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Draft:Master Box South Africa

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    1. Master Box South Africa
      1. Overview

Master Box South Africa (MBSA) is an established boxing organization that focuses on developing, managing, and promoting over 35 Open Boxing in South Africa. MBSA operates under the governance and regulations set forth in its constitution and aims to foster a safe, competitive, and professional environment for boxing enthusiasts.

      1. History

MBSA was founded to address the need for structured boxing competitions for individuals over the age of 35. The organization has grown to become a significant entity in the South African boxing scene, gaining recognition and full associate member status from the South African National Boxing Organization (SANABO) in 2023【21†source】.

      1. Objectives

The primary aims of Master Box South Africa include: - Developing and promoting over 35 Open Boxing in South Africa. - Ensuring the safety and well-being of all participants. - Organizing professional and amateur boxing events that adhere to international standards.

      1. Structure and Governance

The governance of MBSA is detailed in its constitution, which outlines the roles and responsibilities of its management committee. The committee consists of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and other elected members who serve for a term of three years【30†source】. The organization holds regular meetings, including an Annual General Meeting (AGM), to discuss its operations and future plans.

      1. Membership

Membership in MBSA is open to any individual over 18 or any organization interested in supporting the group's aims. Membership is inclusive and non-discriminatory, ensuring equal opportunities regardless of gender, race, nationality, disability, sexual preference, religion, or belief【30†source】.

      1. Regulations and Compliance

MBSA's operations are governed by a comprehensive set of rules and regulations that cover various aspects of boxing events, including weight divisions, medical examinations, match-making criteria, and the roles of promoters, trainers, and officials【31†source】【32†source】.

        1. Promoters' Requirements

Promoters hosting MBSA-sanctioned contests must adhere to specific requirements, including: - Possessing a current promoter's license and being registered with MBSA. - Ensuring all safety requirements are met. - Providing medical practitioners for pre and post-contest assessments. - Ensuring all officials are registered and licensed with MBSA【23†source】.

        1. Competitors' Requirements

Competitors must meet age and medical criteria, including obtaining current medical fitness and serological clearance certificates. The organization emphasizes the importance of proper equipment and attire for all competitors【31†source】.

      1. Events and Sanctioning

MBSA organizes various boxing events, including provincial, national, and world championships. The organization sets stringent criteria for the sanctioning of tournaments to ensure safety and compliance with its regulations. Promoters must provide detailed information about the event and comply with all MBSA requirements【20†source】【32†source】.

      1. Fees

MBSA charges various fees for licenses, sanctioning events, and participation. The fee structure is reviewed and updated periodically to reflect the organization's operational needs and market conditions【26†source】【27†source】.

      1. Affiliations

MBSA is affiliated with SANABO and works closely with other regional and national boxing bodies to promote the sport and ensure that its events meet the highest standards of safety and professionalism【21†source】.

      1. Conclusion

Master Box South Africa plays a crucial role in the promotion and management of over 35 Open Boxing in South Africa. Through its structured governance, comprehensive regulations, and commitment to safety and professionalism, MBSA continues to contribute significantly to the boxing community.
