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Radu Varia

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Radu Varia (born 1940) is a Romanian art critic and art historian.



Born in Iași, Varia holds a degree from the University of Bucharest and a doctorate in History of Art and Civilization from the University of Paris. A friend of Salvador Dalí's, the two collaborated in preparing the 1974 opening of the Dalí Theatre and Museum in Figueras.[1] Dalí also dedicated a 1972 poem to Varia, who awakened the painter's interest in Romanian language and culture.[2][3] He has also helped set up every major exhibit of Horia Damian's work since the early 1970s.[4] Among these have been shows at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City, the Musée National d'Art Moderne (Centre Pompidou) and Grand Palais in Paris, the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro, Documenta IX in Kassel, the Venice Biennale, the São Paulo Art Biennial or the Mogoşoaia Palace. The last, taking place in 2009, brought together for the first time Damian's work from 1930 to 1946.[5] Additionally, he has made a thorough study of the works of Constantin Brâncuși, writing essays and books on the subject, in particular the 1986 Brâncuși that appeared first in the United States, later in France and Japan.[6] Varia has lectured widely since the 1970s, including at an afternoon tutorial held by Marshall McLuhan at the University of Toronto; at Waseda University in Tokyo; at the Museum der Weltkulturen in Frankfurt;[4] at the Romanian Academy in Bucharest,[7] at the Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh.,[8] at the Shenzhen University in China. He is married to soprano Mariana Nicolesco.[1]



In 2012, he is elected Honorary Member of the Royal Scottish Academy,.[9][10] In 2011, he was awarded, by the President of Romania, the Order of Cultural Merit[11] and received the Silver Medal of the Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh.[12] He is also a Knight of the Legion of Honour (2000) and, since 2005, a Commander of the Order of the Star of Italian Solidarity.[13][14] In 2015, he was awarded the Mihai Eminescu International Academy Prize. In 2018, he was elected Doctor Honoris Causa of Chișinau Academy of Arts.[15] In 2018, he was also elected Member of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters in Paris[16] and Member of the Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea in Salzburg.[17] By unanimous vote of the city councilors, on September 24, 2020, the critic and art historian Radu Varia became Honorary Citizen of Iași.[18][19]



On Constantin Brâncuși:

  • Brâncuși. Rizzoli, New York, 1986; Gallimard, Paris, 1989; New Art Seibu, Tokyo, 1993
  • Brâncuși. A Stone, Being. Introduction to the exhibition Six Masterpieces from the Romanian Museums, Gagosian Gallery, New York, 1990
  • Gânduri la Masa Tăcerii. Cuvânt despre Constantin Brâncuși (Thoughts at the Table of Silence). Lecture at the Romanian Academy published in Academica, Bucharest 1992
  • Brâncuși in his universe: Maurice III, séducteur, photographe, sculpteur (Maurice III, seducer, photographer, sculptor) in Brâncuși, photographies, Hopkins-Custot, Paris, 2003
  • Brâncuși, photographer of his own works. Lecture at The Museum der Weltkulturen, Frankfurt, 2009
  • Brâncuși: A Great Spiritual Experience. Lecture at The Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, 2011
  • Brâncuși. Ansamblul Monumental de la Târgu Jiu în perspectivă istorică. (The Monumental Ensemble of Târgu Jiu in a historical perspective), FICB, Bucharest, 2001
  • Brâncuși. Originale, copii, falsuri (Originals, copies, fakes), Document signed by 42 other art historians, directors of museums, artists), FICB, Bucharest, 2001
  • Brâncuși fotograf (Brâncuși photographer), FICB, Bucharest, 2001
  • Brâncuși în America (Brâncuși in America), FICB, Bucharest, 2001. First published in Revista Româno-Americană

On Salvador Dalí:

  • Salvador Dalí, Împăratul Traian şi România (Salvador Dalí, Emperor Trajan and Romania). Lecture at the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 2011

On Horia Damian:

  • Damian. Introduction to the exhibition Les constructions de Damian (Damian's Constructions), Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris, 1972
  • Damian. In the catalogue Galaxy, Stadt Aachen Neue Galerie, Aachen, 1974
  • Damian and the Actual Infinite, introduction to the exhibition The Hill, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 1976
  • De l’instruction des formes premières (About the Primary Forms) in the volume Les symboles du lieu. L’habitation de l’homme (Symbols of place. Habitation of Man), L’Herne, Paris, 1983
  • Metaphysics and Monumentality. Introduction to Damian's exhibition at the Documenta IX Exhibition, Kassel. Rizzoli, 1992
  • One must be absolutely modern, said Rimbaud, even in his day. Introduction to the Damian catalogue, XLV Biennale di Venezia, Rizzoli, 1993
  • Entrer dans l’invisible (Getting into the Invisible). Introduction to the exhibition Horia Damian, Galerie Karsten Greve, Paris, 2002
  • Horia Damian, un mare solitar al secolului 20 (A Great Solitary of the 20th Century). The years 1930-1946. FICB, Bucharest (Mogoşoaia Palace), 2009
  • Horia Damian - 96. Galeria Alexandra, Bucharest, 2018


  1. ^ a b (in Romanian) Loredana Oprea, "Un ieșean, medaliat de Academia Regală din Scoția", Ziarul de Iași, 5 December 2011; accessed February 7, 2012
  2. ^ (in Romanian) Ionela Roșu, "Radu Varia: Salvador Dalí, 'catolic, apostolic, roman și român'", Adevărul, 23 August 2011; accessed March 21, 2012
  3. ^ (in Romanian) To me, meeting with Salvador Dalì was providencial [1] “Bucharest Herald”, October 16, 2009
  4. ^ a b (in Romanian) Magdalena Popa Buluc, "'În artă, ce nu e legat de spiritualitate nu valorează nimic'", Cotidianul, 5 December 2011; accessed February 7, 2012
  5. ^ (in Romanian) "O mare expoziție Horia Damian la Palatul Mogoșoaia", Ziarul Financiar, 11 September 2009; accessed March 21, 2012
  6. ^ (in Romanian) Radu Varia, "Dali: Geniu, Rege și Bufon al Secolului", Observator Cultural nr. 584, July 2011; accessed March 21, 2012
  7. ^ (in Romanian) Radu Varia at the Romanian Academy [2] 2011
  8. ^ (in Romanian) Aura Stan “Criticul de artă Radu Varia a primit Medalia de Argint a Academiei Regale a Scoției” (Art Critic Radu Varia received the Silver Medal of the Royal Scottish Academy) [3] “Gândul”, December 7, 2011
  9. ^ (in Romanian) “Istoricul și criticul de artă Radu Varia, ales membru de onoare al Academiei Regale a Scoției” (Historian and art critic Radu Varia elected Honorary Member of the Royal Scottish Academy) [4] „Mediafax”, September 10, 2012
  10. ^ (in Romanian) “Radu Varia primește Diploma cu Sigiliul Regal semnată de Regina Elisabeta II” (Radu Varia receives the Diploma with the Royal Seal and signature of Queen Elizabeth II) [5] “Evenimentul zilei”, June 3, 2013
  11. ^ (in Romanian) Cristian Lapa „Istoricul Radu Varia, decorat de Traian Băsescu” (Art Historian Radu Varia decorated by President Traian Basescu) [6] “România Liberă”, February 1, 2011
  12. ^ (in Romanian) „Radu Varia, distins la Edinburgh cu prestigioasa Medalie de Argint a Academiei Regale a Scoției” (Radu Varia awarded in Edinburgh with the prestigious Silver Medal of the Royal Scottish Academy) [7] “Jurnalul Național”, December 6, 2011
  13. ^ (in Romanian) Silvia Kerim, "'Lumea românească'", Formula AS, October 2001; accessed March 20, 2012
  14. ^ (in Italian) Il Presidente Ciampi ha conferito onorificenze dell'Ordine della Stella della Solidarietà Italiana at the Italian Presidency site, 30 May 2005; accessed March 20, 2012
  15. ^ (in Romanian) "Soprana Mariana Nicolesco și istoricul de artă Radu Varia primesc titlul de Doctor Honoris Causa al Academiei de Arte din Chișinău" (Soprano Mariana Nicolesco and art historien Radu Varia received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of Chisinau's Academy of Arts) [8] Qmagazine, June 4, 2018
  16. ^ ”Cultura românească în lume. Mariana Nicolesco și Radu Varia, Membri ai Academiei Europene de Științe, Arte și Litere din Paris” (The Romanian culture in the world. Mariana Nicolesco and Radu Varia Members of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters in Paris), "Evenimentul zilei", Iulian Vlădescu, 26 noiembrie 2018
  17. ^ ”Istoricul de artă Radu Varia, primit cu bucurie de Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea” (Art historian Radu Varia received at the Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea), jurnalul.ro, Magdalena Popa Buluc, 08 Martie 2019
  18. ^ "Primăria Municipiului Iași on Facebook". Facebook. Archived from the original on 2022-04-30.[user-generated source]
  19. ^ "Curierul de Iaşi". Facebook.