Module:Sports table/CricketCC
[edit]{{#invoke:Sports table|main|style=CricketCC}}
- This Sports Module table is suitable for the County Championship, which is an annual first-class cricket tournament played in England and Wales.
- The matches abandoned column should be used only for games where no play was possible. In order to obtain the correct points totals for matches where play was abandoned due to an unsafe pitch, then following ECB regulations, the home side should be treated as having an additional loss, and the away side an additional draw. In this case, when an edit is previewed, the warnings issued regarding inconsistencies in the overall number of wins/losses and draws will be unreliable.
-- Style for cricket tables
local pp = { }
function pp.header(t, Args, p_sub, pos_label, group_col, VTE_text, full_table, results_header_txt)
-- Load relevant modules
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
-- Create table header
-- Pre stuff
local team_width = Args['teamwidth'] or '180'
local sort_text = yesno(Args['sortable_table'] or 'no') and ' sortable' or ''
--local show_played = not yesno(Args['hide_played'] or 'no')
table.insert(t,'{|class="wikitable'..sort_text..'" style="text-align:center;"\n') -- Open table
-- Table title
if Args['title'] then
table.insert(t,'|+ ' .. Args['title'] .. '\n')
--Header specific options
local team_head_text = Args['team_header'] or 'Team'
local tie_head_text = Args['tie_header'] or '<abbr title="Tied">T</abbr>'
local draw_head_text = Args['draw_header'] or '<abbr title="Drawn">D</abbr>'
local aban_head_text = Args['aban_header'] or '<abbr title="Abandoned">A</abbr>'
local bat_head_text = Args['bat_header'] or '<abbr title="Batting points">Bat</abbr>'
local bowl_head_text = Args['bowl_header'] or '<abbr title="Bowling points">Bowl</abbr>'
local deduct_head_text = Args['deduct_header'] or '<abbr title="Deducted points">Ded</abbr>'
local pcf_head_text = Args['pcf_header'] or '<abbr title="Points carried forward">PCF</abbr>'
local loss_first = yesno(Args['loss_before_tie'] or 'yes')
local show_aban = yesno(Args['show_aban'] or 'yes')
local show_bonus_points = yesno(Args['show_bonus_points'] or 'yes')
local show_deduct = yesno(Args['show_deductions'] or 'yes')
local show_pcf = yesno(Args['show_pcf'] or 'yes')
-- What to rank the teams by
--local ranking_style = Args['ranking_style'] or 'pts'
-- Initialize
local tt = {}
tt.count = 0 -- Up by one after every call
tt.tab_text = t -- Actual text
-- Actual headers
if pos_label ~= nil then
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,28,pos_label) -- Position col
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt, team_width, team_head_text..VTE_text) -- Team col
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,32,'<abbr title="Played">Pld</abbr>') -- Matches played col
if full_table then
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,32,'<abbr title="Won">W</abbr>') -- Win col
if loss_first then
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,32,'<abbr title="Lost">L</abbr>') -- Loss col
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,32,tie_head_text) -- Tie col
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,32,draw_head_text) -- Draw col
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,32,tie_head_text) -- Tie col
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,32,draw_head_text) -- Draw col
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,32, '<abbr title="Lost">L</abbr>') -- Loss col
if show_aban then
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,32,aban_head_text) --Abandoned col
if show_bonus_points then
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,32,bat_head_text) -- Batting points col
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,32,bowl_head_text) -- Bowling points col
if show_deduct then
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,32,deduct_head_text) -- Deduction col
if show_pcf then
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt,32,pcf_head_text) -- Points carried forward col
tt = p_sub.colhead(tt, 32, '<abbr title="Points">Pts</abbr>') -- Points col
if full_table then
tt.count = tt.count+1
table.insert(tt.tab_text, results_header_txt)
return tt
function pp.row(frame, t, Args, p_sub, notes_exist, hth_id_list, full_table, rand_val, team_list, team_code_ii, ii_start, ii_end, ii_fw, bg_col, N_teams, ii, ii_show)
-- Build the inner parts of individual rows
-- Sub-module usage
local mm = require('Module:Math')
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
-- Get custom/default options for in table
local win_points = tonumber(Args['winpoints']) or 16
local tie_points = tonumber(Args['tiepoints']) or 8
local draw_points = tonumber(Args['drawpoints']) or 5
local aban_points = tonumber(Args['abanpoints']) or 5
local loss_points = tonumber(Args['losspoints']) or 0
local draw_bonus_points = tonumber(Args['drawbonuspoints']) or 3
-- table options, to match those in the header
local loss_first = yesno(Args['loss_before_tie'] or 'yes')
local show_tie = yesno(Args['show_tie'] or 'yes')
local show_aban = yesno(Args['show_aban'] or 'yes')
local show_bonus_points = yesno(Args['show_bonus_points'] or 'yes')
local show_deduct = yesno(Args['show_deductions'] or 'yes')
local show_pcf = yesno(Args['show_pcf'] or 'yes')
-- Get some input
local wins = tonumber(Args['win_'..team_code_ii]) or 0
local ties = tonumber(Args['tie_'..team_code_ii]) or 0
local draws = tonumber(Args['draw_'..team_code_ii]) or 0
local losses = tonumber(Args['loss_'..team_code_ii]) or 0
local abandons = tonumber(Args['aban_'..team_code_ii]) or 0
local batting = tonumber(Args['bat_'..team_code_ii]) or 0
local bowling = tonumber(Args['bowl_'..team_code_ii]) or 0
local deductions = tonumber(Args['ded_'..team_code_ii]) or 0
local pcf = tonumber(Args['pcf_'..team_code_ii]) or 0
local drawbonus = tonumber(Args['drawbonus_'..team_code_ii]) or 0
local hth_local = Args['hth_'..team_code_ii] or nil --?
-- Then calculate some values
local matches = wins + losses + draws + ties + abandons
local points = win_points*wins + loss_points*losses + tie_points*ties + draw_points*draws + aban_points*abandons + draw_bonus_points*drawbonus + batting + bowling + pcf - deductions
-- Some local vars
local hth_string
local tt_return = p_sub.hth(frame, Args, full_table, hth_id_list, hth_local, notes_exist, team_list, team_code_ii, ii_start, ii_end, rand_val)
hth_string = tt_return.str
hth_id_list = tt_return.list
notes_exist = tt_return.notes_exist
-- What to rank the teams by
local ranking_style = Args['ranking_style'] or 'pts'
local win_fw, win_string, pts_fw, pts_string
ranking_style = string.lower(ranking_style)
if ranking_style=='p' or ranking_style=='pts' or ranking_style=='points' then
-- Based on points
win_fw = ii_fw
win_string = ''
pts_fw = 'font-weight: bold;'
pts_string = hth_string
-- Based on wins
win_fw = 'font-weight: bold;'
win_string = hth_string
pts_fw = ii_fw
pts_string = ''
-- Row building
table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..matches..'\n') -- Played
if full_table then
-- Use actual values if wins, ties, and losses are not numeric
if (wins == 0 and ties == 0 and losses == 0 and draws ==0 and abandons == 0) then
local function numorval(s)
return s and((s == '' and 0) or tonumber(s) or s) or 0
wins = numorval(Args['win_'..team_code_ii])
ties = numorval(Args['tie_'..team_code_ii])
losses = numorval(Args['loss_'..team_code_ii])
draws = numorval(Args['draw_'..team_code_ii])
abandons = numorval(Args['aban_'..team_code_ii])
table.insert(t,'| style="'..win_fw..bg_col..'" |'..wins..win_string..'\n') -- Won
if loss_first then
table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..losses..'\n') -- Lost
table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..ties..'\n') -- Ties
table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..draws..'\n') -- draws
table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..ties..'\n') -- Ties
table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..draws..'\n') -- draws
table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..losses..'\n') -- Lost
if show_aban then
table.insert(t,'| style="'..ii_fw..bg_col..'" |'..abandons..'\n') -- Abandonments
if show_bonus_points then
table.insert(t,'| style="'..bg_col..'" | '..batting..'\n')
table.insert(t,'| style="'..bg_col..'" | '..bowling..'\n')
if show_deduct then
table.insert(t,'| style="'..bg_col..'" | '..deductions..'\n')
if show_pcf then
table.insert(t,'| style="'..bg_col..'" | '..pcf..'\n')
if points<0 then
table.insert(t,'| style="'..pts_fw..bg_col..'" | −'..-points..pts_string..'\n')
table.insert(t,'| style="'..pts_fw..bg_col..'" | '..points..pts_string..'\n')
return {t=t, notes_exist=notes_exist, hth_id_list=hth_id_list}
function pp.status(Args)
-- Declare status options
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- NOTE: If you add to status_code, also add to status_called and status_letters!!
-- Or functionality will be compromised
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
local status_code, status_called = {},{}
status_code = { A='Advances to a further round', C='Champion', D='Disqualified',
E='Eliminated', G='Guest', H='Host', O='Play-off winner', P='Promoted', Q='Qualified for the phase indicated',
R='Relegated', T='Qualified, but not yet for the particular phase indicated' }
local status_letters = (Args['status_order'] or '') .. 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
-- Status position(before or after read and default)
local stat_pos_val = string.lower(Args['status_pos'] or '')
local status_position = 'after'-- Default location
if stat_pos_val=='before' then
status_position = 'before'
elseif stat_pos_val=='after' then
status_position = 'after'
for l in mw.text.gsplit(status_letters, '') do
status_called[l] = false
status_code[l] = status_code[l] or '?'
status_letters = mw.ustring.gsub(status_letters, '(' .. l..'.-)' .. l, '%1')
if Args['status_text_'..l] then
status_code[l] = Args['status_text_'..l]
return {code=status_code, called=status_called, letters=status_letters, position=status_position}
return pp