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Russian National Corpus

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The Russian National Corpus (Russian: Национальный корпус русского языка, lit.'National Corpus of the Russian Language') is a corpus of the Russian language that has been partially accessible through a query interface online since April 29, 2004. It is being created by the Institute of Russian language, Russian Academy of Sciences.

It currently contains more than 1 billion word forms[1] that are automatically lemmatized and POS-/grammeme-tagged, i.e. all the possible morphological analyses for each orthographic form are ascribed to it. Lemmata, POS, grammatical items, and their combinations are searchable. Additionally, 6 million word forms are in the subcorpus with manually resolved homonymy.

The subcorpus with resolved morphological homonymy is also automatically accentuated. The whole corpus has a searchable tagging concerning lexical semantics (LS),[2] including morphosemantic POS subclasses (proper noun, reflexive pronoun etc.), LS characteristics proper (thematic class, causativity, evaluation), derivation (diminutive, adverb formed from adjective etc.).

The RNC includes also the following subcorpora:

  • a treebank of syntactical dependencies (largely based on the Igor Mel'čuk's Meaning-Text Theory)
  • English⇔Russian, German⇒Russian, Ukrainian⇔Russian and Belorussian⇔Russian parallel corpora;
  • a large (100+ million words) separate corpus of modern newspapers (2001–2011);
  • a corpus of Russian poetry, where the rhyming words and poetic prosody (including meter, stanzas etc.) is additionally tagged;
  • a corpus of Russian dialects with specific dialect grammar tagging;
  • a multimedia corpus with searchable tagged fragments of Russian-language movies;
  • a corpus showing the history of Russian stress
  • an educational subcorpus reflecting school standards.

All the texts have tags bearing metatextual information - the author, his/her birth date, creation date, text size, text genres (general fiction, detective story, newspaper article etc.); all these categories are browsable and searchable separately. It is possible to define a user's subcorpus to search lemmata/POS-grammeme/semantic tags combinations only within this subset.

See also



  1. ^ "Национальный корпус русского языка". Национальный корпус русского языка (in Russian). Archived from the original on March 5, 2022. Retrieved August 28, 2022.
  2. ^ Apresjan, Ju.; Boguslavsky, I.; Iomdin, B.; Iomdin, L.; Sannikov, A.; Sizov, V. (2006). A Syntactically and Semantically Tagged Corpus of Russian: State of the Art and Prospects. Proceedings of LREC. Genova, Italy. pp. 1378–1381. CiteSeerX