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Draft:Naren J. Chitty

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  • Comment: Relies exclusively on trivial mentions, entry on databases and contents published/co-published by the subject. Please include multiple significant coverage from reliable and independent sources to prove the subject's notability. Tutwakhamoe (talk) 02:18, 14 August 2023 (UTC)
  • Comment: Well done on creating the draft, and it probably meets the relevant requirements (including WP:GNG, WP:PROF) but should have a few things fixed up first up. As other reviewers have noted, Wikipedia's basic requirement for entry is that the subject is notable. Essentially subjects are presumed notable if they have received significant coverage in multiple published secondary sources that are reliable, intellectually independent of each other, and independent of the subject. To properly create such a draft page, please see referencing for beginners or the article Easier Referencing for Beginners. It would be helpful if you could please identify, with specificity, which criteria of WP:PROF you believe the draft meets? Additionally, the draft tends to read too much like a CV, which Wikipedia is not. In this light, the list of publications by Chitty should be significantly trimmed to a "Selected Publications" list. Also, if you have any connection to the subject, including being paid, you have a conflict of interest that you must declare on your Talk page (to see instructions on how to do this please click the link). Please familiarise yourself with these pages before amending the draft. If you feel you can meet these requirements then leave a note for me on my talk page and I would be happy to reassess. As I said, I do think this draft has potential so please do persevere! Cabrils (talk) 03:17, 8 August 2023 (UTC)

Professor Emeritus Naren J. Chitty AM is an internationally recognized social theorist of 'influence' (particularly communication, media, public diplomacy, soft power, and propaganda). He has held various senior academic positions and played a pivotal role in shaping academic discourse in these areas. He is known internationally especially for his work in developing and editing the influential The Journal of International Communication.

He has served in several senior academic capacities. He was elevated to Professor Emeritus in 2022, having been Foundation Chair in International Communication since 2006 when he established the Department of International Communication after serving as Deputy Dean and Dean[1]. He later founded the Soft Power Analysis and Resource Centre (SPARC)[2] at Macquarie University and continues as its Inaugural Director. He received national recognition through being invested in a prestigious Order of Australia (AM) "for service to education, particularly in the field of international communications as a researcher and academic, and to a range of professional associations" in the 2009 Australia Day Honours.

Roles in international professional associations


It has been noted that "Chitty was among those who contributed to a deepening of Australian engagement with IAMCR by serving in senior positions..."[3]. This reference is to Chitty's service as Secretary General[4] of the International Association for Media and Communication Research from 1996 until 2000.

He has played an active role in intercultural relations and cultural diplomacy and is a founder member of the International Cultural Relations Research Alliance (ICCRA) set up by Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa) and the British Council. Chitty is also Founder President of the Global Communication Research Association (GCRA), an organization that focuses on under-represented areas.

Recognition and influence in academic discourse


Chitty has delivered numerous invited keynote addresses internationally a few of which are mentioned here. He participated in the IAMCR Keynote Dialogue on Cultural Diversity: Voices From the South[5] with the late Ms Fatema Mernissi of Morocco in the Grand Amphitheatre of the Sorbonne in Paris in 2007. He delivered the 'Late Girija Prasad Koirala Talk on ” Soft Power and Public Diplomacy ” on July 10th 2013 in Kathmandu, Nepal on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the late prime minister. He was a keynote speaker together with former ASEAN Secretary General Dr. Surin Pitsuwan at the Conference on Innovative Communication and Sustainable Development in ASEAN in Bangkok in 2015.

He has held several visiting university appointments including visiting professorships in France (Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3) , Malaysia (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia), and China (Communication University of China, Jilin University, South China Normal University, and Southwest University of Political Science & Law).

Contribution as a journal editor


As a journal editor he is best known in his role as Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of International Communication which he led since 1994. The influence he has had on the field is seen in the leading scholars he attracted to the International Advisory Board of the journal, and the leading international contributors that have been drawn to publish in the journal. The star-studded International Advisory Board listed in the first issue (JIC 1:1) included Florangel Rosairo-Braid, the late George Gerbner, Cees Hamelink, Armand Mattelart, Hamid Mowlana, Roland Robertson, Everett Rogers, and John Sinclair.

Top-ranking international scholars who have been published by the journal include Cees Hamelink, Hamid Mowlana, Nicholas Onuf, and Roland Robertson - whose seminal first article on glocalization ('Globalization or glocalization') was published in the maiden issue (JIC 1:1).

Influential Special Issues included one on Human Rights (JIC 5:1&2) that featured Cees Hamelink and the late George Gerbner, Editor-in-Chief from 1974 to 1991of the Journal of Communication. A Special Issue on 'UN at 60' (JIC 11:2) included a 'Message for the UN at 60 of JIC' from Kofi Annan, then Secretary General of the United Nations, seen on page 7 of the hard copy. The 'Olympic Communication' issue (JIC 2:1) included a brief note on 'The Olympic Movement' by Juan Antonio Samaranch,the seventh president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) seen on pages 3 to 5 of the hard copy.

As Editor-in-Chief of JIC Chitty was invited along with editors of other leading communication journals to contribute an article for the 50th anniversary issue of the International Communication Gazette 67:2. His contribution was 'International communication: Continuing into the 21st Century as an Academic Commons'.

Chitty continues to be on the advisory/editorial boards of several international journals including Global Media Journal, Canadian Issue, Journal of Global Communication, Journal of Content, Community & Communication[6], and Communication and Media in Asia Pacific, and the International Journal of Infrastructure Research and Management.

Contribution to investigation of soft power


Chitty is 'interested in the relationships between public diplomacy, good governance, and the rule of law'. The Soft Power Analysis and Resource Centre (SPARC) that he founded provided a vehicle for his research. SPARC was inaugurated in 2012 by Professor Emeritus Joseph S. Nye Jnr. the scholar who introduced the notion of soft power,[7]. The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power 1st edition (2017)[8] and 2nd edition (2023)[9], co-edited by Chitty were facilitated by SPARC.

Chitty's chapter on "World propaganda and personal insecurity: Intent, content, and contentment" leads The Edward Elgar Handbook of Political Propaganda. He is the Series Editor of the Anthem Studies in Soft Power and Public Diplomacy.

National and international public sphere


His research has garnered international recognition, and his insights have been sought after by scholars and policymakers alike. In 2013 he chaired a Roundtable Discussion on soft power and civility in the Australian Parliament House, with The Hon. John Howard OM AC (former Australian prime minister) and The Hon. Gareth Evans QC FAIIA AC (former Australian foreign minister) as panelists.[10] His thoughts on soft power and civility were also aired internationally in 'The rise of blunt power in the strongman era' in The Georgetown Journal of International Affairs. Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, Faridabad, India, invited him to deliver its inaugural lecture on international communication research [11]

Tertiary education


Chitty’s PhD in International Relations was completed at the School of International Service (SIS) of the American University (AU) in Washington DC in 1992.[12] His doctoral committee consisted of Professor Emeritus Nicholas Onuf (Chair) and the late professors Gary Weaver[13] and Marshall R. Singer[14] His thesis was entitled ‘Framing South Asian transformation: An examination of regional views on South Asian cooperation’.[15] A book review on the published thesis describes it ‘[o]n the one hand as an account of international relations in the South Asian region reflecting Chitty’s background in diplomacy, on the other it attempts to redirect development communication studies away from purely national concerns towards and International Communication perspective’.[16]

Career outside academia


Chitty, who is married to Dr. Gina Ismene Chitty, an Australian composer.[17] was Counsellor of the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Washington DC from April 1982 until December 1987.[18] The Arthur C. Clarke Foundation of the US 'was announced through a White House press release at the inaugural celebration of World Communications Year’ in 1983; ‘Counselor Chitty of the Sri Lankan embassy played a key role in the Foundation’s creation]’.[19] Chitty has been described as a 'thought leader' in a book that devotes its first two pages to him.[20]. He was in a small group that met in Washington DC where the idea for the International Space University was first mooted[21]. Keirstead and Keirstead have noted that “Community radio in Sri Lanka came about as a result of an article written by N. Chitty”.[22]

Selected publications[23]


Chitty, N 2023, “An experiential theory of attraction-based influence (unintended and intended)", in Chitty, N, Ji L, & Rawnsley G (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power (2nd edition), Routledge, New York, pp. 6-34.

Chitty, N & Wang, C 2023, "Soft power, US foreign policy, and George Washington's warning of 'Alternate Domination'", in Ohnesorge, H (ed), Soft power and the future of US foreign policy, Manchester University Press, Manchester.

Chitty, N & Wang, C 2023,“Essaying experience of soft power: CALD community narratives in New South Wales in COVID-19 pandemic times", in Chitty, N, Ji L, & Rawnsley G (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power (2nd edition), Routledge, New York, pp. 231-246.

Chitty, N 2021, "World propaganda and personal insecurity: Intent, content, and contentment", in Rawnsley G, Ma Y & Pothong K (eds), The Edward Elgar Handbook of Political Propaganda, Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham, pp. 7 - 27.

Chitty, N. 2021, Soft power, public diplomacy and post-AUKUS Indo-Pacific security, Evatt Journal, 20,1.

Chitty, N 2020, “Australian public diplomacy”, in Snow N and Cull N (eds) Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy, 2nd. edition, Routledge, New York, pp, 306-313.

Chitty, N 2019, "Advancing Australia through soft power: virtue and virtuosity", The Journal of International Communication, 25,2, pp. 193-205.

Chitty, N 2017,“Soft power, civic virtue and world politics", in Chitty, N, Ji L, Rawnsley G & Hayden C (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power (1st edition), Routledge, New York, pp. 9-36.


  1. ^ Macquarie University, Naren Chitty, biography, https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/persons/naren-chitty
  2. ^ Soft Power Analysis and Resource Centre
  3. ^ Maras S, 2020 “ANZCA at 25: past presidents in conversation”, Media International Australia Vol. 177(1) pp. 176–189, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1329878X20941143
  4. ^ https://iamcr.org/sites/default/files/basics_of_iamcr_2nd_ed_rev2.pdf
  5. ^ https://iamcr.org/sites/default/files/iamcr_paris_2007_programme.pdf
  6. ^ https://www.amity.edu/gwalior/jccc/jcc_journal_june_2017_06092017.pdf
  7. ^ Macquarie University, SPARC Launch, https://www.mq.edu.au/research/research-centres-groups-and-facilities/centres/soft-power-analysis-and-resource-centre/events/sparc-launch
  8. ^ WorldCat,The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power 1st edition, https://www.worldcat.org/title/routledge-handbook-of-soft-power/oclc/980937086
  9. ^ Taylor & Francis, The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power 2nd Edition https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/edit/10.4324/9781003189756/routledge-handbook-soft-power-naren-chitty-lilian-ji-gary-rawnsley
  10. ^ CHASS National Forum 2013: Roundtable Discussion - Soft Power & Public Diplomacy,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CddupvLNcqY
  11. ^ //www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYlaoPAV9dU
  12. ^ Macquarie University, Naren Chitty, biography, https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/persons/naren-chitty
  13. ^ American University, School of International Service remembers Professor Gary Weaver, https://www.american.edu/sis/news/20170409-sis-remembers-professor-gary-weaver.cfm
  14. ^ University of Pittsburgh 2004, Obituary: Marshall R. Singer, https://www.utimes.pitt.edu/archives/?p=45866
  15. ^ WorldCat Framing South Asian transformation: An examination of regional views on South Asian cooperation, https://www.worldcat.org/title/31010209
  16. ^ Shoesmith, B. 1996, "Review & Booknote: Framing South Asian Transformation: An Examination of Regional Views on South Asian", Media Information Asia, 79,1 Cooperation(Shoesmith 1996).
  17. ^ Wirripang - Home of Australian Composers, Composers, Gina Ismene Chitty, https://www.australiancomposers.com.au/pages/gina-ismene-chitty#:~:text=Gina%20Ismene%20Chitty%20is%20an,D.
  18. ^ US Diplomatic List 1984, https://www.familysearch.org/library/books/records/item/437144-diplomatic-list-february-1984?offset=48
  19. ^ Arthur C. Clarke Institute for Space Education, Arthur C. Clarke Foundation, http://clarkeinstitute.org/about/arthur-c-clarke-foundation/
  20. ^ Butler, G 2012, Think Write Grow: How to Become a Thought Leader and Build Your Business by Creating Exceptional Articles, Blogs, Speeches, Books and More Wiley, Milton Qld.
  21. ^ McAleer N. 1992 Arthur C. Clarke: The Authorized Biography, Contemporary Books, Chicago. ISBN 10: 0809243245 / ISBN 13: 9780809243242
  22. ^ Keirstead PO and S-K Keirstead, 1993 “The many faces of community radio”, in ed. V. Valbuena, Mahaweli Community Radio, Asian Mass Communication, Singapore, p. 17. ISBN 9971-905-50-7).
  23. ^ ORCID, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3700-9028