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List of Ceramium species

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Ceramium is a genus of red algae in the Rhodophyta.




  • Ceramium elegans (Roth) Ducluzeau 1805[1] is a synonym of Ceramium diaphanum var. elegans (Roth) Roth
  • Ceramium elegans var. diaphanoideum Celan & Serbanescu is a synonym of Ceramium siliquosum (Kützing) Maggs & Hommersand
  • Ceramium elegans var. fastigiatum Celan & Serbanescu 1959[2] is a synonym of Ceramium cimbricum H.E.Petersen
  • Ceramium elegans f. longiarticulata Celan & Serbanescu is a synonym of Ceramium siliquosum (Kützing) Maggs & Hommersand


  1. ^ Ducluzeau, J.A.P. (1805). Essai sur l'histoire naturelle des Conferves des environs de Montpellier. pp. [i]-89, [90, err.; 91, note; 92, presentation]. Montpellier: Auguste Ricard.
  2. ^ Celan, M. & Serbanescu, G. (1959). Sur les Ceramium de la Mer Noire. Lucrârile Sesiunii Stiintifice Agigea 36: 532-562, 22 pls.