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Talk:Helmut Walcha

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I know some people really like Walcha, but this is getting a little too POV for me. -Sesquialtera II 19:58, 24 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I agree. Can't we have a little balance? Some of us think Walcha was superseded and there should be dissenting voices quoted here. (talk) 14:44, 27 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Walcha was, in his time, a very great organist and interpreter, especially of Bach's music. But time has moved on and Walcha has taken his place in music history. There is no over glorifying of him here in Frankfurt. But his name stands out as important figure in the baroque revival after the 2nd world war. I've just done some reediting of the article on Walcha. The problem is that the article is not at all good! I hope someone can rewrite it! I don't have enough information. There don't need to be dissenting voices - there have been many good organists since Walcha (and most of them have benefitted from Walcha's work), and they probably have their own Wiki page already! The question here is not whether we, as fans of Early Music, want to buy a CD collection of Walcha. We should be primarily interested in Walcha as a great organist of his time, a perfomer of Bach when not too many others were doing so: ie a great organist, musicologist and Frankfurter! And I don't think we'll find too many dissenting voices especially from the 1940s through the 1950s!
Ebrownless (talk) 15:10, 16 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]
If you do not like what is said in the article, then go ahead and improve it yourselves! Of course it is a lot easier just to say there's "too much praise" here and there, or to say that "the problem is that the article is not at all good" without contributing a single idea, much less any edits, in order to help solve that "problem". I personally like the article as it is, and also like Walcha's recorded music very much; What I'll never like is mediocrity. --AVM (talk) 20:27, 31 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

blinded after vaccination


The wording sounds as if Walcha was vaccinated when he was 19 or a little younger and had been able to see well until then, which is wrong. As a matter of fact he had been vaccinated in his childhood, and becoming blind was a slow process which led to complete blindness when at age (talk) 07:44, 22 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]

12-CD Set of Complete Organ Works of J. S. Bach, played by Helmut Walcha


I am reading of a re-mastering of Walcha's Complete Organ Works of J. S. Bach issued 10/9/2001 (Oct 9 or Sep 10?). This causes me to wonder how I came by my 12-CD set at 84 Charing Cross Road in London on December 20, 1989. Was there more than one reissue? Please note the following: 1. I am looking at a credit card statement showing a purchase for pounds sterling 79.95 from Covent Garden Records London WC2 on 20/12/1989. This was roughly the price I recall paying for the CD set. 2. I have ascertained that the much-storied address 84 Charing Cross Road was occupied by Covent Garden Records from sometime in the 1980's to around 1995 (info@maggs.co.uk). 3 Since from 1986 I have been living in America, and visiting London each year around Christmas since then it is inconceivable that I am getting this mixed up with another purchase or shop. Conclusion: the 12-CD Set of Complete Organ Works of J. S. Bach, played by Helmut Walcha was available in 1989, so it was probably issued to commemorate Walcha's 80th birthday in 1987! Pellenor (talk) 20:59, 1 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]