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Estonian Coach of the Year

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The Estonian Coach of the Year is chosen annually each December, since 1988.[1] The winner is voted by a group of sports journalists, public, and sports associations. Skiing coach Mati Alaver has won the award a record five times.

List of award winners

Year Estonian Coach of the Year
1988 Rein Ottoson Sailing
1989 Mihkel Leppik Rowing
1990 Mihkel Leppik (2) Rowing
1991 Jaak Salumets Basketball
1992 Rein Ottoson (2) Sailing
1993 Jaak Salumets (2) Basketball
1994 Tiit Tamm Nordic combined
1995 Rein Sokk Athletics
1996 Rein Sokk (2) Athletics
1997 Rein Sokk (3) Athletics
1998 Anatoli Šmigun Skiing
1999 Mati Alaver Skiing
2000 Aavo Põhjala Judo
2001 Mati Alaver (2) Skiing
2002 Mati Alaver (3) Skiing
2003 Mati Alaver (4) Skiing
2004 Igor Grinko Rowing
2005 Heino Puuste Javelin throw
2006 Anatoli Šmigun (2) Skiing
2007 Vésteinn Hafsteinsson Discus throw
2008 Vésteinn Hafsteinsson (2) Discus throw
2009 Mati Alaver (5) Skiing
2010 Avo Keel Volleyball
2011 Tarmo Rüütli Association football
2012 Henn Põlluste Wrestling
2013 Henn Põlluste (2) Wrestling
2014 Anne Mägi/Taivo Mägi Athletics
2015 Alar Seim Weightlifting[2]
2016 Matti Killing Rowing [3]
2017 Gheorghe Creţu Volleyball [4]
2018 Gheorghe Creţu (2) Volleyball [5]
2019 Indrek Tustit/Marek Vister Athletics [6]
2021 Kaido Kaabermaa Fencing[7]
2022 Gerd Kanter Discus throw [8]

See also



  1. ^ "Varasemad aastad". Estonian Olympic Committee. Retrieved 21 March 2023.
  2. ^ "Eesti aasta treeneri tiitli võitis poja MM-hõbedani aidanud Alar Seim". ERR. 27 December 2015.
  3. ^ "Esmakordselt aasta treeneriks nimetatud Killing: EM-il oli ka vanajumal meie poolt". ERR. 28 December 2016.
  4. ^ "Aasta treeneriks valiti Gheorghe Cretu". ERR. 27 December 2017.
  5. ^ "Aasta treener Gheorghe Cretu: Loodan, et teeme järgmisel aastal ajalugu". Postimees. 27 December 2018.
  6. ^ "Video ⟩ Aasta treener: See kõik on võimalik tänu Magnuse tööeetikale ja heale realiseerimisele". Postimees. 4 January 2020.
  7. ^ "Aasta treener Kaaberma: See Kristjan ei kuulu 100 protsenti mulle". Postimees. 29 December 2021.
  8. ^ "VIDEO ⟩ Hoolealuse MM-kuld ja EM-hõbe tõid Gerd Kanterile aasta treeneri tiitli". Postimees. 30 December 2022.