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Talk:International Asatru-Odinic Alliance

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Hnikar Woods was never a representative of Heimgest at any IAOA function and never held any position within the OR. I have just confirmed this via email with Heimgest. Heimgest knew nothing of Hnikar's appointment until after it had been decided.--Hengest 21:44, 21 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hnikar OR


Hnikar's OR status 1. Noted in Gardell (ref cit). 2. Noted on archived Odinic Rite Vinland website (lrbcg.com) maintained by Osferth, the ORV leader who appointed Hnikar the organization's Western Regional director.

Hnikar as OR representative at IAOA gathering 1. Noted by participants interviewed as well as Gardell. 2. AA, AFA, OR representatives required at IAOA gatherings- in this case, Valgard, McNallen, Hnikar. 3. Unanimous approval of organizations required for new members and for Allsherjargothi, both of which happened at this gathering.

Nonetheless, since these facts are in dispute, given the nature of Wikipedia, edit left in place pending further documentation. --Tom Goldman 19:35, 30 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Removed disputed phrase "and was not informed of the decision until after the event" concerning Heimgest.

--Tom Goldman 19:39, 30 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Hnikar OR & Heimgest


Vor Tru magazine, issue #60, article entitled "Althing 20" by Valgard Murray, page 7:

"...the Second Annual AlThing of the International Asatru-Odinic Alliance. After an invocation to AllFather Odinn, the Thing was called to order by Valgard Murray who served as Thing Speaker and delegate of record for the Asatru Alliance. Steve McNallen represented the Asatru Folk Assembly and Hnikar Wood represented the Odinic Rite and the Assembly of the Elder Troth.

"Letters were read before the Thing from Else Christensen of the Odinist Fellowship, Heimgest of the Odinic Rite and from Ruarik and Ragnar of the Assembly of the Elder Troth. The A.E.T. petitioned the Thing for membership in the IAOA and after a brief discussion of the delegates, were accepted as a probationary group to be considered for full membership at the next AlThing of the IAOA. Next was the election of the next Thing Speaker and honorary Allsherjargothi of the IAOA and by unanimous ballot, Hnikar Wood was elected to fill the chair for the next three years. After a few other matters, the AlThing was closed by the new Thing Speaker." --Tom Goldman 20:13, 5 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

And your point is? Hnikar was never a representative of Heimgest. He was appointed and sent by Osferth at a time when Osferth was plotting to break ORV away from the OR. As stated, Heimgest knew nothing of Hnikar's appointment until after the event. Osferth had no authority to appoint anybody to represent the OR as Heimgest was the oath-sworn OR representative of the IAOA. Despite this the other members chose to deal with Osferth rather than Heimgest for their own reasons, some of which led to the the disbandment, something else Heimgest only found out about after the decision was made. --Hengest 22:46, 11 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]