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Draft:The food industry in Romania

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The modern food retail market in Romania is estimated to be worth €7-10 billion euros in the year 2009.

The wine market


The wine market is estimated at 500 million euros in 2008, compared to 450 million euros in 2007 [1] .

The wine industry provides jobs for 50,000 people, and another 500,000 people make a living from viticulture and winemaking.

In 2009, the area planted with vines was about 188,000 hectares, of which about 96,000 hectares with noble vines and about 92,000 hectares with interspecific hybrids .

The area used for the production and commercialization of wine, the official market, was between 30-50 thousand hectares[1].

Romania has about 100,000 hectares of vines on fruit[2].

Romania's wine production was 5.28 million hectoliters in 2007[3].

In 2009, the area of vines authorized for the production of wines with a controlled designation of origin (DOC) was 15,493 hectares and the quantity produced was 256,312 hectoliters. In 2008, the area of vines authorized for the production of DOC wines was 17,997 hectares and the quantity produced was 305,649 hectoliters[4].

Of the total amount of bottled wine sold on the shelves, only 3% comes from imports. Romania imports €16 million more wine than it exports[1].

In 2007, annual per capita wine consumption was around 22 liters (30 liters in 2008[5]), while in France annual per capita consumption was 57 liters.

In 2004, Romanians drank an average of 27 liters of wine each, according to some estimates.

In Romania there are over 1,000 registered vineyard owners (2009), of which about 50 are present in the distribution networks.

The top five wine producers/traders are: Murfatlar, Vincon Vrancea, Jidvei, Cotnari, Cramele Recaș and Domeniile Tohani, accounting for about 50% of the total volume of wine transactions in Romania[6].

The sparkling wine market was 10 million euros in 2007, and the main players are: Astese Production (Angelli), Halewood, Jidvei, Zarea, Agroindustriala Bucium, Cramele Prahova, Rom Drink and Veritas Panciu[7][8][9]

In Romania, as in Bulgaria, the consumption of sparkling wine is very low, just 0.5 liters per person per year, but it is on an upward trend.[2]

Wine producers are represented by the National Patronage of Vine and Wine[10].

The Romanian wine sector will absorb 210.5 million euro in the period 2009-2013 as a result of the implementation of the "Wine Reform"[10].

The cost of setting up a hectare of vines is similar to that in Italy, around 20,000 euros[3].

Imports in 2007 amounted to 38.06 million liters of wine (53.14% less than in 2006), with a total value of 29.64 million euros[11]. From Italy, 14.2 million liters were imported for a total value of 9.89 million euros. From Spain 16 million liters of wine were imported, totaling 6.38 million euros. Romania also imports wine from France, Moldova, Germany, Hungary, Chile, Portugal, Slovakia and South Africa[11].

In 2007, Romania exported 14.34 million liters of wine with a total value of 16.2 million euro[11]. In 2004, Romania exported wine worth 26.2 million dollars.

Romania had not set out to become a country with massive wine exports in the coming years[11].

For those years, the main priorities of producers were the reconversion of vineyards, investments in modernization and the creation of a strong marketing strategy to create a national and international brand out of Romanian wines[11].

In 2007, white wines had a 67.5% share of the market and red wines 32.3%[11].

In terms of varieties, the favorite wine of Romanians in 2007 was Grasa de Cotnari, which recorded a value share of 6.6%, followed by Pinot Noir with 5.4%, Sauvignon Blanc with 4.8% and Tămâioasă Românească with 4%[11].

In terms of segmentation by vineyards, Romanians particularly preferred wines from Murfatlar (21.7% in value), Târnave (14.7%), Cotnari (13%) and Podgoriile Vrancei (5,1%)[11].

The imported alcoholic drinks market is estimated to be worth around 100 milion euros in 2008, with BDG Import, Cristalex, Pernod-Ricard and Sollers the main Sollers [12].

Between 2003-2010, the state lost around 4.5 billion euros due to evasion on the spirits market.

The beer market

  • The value of the domestic beer market is estimated at around 1 billion euros in 2007[13] and 1.7 billion euros in 2009[14]. The main players on the domestic market are the multinationals Heineken, Timișoreana, Ursus, InBev and URBB as well as European Drinks and Romaqua Group.
  • Romanian beer market was worth 1.6 billion euros in 2008.
  • Total beer sales at market level amounted to 17.7 million hectoliters in 2006, of which 70% (12.6 million hectoliters) was supplied by multinationals.
  • In 2007 the market volume was 19 million hectoliters. The market share of the PET segment was 44.4%, while the bottled beer segment had a share of 42.5%.
  • Beer sales reached 20.2 million hectoliters in 2008, with the plastic packaged beer segment maintaining its leading position in consumer preferences with a share of 46.5%, followed by glass with 37.5%, and canned beer (aluminum packaging) with a share of 13%[15]
  • Beer market growth was 8% in 2007 and 4.1% in 2008[15].
  • Beer consumption per capita in Romania in 2007 was 89 liters. By comparison, in 2006 consumption was 160 liters in the Czech Republic, 116 liters in Germany, 108 liters in Austria and Luxembourg and 92 liters in UK[16].
  • While in 1995 there were 125 national beer producers in Romania, the failure to bring Romanian legislation into line with European legislation in time meant that in 2008 there were only seven small producers. The value of sales of popular beer brewed by the seven independent brewing SMEs in Romania amounted to 45 million euros in 2008.

The soft drinks market

  • The soft drinks market was worth 10 billion RON in 2007[17], according to the National Soft Drinks Association (ANBR). According to another estimate, the value of the domestic soft drinks market (which also includes mineral water) is worth around 850 million euros, or 2.2 billion liters[18].
  • In 2004, the soft drinks market in Romania was estimated at over 500 million dollars.
  • The value of the domestic market for non-carbonated natural juices is estimated at more than 120 million euros in 2008, 20% higher than the previous year[19].
  • The consumption of natural juices in Romania in 2007 was 12 liters per capita, while in Austria, Germany, Poland and Hungary the average per capita consumption was around 40-50 liters, according to market data[20].
  • The growth rate of iced teas is the highest, i.e. 200-300% year on year. Also in terms of rate, teas are followed by mineral water, an increase favored by the rise in average annual temperatures[21].
  • The main international players on the market are Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Maspex Tymbark, Pfanner, Parmalat, Eckes Granini, while the local market is represented by European Drinks, Romaqua and Bibco Biborțeni[21].

The market for non-carbonated natural juices

  • The non-carbonated natural juice market is estimated at 120 million euros in 2008[22].
  • The main competitors are URBB, with the Granini and Orangina brands, Tymbark Maspex, with the Tymbark brands, Pepsi Americas, with the Prigat juices, Parmalat, with the Santal brand, and Coca-Cola, with the Cappy brand[22].
  • Consumption of natural juices in Romania in 2006 was 12 liters per capita, while in Austria, Germany, Poland and Hungary, per capita consumption was around 40-50 liters[23].

Mineral water market

  • The mineral water market reached around 1.2 billion liters in 2007, up 20% from 920 million liters in 2006[24][25]. Between 1998-2008, the market grew steadily, with an average annual growth of around 20%[26].
  • In Romania, the per capita consumption of bottled water varies between 40 and 42 liters per year, compared to 120 liters in the European Union (in 2007)[27].
  • Romania is the third country, after France and Italy, in terms of resource exploitation potential[28].
  • In Romania 75% of the mineral water consumed is carbonated, while in the other EU Member States the share is exactly the opposite, with 75% of the mineral water consumed being still water[28].
  • Exports account for just 3% of total domestic production while imports account for about 1% of the market value, according to officials of the National Society of Mineral Waters.[25]
  • The main mineral water producers are Romaqua Group, Bibco Biborțeni, Pepsi Americas, Dorna Apemin (owned by Coca-Cola), European Drinks, Perla Harghitei, Rio Bucovina, Quadrant Amroq Beverages, and Apemin Tușnad[29]. The market shares in 2007 were: Romaqua Group, with the Borsec brand, with a 35% share, followed by Dorna Apemin with 14% and European Drinks with a 13% share[30].

The coffee market


According to a 2008 estimate, Romanians buy over 250 million euros worth of coffee in a year. The coffee market grew by 16% in 2007 compared to the previous year, reaching a value of over 230 million euros. In 2008, the coffee shop market was estimated at over 100 million euros annually[31].

The tea market

  • The tea market in Romania was worth around 14 million euros in 2007 and is expected to reach 16 million euros in 2008[32].
  • The total tea market in Romania is divided between local producers Plafar, Fares and Kalpo (with the Vedda brands), importers of products from Poland such as Celmar and Novaplus and international players Unilever (with the Lipton brand), Vavian Pharma (Teekanne) and General Parma Food (with the Twinings brand)[32]. The main competitors are Novaplus with 23.9% of the market, Fares with 23%, Celmar with 19.5%, Plafar - 8.9% and Unilever Group with 8.2%[32].

The dairy market

  • The dairy market is estimated to be worth more than 1 billion euros in 2009 and the main competitors are Friesland, Danone, Albalact, Delaco, LaDorna și Covalact[33].
  • There are 267 dairies in Romania, processing more than 1.8 million tons of milk annually (March 2009)
  • The total cow's milk production in 2007 was 54,517 thousand hectoliters, 3,464.4 thousand hectoliters (6%) below the previous year's level[34]. Also in 2007, total milk production was around 61 million hectolitres, 5.2% lower than in 2006[35]
  • The cheese market accounted for around 40% of the value of the dairy market in 2009[36].
  • Each Romanian consumes around 17 kilograms of dairy products per year, below the European average of 30 kilograms per year[37].
  • In Romania, the average consumption of yoghurts in 2007 was about 2.3 kilograms per capita and 1.3 kg of fruit yoghurts per capita, while in Western European countries, consumption is over 5 kg per capita[38].
  • In 2008, the annual consumption of fresh dairy products in Romania was 5.4 kilograms per person, while in Germany it was 33.6 kilograms, in France 33.7 kilograms and in Bulgaria 16.2 kilograms, according to data provided by producers[39].
  • Sales of dairy products in 2008 amounted to 1 billion euros, and producers expect the figure to grow by a further 10% in 2009[37].
  • Producers are represented by the Romanian Dairy Industry Employers Association (APRIL)[37].
  • Most of the milk processors, 60%, are located in Transylvania, an area recognized as a very large "milk basin" in Romania[37].
  • According to 2007 estimates, milk production in Romania amounts to about 5.5 billion liters, of which about 1.2 billion liters are processed in the industrialized system[40]. Domestic milk consumption was around 70 liters, almost half the level in EU countries[40].
  • In the first ten months of 2007, Romania imported 89,690 tons of milk and dairy products worth a total of 105.3 million euros and exported eight times less, i.e. 11,829 tons worth 15.8 million euros[41].

The sausage market

  • Market value in 2007 was 700-800 million euros and had a volume of 200,000 tons[42][43].
  • The Romanian market for sausages amounts to around 230,000 tons per year and is worth more than 1 billion euros (delivery prices) - estimated in February 2009[44].
  • Per capita sausage consumption in Romania is nine to ten kilograms per year (2008 estimate)[45].
  • Per capita pork consumption reaches 43.2 kilograms per year in the EU-25, while for a group of five former communist countries including Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia and Yugoslavia, the level is 33.1 kilograms per capita (excluding self-consumption), compared to 18.1 kilograms in Russia[45].
  • The market for processed pork products amounted to 600 million euros in 2005.
  • A percentage of 70% of the raw material for pork products is sourced from the European market (estimated in 2008)[46]
  • The main competitors on the domestic sausage market are Cris-Tim, Caroli Foods, Aldis Călărași, Tabco Campofrio, Principal Company, Elit and Angst[47].
  • In 2010, the sausage market was worth over 800 million euros.

The poultry meat market

  • The domestic poultry meat market is worth around 1 billion euros (in 2008)[48]
  • The total consumption of poultry meat in Romania in 2007 was 370,000 tons, of which 70% came from domestic production and the remaining 30% from imports[49].
  • Consumption of poultry meat is currently (2008) 20 kg per capita per year, without self-consumption, similar to countries such as Hungary and Bulgaria[50]. Annual egg consumption is around 235 per capita (2008)[51].
  • In the poultry market, the main competitors are Transavia, Agricola Bacău, Avicola Buzău, Avicola Călărași, Avicola Crevedia, Agroli, Agrisol Internațional and Ave Impex[52].

The fish market


In 2008, annual fish production was 20,000 tons of fish and annual per capita consumption was 5.5 kg, compared to the European average of 20 kg/capita.

In 2012, Romania was the third lowest fish consumer in Europe. Annual per capita consumption was 5.3 kg of fish per year, ahead of Hungary (5.1 kg) and Bulgaria (4.2 kg).[53] The European average was 22.1 kg/year, with the Portuguese (61.6 kg/year), Spanish (44.8 kg/year) and Lithuanians (37.6 kg/year) the biggest fish consumers.[53]

The honey market

  • Of the total amount of honey produced in Romania, only 30% is consumed by Romanians, while the remaining 70% is exported (2008).
  • In 2008, Romanian production amounted to 15,000 tons - the result of the work of 35,000 beekeepers, number of bee families being one million[54].
  • In 2008, per capita consumption in Romania amounted to 100 grams per capita per year, while the European Union average is 1.5 kilograms[54].
  • In Romania, 70% of beekeepers are over 50 years old, live in rural areas and have practically inherited the profession from their parents[55].
  • The main companies in the honey market are Apis Prod, Apidava, Apicola Pastoral Georgescu, Apimond and Akybud[55].
  • The National Apiculture Program is financed up to 50% from EU funds[55]. For 2009, the amount of financial support from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture, is 6.7 million lei, to which is added an equal amount from the EU[55]. A fully-equipped factory to process bee honey to European standards could cost between 2 and 5 million euros[55].

The milling and bakery market


The domestic market for milling and bakery is worth about 2 billion euros (in 2007)[56].

Romanian bread sales in 2006 amounted to around 1.5 billion dollars (1.16 billion euros), close to the 2005 figure of 1.45 billion dollars.

Official bread consumption in 2008 was around 25 kg/capita. But actual bread consumption amounted to around 105 kilograms per capita per year[57]. In 2009, the real bread market in Romania amounted to 1 billion euros, while the taxed market was only 250 million euros[57].

Romanian bread and pasta production amounts to around 2.2 million tons (2007 estimate)[58].

Consumption of bakery products is around 110 kg per capita (2007), compared to the European average of 82 kg, and compared to Germany at 83 kg, Austria at 45 kg, and UK at 44 kg[59][60][61]. As for cereals, in total, including bread, pasta, pastries and confectionery, a Romanian consumes around 128 kilograms of cereals per year[61].

The consumption of pasta in Romania is only 2.5 kilograms per capita, while in the European Union it reaches 10 kilograms and in Italy 30 kilograms of pasta per capita[61].

The main participants in this market are Boromir Râmnicu Vâlcea, Vel Pitar, Titan, Dobrogea Grup, Pangram, Băneasa București and Pambac[62][63]

In 2010, the total bakery market was estimated at around 1 billion euros and tax evasion in this market was estimated at around 60% (75% by another estimate)

The pasta market

  • The pasta market is estimated to be worth around 55 million euros, with the biggest producers being Pambac, Pangram Reșița, Băneasa București and Arnos[64].
  • A Romanian consumes only 2.5 kilograms of pasta a year, while in Hungary and Bulgaria the amount reaches eight kilograms and in Italy - 30 kilograms a year[65].

The canned meat market

  • The canned meat market is estimated at 100 million euros in 2008, with the main competitors in the pâté market being Scandia Romana, with a share of around 65%, Ardealul (part of the Orkla Foods portfolio )[66], with 8% of the market, and Hame, which together with the Antrefrig brand owns over 10%, and Mandy Foods[67]. According to another estimate, the market is worth 55 million euros[68].
  • The most popular liver pâté brands in Romania are Bucegi, Pate Sibiu, Ardealul, Mandy and Hame, covering 69.2% of the value of the whole market[69].

The fruit market


The fruit industry was worth more than 100 million euros in 2010.

The canned fruit and vegetable market


The canned fruit and vegetable market is estimated at almost 300,000 tons, more than half of which is made from imported products. Over 50% of value sales of canned fruit are made by supermarkets and department stores[70].

The sweets market

  • The value of sales on the sweets market in 2009 amounted to around 924.5 million lei (about 277 million euro).
  • The domestic sweets market amounted to 318 million euros in 2008, up 27.7% compared to 2007[71][72].
  • The main participants in the sweets market are Cadbury Schweppes (formerly Kandia-Excelent), which has about a quarter of the chocolate bar market, and Kraft Foods, with about 45%[73], followed by Mars Incorporated, Nestle, Ulker[72].
  • The top five manufacturers in the chocolate bars market are Kraft, Supreme Group, Cadbury, Ferrero and Heidi Chocolat[71]
  • The Romanian market for candy and chewing gum was worth 380 million lei at retail prices in 2007.

The chocolate market


The total Romanian chocolate market amounted to around 240 million euros in 2007.[74]

Romanians consumed about 1.9 kilograms of chocolate per capita in 2007, compared to the European leader, Switzerland, with 11 kilograms per capita.[74].

In 2010, the chocolate market was also estimated at 240 million euros, with the biggest players being Kraft, Cadbury and Supreme Chocolat, with the three competitors each controlling at least 20% of the industry.

The waffles market

  • The waffles market is estimated at 46 million Euro[75].
  • The market is dominated by Nestle, European Foods, Alka, Arslan Bifa and Romdil, which together hold 90% of the market[75].
  • The bulk waffles category continues to be a consumer favorite, currently (January 2009) with a 60% share[75].

The biscuit market

  • The value of the domestic biscuit market is estimated at over 60 million euros in 2009, with the main players being Rostar, Ulker, Romdil, Tecsa Business and Danone[76].

The chips market


The market, which includes the potato crisps, popcorn, sticks, peanuts and toasted seeds segments, was worth 200 million euros or 41,000 tons in volume in 2010. Due to low purchasing power, however, consumption of chips, estimated at 0.3 kilograms per capita per year, is still below the level in other countries. In Poland, consumption amounts to one kilogram, 3.5 kg in Greece, 7 kg in UK or 10 kg in USA[77].

The restaurant market

  • Turnover in 2007 topped 1 billion euros and will reach 2 billion euros by 2010[78]
  • The restaurant market was worth 1.5 billion euros in 2009.
  • Every year since 2003, turnover in the market has grown by 30%, but of the 527 firms operating in the sector, only 55% made a profit in 2007.

Restaurant chains:

Fast-food restaurant chains operating under the McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Spring Time and Broaster Chicken brands are present on the Romanian market

Trotter Prim owns the restaurant chains City Grill, Buongiorno, Caru' cu Bere and City Cafe cafes.

The mayonnaise market

  • The mayonnaise market amounted to 11.5 million RON (3.4 million Euro) in 2007, up about 41% compared to 2006. The increase is 40.6% in volume, up to 1,158 tons[79].

The spices market


The tobacco market

  • Romania's tobacco consumption is 40,000 tons.
  • Most of it is secured from imports, both in the form of processed tobacco and cigarettes.
  • In 2007, Romania imported 28,861 tons worth about 97.7 million euros. Most of the tobacco was imported from outside the European Union, 17,322 tons at an average price of 3.23 euros per kilogram and 11,539 tons from EU member countries at 3.62 euros per kilogram.
  • The European Union quota allocated to Romania is 12,312 tons, of which Romania produced only 1,500 tons in 2007 (13%)[81].

The edible oil market


The edible oil market is estimated at around 250,000 tons of oil per year, with a value of over 200 million Euro.

In 2009, the oil market in Romania reached a volume of 2.2 million liters.

The main companies on the market are, along with Bunge, Argus Constanța, Cargill România, Expur, Ultex Țăndărei, Prutul Galați and Ulerom Vaslui[82].

The top brands in terms of value are Bunica (Cargill), Ulvex (Agricover), Unisol, Raza Soarelui and Floriol, which together accounted for 36.8% of sunflower oil sales in 2007[83].

Sunflower oil continues to be the number one in the preferences of Romanian consumers, with a percentage of 97%[83][84].

Currently (June 2010), the annual consumption of olive oil in Romania is only 0.1 kg/capita. By comparison, Italy consumes 12 kg/capita, Greece - 18 kg, Spain - 11 kg[85].

Market for organic products

  • The organic products market reached around 15 million euros in 2008, up from around 5 million euros in 2007[86].
  • Consumption of organic products is low compared to other European countries, representing around 0.5% of total food consumption[86].
  • The main organic products preferred by Romanians are organic sugar, organic wholemeal flour, organic energy-reduced dairy and sweets, organic juices and baby food[86].

The ice cream market


The ice cream market reached 100 million euros in 2007 and in 2009 the market value was estimated at 130 million euros. The main players in the ice cream market are Nestle Ice Cream, Kubo Ice Cream, Betty Ice, Alpin 57 Lux, Top Gel and Napolact[87].

In 2008, ice-cream consumption in Romania was well below the European average: 1.1 kilograms per capita per year, compared to 3 kilograms in the Czech Republic, 4 in Poland and 17 in Italy[88].

In 2010, annual per capita ice-cream consumption amounted to 1.7 kg, one of the lowest in Europe.

The sugar market


For 2006, Romania has negotiated with the European Union a quota of 440 thousand tons of sugar, below the 2005 consumption of 560 thousand tons. In 2007, Romania's production quota amounted to 448,782 tons of sugar, with an annual consumption of around 550,000 tons of sugar.

The main players on the sugar market are Agrana, Bod, Lemarco, Diamant Oradea and Zahărul Luduș. The Austrian group Agrana owns three sugar factories in Romania, in Roman, Buzău and Țăndărei, but only the first two are operational. In eight years on the Romanian market, the Austrians have invested 60 million euros. Lemarco is owned 50%-50% by Romanian and American investors and ranks second in the local sugar market with a 20% share.

The meal vouchers market


In Romania, meal vouchers were introduced in 1998, in line with practices in other European countries.. Meal vouchers, worth a total of 150 lei, can be awarded to employees with individual labor contracts, with one meal voucher for each completed working day.. The number of meal vouchers distributed in 2009 was 499,433,510, with a total value of 4.23 billion lei, and the average value of meal vouchers in 2010 is 8.72 lei/voucher[89].

The meal vouchers market, valued at €1.4 billion, is 95% controlled by three big players, Accor Services, Sodexo and Cheque Dejeuner, with the rest of the market split between local issuers. [[Category:Industry in Romania]] [[Category:Food industry]]

  1. ^ a b c Vinul românesc, o industrie de 500 de milioane de euro, Accesat la 28 martie 2009
  2. ^ a b Profit dublu la Karom Drinks, anul trecut[permanent dead link], accesat la 29 martie 2009 Cite error: The named reference "stk2009-03-292" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  3. ^ a b Genagricola va produce vin in Romania[permanent dead link], Accesat la 29 martie 2009
  4. ^ Cite error: The named reference vinon2010-08-26 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  5. ^ Extinderea portofoliului a marit profitul Cotnari[permanent dead link], Accesat la 29 martie 2009
  6. ^ Producatorul de vinuri albe Cotnari se gandeste la Feteasca Neagra[permanent dead link], Accesat la 29 martie 2009
  7. ^ Avans de 17% pentru piata vinului[permanent dead link], accesat la 28 martie 2008
  8. ^ Sampania a adus profit de peste trei mil. euro la Astese[permanent dead link], accesat la 28 martie 2008
  9. ^ Romanii prefera sampania autohtona[permanent dead link], accesat la 29 martie 2009
  10. ^ a b Productia nationala de vin va creste cu circa 20% anul acesta, pana la 6,3 milioane hectolitri[permanent dead link], Accesat la 29 martie 2009
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h Pentru prima data dupa sase ani, importurile de vinuri s-au diminuat cu 53,14% Archived 2009-12-17 at the Wayback Machine, Accesat la 29 martie 2009
  12. ^ Crestere de 250% a vanzarilor pentru Jagermeister[permanent dead link], Accesat la 30 martie 2009
  13. ^ Primii patru de pe piata berii si-au dublat profitul[permanent dead link]
  14. ^ URBB: Skol va avea cea mai mare crestere din portofoliu[permanent dead link], accesat la 12 aprilie 2009
  15. ^ a b 4 milioane de euro pentru cea mai nouă campanie Skol Archived 2009-04-11 at the Wayback Machine, accesat la 8 aprilie 2009
  16. ^ Heineken, investitii de 50 mil. € in Romania[permanent dead link]
  17. ^ Ziarul de Iasi: Producatorii de racoritoare impart un pot de 11,5 miliarde lei[permanent dead link]
  18. ^ Romaqua deschide in mai noua fabrica de apa minerala la Miercurea Ciuc Archived 2009-07-19 at the Wayback Machine, accesat la 12 aprilie 2009
  19. ^ Tymbark Maspex se mentine lider pe piata nectarurilor[permanent dead link], accesat la 12 aprilie 2009
  20. ^ Apemin Tusnad vizeaza 5% din piata sucurilor necarbogazoase[permanent dead link], accesat la 12 aprilie 2009
  21. ^ a b Producatorii de racoritoare impart un pot de 11,5 miliarde lei Archived 2016-03-06 at the Wayback Machine, accesat la 25 iunie 2008
  22. ^ a b Vanzarile Granini s-au marit de cinci ori in acest an[permanent dead link], Accesat la 30 aprilie 2009
  23. ^ Piata sucurilor naturale va depasi 120 mil. euro[permanent dead link], 14 Dec 2007, wall-stret.ro, accesat la 17 ianuarie 2010
  24. ^ Producatorul de apa minerala Perla Harghitei vrea afaceri in crestere cu 14%[permanent dead link], Accesat la 12 aprilie 2009
  25. ^ a b Consum de apa minerala scazut[permanent dead link], Accesat la 12 aprilie 2009
  26. ^ Consumul de apa minerala din Romania este de doua ori si jumatate mai mic decat media europeana [permanent dead link], Accesat la 12 aprilie 2009
  27. ^ Vanzarile de apa minerala, sub presiune[permanent dead link], Accesat la 12 aprilie 2009
  28. ^ a b Consumul de apa minerala din Romania este de doua ori si jumatate mai mic decat media europeana[permanent dead link], Accesat la 12 aprilie 2009
  29. ^ URBB caută profit si in apa minerala Archived 2009-12-17 at the Wayback Machine, accesat la 12 aprilie 2009
  30. ^ Apemin: Romanii, de trei ori sub media europeana la apa minerala[permanent dead link], Accesat la 12 aprilie 2009
  31. ^ Cite error: The named reference caf2010-07-10 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  32. ^ a b c Pe piata de ceaiuri din Romania se va putea patrunde doar prin achizitii si fuziuni[permanent dead link], accesat la 15 aprilie 2009
  33. ^ Extinderea portofoliului mentine Delaco pe crestere de 40%[permanent dead link], Accesat la 19 martie 2009
  34. ^ INS: Productia de lapte a scazut cu 5,2 % in 2007 fata de 2006, iar cea de oua cu 12,2 %[permanent dead link], Accesat la 14 aprilie 2009
  35. ^ Productia de lapte a scazut in 2007[permanent dead link], Accesat la 14 aprilie 2009
  36. ^ Ciurtin, Albalact: Nu stiu cat mai pot producatorii sa reduca preturile, criza i-a prins pe picior gresit[permanent dead link], Accesat la 14 aprilie 2009
  37. ^ a b c d Cite error: The named reference stlact2009-03-26 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  38. ^ Muller tinteste intrarea in Top 3 producatori de iaurturi din Romania[permanent dead link], Accesat la 14 aprilie 2009
  39. ^ Covalact trece sub noul proprietar la dezvoltarea niselor pe piata de lactate Archived 2009-08-26 at the Wayback Machine, accesat la 29 martie 2009
  40. ^ a b Brokerul Zilei Brailact a investit 6,5 mil. euro in modernizarea fabricii de lactate[permanent dead link], accesat la 29 martie 2009
  41. ^ Nivelul scazut al productiei de lapte dubleaza importurile in 2008[permanent dead link], Accesat la 14 aprilie 2009
  42. ^ Caroli Foods vizeaza o cifra de afaceri neta de circa 85 milioane euro in 2010[permanent dead link]
  43. ^ Principal Company si-a bugetat afaceri de 45 mil. euro anul viitor[permanent dead link], Accesat la 14 aprilie 2009
  44. ^ Strategia Caroli Foods pe timp de criza: Preturi mai mici, volume mari[permanent dead link], Accesat la 15 aprilie 2009
  45. ^ a b Producatorul de mezeluri Principal Company, plus de 80% la 11 luni Archived 2009-12-19 at the Wayback Machine, Accesat la 14 aprilie 2009
  46. ^ Piata de mezeluri se aproprie de maturitate[permanent dead link], standard.ro, accesat la 30 august 2009
  47. ^ LaDorna va distribui mezelurile grecesti Nikas[permanent dead link], Accesat la 14 aprilie 2009
  48. ^ Transavia, export de preparate din carne[permanent dead link], Accesat la 15 aprilie 2009
  49. ^ AVE Impex investeste sase mil. euro in semipreparate Archived 2009-09-25 at the Wayback Machine, Accesat la 3 mai 2009
  50. ^ Transavia tinteste o cincime din piata[permanent dead link], Accesat la 15 aprilie 2009
  51. ^ Agricola Bacau investeste in productie pentru a castiga cota de piata Archived 2009-09-25 at the Wayback Machine, Accesat la 3 mai 2009
  52. ^ Transavia se capitalizeaza[permanent dead link], Accesat la 15 aprilie 2009
  53. ^ a b Cite error: The named reference pd2012-06-03 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  54. ^ a b Cite error: The named reference evz2009-04-01 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  55. ^ a b c d e A renuntat la catedra de fizica pentru apicultura[permanent dead link], Accesat la 15 aprilie 2009
  56. ^ Boromir scoate mai mult profit din imobiliare[permanent dead link]
  57. ^ a b Cite error: The named reference paineon2010-09-04 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  58. ^ Extinderea portofoliului a saltat cu 23% afacerile Dobrogea Grup[permanent dead link], accesat la 22 aprilie 2009
  59. ^ Majorare de 33% pentru afacerile Arnos[permanent dead link], Accesat la 21 aprilie 2009
  60. ^ Pastele fainoase au majorat cu 21,5% afacerile Pambac[permanent dead link], standard.ro, accesat la 15 mai 2009
  61. ^ a b c Aurel Popescu, presedinte ROMPAN: Aderarea la UE a gasit industria alimentara nepregatita[permanent dead link], standard.ro, accesat la 15 mai 2009
  62. ^ Boromir Prod, profit de aproximativ 2 mil. euro Boromir Prod, profit de aproximativ 2 mil. euro[permanent dead link], Accesat la 2 aprilie 2009
  63. ^ Majorare de 33% pentru afacerile Arnos[permanent dead link], accesat la 12 aprilie 2009
  64. ^ Pambac s-a mentinut in T1 la 12 mil. euro[permanent dead link], accesat la 21 aprilie 2009
  65. ^ Baneasa Bucuresti separa pastele de paine[permanent dead link], accesat la 21 aprilie 2009
  66. ^ Producatorul de conserve Zwanenberg a intrat in Top 3 jucatori intr-un singur an[permanent dead link], Accesat la 4 aprilie 2009
  67. ^ Producatorul de conserve de carne Scandia Romana mizeaza pe un plus de 1% in 2009[permanent dead link], Accesat la 21 martie 2009
  68. ^ Hame a confirmat preluarea Antrefrig[permanent dead link], Accesat la 5 mai 2009
  69. ^ Hame a confirmat preluarea Antrefrig[permanent dead link], accesat la 21 aprilie 2009
  70. ^ Cite error: The named reference zconsf2010-03-17 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  71. ^ a b Ciocolata amaruie, cea mai mare crestere[permanent dead link], accesat la 29 aprilie 2009
  72. ^ a b Mars: Cu un avans de 44%, batoanele au cea mai mare crestere pe piata ciocolatei[permanent dead link], Accesat la 4 aprilie 2009
  73. ^ Sectie Kandia, relocata[permanent dead link], Accesat la 26 iunie 2008
  74. ^ a b Supreme Chocolat mizeaza pe 29 mil. euro in 2008[permanent dead link], Accesat la 5 mai 2009
  75. ^ a b c Concentrare maxima pe piata napolitanelor: Cinci jucatori detin 90%[permanent dead link], Accesat la 23 aprilie 2009
  76. ^ Romdil intra pe segmentul ciocolata[permanent dead link], accesat la 5 mai 2009
  77. ^ Cite error: The named reference chipscons2010-04-11 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  78. ^ Piata restaurantelor din Romania va atinge valoarea de doua miliarde euro in 2010[permanent dead link]
  79. ^ Unilever, doua marci in Top 4 branduri maioneza[permanent dead link]
  80. ^ a b Fuchs investeste 10 mil. € intr-o fabrica la Curtea de Arges Archived 2011-11-27 at the Wayback Machine, accesat la 2 mai 2009
  81. ^ "Tutunul românesc ia drumul Ungariei". Archived from the original on 2008-05-27. Retrieved 2010-03-11.
  82. ^ Bunge inchide si fabrica de la Iasi, dupa cea de la Oradea[permanent dead link], Accesat la 25 iunie 2008
  83. ^ a b Producatorul de ulei Ardealul Carei imprumuta 30 mil. euro pentru investitii[permanent dead link], Accesat la 4 mai 2009
  84. ^ Cargill: Investitiile sustin avansul pe termen lung[permanent dead link], Accesat la 4 mai 2009
  85. ^ Cite error: The named reference ulei9_2010-08-20 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  86. ^ a b c BIO Markt a preluat Natura Land, cel mai mare jucator pe piata produselor ecologice[permanent dead link], Accesat la 30 aprilie 2009
  87. ^ Unilever a cumparat inghetata Napoca[permanent dead link], standard.ro, accesat la 29 august 2009
  88. ^ Lunga vara fierbinte a afacerilor 'reci" Archived 2010-06-06 at the Wayback Machine, 2008-02-05, moneyexpress.money.ro, accesat la 20 iulie 2010
  89. ^ Finantele: Impozitarea tichetelor de masa aduce bugetului 345 mil. lei, 14 mai 2010, wall-street.ro, accesat la 25 august 2010