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should i add that 4chan is about to die again and they need donations or would that be advertising?

As long as you do not say "please go donate there right now!" or something to that effect, that would be stating a fact, not advertising. It all depends on the tone you use. --cesarb 20:23, 28 August 2005 (UTC)

all the porn is down

just like 4chan

HAY GUYZ; what's going on? This page looks just like /b/. Was it meant this way?

It's coming back?

Added a line to the top stating that 4chan was coming back under new management. I didn't add the new section however. Ghost Freeman 23:08, 7 Aug 2004 (UTC)

This page is a mess

Someone ought to rewrite it from scratch. For one thing, we don't need a list of all of 4chan's boards; there isn't a list of Futaba's boards...

Need to include "I'd fuck her socks"

Derived from "I'd hit it" after an animated gif of a guy fucking a girl's feet with the socks half on.

Not really. It's too vague to be considered notable and "I'd hit it" isn't really 4chan exclusive.

Soviet Russia?

Sweet Christ, do we really need that much on him in the article? Hell, do we even need to mention him beyond the CockMongler? --Paul Soth 20:52, 10 Sep 2004 (UTC)

I agree, I'ven't (yay?) even heard any of the memes he is supposed to use. Philip Nilsson 08:50, 11 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Well, it's been fixed now. Whole thing looked like a vanity job anyway. Last damn thing we need is the glorification of trolls. And lousy trolls at that. --Paul Soth 17:06, 20 Sep 2004 (UTC)

fixed - ranix

VfD debate

For the archived debate related to this article see Talk:4chan/delete -- Graham ☺ | Talk 02:03, 14 Nov 2004 (UTC)

You forgot to add the most zestful and jocular meme of Nevada-Tan.

You're not fully meme unless you're zestfully meme. Azure Haights 22:53, Nov 27, 2004 (UTC)

Memes/Popular 4chan culture

Why the hell are all memes listed? None of them are particulary funny ( some are actually painfully unfunny... ), interesting nor well-known on other communities. Together with the fact that the memes are a complete mess and not really fit for inclusion in an encyclopedia, I think they should be removed. Any objections with good reasoning? :: DarkLordSeth 00:00, 7 Dec 2004 (UTC)

    I'm trying to streamline them. ~Java
  • I'm more thinking of removal instead of streamlining. First of all, this kind of stuff doesn't belong in an excyclopedia. Second of all, none of those memes are famous or well-known enough to be even worthy of mention on here. Once something reaching the level of "All your base are belong to us", THEN it's big enough to include in Wikipedia. Untill then, get it out of here. I'll archive them to the talk page if you want. Any objections with good reasoning? :: DarkLordSeth 14:59, 15 Dec 2004 (UTC)
  • Yes, objection. It's not good reasoning. It's an encyclopedia entry about 4chan culture. Memes, at least the widespread ones, are PART of 4chan culture and thus deserve to be included. Also, they're referenced by users and by the 4chan community. Just because it's not famous to the rest of the Web doesn't mean it's not famous to 4chan.
  • If it's famous to just 4chan and not the rest of the world, it should remain on 4chan. These memes are NOT widely known enough to justify inclusion in here. Encyclopedic information about 4chan would be some details about it's origins, the fact it's been declared dead half a dozen times and that's pretty much it. However, in-depth explanations of the 4chan's memes are not to be considered encyclopedic. :: DarkLordSeth 00:00, 17 Dec 2004 (UTC)
  • If it's famous as part of 4chan, then surely the memes should be listed. Your justification is limiting it to not giving the memes their own article. -- Anonymous
  • There are lots of famous little tidbits about lots of things. On Wikipedia we don't include useless trivia. The memes and "famous poster" bits ARE useless trivia. Besides, all memes and "famous poster"s are highly POV; some people might think of a meme as the next best thing as sliced bread, others may hate it. Same deal with "famous poster"s. This is an encyclopedia. We list FACTS here, not useless POV trivia. :: DarkLordSeth 15:21, 18 Dec 2004 (UTC)
  • Wow you win at pretentious Wiki Godlyhood. This is the page for 4chan. It is a reflection of 4chan. We will decide in our own time what to do about the memes. Deleting the entire section will merely make another damn vandalism war, so kindly participate in the democratic method and stop acting like WTSnacks. ~Java
  • No, no, no. This page is NOT' for 4chan, this page is for pretty much any Wikipedia visitor who is interested in encyclopedic information about the 4chan community. This page is 'rlyNOT a reflection of 4chan either, it's an article that is meant to give good information about 4chan. Lastly, it is NOT up to the 4chan people to decide what happens with this article, so why don't you play along with the democratic process as well while I move this to cleanup.
I'm tempted to put it up on WP:VfD instead because I highly question how "notable" this community is. Notable communities are Something Awful, Fark and GameFAQs, for example. Not 4chan. The current behaviour by community members only confirms the idea of this community being an unnotable niche on the internet.
I think memes should be listed here. Because of not, people will start new articles instead. I can already see Pedobear, O RLY, YA RLY --Apoc2400 20:42, 21 August 2005 (UTC)
The reason the memes were listed were to give information as to who started them, when, why, and how. It was not just a simple list of what each meme was. That way if someone had a question about a meme or what they were seeing, wikipedia would answer it for them. This was particularly useful since no one on 4-chan will actually answer any question you ask about anything. They take great joy in NOT doing so. This section of wkipedia was very informative and useful.
  • I don't know, I had seen cockmongler quite a few places before finding 4chan at all, so that, if nothing else should be mentioned I think - Man_of_Mystery
  • Just getting rid of this neurotic nagging urge I have.
"This is the page for 4chan. It is a reflection of 4chan. We will decide in our own time what to do about the memes."
"No, no, no. This page is NOT for 4chan"
  • I was under the impression that Wikipedia was something of an 'open-source' encyclopedia. Given such arrogant decisions, I guess I must be wrong.
"this page is for pretty much any Wikipedia visitor who is interested in encyclopedic information about the 4chan community."
  • Exactly why they should be there. At least the ones that have indeed affected the community (the rest can be left to the external link given). See the guy talking about meme's a couple of paragraphs above for my point.
"I highly question how "notable" this community is. Notable communities are Something Awful, Fark and GameFAQs, for example. Not 4chan."
  • I highly disagree. You underestimate just how much 4chan has bloated. SA, Fark, and GameFAQ's might be older (and famous accordingly), but the extreme ease of posting on 4chan boards and how it's evolved into something of a living thing suggest it trumphs all three. Granted, it's growth is in a slump right now, but netherless it is still rather young.
  • i think the meme list is usefull for new users.
  • Disagree. 4chan (/b/ mainly, but /b/ is, without question, the meat of 4chan) is made by its ability to spontaneously create memetic objects and proliferate them to the degree it does. Unfortunately, the reasoning (what little there is) behind these memes is generally unavailable to new users; as an above poster said, /b/ isn't known for being cooperative.
I don't know about you, but one of the reasons I love Wikipedia is that one can find this seemingly-irrelevant information in great abundance. Just because you think it's hogging server space that should be spent on obscure Prussian history doesn't mean that the rest of the collective internet does. It is, in my opinion, a common misconception that the various quirks and intricacies of the internet are unimportant, and that this is incredibly untrue. Various internet communities fabricate fascinating things; Wikipedia is a prime example.
I see no reason why a community having generated almost five million posts concerning almost nothing is not notable, even if as nothing more than an anomaly. In comparison, Wikipedia has about 6 pages (at 1280x1024, anyway) of material concerning every forum and sub-forum on Something Awful, as well as the various types of bans. I don't particularly find this encyclopedic, as much of this information, particularly that concerning the individual forums, is almost interchangeable with any other forum out there. There's a forum about comics. So what? Same thing with Gaia Online. Yes, they're big, but unremarkable. Why sheer size alone warrants an article on various irrelelant tidbits such as a list of NPCs, while interesting information on the culture of a smaller site should be omitted is beyond me. Is a list of every singly participant in the Russian Revolution more important than an analysis of the Prague Spring, simply because Russia has had, arguably, more effect on the world than the Czechs?
Furthermore, the external link to the list of memes is dead, at least at the time of this writing.
As for the memes not being know outside of 4chan, I disagree again. I see the O RLY owl (or at least the phrase) often enough, as well as how do i shot web. Did these memes necessarily originate on 4chan? No, but they are certainly extremely common there and an important part of the site.
Fivre 06:18, 14 January 2006 (UTC)
  • There is a link in External Links to semi-wiki page detailing all of memes, detailed and up-to-date. Simply make a reference to it in the article itself. I can't see why we should have few "chosen" memes listed here when we have that.
  • Some of the memes mentioned in this article were created on SomethingAwful and quickly died out, but were given a new lease of life on 4Chan because many of its users had not seen them a billion times already. Specifically, I'm thinking of Party Hard (big at SA in 2001), "NO U" (SA/FYAD, 2002, from a user's Ragnarok Online screenshots, along with "role dise" and "pres butan") and "o rly?" (big at SA in 2003). X-Box being huge is hardly original 4Chan material either. 4Chan seems to endlessly recycle what other communities get tired of, until the original source is forgotten.

lol wiki drama

he's not a meme. deal., in your single-minded effort to be the sole arbiter of what is and is not a meme, you helpfully reverted my spelling corrections. Thanks, that's greatly appreciated. Now gb2/b/ and stay there. -- 01:16, 9 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Incorrect information.

Milhouse is not memetic, because he is only used by one poster, two at most.

Gildor is not the resident /b/tard idiot - they all are. (correction: Gildor stands out as being dumb even for /b/ and should be regarded as its chief idiot)

Avril is very rarely mentioned.

Most of the new additions are too new to be properly seen as memetic or not.

If Wiki hadn't noticed, the vandalisms were perpetrated by the pro-milhouse poster. Further proof that milhouse is the vandalism, not his removal

"Milhouse is not memetic, because he is only used by one poster, two at most." This is simply incorrect. You only need two people in a memetic relationship. Also, there have been far more than two who posted him. At least more than the proclaimed WTF Kaorin, Sadako or W.T. Snacks when people put them on the meme list - but noone objected then. And the objection to Milhouse isn't one based on any objective observation regarding how many posters posted him, either, but on pure personal emotional opposition. There is no vandalism in listing Milhouse along the other memes. In order to conform to Wiki's NPOV standard, even memes you do not like have to be listed - the only alternative being NO memes listed at all.
Milhouse is hardly ever posted on the board except during floods by the one or two idiots who post pictures to piss people off. A meme is generally accepted and posted by all users.
"A meme is generally accepted and posted by all users." That's retarded and not true - NO meme is generally accepted and posted by all users
Memes are usually posted by MORE THAN TWO users. And they tend to show up on the /b/ boards more than once in a blue moon. Cockmongler is posted by many people and has survived for a while. Personally I think most of the "memes" need to be K.O.'d. Let's keep to long-term and surviving memes, not ego-stroking.

Famous Dates?

There was a Famous Dates section, displaying dates remembered by 4channers, why was it deleted?

Probably got lost in the shuffle of vandalism and reversions. There's still a lot of useless and incorrect material in the current frozen state.
    • Last known content of the "Famous Dates" section:
      • Scaturday (self explanatory)
      • Soviet Sunday was a day when everyone who posted was listed as Soviet Russia.
      • Guro Sunday is a day where /b/ is filled mostly with Guro. (Frequent)
      • The Day /b/ Reached Over 100 Pages was when 4chan's /b/ reached over 100 pages of random.
      • Furry Friday is similar to Guro Sunday, with the exception of yiffy images being posted instead of guro.
      • Death of /z/ was when the other random image board, known as /z/ was killed off.
      • Tractor-chan was when one post on /b/ reached more than 300 posts, all about a plump girl who IMed W.T. Snacks, and is now known as Tractor-chan.
      • /z/ Crashed 4chan twice was when the section of 4chan known as /z/ ate up so much of 4chan's bandwidth, that it crashed twice.
      • Death of 4chan (Note: this has happened on numerous occasions, only leading to the rebirth of 4chan later) One notable death of 4chan was dead for the fourth time. The owner, moot, announced it featuring an image of a jet that exploded in air, with a pilot floating away from it, arrows pointed to each object, the jet being 4chan, and the pilot being moot.

signed, hfool 23:28, 18 Dec 2004 (UTC)

How about a list of the dates of 4chan's many shutdowns/restarts? Also, a section on why it took the name 4chan and not 3chan.

  • All the above need DATES. Of those events, I think only Furry Friday, /z/ death, /z/ crashed 4chan, the deaths of 4chan, and also SUPER SLAM!! day. Chronologly-style is best. ~Java

SUPER SLAM day was on November the 2nd, 2004. ~kapsi

Because NO ONE CARES!!!! that is why they didn't put it back up, it is useless ~Man_of_Mystery

Proposed changes

  • Removal of /b-only characters and memes, or at least their transfer to a "/b characters and memes" section. They can't really be considered general 4chan memes if they haven't spread beyond /b. They include Gildor, Psaiyan, Bad Teeth Man, Cock Mongler, Covercat, "Harbl" or "...touch my harbl", Queen of Punk, The Undernet, You forgot Poland.
  • Removal of the memes that clearly predate 4chan or were not originated there or in 2chan. I'd hit it, Kill it with fire, "One does not simply ... into Mordor.", Needs more [...], y halo thar
  • Reinstatement of the "Famous dates" section.

-- 19:30, 11 Dec 2004 (UTC)

~Agreed. /b/ meme section is mostly trash, but Psaiyan should be in Famous People because he DID create the whole Rei situation.

~Agreed, except with "I'd hit it" which should be kept because of the weapons thing.

~If we do, we need the actual DATES not "zOMG GURO SUNDAY LOL!" --Java

~Sounds like a good plan, and "I'd Hit It" might be spreading a little out of imageboards. Scary...BTW, guys, sign your posts, even if you don't have a username. Click the second button from the right above the edit box, that's all you need. do you mind if I move your comments apart a little? hfool 22:24, 18 Dec 2004 (UTC)

    • Hokay, "Eyebrows," or "Amarao-Brows,", "Moot", Multi-track Drifting, "Osakaphone", Waha, Yaranaika, "Spicy hot loligasms", "SPIKE DIES", Bad Teeth Man, Milhouse, and Psaiyan have all been removed, but I still have the text. Give me a reason to keep any of the above, or they will not return. hfool 23:01, 18 Dec 2004 (UTC)
      • Multi-track Drifting, Waha, Yaranaika, "Spicy hot loligasms" Are all well known and have seen regular use outside of /b for a long time. I don't know what buki^2 has to do with spicy hot loligasms though.-- 16:39, 19 Dec 2004 (UTC)
      • Psaiyan should stay, because he DID cause the whole Rei thing. Spike dies isn't just /b/. And the ones above should stay. And lol wiki, we still have the text, it's called History. What, are you a kidnapper to threaten? Does this need more Yoshinoya? Oh-- yeah, we need Yoshinoya. ~Java
      • Quiet Java, the spammers don't know that! Anyway, the point was to try and cut down on the massive amount of rather worthless meme information. I did kinda cut randomly, but it needs pruning. So, Psaiyan goes to people, Multi-track Drifting, Waha, Yaranaika, and Spicy hot loligasms return? Grrr, I got reverted. Nevermind. For now. hfool 01:33, 21 Dec 2004 (UTC)

~I agree with most of this other then cock mongler, like I said before, I have seen him on other boards, so he isn't only a /b/ thing, actualy I think he might predate /b/, just the /b/tards where the ones who realy latched onto him ~Man_of_Mystery


moot is currently a link to mootness, to do: unwiki moot.


Anyone else think that 4chan needs an entry documenting the 'Torturecat incident'? It was one of the more notable things to happen on /b/ in a LONG time. Kurt Shaped Box 23:02, 20 Dec 2004 (UTC)

No. That was just an attention-whoring exercise by those gaytards val and kioku.
(unsigned by User:
Was it ever actually referred to as "torturecat"? Didn't seem much more notable than all the other gross-out pics that grace the hallowed halls of /b/ every day. Let's see if anyone cares a couple of months later. Gwalla | Talk 21:11, 21 Dec 2004 (UTC)
"torturecat" as u may think it is... is actually called Zippocat seeing as the cat was lit by a zippo lighter.
you fail it, torturecat and zippocat are 2 wholly different sets of images

OK, fine

All in favor of adding this page to VfD, and then, if it gets deleted, preventing a re-create somehow by locking the page? His is getting out of hand, and uncontrolable due to the constant vandalism. As DarkLordSeth has been pointing out above, this may not actually be notable enough for the Wikipedia. hfool 01:03, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)

I suggest a merge of all useful remaining information on here, how little it may be, with imageboard#4chan. Then delete this article and put up a nice redirect. Maybe an idea? :: DarkLordSeth 02:19, 22 Dec 2004 (UTC)
I'm 100% in favor. Gwalla | Talk 06:42, 23 Dec 2004 (UTC)
In favor!
Combined with careful watching of the Imageboard page? Deal. take a look at the merge I just attempted at Imageboard, scroll to the 4chan part. hfool 00:09, 23 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Looks good, I suggest we put 4chan up on WP:VfD now that all noteworthy information has been salvaged to Imageboard. :: DarkLordSeth 15:11, 24 Dec 2004 (UTC)
thing is, it doesn't need to be deleted. Just make it a redirect to imageboard. hfool 22:24, 24 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Ah, that would eventually be done anyways, yes. Though A quick VfD would eliminate any potential Revert-Wars before they'd even start... Ah, to heck with it. Making a redirect as soon as this baby is unprotected. :: DarkLordSeth 21:52, 25 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Everything writen here is 100% untrue and based on a catholic priest's stories told to a 10yr old. Want to know what 4chan really is, ask death or just go to 4chan.org.

This is hillarious.

What the hell is wrong with you people? I have to admit, this is one of the dumbest arguements I've ever seen related to 4chan, and I spend most of my time on /b/. Who the hell cares whether or not a funny photoshop trend counts as a meme in everyone's eyes? Gb2/notgivingashit/

It's also old, and the big reason why the article was a redirect for several months... along with all the /b/tards vandalizing the page. --Paul Soth 04:15, 5 August 2005 (UTC)


Information once listed at Longcat has been merged into the Memes section. If Longcat isn't a notable 4chan meme, I don't know what is. If Longcat is viable enough to survive VfD (which it appears to be doing), it should definitely be able to be placed in the Meme section. --Canar 05:06, 15 September 2005 (UTC)

Itoko Otoko

Instead of being merged, the article was deleted outright. However, I think it's worth a paragraph or two in the memes section. Can somebody add the links back in, and perhaps some of the missing text? --Breathstealer 13:57, 26 September 2005 (UTC)

I agree, there should be a paragraph for every sticking sticky ever stickyfied!! —Philip Nilsson 17:38, 26 September 2005 (UTC)
Your sarcasm is unwarranted and elitist. Care to explain how being a pompous ass about things is supposed to further knowledge? -- 02:51, 27 September 2005 (UTC)
Dear Sir or Madam, I consider fictional erotic stories vanity! Especially since there is no manga or TV series. OK, while the story itself might have no importance, what about its effects on the world (or even 4chan)? None. —Philip Nilsson 13:10, 27 September 2005 (UTC)
Actually, it is currently a continual meme on 4chan. Furthermore, additional threads/stickies have been created in the same vein as Itoko Otoko and credit it as their inspiration. I would count that as a significant effect.-- 19:50, 3 October 2005 (UTC)

Itoko Otoko (従姉男, literally "Cousin Man") is the name given to a poster on the 4chan image board who recounted the tale of his incestuous encounter with his female cousin.

On September 24, 2005 an anonymous poster on the 4chan /b/ board posed a potentially flammable question regarding the possibility of having sexual relations with his cousin. After receiving several replies telling him to "go for it" the poster replied that he would keep the thread updated on what happened. The thread was quickly likened to the famous Densha Otoko thread from the Japanese 2ch board, and the original poster was dubbed Itoko Otoko by the other posters supporting him. This similarity was furthered by the moderators, who embedded the theme song to the Densha Otoko TV show, Electric Light Orchestra's Twilight, in the thread's page.

Almost 6 hours after the thread was started, Itoko Otoko, with the help of a 4chan mod, posted a text file detailing his incestuous encounter with his cousin. The thread was hailed as a "legendary sticky" by many who posted in it, with it's post count already exceeding 1270 posts after almost 8 hours. Ironically, what some are calling the greatest post ever on 4chan comes only days before 4chan is expected to go offline due to lack of funding.


I added external link for list of 4chan memes, now you can delete the ones in article and everyone will be happy.

Looks like it's dead again

lol, looks like 4chan is dead again... or at the very least, in its last throes. --I am not good at running 04:48, 30 September 2005 (UTC)

Longcat (redirect)


5th death

Please stop adding the "5th death" every time 4chan is unavailable. In most cases the site is down simply because things are being worked on. If you are unsure of the site's status, do a little 'research' by checking the topic in #4chan. --Thatdog 21:16, 1 November 2005 (UTC)

Cleanup request questions/discussion

Hmmm, this page has been tagged as "needing cleanup" by an Anonymous with only one edit, and no insight on just what should be changed. Can anyone shed some light on this, or add suggestions? -lee 06:57, 20 November 2005 (UTC)

I'm all for just removing the cleanup tag, though I have to say the "Are they still on Namek?" meme really doesn't need to be here. "NO U" as well. There's the wiki list of memes for them - though Cock Mongler, Happy Negro, Pedo Bear and LongCat should keep their own place as they are 4chan icons. -Tphi 13:33, 28 November 2005 (UTC)

The "Are they still on Namek" meme does seem out of place, but that may just be because it doesn't reside in /b/ (which last I checked, doesn't make it any less of a meme). Hold off getting rid of it until it's verified that it is notable popular in /a/.
"NO U" on the other hand does seem widely used enough. Although you could argue it's not 4chan centered enough to be mentioned.

You people must have too much fun writing stuff for this page

"the caption used was "I'll suck your cock!", implying that the model was willing to perform fellatio,"

'Nuff said.


Someone needs to explain all this about him being banned and stuff?

watch the movie

Woah, Snacks was banned? I must have missed that. How come?

I thought he left himself in a tantrum?

He isn't and he didn't.


eh? I didn't write any of these comments Ashibaka tock 03:12, 29 December 2005 (UTC)

tl;dr - Snacks isn't banned, he's de-modded or, if you prefer, "fired." moot frowned on the lack of gettin-stuff-done Snacks had, and gave him das interboot. Dangerdan97 14:12, 3 January 2006 (UTC)