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Talk:Étienne Perier (governor)/Archive 4

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Attempt to clean up page

The way proposed headings were being placed was creating a confusing page layout that made it hard to find/follow/participate in discussions and signatures were becoming too far removed from the relevant text in a few places. I've gone ahead and where there was a proposed structure dropped each heading down a level to keep the propsals together under a single heading, and added a (poorly named) DISCUSSION section heading after that to help focus the conversation. Also, because of WP:LENGTH and the way {{Reflist-talk}} boxes (when they were used properly) were being handled, I went ahead and manually archived the earlier arguments and discussions. The link is at the top of the page. —Carter (talk) 20:26, 23 June 2021 (UTC)

Ok. Thanks for the cleaning (If you want you can removed your explanation for this) --Belyny (talk) 22:44, 23 June 2021 (UTC)
Thanks Carter for this cleaning.--Savary34 (talk) 11:51, 24 June 2021 (UTC)
I've moved a little more to Archive 2. I considered moving more of the above to the archive, but thought it may be better to let it sit here a little longer. —Carter (talk) 00:46, 25 June 2021 (UTC)
Went ahead and moved the rest of the settled discussion to Archive 2. semper progrediensCarter (talk) 12:55, 25 June 2021 (UTC)

Deletion of useless and too long paragraphs

Hi, I propose the complete deletion of the instructions given by the Company to Perier because it's useless and too long :

On September 30, the Company gave Perier instructions, excerpted below:

"Since the Company took possession of this colony, it has made immense expenditures for its establishment. These expenses seem to have been useless, due to the lack of progress in the undertakings in which they were used, and due to the bad use that the leaders of this colony have made of the funds that were given to them. This has resulted in great misfortune for the country, and considerable losses for the company. All this, because the orders of the company were not respected or followed, and there was always a fatal misunderstanding between the people of letters, the military and the engineers. The different forms given to the government and the administration of the colony could not remedy the disorder. The cause of these evils could only come from the subjects to whom the authority was entrusted, the company determined to change them. The provisions made on this subject were followed by a new arrangement for the government of the country. It was conceived and settled, on the basis of the unfortunate experience of the past, which made known the necessity of enclosing all the authority in the colony between two persons, one for the command of the country, the other for justice, the police and commerce, so that each of these two men could, not only act without annoyance or delay in the things concerning his functions, but was also obliged to answer personally to the company for the execution of his orders on the part entrusted to him. She wanted to try M. de Boisbriant, lieutenant of the king, to fill the functions of commander, and she chose M. de la Chaise, whose probity, zeal and intelligence were known to her, to fill the other place; but this regulation sent to Louisiana was not executed by M. de Boisbriant, nor by the other members of the council, who, on the contrary, took the resolution to exclude the said Sieur de la Chaise from the knowledge of affairs. Such an attack on the obedience due to the company made it feel that it was impossible to remedy the past disorders, and that it would be imprudent to flatter oneself for the future of a more favorable success, if it did not send a new commander on whose affection and firmness it could count to be obeyed. It is with this in mind that it has chosen Mr. Périer [...].

The company recommends that he not encroach on the attributions of those who render justice or deal with the police and commerce, and that he live in the best understanding with Sieur de la Chaise, in the interest of the colony.

It is good to warn that he will find all the officers, the engineers, and some of the writers and inhabitants, ready to declaim against Mr. de la Chaise. These people, accustomed to draw from the company's stores what was not due to them, or to conduct themselves in a way that was not suitable either for the public good or for the service, looked with horror on a man who had the courage to oppose disorder. The cause of their hatred could not fail to attract to him the confidence of the company. But he could make no use of it, if M. Périer did not feel, like the company, the importance of imposing silence on the enemies of M. de la Chaise, who could only be regarded as those of the company.

In order to cut the main roots of these so dangerous divisions, the company gave Mr. Périer an ordinance which contained the way in which it intended that the authors of the non-execution of its regulation of July 11, 1725 be punished. He will comply with it, by taking the appropriate measures with Mr. de la Chaise [...].

Mr. Périer will have to arrive unexpectedly [...].

As the illnesses that prevail during the summer in New Orleans are said to be due to the fact that the city lacks air, being suffocated by the surrounding woods, he will have the country discovered as far as he can as far as Lake Pontchartrain [...].

The importance of the Natchez post requires that Mr. Périer make a trip there as soon as possible, because being on the spot, he will be able to judge more easily the means of fulfilling the views of the company, concerning this post, where it wants to establish itself in great numbers. It will be good even if, on this occasion, he makes himself known to the Natchez nation, which is quite numerous and which, by the war it has already waged against the French, deserves to be observed. It is composed of three main villages which are located so close to the French that this has been the source of past troubles and could well produce new subjects of quarrel. This is what he will examine; and if he finds any danger in leaving these villages where they are, he will make a present to the chiefs to determine them to move away.

While he is at Natchez, he will inquire if the detachment of fifteen men that the garrison of this post provides at Yazoux, located thirty-five leagues higher, is absolutely necessary there, because without it, it would be appropriate for him to have this detachment return. The company is convinced that this can be done without danger, or at least reduce the garrison by half, as soon as the Jesuit mission is established there.

He will ask Mr. de Boisbriant if he has had the Arkansas post, located eighty leagues above Yazoux, raised, and if Mr. de Boisbriant has not done so, he will give orders that it be done, by establishing a Jesuit mission there.

The company desires that Sieur Marigny de Mandeville be named major of New Orleans if the complaints brought against him are slanderous.

The picture that the company paints of the situation of the colony will be complete by adding an extract from a memorandum by M. Drouot de Valdeterre, formerly commander of the Dauphine Island and Biloxi:

"The new inhabitants of this country," he says, "not finding themselves governed and policed in the name of His Majesty, already claim to be independent of any sovereign and are republicans.

The troops, without discipline, without subordination, without arms, and most often without clothes, are exposed to seek their ease among the Indian nations. There is no fort, nor place of retreat to gather them in case of attack. The cannons and other utensils of war are silted up and abandoned; the stores are uncovered, the merchandise spoiled and spoiled, thefts, plundering of both the company and the inhabitants, tolerated; revolts and desertions of the troops, authorized; incendiaries of camps, posts and stores, unpunished; ships loaded with merchandise, taken by prisoners of war who had been made sailors for the service of the company; other ships, voluntarily beached; forgers, thieves and murderers, unpunished; finally a country which, to the shame of France, is without religion, without justice, without discipline, without order and without police.

What do you think ?--Savary34 (talk) 11:48, 24 June 2021 (UTC)

Hello Savary34, yes. That is something that should be done, and I'd be okay with cutting it now. I've been working (offline) on rewriting the entire article and once we have final agreement on the still open "In the French navy" section and the heading for "In service of the Companies", we can go forward. If you have any thoughts on the above discussion of those points, they'd be appreciated.
(I don't know if this is the best approach, and I don't like leaving the crazy wall of text up on the main article for any longer than is necessary, but hopefully going slowly and methodically will avoid the edit war mess that got us to this point.) —Carter (talk) 11:53, 24 June 2021 (UTC)
OK, I cut it now. Yes I will share you my thoughts about the previous discussions.--Savary34 (talk) 11:56, 24 June 2021 (UTC)

Tcr25 I also propose the deletion of these useless and too long paragraphs :

  • "I had a levee built in front of New Orleans, nine hundred toises long and eighteen feet wide at the top. There will be levees this year from six leagues above the city to six leagues below, which, although not as strong as those in the city, will nevertheless prevent the river from overflowing. I intend to start the city's surrounding ditch in the month of September next, which is the most favourable time to work on this work, and the one when the inhabitants have the least amount of work. After this work, I will begin the canal from the city to Bayou St. Jean, which runs into Lake Pontchartrain. By this work, we will have communication with the sea by the bottom of the river and by the lake; which will give us great conveniences, as much for life as for trade. Although this work seems large, I assure you that it will be finished in a few years, by the agreement I have made with the inhabitants, which is to guarantee them, for the first month, the life of the negroes we will give them, in exchange for their obliging to give me thirty days of manpower for each of the negroes we will deliver to them. This condition is equally good for the inhabitants and for the company. The inhabitants avoid the risks of the first month of the arrival of the negroes, and in the event that some of them die, the work that those who live do compensates the company for the loss that it makes of the dead, in addition to the fact that the work does not languish there. This is because it is done with more heart than by the chores, which are rightly considered to be very burdensome. By this same means, the most distant works will be done equally, because there will be employed in the works of the city only the negroes of its territory, while the others will work for theirs, by making the surveys and the drains of the inhabitants who are not in a position to do them, and who will pay thereafter to the company this advance. The success of this work will make known to your greatness my care, etc, etc."

  • "The English continued to push their trade into the heart of this province. He passed fifty to sixty horses, loaded with merchandise, to the nation of the Chickassas, to whom I ordered to plunder the merchandise of the English, promising to reward them with a present. I have not yet had any news of this affair. It seems that they are forming a league with all the savage nations in their vicinity, to attack all the Spanish settlements. On this, the governor of Pensacola has asked me for help. Without having any news from Europe, I thought that it was in our interest not to have the English so close to us, and I consequently had the Talapouches, who were in front of Pensacola, told to withdraw; otherwise, I would have our nations give on them. I also told the Alibamons that if they attacked the Spaniards, our friends, I would have to help them. But I was careful to have only our savages march so as not to commit myself to the English. This had a good effect. The governor made me thank him by telling me that war had been declared in Europe. However, I will indirectly help the Spaniards until further orders from Your Grandeur, taking the liberty of representing to him that our only attention must be to prevent the English from approaching us. I have made peace with all the nations from the Arkansas to the bottom of the river. Only the Chactas and Chickassas are in dispute over a chief of the latter who was killed by the former. I will go to the Mobile to grant them and I will take measures with them to prevent the English from entering our lands next year, and little by little to make them lose the habit, by making them deal for all the deer skins of the savages, so that they will not be obliged to deal with the English to get rid of them".

    --Savary34 (talk) 12:46, 24 June 2021 (UTC)
Let's hold off on more trimming until we agree on what should be included. (I don't see any of these long quotes remaining, but they may be helpful in determining the shape of the rest of the article. —Carter (talk) 12:56, 24 June 2021 (UTC)

Portrait Caption

Savary34, regarding your addition to the caption here. That information, if accurate should be on the file description on Commons, not here. But also, what you've linked to is labeled as a portrait of Pierre de Rigaud de Vaudreuil, not Étienne de Perier. —Carter (talk) 12:24, 24 June 2021 (UTC)

Hi Tcr25 Ok I will remove it from the page and put it on Commons. This portrait was made in the 19th century from a portrait of Vaudreuil, indeed. Two mistakes by the painter show that this is a posthumous portrait. Firstly, the colour of the Grand Cross of Saint-Louis ribbon is wrong. The ribbon is supposed to be red, not blue. The centre of the cross is red, but the edges are supposed to be white, not blue. Secondly, Perier became Grand Cross in 1765, i.e. at the age of 77 or 78, yet he is shown as a young man in this picture.Furthermore, this portrait is accompanied by a panel whose content was written during a meeting of Louisiana historians in the 19th century. Finally, we agree that the features of this face seem unrealistic. This means that these historians simply wanted to put a (fictional) face on a man who had governed their state in the 18th century.--Savary34 (talk) 12:30, 24 June 2021 (UTC)
I don't doubt that it's a posthumous portrait, I'm just not sure it was modeled after the one you're pointing to or that it dates to the 19th Century. You might want to reach out to Apriilex who originally posted it to see if any more is known. —Carter (talk) 12:55, 24 June 2021 (UTC)
I invite you to carefully compare the two images, and you will see that they are very similar (stick, finger position, etc).--Savary34 (talk) 12:58, 24 June 2021 (UTC)
They may be similar, but without more information than is available, then it's speculation or WP:OR and shouldn't be presented as a statement of fact. The original upload description is simply "This is a family painting." That could be an old 18th Century work created as you're saying or something an artistic relative with a passion for genealogy painted in the 1940s. There's not enough information about the portrait to state with certainty. —Carter (talk) 13:11, 24 June 2021 (UTC)

Next Steps (2021-06-24)

Hi, Just as a matter of process, what would those participating in this discussion think of skipping over Perier's time as governor and dealing with his post-Louisiana career first? I'm hoping we can nail down the less controversial bits before diving into the more difficult bits. I've also posted an ask a WikiProject Louisiana looking for more input for the future discussion of his governorship. —Carter (talk) 14:59, 24 June 2021 (UTC)

Agree with that. --Belyny (talk) 17:28, 24 June 2021 (UTC)

Final section of career

As suggested, I would like to consider nailing down the last chapter of Perier's life before tackling his governorship of Louisiana. Below is my proposed text for the section (replacing the current "Return in the Royal French Navy (1738-1765)" and "Decorations" sections):

Return to the navy (1733–1766)

After his recall, Perier and his family returned to France and by 1737 they had settled in Brest.[citation needed] From 1738 to 1765, he pursued a career in the French Navy. During the War of the Austrian Succession, he commanded the Mars during the capture of the HMS Northumberland,[1][2] and he commanded a squadron of four warships and two frigates in the Caribbean during the Seven Years' War.[3] In 1757, he was promoted to Lieutenant général des Armées navales.[1]

At the end of his career, on August 23, 1765, Perier was awarded the Grand-Croix of the Order of Saint Louis.[4] At the time, only two naval officers could hold the award simultaneously.[5] He was first inducted into the Order as a chevalier in 1727 after being named governor of Louisiana[1] and elevated to commandeur in 1755.[citation needed]

Perier died due to anasarca on April 1, 1766,[1][6] at his daughter’s home, Tréoudal castle [fr] in Saint-Martin-des-Champs, France.[7]


  1. ^ a b c d Haudrère 1996, p. 87–100.
  2. ^ Guérin, Léon (1856). Histoire maritime de France [Maritime History of France] (in French). Vol. 4. Paris, France: Dufour, Mulat et Boulanger. p. 258.
  3. ^ Chack, Paul (2001). Marins à la Bataille: Des Origines au XVIIIe Siècle [Sailors in Battle: From the Origins to the 18th Century] (in French). Vol. 1. Paris, France: Éditions du Gerfaut. p. 252. ISBN 978-2-901196-92-1.
  4. ^ Vergé-Franceschi 1990, p. 421.
  5. ^ L'Intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux [Intermediary for researchers and curious] (501–518 ed.). 1994. pp. 1109–1110.
  6. ^ Moreau de Saint-Méry, Médéric Louis Élie (1958). Taillemite, Étienne; Maurel, Blanche (eds.). Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint-Domingue [Topographical, physical, civil, political and historical description of the French part of the island of Saint-Domingue] (in French). Vol. 3. Paris, France: Société de l'Histoire des Colonies Françaises. p. 1535.
  7. ^ Taillemite 2002, p. 414.
Questions and concerns
  1. If there are more specific page numbers for the Haudrère citations, as well as for the two items marked with "citation needed," it would be appreciated.
  2. Is there a better source than ICC for only two naval officers holding a Grand-Croix at the same time?
  3. Is "navy" correct or at this stage is he formally part of the Royal French Navy and it should be captial-N?
  4. Finally, I don't see anything on the fr-wiki or the current en-wiki text that clues me in to what he was doing between 1733 and 1737. Is there a source that provides information for that gap?

Carter (talk) 00:40, 25 June 2021 (UTC)

Ok wiht your proposal, but can you change "At the time, only two naval officers could hold the award simultaneously" to "At the time, there were only two Grand-Croix allocated to the Marine". (more accurate) (Please note that Savary34/Caux9/LouisianaDavis are sockpuppets (blocked) of the same guy - see [1]. Regards --Belyny (talk) 14:45, 28 June 2021 (UTC)
Yep, I saw that (sockpuppet). Instead of "allocated to the Marine" can I say "allocated to the Navy" (to match the English article name)? "Marine" here is introducing a new term that's not obvious. —Carter (talk) 15:04, 28 June 2021 (UTC)
Yes. Not a problem for "Navy" if you prefer (but in France at this time and even nowadays "the Marine" meant " Ministère de la Marine"). --Belyny (talk) 16:32, 28 June 2021 (UTC)
Okay, so Ministry of the Navy and linked to that article. --16:42, 28 June 2021 (UTC)

Time as governor

To manage rewrite the section of Perier's time as governor, I've created a temp page, Talk:Étienne de Perier/Temp with the draft. I think it will be more efficient and less confusing to try and just edit that collectively with discussion where necessary here, and then move the draft over to the main article when consensus is reached. Carter (talk) 13:38, 28 June 2021 (UTC)

I agree with this way of doing things, I will read it. --Belyny (talk) 14:45, 28 June 2021 (UTC)
Discussion complete and moved to Talk:Étienne Perier (governor)/Archive 3Carter (talk) 15:50, 20 July 2021 (UTC)