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Texts by Mark Poster


"`Alienation, Not Exploitation Was Marx's Central Point,' `Discussion'." Center Magazine (January-February 1979), 12(1): 32-35, 47-51.

"Althusser on History Without Man." Political Theory (November 1974), 2(4): 393-409.

"Althusser: Self-Criticism as Non-Criticism." Review of Louis Althusser's Elements of Criticism. Praxis ( 1981), 5:113-118.

"Baudrillard and TV Ads." In The Polity Reader in Cultural Theory. Cambridge: Polity Press/Blackwell, 1994. Also in The Polity Reader in Social Theory. Cambridge: Polity/Blackwell, 1994.

"Baudrillard, Jean." In Edward Craig, ed., Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Volume 1, pp. 662–663. London & New York: Routledge, 1998,

"The Concepts of Sexual Identity and the Life Cycle in Restif's Utopian Thought." Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century ( 1970), 73:241-271.

"Contingency, Reflexivity, Postmodernity: The Mode of Information and Postmodernity." In David Crowley and David Mitchell, eds., Communication Theory Today. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1994.

Critical Theory and Poststructuralism: In Search of a Context. Ithaca, N.Y. & London: Cornell University Press, 1989.

"Critical Theory and Technoculture: Habermas and Baudrillard." In Douglas M. Kellner, ed., Baudrillard: A Cultural Reader, pp. 68–88. Oxford & Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1994.

Critical Theory of the Family. New York: Seabury Press, A Continuum Book; London: Pluto Press, 1978.

Cultural History and Postmodernity: Disciplinary Readings and Challenges. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.

"Culture and History: The Cases of Leisure, Art, and Technology." French Historical Studies (Spring 1993), 18(1):131-135.

"Cyberdemocracy: Internet and the Public Sphere." In David Porter, ed., Internet Culture, pp. 201–217. New York: Routledge, 1996.

Reprinted in David Holmes, ed., Virtual Politics: Identity and Community in Cyberspace. London & Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1997. "Darnton's Historiography." Review of Robert Darnton's The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History . The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation (Winter 1986), 27(1): 87-92.

"Databases as Discourse, or Electronic Interpellations." In David Lyon and Elia Zureik, eds., Computers, Surveillance, and Privacy. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.

Reprinted in Karlis Racevskis, ed., Critical Essays on Michel Foucault. Critical Essays on World Literature. New York: G.K. Hall, 1999. "'Digitale versus 'analoge' Autorschaft." In Herman Herlinghaus, Utz Riese and Sabine Zimmermann, eds., Heterotopien der Identitat: Literatur in interamerikanischen Kontaktzonen, pp. 261–275. Anglistische Forschungen , 264. Heidelberg: Winter, 1999.

Translation by Karl-Heinz Magister of "What's the Matter with the Internet."

Lecture at the Zentrum für Literaturforschung (Center for Literary Studies) in Berlin, October 27, 1997.

"Education and the Mode of Information: An Interview with Mark Poster." New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies (1996), 31 (1):3-12.

Interview conducted by M. Peters. Existential Marxism in Postwar France: From Sartre to Althusser. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1976. Paperback, 1977.

"Foucault, Michel." In Michael Groden and Martin Kreiswirth, eds., The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism, pp. 277–280. Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994..

Editor of "Foucault and Critical Theory: The Uses of Discourse Analysis" issue of Humanities in Society (Summer & Fall 1982), 5(3 & 4).

"Foucault and Data Bases." Discourse: Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and Culture (Spring-Summer 1990), 12(2):110-127.

"Foucault and History." Social Research (Spring 1982), 49(1): 116-142.

"Foucault and Marxism." The Polity Reader in Social Theory, pp. 172–180. Cambridge: Polity, 1994.

Reprinted from Foucault, Marxism and History (1984). "Foucault and the Problem of Self-Constitution." In John D. Caputo and Mark Yount, eds., Foucault and the Critique of Institutions, pp. 63–80. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993.

"Foucault and the Tyranny of Greece." In David Couzens Hoy, ed., Foucault: A Critical Reader , pp. 205–220. Oxford & New York: Blackwell, 1986.

Foucault, Marxism, and History: Mode of Production versus Mode of Information . Cambridge: Polity Press; New York: Blackwell, 1984.

"Foucault, Post-Structuralism, and the Mode of Information." In Murray Krieger, ed., The Aims of Representation: Subject/Text/History, pp. 107– 130. Irvine Studies in the Humanities. New York; Guildford: Columbia University Press, 1987.

"Foucault, the Present and History." Cultural Critique (Winter 1987-88), 8:105-121.

Reprinted in Michel Foucault, philosophe: rencontre internationale, Paris 9, 10, 11 janvier 1988. Des travaux. Paris: Seuil, 1989. Reprinted in Timothy J. Armstrong, ed., Michel Foucault, Philosopher: Essays Translated from the French and German. New York: Routledge, 1992. "Foucault's True Discourses." Humanities in Society (Spring 1979), 2(2): 153-166.

"Fourier's Concept of the Group." Minnesota Review (Spring 1976), 6:76-87.

"`The French New Left.' Review of Arthur Hirsh's The French New Left: An Intellectual History from Sartre to Gorz ." Radical History Review ( 1984), 28-30:441-444.

"Freud's Concept of the Family." Telos (Winter 1976-77), 30:93-115.

"The Future According to Foucault: The Archaeology of Knowledge and Intellectual History." In Dominick LaCapra and Steven L. Kaplan, eds., Modern European Intellectual History: Reappraisals and New Perspectives, pp. 137–152. Most of papers were first presented at a Conference held at Cornell University on April 24-26, 1980. Ithaca, N.Y. & London: Cornell University Press, 1982.

Edited, with an Introduction. Harmonian Man: Selected Writings of Charles Fourier. Susan Hanson, tr. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Anchor Books, 1971.

Introduction, pp. 1–20. "The Hegel Renaissance." Telos (Summer 1973), 16:109-127.

"History and Sociology of the Family." Dictionary of Pastoral Care and Lay Counseling. Forthcoming.

"History and Theory: Sartre and Althusser on 1789." The Eighteenth Century (Winter 1979), 20(1): 39-49.

The Information Subject: Essays. Commentary by Stanley Aronowitz. Critical Voices in Art, Theory and Culture. Amsterdam: G+B Arts International; Abingdon: Marston, 2001.

"Interpreting Texts: Some New Directions." Southern California Law Review (1985), 58(1):15-18.

"Introduction" to "Foucault and Critical Theory: The Uses of Discourse Analysis" issue of Humanities in Society (Summer & Fall 1982), 5(3 & 4):173-174.

Edited, Translated, and with an Introduction. Jean Baudrillard, The Mirror of Production. St. Louis, Mo: Telos, 1975. London: Blackwell, 1988.

Translation of Jean Baudrillard's Le Miroir de la production . Edited, with an Introduction. Jean Baudrillard: Selected Writings. Jacques Mourrain, tr. Cambridge: Polity; Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1988. 2nd ed., rev. and expanded. Cambridge: Polity, 2001.

"Introduction." In Mark Poster, ed., Politics, Theory, and Contemporary Culture, pp. 1–12. A Critical Theory Institute Book. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.

"Kant's Crooked Stick." Psychoanalytic Review (Fall 1974), 61(3): 475-480.

The Mode of Information: Poststructuralism and Social Context. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; London: Blackwell, 1990.

"Mode of Production, Mode of Information: Toward a Critique of Political Economy." Humanities in Society (Summer & Fall 1982), 5(3 & 4): 213-230.

"The Modern versus the Postmodern: The Franco-German Debate in Social Theory." In John Trumpbour, ed., Politics and Society in Contemporary France and Germany, pp. 55–77. International Perspectives on Europe, 1. Oxford & New York: Berg, 1989.

"Narcissism or Liberation: The Affluent Middle Class Family in Orange County." In Rob Kling, Spencer Olin and Mark Poster, eds., Postsuburban California: The Transformation of Orange County since World War II . Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.

"Patriarchy and Sexuality: Restif and the Peasant Family." The Eighteenth Century (Fall 1984), 25(3): 217-240.

Edited. Politics, Theory, and Contemporary Culture. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.

"Postmodern Virtualities." In Arthur Asa Berger, ed., The Postmodern Presence: Readings on Postmodernism in American Culture and Society. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, 1998.

"Postmodern Virtualities." In Meenakshi Gigi Durham and Douglas Kellner, eds., Media and Cultural Studies: Keyworks. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 2001.

Postmodernity and the Politics of Multiculturalism: The Lyotard-Habermas Debate over Social Theory." Modern Fiction Studies (Autumn 1992), 38(3):567-580.

Reprinted in Jean-Joseph Goux and Philip R. Wood, eds., Terror and Consensus: Vicissitudes of French Thought, pp. 104-118. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1998. "Poststructuralism and History: A Position." Gestos: Teoria y Practica del Teatro Hispanico (November 1992), 7(14):21-26.

"Poststructuralism and History: Lawrence Stone's Family Romance." In Paul Hernadi, ed., Re-Presenting the Past: The Interpretation of Acts, Texts and Artifacts . Forthcoming.

Edited, with an Introduction (with Rob Kling and Spencer Olin. ) Postsuburban California: The Transformation of Orange County since World War II . Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991.

"The Question of Agency: Michel de Certeau and the History of Consumerism." Diacritics (Summer 1992), 22(2):94-107.

Review of Alex Callinicos' Making History: Agency, Structure and Change in Social Theory. American Historical Review (December 1989), 95(5): 1335-1336.

Review of Alfred Schmidt's History and Structure . The History Teacher. Forthcoming.

Review of Bruce Brown's Marx, Freud and the Critique of Everyday Life . New German Critique (Winter 1975), 4:153-155.

Review of Carl J. Couch's Information Technologies and Social Orders, Susan Leigh Star, ed., The Cultures of Computing. Contemporary Sociology (July 1997), 26(4):516-518.

Review of Charles Lemert's and Garth Gillan's Michel Foucault: Social Theory as Transgression . Telos (Summer 1983), 56:206-210.

Review of Christopher Lasch's Haven in a Heartless World . Telos (Spring 1978), 35:226-230.

Review of Dominick LaCapra's Preface to Sartre . American Historical Review (June 1979), 84(3): 774-775.

Review of Dominique Desanti's Les Staliniens . Telos (Spring 1975), 23:183-185.

Review of Edith Kurzweil's The Age of Structuralism: Levi-Strauss to Foucault . Science & Society (Fall 1982), 46(3): 374-376.

Review of Edward Shorter's The Making of the Modern Family . Telos (Fall 1976), 29:212-214.

Review of Elizabeth Hafkin Pleck's Domestic Tyranny: The Making of Social Policy Against Family Violence from Colonial Times to the Present . Signs (Autumn 1988), 14(1): 216-219.

Review of Fredric Jameson's The Political Unconscious: Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act . Nineteenth-Century Fiction (September 1981), 36(2): 252-256.

Review of Gerald N. Izenberg's The Existentialist Critique of Freud: The Crisis of Autonomy . American Historical Review (June 1977), 82(3): 625-626.

Review of Giovanni Busino's La Permanence du passé: Questions d'histoire de la sociologie et d'epistémologie sociologique . American Historical Review (October 1988), 93(4): 1009.

Review of H. Stuart Hughes' Sophisticated Rebels: The Political Culture of European Dissent, 1968-1987 . American Historical Review (February 1990), 95(1):156.

Review of Hubert Dreyfus' and Paul Rabinow's Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics . Telos (Summer 1984), 60:224-226.

Review of Ian Craib's Existentialism and Sociology: A Study of Jean-Paul Sartre and Raymond Aron's History and the Dialectic of Violence . American Journal of Sociology (November 1977), 83(3): 775-777.

Review of J.G. Merquior's Foucault . Critical Review (Winter 1989), 3(1): 155-160.

Review of Jacques Donzelot's The Policing of Families . American Journal of Sociology (May 1981), 86(6): 1450-1452.

Review of Jean Baudrillard's Le Miroir de la production . Telos (Winter 1973), 18:171-178.

Review of Jerrold E. Seigel's Marx's Fate: The Shape of a Life . American Historical Review (February 1979), 84(1): 112.

Review of Juliet Mitchell's Psychoanalysis and Feminism . Telos (Fall 1974), 21:213-219.

Review of Kathleen Woodward, ed., The Myths of Information: Technology and Postindustrial Culture . American Journal of Sociology (January 1982), 87(2): 994-995.

Review of Lawrence Stone's The Family, Sex and Marriage in England, 1500-1800 . Sociology and Social Research (July 1979), 63(4): 855-856.

Review of Martin Jay's Downcast Eyes: The Denigration of Vision in Twentieth-Century French Thought. American Historical Review (December 1994), 99(5):1702-1703.

Review of Martin Carnoy, et al. The New Global Economy in the Information Age: Reflections on our Changing World. Environment and Planning D-Society & Space (February 1995), 13(1):120-121.

Review of Nancy Chodorow's The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalyis and the Sociology of Gender . Sociology and Social Research (January 1979), 63(2): 394-396.

Review of Niklas Luhmann's Love as Passion: The Codification of Intimacy . American Historical Review (December 1988), 93(6): 1294-1295.

Review of Randolph Trumbach's The Rise of the Egalitarian Family: Aristocratic Kinship and Domestic Relations in Eighteenth-Century England . Sociology and Soci al Research (January 1980), 64(2): 310-311.

Review of Raymond Aron's Histoire et dialectique de la violence . History and Theory ( 1974), 13(3): 326-335.

Review of Robert F. Berkofer, Jr.'s Beyond the Great Story : History as Text and Discourse. Pacific Historical Review (August 1996), 65(3):474-475.

Review of Ronald Aronson's Sartre's Second Critique. Journal of Modern History (September 1989), 61(3): 564-565.

Review of Sherry Turkle's Psychoanalytic Politics: Freud's French Revolution . Sociology and Social Research (January 1980), 64(2): 299-300.

Review of Stephen Kern's The Culture of Time and Space, 1880-1918 . American Historical Review (June 1984), 89(3): 736-737.

Review of W. Russell Neuman, Lee McKnight, Richard Jay Solomon's The Gordian Knot: Political Gridlock on the Information Highway. Contemporary Sociology v28, n1 (January 1999), 28(1):99-100.

"Robocop." In Jonathan Crary and Sanford Kwinter, eds., Incorporations, pp. 436–440. Zone, 6. New York: Urzone/MIT Pess 1992.

"Sartre's Concept of the Intellectual: A Foucauldian Critique." Notebooks in Cultural Analysis ( 1984), 1:39-52.

Sartre's Marxism . London: Pluto Press, 1979. Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982.

The Second Media Age. Cambridge, Mass.: Polity Press, 1995.

"A Second Media Age?" Arena Journal (1994), 3:49-91.

"Semiology and Critical Theory: From Marx to Baudrillard." In William V. Spanos, Paul A. Bové and Daniel O'Hara, eds., The Question of Textuality: Strategies of Reading in Contemporary American Criticis m , pp. 275–287. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1982. Reprinted from Boundary 2 (Fall 1979), 8(1): 275-287.

"1772: `Utopias'." In Denis Hollier, ed., A New History of French Literature , pp. 525–531. Cambridge, Mass. & London: Harvard University Press, 1989.

On Louis Antoine de Bougainville. "The Subject of the Computer: Derrida and Electronic Writing." In José Lambert, ed., Literature and Technology . Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press. Forthcoming.

"Technology and Culture in Habermas and Baudrillard." Contemporary Literature (Fall 1981), 22(4): 456-476.

"Utopia." In In Erik Barnouw, ed., International Encyclopedia of Communications . New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.

The Utopian Thought of Restif de la Bretonne . New York: New York University Press, 1971.

"Virtual Ethnicity: Tribal Identity in an Age of Global Communications." In Steven G. Jones, ed., CyberSociety 2.0: Revisiting Computer-mediated Communication and Community. New Media Cultures. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 1998.

"War in the Mode of Information." Cultural Critique (Fall 1991), 19:217-222.

"What Does Wotan Want - Ambivalent Feminism in Wagner's 'RING'." New German Critique (Spring-Summer 1991), 53:131-148.

"What Does Wotan Want? Modernism and Postmodernism in the Ring ." In David Levin, ed., Opera Through Other Eyes: Cultural and Theoretical Approaches to Music-Drama . Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1993.

What's the Matter with the Internet? Electronic Mediations, 3. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001.

"Words without Things: The Mode of Information." October (Summer 1990), 53:63-92.

Texts about Mark Poster: Book Reviews


Critical Theory and Poststructuralism: In Search of a Context (1989)
Joyce, Elizabeth. Journal of Modern Literature (Spring 1993), 18(2-3):220. Moses, Michael Valdez. Contemporary Literature (Fall 1991), 32(3):422-431. Toews, John E. American Historical Review (April 1991), 96(2):475-476.

Foucault, Marxism, and History: Mode of Production versus Mode of Information (1984)
Barrett, Thomas M. Isis (September 1989), 80(303):498-499.

Edited. Jean Baudrillard: Selected Writings (1988)
Bauman, Zygmunt. TLS [Times Literary Supplement] (December 16, 1988), 4472:1391. Feagin, Susan. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Winter 1989), 47(1):102. Frith, Simon. "What is a washing machine?" New Statesman (June 3, 1988), 115(2984):23-24. Gane, Mike. Sociological Review (August 1989), 37(3):572-574. Helmling, Steven. Kenyon Review (Winter 1990), 12(1):204-207. Lemert, Charles C. Contemporary Sociology (July 1989), 18(4):639-641. Lester, Jeremy. Political Studies (December 1989), 37(4):675. Whitehouse, Ian. Modern Language Review (October 1990), 85(4):989.

The Mode of Information: Poststructuralism and Social Context (1990)
Anchor, Robert. American Historical Review (June 1993), 98(3):829-830. Beniger, James R. Chang, Briankle G. Southern Communication Journal (Fall 1992), 58(1):83-84. Coleman, William E., Jr. ETC.: A Review of General Semantics (Fall 1993), 50(3):387. Leps, Marie-Christine. Canadian Literature (Spring 1992), 132:204-206. Lyon, David. Sociological Review (May 1991), 39(2):372-374. Robertson, Roland. Sociology (August 1991), 25(3):548-550. Santos, Angelito L. Journal of Contemporary Asia (December 1993), 23(4):576-578. Slack, Jennifer Daryl. Communication Theory(May 1992), 2(2):173-177. Stivale, Charles J. Criticism (Spring 1991), 33(2):268-271.

Edited. Politics, Theory, and Contemporary Culture (1993)
Davies, J. Literature & History (Spring 1995), 4 (1):120-121. Matthew, R.A. Millennium-Journal of International Studies (Spring 1994), 23(1):177-179. Warren, Mark E. American Political Science Review (September 1994), 88(3):738-739.

(with Rob Kling and Spencer Olin) Postsuburban California: The Transformation of Orange County Since World War II (1991)
Ebner, Michael H. Journal of Interdisciplinary History (Summer 1992), 23(1):219-220. Fishman, Robert. Contemporary Sociology (January 1993), 22(1):86-87. Gaskins, Susanne Teepe. Western Historical Quarterly (Winter 1994), 25(4):515-517. Hendricks, Craig. Journal of American History (March 1992), 78(4):1512-1513. Hirsch, Arnold R. Reviews in American History (March 1992), 20(1):78-83. Jablonski, Thomas J. Annals of the Association of American Geographers (December 1992), 82(4):722-724. Rabinowitz, Howard N. Journal of the West (July 1994), 33(3):112. Viehe, Fred W. Journal of Urban History (July 1997), 23(5):657-665.

The Second Media Age (1995)
Sinker, Mark. New Statesman & Society(August 25, 1995), 8(367):32-33.