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Talk:Alfonso III of Aragon

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Why "Alfonso"? Kings' names are translated, so it should be "Alphonse", and anyway, the original name is "Alfons" because this king was catalan, spoke catalan and had a catalan name. The castillians had not invaded Catalonia (call it Crown of Aragon, if you wish), yet.

Sources, please


There are no sources for this article, I would like to know in which Canto of Purgatory does Alfons appear...?

--Francisco Valverde 19:52, 23 February 2006 (UTC)

He's in the Valley of the Princes (Cantos VII & VIII), awaiting admission to purgatory (for a period of time equal to the time they lived on earth, which can be reduced by intercessroy praryer of the living) with the other negligent Christian rulers (including Rudolph I von Hapsburg, Ottocar II of Bohemia, Philip III of France, Henry I of Navarre, Peter III of Aragon, Charles I of Anjou & Provence, Henry III of England, Guglielmo VII of Monferrat, Ugolino Visconti, Conrad II Malaspina.). The specific citation for Alfonso would be Purgatorio, Canto VII, l. 115ff. - Nunh-huh 20:00, 23 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I added a source about his marriage. It seems that he died before meeting his bride. The source says that a marriage by proxy may have occurred. The issue may and should be verified by someone who knows more about this. Flamarande (talk) 19:41, 28 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]