about how their marriage had failed. Tara told Ashland that he was never around, and all the nice things be bought for her didn't change the fact that she needed him. Ashland told Tara that he would share custody of Harrison with Tara if Kyle wasn't apart of their lives. Tara told Kyle about Ashland's proposal, and openly worried that he could and would take Harrison away from her. Tara told Kyle a story about how Harrison had gotten hurt on her watch, and how Ashland had blamed her for it. She also told Kyle that she was in severe debt, and Kyle offered to get her a job at one of Jabot's subsidiaries: Fenmore's Boutiques or JCV. Kyle said he'd like to read Harrison a bedtime story, and Tara said she'd like that. Later, Jack and Tara bonded. Tara told Jack that she is glad Harrison has a grandpa now, and Jack asks her if she has any family left. Tara says she has a brother that lives in Virginia, but they are estranged. Jack assures her the Abbotts will take care of her and Harrison. Tara runs into Mariah Copeland, who warns her that Kyle loves Summer. Tara says she just wants what's best for her son, and wishes Kyle and Summer all the happiness. Tara learns that Kyle introduced Harrison to Summer, and thinks it went well. Tara says she is glad, but shakes her head when Kyle walks away. Sally approaches Tara in the park and says she knows that Tara wants Kyle and she has a plan to get rid of Summer, but she needs Tara's help. Tara asks Sally why she thinks she won't tell Kyle and Summer what she is up to, and Sally says she can sense a kindred spirit. Tara seems to consider Sally's offer, but says she has no time for games. Sally says she knows where to find her if she changes her mind. Ashland visits the Abbott house, and learns Tara filled Kyle in. They also tell him that they told Harrison that Kyle is his dad, but Ashland will always be his father. Ashland doesn't want Harrison to resent him for taking Harrison away, so he resends his ultimatum and offers Tara shared custody with no strings attached, so Kyle can be apart of Harrison's life. Kyle and Tara are grateful, but suspicious.

Sally tells Tara that she has a job with Marchetti's all lined up for Summer to take and all she needs is for Tara to give an extra push towards her. Tara does just that and tells Summer about the job offer. She then tells Summer that she will take the job offer or she'll disappear with Harrison and Kyle'll never see him again. Summer is horrified by Tara's true colours, and threatens to tell Kyle and Jack, but Tara is unfazed. Summer goes to see Kyle in the park and then sees him with Harrison. Tara shows up as well and Summer stays out of sight. Summer tells Tara there's no way Kyle will let her go to Italy with out him. Tara realizes she hasn't made herself clear, and tells Summer to break up with Kyle. Summer calls Tara a vindictive bitch, and Tara condescending calls Summer sweetie and says she has no idea. Summer ultimately does what Tara orders, but as  Tara is getting ready to meet with Lauren about going into business together, Sally sends her a frantic text, saying Summer will screw her on the way out. However, when Tara gets to the meeting, and Sally is there, she learns Lauren made her interim head of JCV. After Lauren left, Tara congratulated Sally, and wondered why she sent the text. Sally said Summer asked to speak to to Lauren before she resigned, but recommended Sally for the position. Tara and Sally kept casual contact as Tara tried to warm her way into Kyle's heart. Tara thought she could accomplish this by reminding Kyle of the good old days in the Hamptons. Their relationship had been very exhilarating back then and they had even fantasized about running away together. What would their lives have been like if they had followed through with their getaway? Tara imagined them living in Paris, with Harrison growing up bilingual. Kyle seemed entertained by the idea, but it didn't appear to stir up any romantic feelings. Soon, Summer's mother, Phyllis caught on to Tara's agenda. Phyllis approached Tara, wanting to be friends, but Tara knew Phyllis was looking to get dirt on her. Phyllis eventually confessed to Tara and offered an apology, which Tara seemed to buy. While at the park with Harrison and Kyle, Tara asked Sally, who was there by coincidence to take a video of them. While they were there, Ashland happened by, and accused Tara of infringing on his time with Harrison. Ashland then had health issues where he frantically demanded Harrison be taken away from him. Tara reprimanded Ashland, and asked to see the video from Sally. She pretended to delete it, but secretly sent to herself. A fact that Sally later realized and confronted Tara about when the video went public. Tara assured Sally that everything would be fine.

Tara and Sally's scheme started to unravel from there as Billy had saw them together and told Phyllis. Phyllis set a trap for Tara and Phyllis by stealing Sally's phone and texting Tara that Phyllis had figured everything out. Frantic, Tara ran to the Grand Phoenix and the two women headed to Tara's suite where they started talking in the elevator. Tara showed Sally the text and Sally said she didn't send the text, and it wasn't on her phone. They quickly concluded Phyllis was behind it and Sally told Tara to wait in her suite. Phyllis sent Kyle and Jack a video and Kyle confronted Tara about it. Tara desperately tried to turn it around on Jack, but became fearful that everything was unraveling. She wanted to cut ties with Sally, who assured Tara she would handle Phyllis. Phyllis then takes Tara's hard drive and downloads a program to get access to her financial information, and discovers her deceit. Kyle finally started to believe Phyllis when he overheard one of Tara's phone calls to Sally. Jack had begun to put the pieces together as well, and correctly guessed that Tara had used Harrison as leverage against Summer. Tara eventually admitted it to Jack, putting most of the blame on Sally for concocting the plan and roping her into it. Kyle returns to the mansion and confronts Tara, when he informs her that he knows that she was the one who blackmailed Summer into leaving him. Tara tries to rationalized with Kyle and Jack that she did this for Harrison, control, and a financial life. Tara packs her stuff and is about to take her son. Kyle begs her not to take Harrison from him. Tara taunts Kyle and is about to leave when Lauren and Phyllis shows up. Lauren confronts Tara and tells her that she knows about her stealing money from her own company, and putting it on a secret account. When Lauren kept asking Tara to get her financial information report from her accountant and was going to steal money from Fennimore if they were going to be in business together. Lauren tells Tara that she has misrepresented her company and committed fraud. Tara says it will be admissible in when she learns that Phyllis hacked in her accounts. Lauren also reveals to Tara that Nick had contacted her accountant and he is willing to cooperate with the authorities. Phyllis lets the cops in and they arrest Tara. Tara yells at Phyllis for ripping Harrison away from her and is being taken away.

Asland Locke

Ashland Locke
The Young and the Restless character
Portrayed byRichard Burgi (2021-22) Robert Newman (2022)
First appearanceMarch 11, 2021
Last appearanceJuly 25, 2022
ClassificationFormer; contract
In-universe information
Other namesRobert "Bobby" DeFranco (birth name)

Ashland Marcus Locke (new name)
The Locke-Ness Monster

Ash (by Tara)
WifeTara Locke (?-2021
Victoria Newman (2021-2022)
Adoptive sonsHarrison Locke Jr.

Ashland Locke (born Robert "Bobby" DeFranco) is a powerful and ruthless businessman. He was first mentioned by Theo Vanderway on February 8, 2021. He was the husband of Tara Locke and believed to be the father of her son Harrison. He was portrayed by Robert Newman from February 9, 2022 to July 6, 2022. The role was originated by Richard Burgi from 2021 to 2022[7].

On January 11, 2022, it was announced that daytime alum Robert Newman would join the cast of the series as Ashland's recast[8]. Following Burgi's dismissal[9]. It first appeared on February 9. Newman last aired on July 26, 2022. On July 27, Newman confirmed his exit from the series and said that he might see audiences again one day[10].



Ashland was born as Robert DeFranco, and was abused by his alcoholic father growing up while his mother did nothing and blamed him for it. Bobby's first job was as a paperboy, and he kept the first coin he ever made as a good luck charm. Bobby's best friend was named Ashland Locke, and at age 16, Bobby ran away from home with Ashland. They were like brothers and even got matching tattoos on their calves. Bobby and Ashland became aware that Bobby's father was looking for him, and continued to go on the run. Ashland had lined up a job interview with Camilla Rhodes at her news station. The night before the interview, Bobby was driving when he and Ashland were in a horrible car accident where they crashed into a tree. Bobby was thrown from the car, but Ashland was trapped in the car. Bobby checked for a pulse, but couldn't find one, and the car caught fire. Bobby was afraid if the police came, they would take him back home where his father would beat him for days, so Bobby made the decision to become Ashland Locke in that moment. He grabbed Ashland's wallet and ran into the woods leaving him to die. The body was burnt beyond recognition, so everyone believed that Robert DeFranco had perished in the fire. Ashland went to the job interview, and got it because Camilla had never met the real Ashland Locke before hand. Ashland got the job, and was mentored by Camilla. They were really close and Ashland was like the son Camilla never had. Camilla's attorney, Jessie Gaines also took a liking to Ashland, and served as a father figure to him, favouring him over his own son. Upon Camilla's death, Ashland was shocked to learn that he didn't inherit anything from her. Camilla's reasoning was that Ashland could make it on his own. Instead, Camilla's fortune would go to the things that Camilla liked. Ashland was furious and Jessie agreed with him, so they forged a will that said Camilla left everything to Ashland. With his newfound fortune, Ashland bought two news station that became the foundation on what would eventually become Locke Communications Group. Over the years, Ashland acquired and created many businesses, including Cyaxares media that was named after the greek king of media. He also forged death certificates for his parents and became known as the son of Ian and Mary Locke, who were said to have died in a car accident. Not all was well for Ashland though as Jessie Gaines, Jr. learned about the forgery and started blackmailing Ashland resenting him for being favoured by his father. At some point, He met and married the younger Tara, who worked at the antique store that he went to, but they had no children of their own, though they apparently were happy together for many years. He and John Abbott were competing for a company that makes satellites. John owed a lot of debt to one of the banks that he owned, so he hoped to use John's debt to crush him. Instead, John paid Ashland off, who was impressed and came to respect John. He finally became a father when Harrison was born, but he was unaware that Tara had an affair with Kyle Abbott, and that Kyle was Harrison's true father.

On February 8, Theo Vanderway told Sally Spectra that Kyle had an affair with Tara and that Kyle may be the biological of her son Harrison even though Ashland believes he is Harrison's father. Ashland did business with Kyle's grandfather John Abbott and maybe even Victor Newman. If Ashland found out about the affair, he is ruthless enough to target everyone Kyle cares about. He is nicknamed the "Locke-Ness Monster" due to his ruthless and cruel nature. In late February, Victor discovered that Ashland was selling a media company called Cyaxares, and decided to buy it. Ashland was also contacted by two other parties interested in Cyaxares: Chancellor Communications and Victoria Newman. On March 11, He and Tara arrived in Genoa City. He mistook Kyle Abbott and Summer Newman as employees, but then recognized Kyle as John Abbott's grandson. He met with Billy Abbott and Lily Winters, who headed ChanceComm. He had a stipulation that he remain on the board, and Billy said they could accommodate him. He explained that Cyaxares has been his baby for generations, and said he needed to make sure he would hand it off to the right people. He said he does his homework on people he does business with, and asked Billy about his gambling. Billy assured him that his gambling was under control, but noted that it would have been a gamble to turn Cyaxares into the media powerhouse that it was. As he went to leave, Billy warned him that the Newman family would use Cyaxares in their feuds. He next met with Victor and his son Adam. Adam's pitch was assurance that Cyaxares wouldn't be folded into another company and they would instead use it to create something new. Adam told him that he would run the company, but his father would serve as his advisor. Ashland said there's nothing more important than family, and said he had a son as well, but he was too young to compete against him. He told Adam he knows about his past, and Victor assures him Adam's past won't play a factor in running the company. As he goes to leave, he says he has one more person he needs to talk to, and is stunned that Victor and Adam don't know that it is Victoria. As soon as he sees Victoria, he says she is the prettiest Newman, but Victoria quips that that would be her brother Nicholas Newman, and she is the brains. Victoria tells him that her offer will be the most generous, but he says he isn't just thinking about money. Victoria tells him that she will be competing against her family and intends to win. Victoria starts to talk up Billy, which impressed Ashland since he is her competitor. He brings up her work at Newman, and wonders why she wants a media company. Victoria says his media company is infamous and she doesn't want it falling into the wrong hands. Ashland assumes she is referring to Adam, and says he was unimpressed with his pitch as Wall Street is crawling with guys like him. Victoria says ChanceComm would care for Cyaxares, but they don't have the resources that Newman has. Impressed, Ashland says he'd like to hear more over dinner. Victoria asks about Tara, and Ashland says that she has pretty full day, so Victoria asks to reschedule the dinner when Tara is available. Ashland and Tara go to Society where they get acquainted with Jack Abbott Jack compliments Ashland for his business skills and said his father drove the moves they make into his head. Ashland compliments Billy's pitch, and Jack asks if that means he will give them Cyaxares. Ashland admired how Jack has his brother's back. Later, Kyle and Summer arrive and Ashland gets to know Kyle better. He takes a liking to Kyle and expresses a desire to face off against him in business. As Kyle and Summer leave, Ashland notices a strange look between Kyle and Tara. Ashland checks out of the Grand Phoenix, telling its owner Phyllis Summers that admired the Grand Phoenix, but they'll be leaving since his business has concluded. Later, Ashland calls Tara and tells her to come back to the hotel as he has made his decision and they'll be returning to New York. Ashland picks Adam and Victor as the new owners of Cyaxares, but declines to celebrate since he has a plane to catch. Ashland is sure his company is in good hands and says he'll send contracts. Ashland returns to the hotel, and sees Tara and Kyle arguing. He doesn't let on, and he and Tara leave to go back home.

A week later, Ashland called Kyle and said he had a business proposition for Jabot, which worried Kyle because Tara had phoned him about Ashland being quiet on the flight home. Ashland later met with Jack at Society where talk turned to Kyle, and Ashland brought up how Kyle seems to have followed in his father's footstep. Kyle soon showed up, and Jack left. Once Jack left, Ashland asked Kyle if he slept with Tara in New York since Ashland remembered seeing him there. Kyle was shocked by Ashland's accusation, who repeated it. When Kyle laughed off the assertion, Ashland told him that Kyle's reaction proves his suspicions were unfounded and they started talking about why Ashland should partner with Jabot. When Ashland got back to his room, he contacted an employee and asked them to find the areas where Jabot was most vulnerable. Later, he declined to do business with Jabot, and also left Kyle a message and asked him to call him back.

Ashland was stopped in the Grand Phoenix lobby by Billy, who asked him if he was aware that Adam was on he run for attempted murder. Ashland said he was, and Billy warned him against giving Cyaxares to Victor, saying he would use it as a weapon to attack other companies without thinking of it's well being. Ashland said he would keep that in mind. Ashland met Victor at Society and said he was going back on the Cyaxares deal, citingThe fact that his partners was on the run. Victor maintained Adam was innocent and being set up. Ashland called Victoria and Billy and asked them to meet with him in his suite, saying Cyaxares was back on the market. After getting off the phone, he asked Victor if he would like to up his bid, and Victor calmly declined the offer. Ashland met with Billy and Victoria and asked them to both argue why they should get Cyaxares and the other one shouldn't. Billy and Victoria both refused to trash others, so Ashland took out his lucky penny. Ashland explained it was the first bit of money he made as a young boy and it has never let him down. Billy flipped the coin and Victoria won Cyaxares, but Ashland didn't immediately sign a contract with Victoria. Jack later confronted Ashland and asked if he was behind the vicious rumours being spread about Jabot employees being exploited and having unsafe work conditions. Ashland denies being responsible and asks Jack if they are true. Jack firmly denies it, and Ashland suggests someone with a grudge could be targeting Jabot. Kyle interrupts the confrontation and tells Ashland they need to get some things straight. Tara arrives much to Ashland's surprise and she observes how close she and Kyle appear to be. Tara asks to talk to Ashland in private, but he has to leave to meet with Victor. Ashland starts to feel ill as he and Victor bicker about Cyaxares and the fact that reneged on their deal. Victor tried to push Ashland to sign, but he refused and said the deal was off. As Ashland stood up, he started having a heart attack. Victor refused to call for help until Ashland signed the contract, so he reluctantly did and vowed that this wasn't over to Victor. According to Tara, Ashland's heart attack caused him to change. He ceased all attacks on Jabot and he and Tara went back to New York to be with Harrison. During this time, Ashland tricked Tara into admitting she slept with Kyle, and immediately threw her out and told her he was going to take Harrison away.

Ashland showed up at Kyle's hotel room, looking for Tara. Ashland accused Kyle if keeping his son from him, and also asked Summer that she can't be okay with this. Summer said she supports Kyle, and Kyle forced Ashland to leave and slammed the door on him. Ashland then threatened Phyllis with legal action since she was harbouring a kidnapper at her hotel. Ashland went to Society where he ran into Victoria. Victoria was very cordial to Ashland's surprise since he ended up signing Cyaxares over to Victor and Adam. Victoria said it was just business and Ashland asked if she'd join him for a drink. Victoria accepted, and asked how Tara was. She quickly realized she touched a nerve and Ashland said that his marriage was over. Victoria expressed sympathy, but Ashland was looking towards the future. Ashland ran into Tara at the Grand Phoenix and they start arguing about Harrison. Phyllis happened by, and demanded they stop making a scene. Ashland suggests he and Tara take this up to her suite, but Tara refuses. Tara reaffirms they aren't getting back together, but Ashland says he doesn't want her anymore and has already filed for divorce. Ashland warns Tara that she has made a grave mistake before Phyllis orders him to leave. At Crimson Lights, Ashland runs into Victoria and invites her to have coffee with him. Ashland asks Victoria for her take on Kyle. Victoria says that she doesn't really know Kyle all that well aside from the fact that he is engaged to her niece. Ashland says Kyle and Tara had an affair, and Victoria realizes that's why they are divorced. She expresses her condolences. Ashland later meets with Victor and Adam, and tells Victor there are no hard feelings as he would have done the same. Victor and Adam reveal their plans for Cyaxares, including the fact that they have changed the name to Newman media. Ashland is taken aback, but ultimately approves of the name change. Ashland is later approached by Sally Spectra, and offers to help her whatever she wants if she helps him find his son. Sally finds out that Tara and Harrison are staying with the Abbotts.

Ashland heads to the Abbott mansion to confront Tara, but first asks to see his son. Tara agrees and lets Ashland spend sometime with Harrison. Afterwards, the discussion with Tara gets heated and Kyle announces that he is Harrison's father. Ashland is shocked and leaves without a word as Tara expresses remorse to Ashland. Ashland phones his lawyer with the news and wants to conduct his own paternity test, but wonders what his rights are even if Harrison isn't his son, showing that he still wants to be Harrison's father. Ashland asks to speak to Tara alone and they meet at Society where Ashland asks Tara why she cheated since she had a good life. Tara said she missed Ashland because he was always working and the material items didn't make up for it. Ashland offered an ultimatum to Tara: He'd grant her sole custody of Tara, but Kyle couldn't be involved at all. Ashland later changed his mind and allowed Kyle to be a part of Harrison's life during Tara's time.

Ashland had to go to New York to finalize his divorce with Tara and asked Victoria to come with him. Victoria turned him down at first, but Ashland eventually wore her down, and she accepts his offer. While in New York, Ashland reveals to Victoria that he has been diagnosed with Stage six small cell sarcoma. Ashland and Victoria continue to get closer as she supported him through his diagnosis. They eventually fell for one another, but Ashland had some heath set backs. He had one when he went to see Harrison in the park, and panicked. He didn't want to Harrison to see him in the state he was in and demanded Tara get Harrison away from him. Ashland and Victoria were shocked when a video of the encounter got leaked online, and Tara also was trying to get sole custody of Harrison, so Ashland suspected that Tara was behind the video leak. After the video, Ashland went public with his illness. Ashland realized he would have to decide what to do with his Locke Communications Group as a whole, and Victoria suggested they merge it with Newman and become business partners. Ashland agreed, even though Billy made a pitch for it. Ashland publicly announced the sale, and he and Victoria planned for the future. Victoria wanted Ashland to get chemo, but he was hesitant because of it weakening him. He and Tara eventually told Harrison together about his illness. Victoria and Ashland became engaged, and he decided to try the chemo treatment, so he could live as long as possible. Tara was arrested for embezzlement, and Kyle and Summer moved to Milan. Kyle wanted Harrison to come live with them, and Ashland agreed since Kyle could be a more hands on father. He requested that Harrison be allowed to see Tara since she was his mother, but under careful observation. Kyle agreed to all of Ashland's terms and Ashland said good bye to Harrison.

Jessie Gaines Jr, started sending Ashland's text. He wanted a final big payout since Ashland was now dying. Ashland agreed to pay Jessie off one final time, but decided to tell Victoria that he was a runaway, who chaned his name. He didn't reveal his true name, how he became Ashland Locke, or how he acquired his fortune. He later told his story to Victor, Nikki, Nick, and Billy. Victor then decided to pay Jessie off, but told Ashland that he owes him now and would use the information he knows against Ashland if he crossed him. Nick dug into Ashland's past and learned his true name, so Ashland talked about his friend Ashland, and how he switched names. Victoria was mad at Nick, but Nick no longer trusted Ashland since he left his friend to die.

Ashland and Victoria flew to Tuscany to get married, and Ashland decided it was time to tell Victoria the whole truth. Victoria was shocked, but decided to go through with marrying Ashland. Billy and Jessie Gaines showed up, but Victor and Adam managed to contain him, and Ashland married Victoria without any problems. Ashland resented Billy for trying to ruin his wedding, so he teamed up with Victor and Ashland to use Jessie and set a trap for Billy, knowing he wouldn't be able to resist. Billy had written the story about Ashland's shady past as a way to try and get them to back off, but ChanceComm got hacked and the story was released. Ashland filed a lawsuit, and then Jessie retracted the story claiming he made the whole thing up. As such, ChanceComm's credibility was shot and Ashland was able to make sure his secret would remain safe as any attempts to expose him would be met with immediate skepticism.

Ashland went to Peru to try an experimental life saving treatment that caused his cancer to go into remission. As such, he started taking a more active role in Newman-Locke, including letting go of a long time employee to make room for an associate of his. Ashland supported Victoria's plan to buy Newman Media from Victor. As a condition, Victor wanted Adam to remain as the company's CEO, and he remain in his advisory role. Victoria accepted as she and Ashland believed Adam would quit as a result. Instead, Adam surprised them by saying he would remain with the company even if it meant working under Victoria. Victoria was unnerved by this, but Ashland gave her reassurance. Ashland and Victoria had dinner with Victor and Nikki, and Adam showed up. He was invited to join, and the Newman's toasted to their unity. Victor was suspicious of Ashland's sudden recovery and investigate the clinic in Peru where he was treated, discovering that Ashland had made previous donations to the clinic. Ashland admitted to Victor that he knew about the clinic beforehand because a friend had been diagnosed with cancer. Later, while alone at Society, Ashland got a call from someone that told him someone was investigating the clinic, and Ashland told this person to stick to the plan. On Valentine's Day, Victoria bought Ashland a small replica of the Locke family crest. She tells Ashland that it's about the mam he is now and not who he used to be. Ashland and Victoria had Valentine's celebration with Victor and Nikki where Victor made Ashland so uneasy that he confessed to having donated and been aware of the clinic in Peru way before they met. Victoria was furious that Ashland had kept yet another secret from her, but Ashland swore that he was sorry and that he loved Victoria with his whole heart, so Victoria forgave him. Ashland approached Victoria and asked to made a full partner now, and share the CEO duties now that his cancer was in remission. Ashland learned that someone was in Peru looking for information on him. Victor eventually confronted Ashland about the fact that he was never sick and had faked his cancer diagnosis. He demanded Ashland divorce Victoria and leave town. Ashland stood his ground, but became uneasy when Victoria was ready for Ashland to sign the contract, so he had a panic attack and left immediately. Eventually, Ashland's contact told him the man that was snooping was Michael Baldwin, and that he and the three doctors that had exposed him had been dealt with. However Victor is determined to exposed Ashland and bring Michael home when he ends up missing. Victor orders Nate to investigate Ashland's medical reports even with Michael missing. Nate confronts Ashland and informs him that he has proof that he lied about having cancer. Ashland tries to get Nate back on his side and blames Victor into getting in his head. However when Nate refuses to believe Ashland threatens Nate to keep quiet or he will get his medical license taken away. Ashland later sees Nikki and asks if she believes Victors accusation, but Nikki gives Ashland a warning if he hurts Victoria. Ashland and Victoria talk about their partnership for Newman-Locke and Victoria lets Ashland know that she is on board for him to be co CEO, and show him the paperwork. Ashland is happy that Victoria believes in him and signs the deal.

Ashland sees Nate and tries to apologize to him. Nate lashes out at Ashland for using him and Victoria, as well as putting his career on the line for him. Elena sees Ashland and Nate, and confronts Ashland for threatening Nate. Ashland leaves and goes to Newman. Unaware that Victor, Nikki, Nick and Adam are having an intervention for Victoria to get through to her about Ashland's lie. When Ashland sees the Newmans and Victoria, he isn't surprised that Victor and the Newmans are trying to get into Victoria's head about him. Victoria tells Ashland that they are leaving, but before they do Victor asks Ashland to address Nate's report to Victoria. Victoria asks Ashland if Nate's report is a mix up and to tell her the truth. Ashland realizes that his time is up and tells Victoria that he can't be with her anymore and realizes that she will always put her family first and leaves. Which leads to Victoria realizing that Ashland played her. Victoria still pretended to be in love with Ashland while she and the Newman's plotted revenge. Victoria implied to Ashland that Adam falsified his medical records as a way to set him up. Ashland bought it and went to Adam's computer to try and plant false evidence against him. Adam offered to pay Ashland five hundred million to leave town. Ashland balked at the suggestion, but Victoria convinced him to take the money, saying she and Ashland could leave town together and start over elsewhere. Ashland took the money and then Victoria revealed that she played Ashland like he had played her. Ashland admitted he fell in love with Victoria, and was sincere about his love for her. Victoria sent Ashland away, but Ashland followed her when she left the office. Ashland and Victoria were involved in a car accident with Rey Rosales. Ashland rescued Victoria, but burned his hand in the process. He took Victoria to a cabin and went to check on Rey, but Rey was dead. Victoria was torn between her love for Ashland and the lies he had told her. Much to the Newman's chagrin, Ashland remained in town in the hopes that he and Victoria could get back together. Eventually, Victoria did choose Ashland, even to the point where she denounced her entire family and resigned as Co-CEO of Newman. Ashland was elated and he and Victoria left town to start a new company that they later decided to call Destiny.

Ashland and Victoria would struggle with getting funding for their new company, and Victoria convinced Ashland to put his five hundred million into their joint account. When Ashland left. Victoria transferred all the funds out of the account, and booked a flight back to Genoa City. Ashland returned sooner than expected cause he forgot his phone, and saw Victoria's bags were packed. Victoria had no problem telling Ashland that she had manipulated him like he had manipulated her, and that this was goodbye. Ashland came back to Genoa City and called his man Stannis, who had helped him in Peru. Ashland was disappointed with Stannis' failure in Peru, and gave him the simple task of spying on Victor, Victoria, and Adam. When Stannis spied on Adam, he heard an interesting conversation between Adam and Billy that he shared with Ashland. Stannis tracked Adam to Crimson Lights where Ashland approached Adam and hinted at a possible alliance since they both wanted the same thing. Ashland then went to Newman and asked Victor to drop the restraining order and let him see Harrison. He told Victor he had taken everything else from him, but please don't take his son. Victor refused, and when Ashland returned to his room, Adam approached Ashland, wanting to take him up on his offer. Ashland was suspicious of Adam, and suggested they could at a later date. Ashland then received a message from Stannis with a link to Billy's podcast, suggesting he should listen to it. Ashland listened the podcast that exposed his fake cancer scam and essentially ruined him. Ashland went to see Harrison in the park and begged Diane for a few moments with him, but Diane betrayed Ashland and contacted Michael, who arrived with Nikki and later the cops. Ashland was taken to a jail cell where Victor confronted and threatened Ashland's life. Ashland got out on bail and continued to be suspicious of Adam. He decided not to let Adam in on his plan, saying he planned to work alone under the pretence of Adam being able to claim ignorance if questioned after the fact.

Ashland followed Victoria home where he got her to let him in as a storm raged on. There, Ashland lashed at Victoria and said she was no better than him because of the lengths she went to to destroy him. Victoria continued to laugh in Ashland's face, and downplay his pain, further provoking him to the point where Ashland got physical and threatening with her. Victoria grabbed a fire poker to defend herself as Nick arrived and confronted Ashland. Ashland tried to downplay the situation, but when Victoria said Ashland had grabbed her, Nick grabbed Ashland and punched him. Ashland fell and hit in his head on the hearth of the fireplace. Nick and Victoria tried to resuscitate Ashland and couldn't feel a pulse as blood poured from Ashland's head. When Nick and Victoria left the house and came back, Ashland was gone, but there was no trail of blood. All that was left of Ashland in the house was the ring Victoria had given him for Valentine's Day that he had taken out during their confrontation, and then put back in his pocket. Nick and Victoria told the situation to Chance, and Michael later reported to Victor that Ashland was later found in his car in a ravine. Ashland was confirmed dead as a result, and Nick wondered if his actions had left to Ashland's death. Victor eventually revealed to Nick that Locke had died after he was punched. After Nick and Victoria left the house, Victor's security team went inside, removed Locke's body, put it in his rental car, drove him to the ravine and staged the accident. Nick revealed the truth to Victoria, and she revealed it to Nikki.

Sutton Ames

Sutton Ames
The Young and the Restless character
Portrayed byJack Landron
First appearanceApril 5, 2021
Last appearanceNovember 4, 2021
In-universe information
DaughtersNaya Benedict
GranddaughtersAmanda Sinclair

Hilary Curtis

Imani Benedict

Sutton Ames is Naya's father, and Amanda Sinclair, Hilary Curtis, and Imani's grandfather. He was played by Jack Landron from April 5, 2021 to November 2021[11].



Sutton is from a powerful political family and forced Naya to give away her twins to protect his reputation. Three decades later, he was accused of killing Amanda's father, Richard Nealon, who died in a car crash. However, Naya believed these claims were totally bogus. She asked Amanda to represent Sutton in court and sent her the facts of the case. Apparently, Richard had gotten a job at Newman Enterprises after graduating from college. While working there, he found out that Sutton had bent the rules to help the company bypass a zoning law for their commercial real-estate deal. In exchange, Newman Enterprises sent political donations to the Ames family. Both parties involved wanted to keep the mutually beneficial arrangement a secret, but Richard was ready to expose them. Amanda theorized that someone from Newman Enterprises would have equally strong motives and could be behind Richard's crash instead. Sutton was mentioned on March 26th and March 30th. It was later revealed that Jack Landron would take on the role and debut on April 5th. Sutton showed up at Amanda's hotel room where she lashed out at her grandfather for not even trying to keep her and her sister together. Sutton understood Amanda's anger, but stated he has no regrets. Sutton and Amanda started talking about the case, and Amanda wondered why pick her especially since she never worked in criminal law. She told Sutton she could lose, but he was confident she wouldn't. Sutton then revealed that he had followed Amanda and Hilary's careers and was impressed with what they had accomplished, but accepted that he couldn't take credit for it. Sutton told Amanda that if she took his case it would do wonders for her professional career. It would also give her a chance to get to know her family. Amanda asked they keep their relationship private, and Sutton agreed. On April 16th, Amanda met with Sutton and Naya at Society to discuss their defence strategy. Amanda had done some digging into Richard's past and found he'd had a mountain of student debt. She theorized Richard could have tried to blackmail the Newman executive for the funds in return for his silence. Naya saw how that would give the murderer a stronger motive for causing Richard's crash. Sutton commented that this would paint Richard in a bad light and wondered how Amanda was handling this recent development about her birth father. Sutton was also concerned that this case involved Victor Newman, knowing what a dangerous enemy he could be. Amanda was not to be deterred though, and explained that they could use Victor's shady past to their advantage. In 2004, Victor had plead guilty to commercial bribery, which showed what he was capable of. Pleased with Amanda's strategy, Sutton praised her work and invited her to their house for the weekend - not as their attorney, but to meet the rest of the family. Amanda emotionally accepted and Naya beamed with a smile. On May 7th, Sutton met with Amanda again in her hotel room.  Before reviewing the case, Amanda thanked him for the lovely luncheon at his house over the weekend.  It was wonderful getting to meet more of the family, and she remarked that Sutton had such a beautiful, stately old house.  Sutton chucked how it was way too big for one person, but he couldn't bear to move.  He had made so many memories there with his late wife.  Amanda expressed her gratitude that he had shared some of those memories with her over the weekend.  Seeing the photo albums had also been quite meaningful. Speaking of which, Sutton had brought something for Amanda and handed her an envelope. It contained copies of the photos she had seen at the luncheon, as well as a few new ones. Amanda was touched by Sutton's thoughtfulness and asked questions about the relatives in the photos. The conversation eventually turned towards the legal matter at hand, and Amanda filled Sutton in on Michael's outrageous plea deal. 20 years in prison was unacceptable to Sutton, especially since he was supposedly innocent. That would also mean he'd probably spend the rest of his life behind bars. After going though the evidence against Sutton, Amanda focused her attention on Richard and asked what kind of man he was, to get a better picture of his mindset. Sutton didn't know much and said that Richard was a bit self-centered, based off of what he'd heard from Naya. This didn't fit with Naya's previous description of a charming, funny Richard. Sutton also claimed he had never met the guy and couldn't confirm whether or not Richard knew about Naya's pregnancy. Dissatisfied, Amanda resolved to speak with Naya again about Richard. Then she assured Sutton that his case was her priority, despite her eagerness to learn more about her birth father. Sutton felt confident leaving his future in her capable hands and bid her farewell. In the lobby downstairs, Sutton ran into Imani as she entered the Grand Phoenix. He chastised her for missing the luncheon and told her not to antagonize Amanda anymore. Imani thought it was weird that he was already so protective of Amanda. Sutton said that Amanda was just trying to help their family, for which he was grateful. It wouldn't hurt for Imani to show some appreciation as well. Surprisingly, Imani went up to Amanda's room and apologized for her hostile behaviour, then even offered to help with the case. On June 10th, Sutton got frustrated with Amanda for not following the defence strategy he wanted. He stormed out of Society and Naya went after him to try and reason with him. Imani was impressed by how Amanda stood up to Sutton, but thought she was bluffing about quitting the case. Amanda was quite serious though and refused to back down. Sutton ended up at the Grand Phoenix and came across Victor in the lobby. Sutton called Victor out for being Amanda's anonymous "high-placed source" who had revealed crucial information about Richard. Amid their conversation, Sutton slipped up and said his granddaughter had disappointed him. He tried to cover by saying that he meant Imani, but Victor wasn't fooled.

When Amanda realized that Richard knew she existed, and went looking for her, she started to doubt Sutton's innocence. After Naya was arrested, Amanda flat out accused Sutton of Richard's murder, and letting Naya take the fall. After Naya was released on bail, Sutton wanted to work with his granddaughters on clearing her, but Amanda and Imani shut him out. Later, Devon Hamilton approached Sutton, who recognized him as the man Amanda was dating. Devon told Sutton Amanda would take him down, and warms him not to go after her. Sutton is called to the Newman Ranch by Victor, who offers to give him a letter that Richard wrote to him for the right price. Sutton refused the offer at first, and when Naya goes missing, Amanda accused Sutton of convincing her to leave town. Sutton denied the accusations and leaves. He then calls Victor about the letter, and meets him at the Ranch to buy it. Victor stuns Sutton when he refused to gibe him the letter, and lectures him for betraying his family. Sutton snaps that Victor is no better than him, and Victor admits that's true, but says the difference between them is he felt remorse and resolved to do better. Victor claims Sutton would sacrifice his own daughter to save himself. Sutton protests that he doesn't have billions like Victor does, and had to built a substantial power base to protect his family. Sutton blames Naya for getting pregnant by Richard, who he considered beneath them. Sutton says he can live with what he did to Richard if it meant protecting himself and his family. Suddenly, Amanda reveals herself with a recording, and asks what Sutton did. Imani appears and tells her grandfather that she'd liked to know the answer to that as well. Amanda reveals there was never any letter, and Sutton says he'll deny everything, but Amanda is confident the recording will be enough. Sutton asks Amanda what she wants, and Amanda snaps that she wants her father back.

Months later, Sutton went to visit Amanda at Devon's place. He told her how happy he was for her to have found love, but Amanda didn't want to hear it, Sutton asked for five minutes, so Amanda gave it to him. Sutton begged Amanda for leniency, saying he was an old man who didn't deserve to die in prison. When Amanda wouldn't show any mercy, Sutton started lashing out Amanda and accused her of doing this just because she didn't grow up with her family. "So what if it is!" Amanda snapped. Devon showed up and told Sutton to leave, but as Sutton started to leave, Amanda demanded Sutton empty his pockets. Sutton refused, so Amanda stood in his way and told Devon to call the police. Sutton reluctantly reached into his coat pocket and took out the recording device. Amanda realized Sutton planned to get Amanda to admit this was a grudge to discredit her in court. She ordered Sutton to leave, and turned the recording into District Attorney Michael Baldwin. She also told the court about it. Sutton was ultimately found guilty for his crimes, and sent to prison.

Harrison Locke Jr.

Harrison Locke Jr.
The Young and the Restless character
Portrayed byKellen Eneriquez
First appearanceMay 14, 2021
ClassificationCurrent, recurring
In-universe information
FatherKyle Abbott
MotherTara Locke
Adoptive fatherAshland Locke
Adoptive motherSummer Newman
GrandfathersJack Abbott
Nicholas Newman (adoptive)
GrandmothersDiane Abbott
Phyllis Summers (adoptive)
UnclesKeemo Volien Abbott

Daniel Romalotti (adoptive)

Noah Newman (adoptive)
AuntsFaith Newman (adoptive)
First cousinsAllie Nguyen
Lucy Romalotti

Harrison Locke is the son of Kyle Abbott and Tara Locke and the adoptive son of Summer Newman and the grandson of Jack Abbott and Diane Jenkins. He is portrayed by Kellen Enriquez and debuted on May 14th, 2021[12].



It was publicly believed that Harrison is the son of the powerful and influential Ashland Locke. He was first mentioned by Theo Vanderway to Sally Spectra on February 8. Harrison was most likely conceived in the Summer of 2017 and he was born in 2018. After his birth, Harrison weighed about 9 pounds and 2 ounces. During their reunion at the Grand Phoenix, Tara was confronted by Kyle, who has seen the photos of Harrison, even though they were blurry. Kyle knows that Harrison looks just like him. Also, Kyle knows that Tara didn't sleep with Ashland during the time Kyle and Tara were together by the time she became pregnant. Tara admitted that she had a DNA test done on Harrison and Kyle is Harrison's biological father.

On March 3, Tara calls Kyle to inform him that she and Ashland are coming to Genoa City on business, and that he better not say anything about being Harrison's father. Before Ashland and Tara left the Grand Phoenix to head back to New York to be with Harrison, Tara and Kyle have a huge argument in the lobby over territory and Harrison. During his argument with Sally at Jabot, Sally confronts Kyle about why he has been so distracted lately, then she pushes Kyle to admit that he's been wondering what life might be like with a suddenly single Tara and their son Harrison as a family.

Harrison was mentioned again on April 16, when Tara calls Kyle to informed him about the huge argument between her and Ashland, but when Kyle asked what is the argument about, but Tara abruptly let Kyle go saying that she has to get to Harrison, before she could said anything more.

Harrison was mentioned several times on April 23: Summer tried to convince Tara to stop Ashland's attack on Jabot, Tara has mentioned that she has everything to lose: her marriage and her son. After, learning about Ashland's heart attack , Jack, Kyle and Summer worried about the possibility of Harrison losing his father and when Kyle stops Tara, who was about to leave the Grand Phoenix with Ashland's things as she was head back to the Hospital. Kyle asked Tara how she was doing and his worry about Harrison, but Kyle has not a pity for Ashland.

On April 28, Harrison called his mother at the Grand Phoenix to ask her when she and Ashland are coming home, unaware that Kyle is listening to the phone conservation.

After the phone call ended, Kyle wants to know something about Harrison that he can hold onto. Tara will admit Harrison’s favorite song is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and that he botches the lyrics by singing “bup, bup, bup the world so high.”, Kyle thinks that pretty cute and thank Tara for giving him that info.

On April 30, Tara meets with Kyle in his Hotel room, while Summer was in the shower, Tara didn't like the way their conservation ended at the Lobby. Tara sends a photo of Harrison on his phone as a goodbye present, Kyle knows that Harrison is cute by looking at his photo, later after Tara left, Kyle and Summer looked at Harrison's photo, which Summer replies "he's adorable", while Summer is ordering some food, Kyle is staring at a photo of his son.

Then on May 14th, during a toast at Kyle and Summer's engagement party at Society, Tara showed up with little Harrison by her side.

Dominic Newman-Abbott-Winters-Chancellor

Dominic Newman-Abbott-Winters-Chancellor
The Young and the Restless character
Portrayed byRiver & Rainn Ware (2021-22)
First appearanceDecember 8, 2021
ClassificationCurrent, recurring
In-universe information
Other namesBowie (by Mariah)
FatherDevon Hamilton
MotherAbby Newman
Adoptive fatherChance Chancellor
GrandfathersVictor Newman

Tucker McCall

Phillip Chancellor III
GrandmothersAshley Abbott

Harmony Hamilton

Nina Webster
UnclesNicholas Newman

Adam Newman

Ronan Malloy
AuntsAna Hamilton
Victoria Newman
First cousinsClaire Grace

Noah Newman
Summer Newman
Reed Hellstrom
Faith Newman
Connor Newman
Katie Abbott

Christian Newman

Dominic ''Dom'' Phillip Newman-Abbott-Winters-Chancellor is a fictional character on The Young and the Restless.



Dominic is the son of Chance Chancellor and Abby Newman. His biological father is Devon Hamilton.

Chance was unable to have children due to an injury, and Abby couldn't carry a child after her miscarriage years prior, so Devon volunteered to be the sperm donor with Mariah Copeland being the surrogate.

Abby, Devon and Mariah went through the conception and pregnancy together as Chance was away on a secret undercover assignment.

During Mariah's pregnancy, she was kidnapped and held captive by Abby's ex-husband Ben "Stitch" Rayburn in an attempt to win back Abby's love. He sent text messages to Mariah's friends and family to make them think everything was ok and that she left on her own. Devon became suspicious and shared those suspicions with Abby who was becoming increasingly worried about Mariah's absence.

When Abby finally confronted Stitch, he admitted everything and led Abby and Devon to Mariah. Mariah had gone into labor and they found her just in time to deliver Dominic, whom Mariah had nicknamed "Bowie" during their captivity.

After being rushed to the hospital, both were given a clean bill of health. Abby named the baby Dominic to honor Devon and Mariah's contributions with the "D" and "M" initials in his name. Devon and Mariah were also named his godparents at his christening.

Recently Mariah has experience PTSD from the kidnapping and separation anxiety whenever she is away from Dominic. As a result, after his christening, she tells Abby that she can no longer live at the Chancellor Estate and be around baby Dominic day-to-day because it's too hard. She wants to be his mother, but knows it's not her place, so she feels it best to leave.

Allie Nguyen


Allie Nguyen has been portrayed by Kelsey Wang since March 10, 2022[13]. She is the daughter of the late Keemo Volien Abbott, and the granddaughter of Jack Abbott and Luan Volien.

Allie Nguyen
The Young and the Restless character
Portrayed byKelsey Wang
First appearanceMarch 11, 2022
ClassificationCurrent, recurring
In-universe information
OccupationGrad student majoring in Chemistry
FatherHao Nguyen II
GrandfathersJack Abbott
GrandmothersLuan Volien
UnclesKyle Abbott
AuntsMai Volien
First cousinsHarrison Locke Jr.



In February 2022, Jack Abbott started receiving mysterious text messages from an address that was registered to a Hao Nguyen. Jack recognized the name of his son Keemo Volien Abbott's late grandfather and Luan's father. After doing some investigating, Jack found out that Hao was Keemo, who had passed away a couple of weeks ago. Devastated, Jack and his friend Phyllis Summers went to Los Angeles, hoping to find some closure. Jack went to Keemo's old house and found a box is his old things where he found out a photo of a Keemo with three young women. Jack recognized one as Keemo's half-sister Mai Volien, but not the other two. During one visit, Jack found a photo of a young girl with a phone number on the back. He recognized her as one of the woman in the photos, but older now. Jack texted the number and arranged to meet with the person, who was texting him. That person seemed to be Allie, but she didn't know who they were and Jack explained that he was Hao Nguyen's father, but he knew him as Keemo. Allie reveals that Keemo is her father, but doubts Jack is telling the truth cause Keemo said he never met his father. Jack admits to going through the letter, which angers Allie, but after reading the letters, comes to realize Jack is telling the truth. Allie is resistant on getting to know Jack even though she doesn't have the best relationship with her mother because of how Keemo cut her out of his life. Allie leaves the house and later returns with something Keemo gave to her, and offers it to Jack. She also suggests she may be open to to the idea of getting to know Jack one day. Alone at night, Allie walked around the house and lamented how she missed her dad and was alone now. Allie ended up falling asleep and a shadow loomed over. When she awoke, no one was there, but she wondered if someone was there. The next day. Allie meets with Tanya, the real estate agent. Tanya tells Allie that the new owner wants to meet with her. The owner introduces herself as Taylor Jenson. Taylor and Allie talk and she opens up about her father and the fact that she found a new family member, who she isn't sure about her. Taylor encourages Allie to reach out to this person, so Allie calls them and asks if they can meet. Allie and Jack meet at a café in LA and have a nice conversation. Allie explains that she wants to be a chemist, and Jack laments her great-aunt Ashley Abbott is also a chemist. When Jack and Allie get back to the house, she is stunned when Taylor is revealed to be the thought to be dead Diane Jenkins, the mother of her uncle Kyle Abbott. Overwhelmed, Allie rushed out. Jack follows her and is thankful that Allie is still willing to get to know him. Jack tells Allie all about Diane's history, and Allie is stunned that Diane could abandon her son like that.

In May 2022, Allie came to Genoa City to visit Jack at the Abbott Mansion for a break of the semester at school and she met the rest of the Abbott family, including Kyle, Billy Abbott, Traci Abbott, Ashley and Abby Newman. Later, after settling down with Traci and Abby upstairs, Allie came downstairs to greet Jack and then she broke down crying. Later, she went to Crimson Lights with Abby, where she was introduced to Abby's nephew Noah Newman, who starts making jokes about the Newmans and Abbotts, but Allie is bewildered. Abby explains there is a lot of history between the families. Then Abby's husband Chance Chancellor arrives and meets Allie. Abby explains to Chance that she needs to drop Allie off, Noah has offered to drive her home, but Allie decides to walk back to the estate to see more of Genoa City. On the same night at the mansion, Allie meets her uncle Kyle's wife, Summer Newman, who has arrived from Milan and Summer introduces herself to Allie. Then Summer invites Allie to attend Mariah Copeland and Tessa Porter's wedding. Allie didn't want to go, but Summer convinced her to come as her plus one. Later at the wedding reception, Allie and Summer meet up with her family and Jack introduces Allie to Mariah and Tessa. After arriving at the Mansion after the wedding, Allie decides to head out to Crimson Lights, unaware it was closed and she meets with Noah. Later, Allie and Noah were discussing their family dynamics and how she is slowly getting to know her family, while Noah was offering her a cup of coffee, while also offering her advice on how to deal with her family situation.

Audra Charles

Audra Charles
The Young and the Restless character
Portrayed byZuleyka Silver
First appearanceSeptember 23, 2022
ClassificationPresent; regular
In-universe information
OccupationHead of Operations

Audra Charles is a resident of Genoa City. The character has been portrayed by Zuleyka Silver since September 22, 2022[14].



Audra Charles is an artist and an IPO advisor. She was hired by Jill Foster Abbott, and came to town to help with Chancellor-Winters going public. She met with Nate Hastings first, and then CEOs Devon Hamilton, and Lily Winters, and Lily's COO Billy Abbott along with Nate. Lily and Devon were on board, but then when Tucker McCall came back to town, they decided to hold off on it.

Audra went to the new nightclub that Noah Newman, and it was revealed that she was Noah's ex-girlfriend who had really hurt him. Audra was happy to see Noah again and described his new girlfriend Allie Nguyen as "cute". Later, she sat in a chair and watched Noah and Allie as she drank. Noah described his relationship with Audra as toxic since they were always fighting, and though it initially hurt, he realized they were better off apart.

Audra was revealed to be working with Tucker and feeding him information on when Chancellor-Winters would go public. She was affiliated with an art company called Wild Beauty that had been connected to Tucker. Noah's grandmother Nikki Newman questioned Audra about Wild Beauty, hoping to get some info that would link Tucker to Diane Jenkins.

Tucker and Audra's plan hit a huge snag when Nate revealed that he was working with another CEO, so they could buy up as many as shares as they can as soon Chancellor-Winters went public. As such, Jill, Devon, and Lily decided to hold off on going public till they find out who the other CEO. Tucker told Audra he thinks this mysterious CEO is Victoria.

Jeremy Stark

Jeremy Stark
The Young and the Restless character
Portrayed byJames Hyde
First appearanceOctober 21, 2022
Last appearanceJune 2, 2023
In-universe information
OccupationStabbed with a pair of scissors by Phyllis Summers in self defence.

Jeremy Stark was a former associate of Diane Jenkins from her time in Lost Angeles. He was played by James Hyde from November 2022[15] to April 2023[16].



Jeremy met up with Diane in Los Angeles, and used the fact that she had changed her name to hide from her past To blackmail her into laundering money for him. Eventually, Jeremy was exposed and told Diane. He assured Diane he wouldn't give the cops any information on her and as such went to prison.

Jeremy was released from prison in November 2022, and showed up at the Abbott mansion after being tipped off by Phyllis Summers on Diane's whereabouts. Jack Abbott came by and shook hands with Jeremy while being unaware of who he was. Later, their son Kyle Abbott showed up at Jeremy's door and warned him away from Diane. Jeremy texted Diane, and told her that getting the Abbott's involved were a mistake. Jeremy went to Jabot to talk to Diane and interrupted an argument between her and Phyllis. Diane accused Phyllis of telling Jeremy where she was, and Jeremy noted that Phyllis's voice did sound familiar which unnerved her. Jeremy and Diane went to talk in Jack's office, and he wanted Diane to give him back the money she stole. Diane said she couldn't as it was all gone, so Jeremy demanded that she pay him back. Jack offered to pay back the money on Diane's behalf, but Jeremy refused. Diane then went to Jeremy and claimed she was conning Jack and wanted a genuine partnership with him. Jeremy was skeptical, and even though Diane and Jack had an argument in front of him, he still wanted proof of Diane's sincerity. Jeremy ordered Diane to commit theft to prove she was telling the truth. Diane presented Jeremy with Nikki Newman's necklace. Jeremy wanted a physical relationship with Diane, and they kissed, but did not sleep together. Detective Chance Chancellor shows up at Jeremy's door, and found the stolen necklace. Jeremy quickly realized he had been set up by Jack and Diane, and accused them when he showed up, but since he couldn't prove they had, and was found with the stolen necklace, Jeremy was arrested by Chance.

Jeremy showed up a month later, after having been released. He tried to get Phyllis to team up with him, but she slept turning him down. Jeremy also announced his presence to Jack and Diane, but promised he wasn't looking for payback, saying he liked Genoa City. After seeing Phyllis in a state, Jeremy rescues her and takes her back to his place where he finally wears her down enough to agree to team up with him. Jack and Diane had gone into hiding upon Jeremy's return, and he couldn't find them even though he kept texting Diane and warning her she couldn't hide from him forever. To lure them back to town, Phyllis claimed that Jeremy had left town looking for Diane. The plan worked like a charm, and Jack and Diane returned to town, but then Diane saw Jeremy and Phyllis together and accused them of scheming together. They denied it, but continued to work on their plan in secret. Jeremy needed something of Diane's for their plan to work, and Phyllis discovered that Jack had proposed to Diane by finding her engagement ring. On the night of Genoa City'a bicentennial, Jeremy and Phyllis attended the masquerade party being hosted at the Athletic Club by Victor and Nikki Newman. Jeremy wore a full mask, so no one would recognize him, and casually bumped into Jack, swiping the ring from his pocket. Phyllis then lured Diane into a confrontation that got so heated that Diane ended up strangling Phyllis briefly. Soon after, Phyllis accused Diane of trying to kill her before collapsing. Phyllis was taken to the hospital by two men that Jeremy had hired to pose as paramedics. Jeremy then announced that he and Phyllis were married and accused Jack and Diane of harming Phyllis while accusing Phyllis's children Summer and Daniel Romalotti of abandoning her. Jeremy played up the concerned husband act especially when the final part of the plan was initiated. The ambulance crashed and exploded, faking Phyllis death by making it appear she had perished in the explosion. Phyllis hid in a motel whine Jeremy did his best to put the blame on Diane in public, but Phylis began to have second thoughts and snuck out to her own memorial. Jeremy became worried that Phyllis would ruin their plan, and when he couldn't reason with her, he started threatening to kill her. Jeremy and Phyllis originally planned to go their separate ways but he felt he couldn't trust her, so he said he could stay with her. Jeremy tried to kiss Phyllis, but she pushed him away. Jeremy then tried to kill Phyllis with a pair of scissors, fearing she would ruin everything. In the ensuing struggle, Jeremy was fatally stabbed with the scisscors. Phyllis wrapped Jeremy's body up in the shower curtain of the motel, and dragged his body to be disposed of in the river where it was later found by Chance, who was looking for Jeremy believing him to be an accomplice of Diane's.

Aria Porter Copeland

Aria Porter Copeland
The Young and the Restless character
Portrayed byMaddie Millie Ingle (2023-)
First appearanceApril 19, 2023
In-universe information
Adoptive motherMariah Copeland
Tessa Porter
GrandfathersFrank Barritt
GrandmothersSharon Newman
UnclesNoah Newman
AuntsCassie Newman
Faith Newman

Aria Porter-Copeland is Mariah Copeland and Tessa Porter's adoptive daughter.

Clair Grace


Claire Grace has been played by Hayley Erin since October 3rd, 2023. Erin also portrayed Abby Newman, from 2008-10[17]


Claire Grace
The Young and the Restless character
Portrayed byHayley Erin
First appearanceOctober 3, 2023
ClassificationPresent; regular
In-universe information
Other namesEve Newman Howard
OccupationAssistant at Newman Media
ParentsVictoria Newman
Cole Howard
Adoptive motherJordan Howard
Half-brothersReed Hellstrom
Johnny Abbott
Half-sistersKatie Abbott
GrandfathersVictor Newman
Rick Daros
GrandmothersNikki Newman
Eve Howard
UnclesNicholas Newman

Dylan McAvoy

Adam Newman
AuntsEve Howard (adoptive)
Abby Newman
First cousinsCole Howard (adoptive)

Noah Newman
Summer Newman
Faith Newman
Connor Newman
Christian Newman

Dominic Abbott Newman Winters Chancellor

Eve Nicole Howard was the daughter of Cole Howard and Victoria Newman. In 1998, Cole and Victoria tried for a child and Victoria conceived, but their daughter Eve Nicole Howard was believed to have died shortly after birth. In truth, Eve was stolen by her great aunt Jordan Howard, who passed off a dead baby as Eve. Jordan raised Eve as her own and presumably gave her the name Claire. When Claire was five, Jordan told Claire that her parents didn't want her and that Claire was a part of the powerful Newman family. Claire as homeschooled until middle school when she was sent to a an all girls private school; but, when that happened, Jordan told Claire not to reveal that she was related to the Newman's as it would be humiliating for people to know she was tossed aside by the powerful Newman family. When Claire became old enough, she and Jordan devised a plan to get back at the Newman's and Cole. Jordan blamed her nephew and the Newman's for her sister's mental decline which never gave them the chance to reconcile after being estranged for so long.

Claire Grace first appeared meeting with Nikki Newman and Audra Charles to interview for the position of Nikki's assistant. Claire went through her background including the fact that Nikki knew the mother of Claire's best friend. As Nikki's assistance, Claire made herself indispensable. Claire was invited by Nikki to the wedding celebration of Jack Abbott and Diane Jenkins where Nikki introduced various members of the town and power players. Claire faked enthusiasm about meeting Victor Newman, and shaking his hand. As Nikki helped Claire settle in, Audra came running in as she was having trouble with a business deal. Nikki asked Claire for her input and was impressed with her answer, saying she reminded her of a young Victoria Newman. One night, Claire volunteered to lock up the office. Aline, she stared at the pictures of Nikki and her family on her desk. When Claire got back to her suite, she looked at some newspaper clippings that she had saved before receiving a call from her aunt Jordan, and she assured her that everything was going according to plan. Claire told Nikki that she had to go see her aunt Jordan who hurt got hurt. Claire said that Jordan looked up to Nikki and idolized her. Nikki learned Jordan was on the way to her sister Casey Reed, who she was planning surprise with a visit. She offered to drop Claire off on the way.

Claire called Jordan and told her they were on their way and to get everything ready for their arrival. Upon their arrival, Claire had a written a note, saying that she had to run off but had some tea prepared for then. Nikki drank the tea, but Claire didn't which Nikki found odd after a bit. Nikki started to feel faint and noticed Claire looking stoicly at her rather than concerned. Nikki passed out and Claire put her in a bed, advising Nikki to have sweet dreams while she can and saying the rest of her family will be joining her soon. Nikki woke up, and stumbled down the stairs. As she tried the phone, Claire game at her with a syringe and injected her in the neck. Before Nikki lost consciousness, she asked Claire why she was doing this, but all Claire said was that the Newman's think they can do whatever they want and hurt others without repercussions. Claire told Nikki the rest of the family will be joining them, and Nikki told her to stay away from her family as she passed out. Claire said she can't because she has been looking forward to this her whole life. Claire texted Jordan to let her know that Nikki had woken up. She said it was handled, but said she needed her help. Once Nikki was put back to her and hooked up with an IV, Claire stared in the mirror as Jordan arrived and told her not to get soft on her now. Claire returned to Genoa City where she informed Victor and their children that Nikki had a stroke and Jordan took her to the hospital. Claire, Victor, Victoria, and Nicholas Newman are departed on the Newman jet for Jordan's house. Jordan made nice with the Newman's until they drank from the water bottles Claire had offered them. Jordan asked Victor if she looked familiar to him, and Victor said he has never seen her before. Jordan said that he knew her sister Eve, and revealed that she had blamed him and his family for Eve's mental decline. Victor said Eve never mentioned having a sister, and Jordan admitted they were estranged. She said she blamed the Newman's for Eve's mental decline and never allowing them the chance to reconcile before she died. Victor tried to get forceful with Eve, but Eve informed them that the water bottles were poisoned and they would all soon die. Claire left the room and came back dragging Cole into the room. Cole had previously been lured there, knocked unconscious, and locked up somewhere in the house. Victoria was stunned to see Cole and wondered why he was there. Claire said he had to be there for the family reunion, and called Victoria mother.

Victoria was shocked and denies being Claire's mother. Claire believed Victoria had abandoned her intentionally and asked her if it was too inconvenient for her career to have a child. Victoria vowed she would never abandon any of her children. Victor asked Cole if Jordan was really his aunt. Come confirmed that Eve did have a sister, but he didn't really see her much as they never got along. Victor got annoyed and tried to intimidate Jordan, but Jordan knew Victor was use to being in control, but asserted that this time he wasn't and ordered him to sit. Victor backed off and offered Jordan a bribe, but Jordan scoffed that the Newman's think they can buy there way out of anything, and Victor asked what she wanted. Jordan said she just wanted them to sit there and listen. Claire went around collecting everyone's phones. When she approached Victoria and Cole to get their phones, she lamented that she never thought she would be reunited with both her parents. Victoria then realized that Claire was claiming to be their daughter Eve, and Claire confirmed it. However, Victoria and Cole held firm to their believe that Eve had died since she was born prematurely. After a bit of back and forth between Claire, and Victoria and Cole, Jordan confessed Claire was their daughter and Eve's granddaughter. Jordan confessed that she had been at the hospital when Victoria gave birth, and stated the hospital and room number she was in to prove it. Jordan had stolen Eve from the hospital, and replaced her with another premature newborn that had died, so Cole and Victoria believed their daughter had died. When Victoria spoke her suspicions out loud, Claire confirmed that she was Eve, but Cole and Victoria refused to believe that their premature baby had survived. Claire begged and pleaded with Victoria to believe her, but Victoria refused, saying that Eve was the sweetest little girl, Claire said she was that sweet little Eve. Victria went to slap Claire, who grabbed her arm and said that now she was Claire Grace. As the poison took effect, Cole and the Newman's began to feel weak, a loud crash alerted everyone. Jordan lied and said it was their cat. Claire continued to try and convince Victoria and Cole. Jordan finally piped up, and back back Claire's claim that she was their baby and Eve's granddaughter. Victoria was in disbelief by Jordan's claims, but Jordan verified the name of the hospital and room number Victoria was in to prove she was there when Victoria gave birth. Jordan said she then stole little Eve, and placed another baby that had died in Victoria's arms. Claire was shocked by Jordan's revelation cause Jordan had told her her whole life that her parents hadn't wanted her. Jordan said they didn't because if they did, they would have always believed she was alive. Claire took Jordan aside and blasted her for lying to her. Jordan advised her great-neice to stay focus, but Claire snapped that she was done listening to her.

Nick took advantage of Claire and Jordan's distraction to pin Jordan up against the wall while Victor weakly stumbled up the stairs. Jordan escaped Nick's grasp and ran up the stairs, grabbing a knife. Nick ran up after and Jordan slashed him across the chest. Claire stood there in shock at the chaos that had unfolded and begged Victoria to believe she was her daughter. Victoria and Cole instead begged for Claire's help and promised to help her. Just then Victor and Nikki stumbled downstairs and Claire asked where Jordan was. Victor snaps that she is fine as Nikki blasts Claire and asks her what kind of monster she is. Claire finally caves and gives everyone the antidotes as Nick calls the police and paramedics. Claire listens as Cole and Victoria still deny her as their daughter and slumps down against the wall, sobbing. Claire is rendered despondent as a result and as she is arrested, she is asked by Nikki where Jordan would hide. Claire says she has no idea. As Claire is taken away, she apologizes to Cole and the Newman's and admits she has no idea who she is anymore now doubting if Jordan even told her the truth.

Claire was jailed at her local jail and received a visit. She thought it was Jordan and was surprised that it was Victoria and Cole. They admitted they wondered if it is possible Claire was Eve, and asked Claire to tell them about her childhood, and what Jordan told her. Claire explained her life to them. Victoria and Cole could recognize how damaged Claire had become and said they would help her, but they required a DNA test from her. Claire agreed and asked if they would help her even if she wasn't their daughter. Victoria and Cole promised they would. While sleeping, Claire had a nightmare that Jordan snuck into see her. Though appearing motherly at first, Jordan soon called Claire weak, saying that is why she was in jail. Claire met with Michael Baldwin, who had been asked by Victoria and Cole to represent her. Michael made it clear he doubted her innocence and told Claire that she had to be completely honest with him and he'll decide whether or not to represent her after. Claire told Michael how she felt about the life she had and what Jordan had told her. Having put all her trust in Jordan for years, Claire was now questioning her entire existence and identity. Michael could see Claire was sincere and agreed to represent her. He managed to get Claire committed in Genoa City. As Claire was getting settled in, Victoria and Cole came to see her. They revealed that they had already acquired Claire's DNA test and just got the results back, Claire asked them to tell her who she is, and Victoria and Cole clarified Claire was their daughter. Claire smiled and teared up, but didn't know what to do now. Victoria and Cole vowed to help her and be there as she attempted to rebuild her life. Victoria asked her daughter for a hug, and Claire obliged.

As Claire slept, Jordan snuck into her room, disguised, and took her out in a wheelchair. Claire was heavily sedated so had no idea what was happening. She came to and was surprised to see Nikki, who tried to help her up so they could escape from Jordan together. Jordan and Nikki fought, and Claire noticed a gun. She rose up and held the gun demanding Joran get away from Nikki. Claire unloaded all her anger at Jordan for lying to her all these years and taking her from her parents. Jordan asserted they would have abandoned Claire, bur Claire cried she would have been loved and had a chance at a normal life and to be real friends instead of being twisted into a hate filled human. Nikki told Claire to put the gun down, so Jordan could pay for her crimes. Claire believed Jordan could just plead insanity and get committed, hinting that she wanted to kill her. Jordan dared Claire to do it and when she hesitated, Jordan taunted her for being weak. Annoyed, Nikki told Jordan to shut up, and shoved her hard. Jordan hit the wall and lost consciousness. Nikki then approached Claire and told her to give her the gun. With shaking hands, Claire slowly relinquished the gun, and broke down. Nikki pulled her granddaughter into a hug as she sobbed on her shoulder. Victor and Nick arrived with the police to find Nikki and Claire sitting together.Victor asked Claire if she was alright, and Claire nodded. As Jordan was being led away by the police, she turned to face Claire and said she broke her heart. Claire responded that Jordan broke her life, and Nikki ordered the police to get her out of there, so they led Jordan away. Nick wondered if they would take Claire with her, and Nikki said of course they would since Claire saved her life. Victor told Claire they owe her a debt of gratitude. Surrounded by her family, Claire cried and apologized for everything she did to them.

Jordan Howard

Jordan Howard
The Young and the Restless character
Portrayed byColleen Zenk
First appearanceNovember 17, 2023
ClassificationPresent; recurring
In-universe information
Other namesIsabel
Half-sistersEve Howard
Adoptive daughtersClaire Grace
NephewsCole Howard

Jordan Howard has been played by Colleen Zenk since November 17, 2023[18]. She is the previously mentioned great aunt of Claire Grace. On November 27, 2023, it was revealed that she is the estranged sister of the late Eve Howard and the aunt of Cole Howard.



At some point, Jordan and her sister Eve became estranged with each other. However, they continued to visit and Jordan met her nephew Cole. Jordan had always hopes she and Eve could reconcile but when Eve died, Jordan blamed Victor Newman and his family for them never having a chance to reconcile since Eve has become obsessed with Victor. Eventually, Cole got with Victor's daughter Victoria Newman, and they gave birth to a little girl they named Eve. Jordan was in the hospital at the time Victoria have birth. Eve was born prematurely and had a high chance of not making it, so Jordan stole Eve, and replaced her with a dead baby, making Victoria and Cole believe that Eve had died. Jordan took Eve away to raise her, but never with genuine love. When Eve was five years old, Jordan started poisoning her mind against the Newman's and Cole. Jordan claimed her parents didn't want her, and homeschooled her. She warned Eve to never tell anyone that she was the daughter of Victoria Newman cause it would be embarrassing to have to admit they didn't want her. Jordan placed Eve in an all girls private school to limit her contact, and with Eve hiding the truth about her family, Jordan was able to make sure Victoria and Cole never learned about her existence until she and Eve (eventually named Claire Grace) were ready to get their revenge.

In October of 2023, Claire got a job as Nikki Newman's personal assistant. It was all part of a plan concocted by Jordan and Claire to gain Nikki's trust so she could lure her and the rest of her family into a trap. Jordan noticed hesitation on Claire's face, and told her not to lose focus. Claire returned to Genoa City while Jordan continues to watch over Nikki. She left a photo of Eve on the bed, and when Nikki briefly came to, she saw Jordan leaning over her, weakly asked why she was doing this. Jordan only responded that Nikki did this to herself, and then left her. The next part of the plan was for Claire to claim that Nikki had a suffered a seizure and was taken to the hospital. Claire claimed she couldn't get an hold of Jordan and after assembling Victor and their children, Claire actually called Jordan, who spoke with Victor, but she faked interference as he asked for the name of the hospital. Upon their arrival, Claire gave the Newman's water bottles, and as soon as they drank from them, Jordan dropped the act and revealed her identity as Eve's sister and that she was seeking revenge on the Newman's. Claire went downstairs to retrieve Cole, who had previously knocked unconscious as Jordan announced that she had poisoned the water bottles the Newman's drank from and they would die from a heart attack as a result. While Jordan was monologuing, Claire left the room to bring up Cole, who had been previously lured to the house, knocked out, and imprisoned someone. Jordan had Claire take everyone's phones and lock them away. Victor was skeptical of Jordan's claims and asked Cole if Jordan was his aunt. Cole said his mother did have a sister, but he doesn't remember her too well cause they didn't get along. Jordan made it clear she blamed her nephew as well and accused him of not loving Eve, but Cole said that wasn't true. Jordan sat back and watched as Claire revealed her identity to Victoria and Cole, but they wouldn't believe her claims, so Jordan spoke up and confirmed Claire's claims. Jordan was in Genoa City the day Victoria gave birth to Eve. To prove it, she named the hospital and room number that Victoria was in. Jordan said she was in the maternity ward and took the newly born Eve while replacing her with a dead baby. Claire was stunned and privately confronted Jordan about lying to her that her parents didn't want her. Jordan said that part was true since they just believed she was dead and move on. Jordan warned Claire not to lose focus, but Claire snapped that she was done listening to Jordan. Though weak and dying from the poison, Nick took advantage of the distraction to pin Jordan to the wall as Victor weakly stumbled upstairs. Jordan shoved Nick away, grabbed a knife that she had hidden, and ran up the stairs after him. Nick followed, and Jordan slashed him with the knife across the chest at the top of the stairs. Jordan found Victor with Nikki and confronted them holding the knife. Victor noticed the blood and wondered whose it was, but Jordan ignored him. Victor overpowered Jordan, disarmed her, and then locked her in the room. However, Jordan managed to evade capture after Claire had a change of heart and saved Cole and the Newman's. Jordan hid in the air vent and watched as Claire was arrested and everyone left the house.

Nikki began getting mysterious calls that just played music. She eventually remembered that it was the music she used to dance to. Victor and Nikki knew it was Jordan, who arrived in Genoa City, and hid out at a motel. She also texted Nikki a photo of her that was taken while she was held captive. An APB was issued for Jordan, which she was waiting for. She called the police and said she spotted Jordan and told them where she was. Jordan then vacated the room, leaving photos of Eve on the bed. Donning a blond wig and glasses, Jordan relocated to the Athletic Club. Jordan snuck into the hospital and sedated Claire. She then took her out of the hospital in a wheelchair. Jordan took Claire to a secluded cabin that Eve used to take Cole to as a kid, and called Nikki. She taunted Nikki over drinking again, and told her she had Claire. Nikki refused to believe it, but Jordan verified that she had taken her. She told Nikki to come and meet her alone, and she was willing to trade Claire for Nikki.

Nikki arrived at the cabin alone, and called out for Claire. Jordan approached Nikki holding a gun. Jordan could tell Nikki was drunk and taunted her for it. Nikki asked about Claire, and Jordan was surprised that Nikki cared for her. Nikki said that Victoria cares about Claire, and she will do anything for her children. Jordan questions if she would die for them. Jordan sat Nikki down and offered her a bottle of alcohol encouraging her to drink it and then calling her a sloppy drunk when she did. Nikki wondered why Jordan was going to all this trouble for a sister she was estranged from. Jordan said that she and Eve became estranged because they fought over her obsession with Victor. Nikki reminded Jordan that getting her revenge won't bring Eve back, and tried to relate how Jordan would do anything for her loved ones. Jordan laughed that Nikki was trying to bond with her. Jordan alluded to Claire, and said she know she will stay loyal to her. Nikki wondered if Claire willingly went with Jordan, and Jordan snapped that Nikki's questions were tedious. She then left and returned with a heavily sedated Claire in a wheelchair. When Jordan got distracted by checking on Claire, Nikki smashed the bottle over Jordan's head. Jordan and Nikki got into a scuffle that ended in a stalemate, but Claire grabbed Jordan's falling gun, and ordered her to let Nikki go. Jordan tried to manipulate Claire against Nikki, but Claire stood her ground and lashed out at Jordan or taking her from her family and all the lies she had told her over the years. Jordan asserted that Cole and the Newman's would have discarded her, but Claire cries she would have been loved and had a chance at a real future and a real family instead of being twisted with hate. Nikki tells Claire to put the gun down and said Jordan can pay for her crimes. Claire refused, saying Jordan could just plead insanity and get committed. Claire believed she needed to kill Jordan. Jordan then dared Claire to shoot her and when Claire hesitated, Jordan taunted her for being weak. Annoyed, Nikki ordered Jordan to shut up, and shoved her against the wall, knocking her unconscious. Victor and Nick arrived with the police and Jordan was arrested. As she was being led away, Jordan turned to face Claire and said that she broke her heart. Claire responded that Jordan broke her life, and Nikki ordered the police to get Jordan out of there, so Jordan was led away.


  1. ^ "Chase Coleman joins The Young and the Restless as recording artist Tanner Watts". soapcentral.com. Retrieved 2024-02-19.
  2. ^ Mistretta, Amy (2020-08-20). "Young and the Restless Return That Could Change Everything for Adam!". Soaps.com. Retrieved 2024-02-19.
  3. ^ "Ptosha Storey and Leigh-Ann Rose join The Young and the Restless". soapcentral.com. Retrieved 2024-02-19.
  4. ^ Michael (2022-08-15). "Denise Boutte Temporarily Fills-In For Leigh-Ann Rose as Y&R's Imani". Michael Fairman TV. Retrieved 2024-02-19.
  5. ^ Michael (2021-02-17). "Elizabeth Leiner Joins the Cast of Y&R as Tara Locke". Michael Fairman TV. Retrieved 2024-02-19.
  6. ^ Lewis, Errol (2021-08-13). "Elizabeth Leiner Departs 'The Young and the Restless'". Soap Opera Network. Retrieved 2024-02-19.
  7. ^ "GH alum Richard Burgi joins The Young and the Restless". soapcentral.com. Retrieved 2024-02-19.
  8. ^ "Robert Newman on joining The Young and the Restless: Ashland "is my sweet spot"". soapcentral.com. 7 February 2022. Retrieved 2024-02-19.
  9. ^ "Richard Burgi Fired from The Young and the Restless, Says He 'Inadvertently Violated' COVID Rules". Peoplemag. Retrieved 2024-02-19.
  10. ^ "Robert Newman says goodbye to The Young and the Restless: "Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the legacy"". soapcentral.com. 27 July 2022. Retrieved 2024-02-19.
  11. ^ "Jack Landron joins The Young and the Restless as Amanda's grandfather". soapcentral.com. Retrieved 2024-02-19.
  12. ^ Young, Candace (2021-05-14). "Kellen Enriquez Debuts on Young & Restless as Cutie Patootie, Harrison Locke". Soaps.com. Retrieved 2024-02-19.
  13. ^ "Kelsey Wang joins The Young and the Restless in head-turning role". soapcentral.com. 22 February 2022. Retrieved 2024-02-19.
  14. ^ "Zuleyka Silver joins Y&R in the role of a new high-powered executive". soapcentral.com. 16 August 2022. Retrieved 2024-02-19.
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