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Talk:Kutná Hora

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I want to point out that the final paragraph of the "Architecture" section is a verbatim plagiarism from the work of travel writer Rick Steves, and can be found on other websites copyrighted by him.

This is the paragraph in question:

The ossuary is a little church that looks ordinary from the outside. But inside, the bones of 40,000 people decorate the walls and ceilings. 14th century plagues and 15th century wars provided all the raw material necessary for monks to vent their creative spirit. The monks who first stacked these bones 400 years ago wanted viewers to remember that the earthly church is a community of both the living and the dead — a countless multitude that will one day stand before God. Later bone-stackers were more into design than theology — a chandelier includes every bone in the human body.

Correct, it can be found at [1]. I will remove the text from the article. Olessi 15:58, 15 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]



Should it be St. Barbara Cathedral or St. Barbora Cathedral? --Snek01 18:59, 9 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Actually, in Czech it is Svata Barbora, but St. Barbora should do.

Kutná Hora x Prague


Kutná Hora may have competed with Prague economically, but I really doubt that it could have ever competed culturally or politicaly. The below provided touristic web, which naturally tries to make the described places attractive, cannot serve as a reliable source of information. Therefore I suggest to remove this information, unless some more trustworthy source is found. Jan.Kamenicek 21:54, 7 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Mines of Kuttenberg


Could someone be so kind and add info on the mines of Kuttenberg PLUS the sources? After all, they provided once a third of Europe's silver. And, very interestingly, the Osel mine had been in the 16th centruy the deepest mine IN THE WORLD - far below the water table which was an amazing engineering feat.

It sounds like you have some information already, where did you get it from? Leaving a link will make it more likely that it will get done, since people won't have to go looking it up themselves. Also, you're more than welcome to add it in yourself. Unless, judging by your use of the German name, you'd rather edit in German than in English? Leave me a link or a note or something on my talk page (in German's ok), if that's the case, and I'll see what I can do for it. -Bbik 03:20, 10 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I got some Czech references from the mining museum in Kuttenberg, but unfortunately I cannot speak Czech. I know that the mines were 600 m metres deep, but I am looking for a reliable sources, an article in an international language in an peer-reviewed magazine would be best. I post the Czech references:
1) BÍLEK, Jaroslav. Kutnohorské dolování : 7. oselské žilné pásmo (Kuttenberger Förderung : 7. „oselská“ Erzzone). Kutná Hora : Martin Bartoš - Kuttna, 2000. 56 s. ISBN 80-86406-10-5.
2) FIALA, J. O poloze dolu Osla v Kutné Hoře (Über die Lage des Bergwerks „Osel“ in Kuttenberg). In: Báňský svět 1930.
3) KOŘAN, Jan. Dějiny dolování v rudním okrsku kutnohorském (Geschichte der Förderung im Erzgebiet Kuttenberg). Praha : Vědecko-technické nakladatelství, 1950. 181 s., 7 plánů. Geotechnica; sv. 11.
4) Kutná Hora v báňské historii (Kuttenberg in der Bergbaugeschichte). Kutná Hora : Oblastní muzeum, 1968. 96 s.
5) MUNK, Rudolf. O starém dolování na Kutnohorsku a o hospodářských vyhlídkách znovuzahájení provozu : zvláštní otisk z Hornického věstníku (Über der alten Förderung auf dem Gebiet von Kuttenberg und über wirtschaftlichen Aussichten des wiedererneutes Betriebs) , ročník 21 (40). [s.l.] : [s.n.], [1920?]. 14 s.
6) VRÁTNÝ, Bedřich. Sláva i zánik kutnohorského dolování od roku 985 do roku 1991. (Ruhm und Untergang der Kuttenberger Förderung seit dem Jahre 985 bis 1991) Kutná Hora : Martin Bartoš - Kuttna, 1998. 60 s.
Ceské muzeum stríbra
Barborská 28
284 01 Kutná Hora
web: www.cms-kh.cz
tel.: 327 512 159
fax: 327 513 813

date of Decree of Kutná Hora


It says that the Decree of Kutná Hora was signed on January 18, 1419. Should it be 1409? tyler skarz 18:43, 14 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]