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Expand tag removed


An expand tag left by the creator is removed. Maybe, just maybe, he should have done the research himself. It took me 80 seconds to find stuff. CanadianCaesar 06:19, 12 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]


Could someone pull the Movie Gallery logo and put it in the info box? 19:59, 12 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Done :) --Hetar 06:58, 26 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Rewrite and cleanup started


I started to tidy up this article a bit, and added some new information since the Hollywood purchase - it was (and still is) a bit of a hodge-podge. Most of the actual numbers and info come from their recent annual SEC filing. The Hollywood and Gamecrazy sections still stick out (is detailed the ID requirements for membership really necessary, for instance), and their is no equivalent section about the Movie Gallery stores. I'll try and do some more on this when I get a chance, but hopefully someone else will pitch in!

There are TOO MANY sentences which begin with "Movie Gallery". Jay77tx 13:00, 11 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

hollywood video vs blockbuster


so the same company is behind blockbuster and hollywood video?

No, Movie Gallery took over Hollywood last year.

Game Crazy section


Could someone edit this to make sense:

"However, the future of such older games at Game Crazy is in doubt, as buy-back prices at in line with supply and demand and the need to create space for next-gen systems is apparent. At certain locations within the country, GameCrazy does offer cash for trades."

It's under the Game Crazy section. I'm not sure what the author of that section meant, or else I would have edited it myself. MrTangent 17:23, 28 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I fixed it to somehting a little more sensical... and added notes about some of my own personal experieces with the Game Crazy stores... seriously folks, don't be shocked when Game Crazy becomes just as bad as Gamestop is someday.

Actually, to the contributor, you really shouldn't be claiming that employees buy up games and sell them at online auctions as the reason for why the wishlist and special order features fail to work. First off, you actually have no valid proof of this, despite what someone says or does at a store, and secondly, don't imply just because some might do this all employees do this.

Most games are rare mainly because the companies producing them only made a severe number of them to be distributed such as Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Final Fantasy 7. Also the real reason the wishlist/special order service isn't always accurate is that regrettably, most customers give the company out-of-date phone numbers, or they'll find the item elsewhere and forget to inform the company about cancelling the order.

[New addition: I'm actually responding to something you said about the "truth" here and you're right to print it. First off, I've a BA in Journalism, and I know all about reporting the truth, and manipulating it to your own ends, not to mention editorializing. Basically you've only commented about ONE GameCrazy as a standard to judge them all, which in my own perspective, is rather biased. Just because you've had one BAD experience with a single location does not mean you've the right to condemn a whole company on that basis. And you know, I thought the Witch Hunts ended in Salem, 1692, and considering what state the world's in right now, one might think you'd have better things to do than launch a vendetta here in a site that's completely neutral. You also claimed that until Movie Gallery/GameCrazy sends you a C&D letter the info will remain. But (before it was taken down in Asylum itself) you declared severing ties with the company, not to mention refusing any contact with them. So Einstein, how can you receive such a letter, if you are refusing anything from the company to being with? Good question.

Also I note you declare not having an account, which just proves my point of insensitive people utilizing anonymity as their shield while they lob stones at everyone. Though I shall admit you have your right to privacy as of such, you do NOT have the right to slam someone without accepting the consequences, or passing it off to an innocent party. Wikipedia does function in allowing to you compose articles, it does NOT permit you to write subjective material for your own benefit to harm someone. And for God's Sake, do NOT start screaming "it's the truth, and you can't accept it," rubbish. It's a complete cop-out and you know it.

FYI, btw, the computers at GameCrazy DO flag wishlist items when games and accessories are traded-in, no matter what the clerks at your location claim. Because when they scan the trade-ins, if the UPC label matches the information stored, it registers on the wishlist. I know of this, because I actually conducted an ACCURATE article about the store in my location, and the clerks were more than considerate on demonstrating how their trading system functioned. In the future, do more research on the facts than just on experience and opinion.]

To the editor, I should indicate the one adding this biased view actually composed this under emotional and selfish purposes due to the fact the game he/she requested was unavailable, and basically has declared severing all ties and connections with the company in question.

Normally, I usually don't make protests like this, but I wanted you to know, so you can actually compose an accurate description for the company without risk of having your article branded as libelous and subjective. And I do apologize earlier for "deleting" the offending items without your permission, but I wanted you to know what's going on. Personally, I suggest the person behind the additions should simply get over it, and not endanger your article and website just over his/her own personal disputes with the company.

I've suggested a merger into or from the GameCrazy article. Although it is a wholly owned subsidiary of Movie Gallery, I believe there is enough information to merit its own article (many wholly owned subsidiary retailers have their own wikipedia pages). Much of this information about GameCrazy is not applicable to an encyclopedia article on Movie Gallery. ZG 16:57, 16 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Information is available, and should be kept on the page. It's understandable that they want to keep it a secret, but the secret's out. This is how wikipedia works. If you want to delete information on "Asylum," do it somewhere else; leave this alone. Have some respect.

Actually it's not exactly the information many have umbrage with, but the reasoning behind it. Because the person composing it, had biased intent for posting it, no matter if it's true or not. And the problem I have is that it appears a bit hypocritical to let this person post negative aspects about a company solely on his personal, subjective views, rather than present an objective viewpoint on the matter. Sure, you claim to have some respect, but it's kind of hard to give it when the person adding his/her opinion is not using any to report this claim.

Personally, I could care less one way or the other, I just don't want to see this website go down in flames due to one person's carelessness over what's allowed to be put up here. I'm not saying the info for Asylum should be taken down, but I believe the person who posted it should take full responsibility for the consequences of those actions, and not hide behind a website to do so.

Oh, and incidentally, Asylum was officially established in 2004, not 2005.. please get the information correct at least.

(new post) the original message of mine was deleted by someone about keeping Asylum off....so i would just ike to say im Emailing the Webmaster of Asylum (im friends with him) about the Incursion of the Rules of Asylum it was a FORMER member who posted it because he was a *censored* little baby about his whole ordeal with GameCrazy so he decided to break the One Rule and Talk about the Asylum Outside of the Site when he joined he agreed to that one term and now he has broken it and he has already gotten enough votes to be eliminated from The site and now he has a vendetta and has a Copy of what is posted and keeps re-posting it just to make people mad

and it was started in 2004 and you do get prizes from Exclusive Contest that are held on the site as well as Exclusive Info

Well then, I'll go add that in right now. 17:14, 10 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Updated the section, to be more accurate. And, it should be noted, that the person making these edits right now (me) has never been involved with Asylum. You may have a problem with why it was originally posted, but its here, and its being kept up by someone who wants it there because he believes in freedom of information. Also, yes, there are negative things about the company; my belief is to include them, NOT hide them, but also include the positive side, which the site already does: It mentions the wishlist system, which is something they offer specially, but also the downside. So it's not being excessively critical, just honest.

I wasn't really angry... frustrated a little, I guess. But not at anyone in particular, just the whole thing, mostly the constant attempt on blanking the asylum info. I do, of course, believe in presenting the most accurate information possible... but ALL of it :-) Everything is cool.

Edits have been made By a "ACTUAL" and current Member of Asylum who has been a member Since December of 2004 That Tells a More accurate Story Of the Asylum....(I was sick of the degredating talk about it by people who hadnt even been on the Asylum long enough to know everything good about it and I was one of the few people who were deleting the info in its entirety and I have won Prizes and a current member of the Asylum Fantasy Footbal League

^^^ And there's nothing wrong with that! Thank you. Painting a more accurate picture is fine, as long as you leave the picture up.

Hey Deadside_legion! if youre reading this, I just stole your Victory from you, you wanted the info up but its not the Completely Negative Anti-Asylum Junk you wanted.

so if you delete the CORRECTED info I will Report You ASAP!

Confidentially,, I've taken your advice to heart and rather than delete items, actually paint an accurate picture so people can know the real deal about GameCrazy and Asylum. Apparently you can catch more flies with sugar than vinegar. And thanks for listening to our side of the story.

YAY!...its been.... what a week? and nobody has Bashed my favorite site JUSTICE PREVAILS!!!!

Hey guys, if you Asylum peeps could do me a favor, and tell whoever deleted the Asylum info to quit it, that would be great. 01:56, 19 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Actually, I suspect it's our ex-member now because Asylum members were notified not to blank out the Wikipedia information, but instead contact you and have the information corrected to where it presents a more accurate description of the "secret club."

Personally, the only editing I've been doing is disparaging the online selling rumour, esp. since I know all gaming stores, including Game Crazy, consider this to be a federal felony, and those even caught doing it will not only be terminated but reported as illegal traders to the online auction and end up paying extensive fines for it. (Depending on their state location.)

Also, I've made inquiries at the Game Crazy location where shopped, and they've never made any such claim, nor implied doing this. Basically this was an accusation made by (formerly Deadside_Legion) because he didn't get his rare game that he ordered, and was actually going by what a competitor had claimed. Just wanted you to know, because I want the information to be accurate as possible for your article.

I reposted the Correct Info On Asylum And it was verified by MRASYLUM himself, so if its changed the person who alters it will be reported Sega Forever! 03:57, 21 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Alright How Do You Know Its Lies!!!! I have once again Emailed the Webmaster of Asylum: MRASYLUM and he has told me that what I posted is nothing more than the truth and he gave his blessing so I wont get kicked out of the Site for talking because of this special circumstance.....

A note to, first off, I KNOW the truth about the Wishlist/Special Order system. And I also investigated your claim, which has been verified as completely false. One, as I've said countless times, did you REALLY expect an extremely rare game to come in automatically? Two, just because some employees there might be acting less-than-professional to you, doesn't mean you've the right to condemn the entire company and jeopardize innocent people over their jobs. And Three, as would probably agree with me, you need to seriously get over it.

Because ironically,, not only are you being discriminatory with your actions, but also hypocritical as well, considering you've claimed you've want nothing to do with the company, yet, you're willing to deconstruct it here in this site, and have the audacity for labelling it as "truth." And the worse part is, you're not hurting GameCrazy one bit, but instead Wikipedia and its credibility, since you've the delusion that if you don't have an account, you don't have to face the impending consequences. So before you start accusing others of misdemeanors and federal offenses, why don't you first take a good look at yourself instead? Because ruining others over a video game, that's as shallow as slandering a cereal company over a crappy prize.

What do you have against the Asylum which former Member are you? or are you too much of a Chicken to talk it out and post your name?!? Segasonicdude Sega Forever! 03:21, 23 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Well, I guess I'll add in my two cents. I do agree that slandering the name of the company because of a negative experience is completely unfair. However, some of the Asylum people need to heed caution with what they are putting up, mostly with regards to Gamestop (comments, for example, that Gamestop "recently," began a discount program to compete are ludicrous, considering that cards for it date back to 2003... that's not recent... and even then, there's no way to prove it was a competition). I've gone through and edited stuff, removed most, if not all, of the weasley language (there's plenty from both sides). To note, weasley language is stuff like "some Gamecrazy's..." etc. In the end, it doesn't really say much... backing it up with an example helps. I'm sure I've probably made myself a hypocrite at some point and put something similiar, but it's something we all do.

As for the mention about wishlists... well, how about I put this in: Video game stores are robbed, so at some Gamecrazy stores, you might go in and get shot! Well, obviously, this could be right... but why say it? Were it an epidemic, happening every other day, it might be worth a mention. However, unless you have evidence that employees taking wishlist stuff to resell it is more than just a personal problem, that it happens in many stores around the US, then, sure, it might happen, just as much as you might get shot going into a store, or you might get hit by a bus while leaving one... don't mention it.

Finally, someone who gets it! Exactly, and I also agree that members should definitely not use EB Games/GameStop as a comparison here, this is an accurate article about Game Crazy itself. And I do appreciate the Weasley language has been surgically removed. Fangarius 19:30, 25 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

So, let's try to make this all kosher now; everyone has a victory. Disgruntled former Asylum Member: Info on Asylum is readily available and being kept up... it may not be how you intended, but you can enjoy that it's exposed. Asylum members: Your group is not being slandered, and just the facts are being made present... enjoy that it's not a paragraph of angry yelly stuff. What I've posted should be pretty good... I hope. 05:58, 25 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Actually, 72, I want to apologize for this battle ever getting started here, because all I really wanted were the fact presented in an accurate way, no more, no less. And I am thankful there are editors like you in Wikipedia that do take the essential time and care in observing what goes in these articles. My earlier rants really weren't aimed at you, but 206, and hopefully, someday he'll learn the importance of printing the facts over editorializing, or implementing "Weasley Language" for contributing, or creating an article.

Once again, thanks, and kudos to you, sir. Fangarius 19:30, 25 October 2006 (UTC)<[reply]

Hopefully This Fight has Truley Ended.......Segasonicdude Sega Forever! 23:37, 25 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]



The Hollywood videos in Canada, where they the same chain? Because I think in Canada Hollywood Videos where taken over by Rogers Video, and Movie Gallery bought a chain called Video Update. Marcus1060 01:40, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Adult Product


I work for Hollywood video, and I have to mention that more and more often, since MG bought us out, I have seen more and more adult movies. There are no separate rooms in which to browse these, covers are visible, though may be considered not pornographic and "tastefully" done, and some are even eye level with small children. "NEKROMANTIC" is one example that was on the second shelf from the bottom with a life like drawing of a dead body holding a topless woman whose breasts are definitely "there". ...

Where did the information come from that 'less than 100 stores' carry adult product? I'm a former MG manager (only left about a year and a half ago), and I can think of at least a dozen MGs in my general geographic area alone that carry adult product (including my old store). That seems strikingly low, especially since I have heard over and over from DMs and RMs and such that MG is the largest distributor of adult rental product in the country. The actual cost to the store from the studios is incredibly low, but it's where many stores with adult product make the majority of their revenue... corporate repeatedly told us the cost was so low because of the huge amount of product we rented and sold on a national scale.

I'm not siding with the AFA, here, but less than 100 stores?! That just does not seem correct. Can someone please provide verification for those numbers? Teapotfox 02:32, 22 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Actual X-rated movies or just the so-called "Hard-R" softcore stuff? The MG I work at (Salem, VA - MG #2213) has a separate adult room for the X, and we put the softcore "Hard-R" stuff along the top shelf of the new release wall. We also obscure the cover with a paper insert which goes between the cover art and the plastic of the case. BirdbrainedPhoenix 05:52, 10 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I am a Manager of a MG with an adult zone. Adult rooms are only put in stores where town ordinances allow it. As for the statement left that adult product is out on the floor for children to see; that is not true. All X product is kept in the adult room and Mature titles (which are pretty much Skinemax movies - which shows simulatedBold text sex but never any actual penetration or penises)is kept, as the previous posted stated, on the top shelves with a mature wrap on the boxes. If there are titles that show bare breasts such as "Nekromantic" then the manager of the store should do what I do, I cover them with stickers or draw tops on them with Sharpies. There is no MG rule that states you have to leave the coverboxes to movies explicit. I as a manager listen to my customers and if they complain about any artwork on a coverbox then I do whatever it takes to fix the situation and have satisfied customers. I admit that I do make quite a bit of revenue from my Adult room...which keeps a roof over my head and food on my table so I will defend the right for anyone who is an adult to have the right to view whatever they please. And while I have never read any mention of such films let me just say; and I can only speak for my particular store that MY Movie Gallery only has pretty generic type adult product. We don't carry anything that I would deem "hardcore" (ie bondage, slaves, simulated rape scenes, etc) I have to say that as it comes to adult product, MG does everything possible with it's policies and guidelines to keep it as far away from children or adults who wish not to view it. I even have had customers for years who never knew we even HAD an adult room. Unless you're looking for adult product you don't even know it's there.

PlayGuard Rental Damage Protection


PlayGuard is a load of BS and the customers hate being asked to buy it. I work for a HV store and have many customers THANK ME for NOT asking about PlayGuard. The only way to get people to buy PlayGuard is to trick them into thinking that the entire $0.25 goes to the local charity. Our terms of employment REQUIRE us to sell a certain percentage of PlayGuard. Jay77tx 15:42, 28 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Please read what wikipedia is not. Tabor 22:04, 28 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]
 Yeah, that's completely true.  We did the same at my store until they decided to close us.  Though, on rare occasions, playguard has worked out for people (mostly ones with kids and animals that like to eat movies.)  —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:43, 9 April 2008 (UTC)[reply] 

I am a Manager of a MG in CT (not many of us left). I've been with the company since the start of PlayGuard and I have to say, I have always hated having to ask customers about it. It is a job requirement that you ask every customer renting except for children. We also have MPLs (Minimum Performance Levels) that the company sets up; which basically is a percentage based off of the number of transactions and opportunities you had to sell PlayGuard. If you don't make the MPL the first period you get a First/Final Warning. The next month if you don't make MPL you are terminated. I had to terminate an associate about two months ago who was with the company for about 4-5 years for not meeting MPLs. I have always thought PlayGuard was a rip off. In my time as manager I have only estimated about 10 - 15 times that a customer has had PlayGuard and had damaged the rental. Also there really is no monitoring of this. It really all comes down to the Manager or MOD. If you damage a rental and don't have PlayGuard anyone with MOD security level can just check in your movie and mark it damaged without you having to pay for it. So really we're selling something that in actuality may never be enforced. It's just a way to get additional money out of the customer. "Think 3 UPT" —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:15, 1 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]



I changed references to "guests" to "customers". I know the training manual probably calls them "guests" and the employees are probably "associates" and maybe the movies are "guest content delivery system display discs" but Wikipedia needs to use plain English instead of marketing-speak. --Nate Silva 23:45, 2 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

 They changed it to customers a couple months back in stores anyway.  —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:56, 31 August 2009 (UTC)[reply] 

Fair use rationale for Image:MovieGallery.gif


Image:MovieGallery.gif is being used on this article. I notice the image page specifies that the image is being used under fair use but there is no explanation or rationale as to why its use in this Wikipedia article constitutes fair use. In addition to the boilerplate fair use template, you must also write out on the image description page a specific explanation or rationale for why using this image in each article is consistent with fair use.

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BetacommandBot (talk) 15:01, 8 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

stock symbol


Movie Gallery is not on the NASDAQ. Try the links, they're broken. OTC:MOVIQ is the stock symbol, but i don't know if there is a template for the OTC Bulletin Board... anyone? (talk) 21:27, 15 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Sir Gregory Alan Wheeler Timms


I get the distinct impression that Timms is a fictional character. The article's history shows that he was added to the article in replacement of the company's actual founders, and that a few very wild claims were made about him that have since been deleted.

Mark's Video/Video HQ/Game Tag


I live in the Las Vegas Valley, and I noticed several Hollywood Video locations are closing. However, several have not closed and have changed to the names above. Can someone please explain the story behind this? It doesn't have to be on the actual Wiki page for the store. If someone could just explain it here I'd appreciate it. Ttc817 (talk) 18:01, 13 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Mark's Video is a newer chain owned by Hollywood Video's founder Mark Waddles (or Wattles) who has been buying up locations closed by Hollywood and re-branding them as Mark's Video. Game Tag may be the same type of thing for former Game Crazy locations. Aboutmovies (talk) 00:16, 14 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, you're a lifesaver. I was wondering what the hell was going on, and you explained it VERY simply. Ttc817 (talk) 02:49, 18 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hollywood Video has announced it's closure and it has been covered by several media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal.

Please stop deleting this entry. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:53, 3 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Huh? When you added that on Friday it had not been covered by any media outlets. That's none, or that is to say, we had original research that does not belong on Wikipedia. So now it has been covered, so it won't be deleted. But do note, it has been up since late Friday anyway, so I'm not sure what the complaint is. Aboutmovies (talk) 18:53, 3 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]
And for the people still trying to add info, please keep in mind Wikipedia is not a blog or news source and we must cite our sources from reliable sources. Aboutmovies (talk) 19:43, 4 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Well I saw on my local news today about more closures in California. I assume other states are following suit. Where is the big source for this gigantic announcement? JasonHockeyGuy (talk) 08:30, 5 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]

The Wall Street Journal article cited covers it, though it now is mostly behind a paywall. This piece also covers it, but very poorly as it is focused on the local connection. The headline should really be something like "Movie Gallery to liquidate and shut down all operations including Wilsonville headquarters". This also covers the topic. Aboutmovies (talk) 09:05, 5 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]

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