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- Information I'd like to use - These are all the main transaction codes and function definitions in IS-U

- I want to condense these codes and create brief summaries of the main functions from this information.

  • Contract Billing tcodes IS-U-BI
  • SLOG - Overview of Static Extract Creation
  • CAUSE - Causes: Check Solution Path
  • BREE - BRE Execution
  • BNR - Number Range Maintenance: ISU_DBRE
  • EASIBI - Create Individual Bill
  • BTREE - Overview of BRE Programs
  • EA16 - Create Manual Backbilling
  • EA00 - Test Billing of a Contract
  • EASISI - Create Individ. Simulation
  • ENER - No. Range Maint.: ISU_ERCH
  • EA05 - Display and Release Outsortings
  • EASIM - Simulation Scenarios
  • INTERV - Installn Interval for Backlog Set
  • EASY - Tool:Search For/Call-Up Transactions
  • EA22 - Display Billing Document

  • Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable tcodes IS-U-CA
  • EK02 - Acct Determ.: IS-U Rev. Accts
  • EK01 - Acct Determ.: IS-U Receiv. Accounts
  • EK04 - Activ.Code Distrib.Type in Argentina
  • EK25 - Create Loan
  • EK70 - Cust. Item Ind. -> Payment Block
  • EK05 - Activ.Code Distrib.Type in Argentina
  • EK06 - Defaults for Acct Display BB Amounts
  • EK26 - Change Loan
  • EK27 - Display Loan

  • Intercompany Data Exchange tcodes IS-U-IDE
  • MEER - Mass Act: Create Electronic Bill
  • ETHIM - Mass Act. Aggr. Posting for ServProv
  • REDISND1 - Create Electronic Bill
  • INVMON - Inbound Bill Monitoring
  • ETHI - Aggr. Posting Serv. Prov. CA
  • INVMASSPROC - Mass Act: Bill/Paym.Adv.Note Proc.
  • EA29_AGGRBILL - Print Aggregated Bill
  • EREC01 - Transfer to FI- single cont. mode
  • ETHI_DIS - Evaluation of DFKKTHI Entries
  • ETHIM_TAX - Aggregated Posting for SP with Tax
  • INVDOC01 - Bill Dialog
  • EK72 - Transactions for Aggregated Posting
  • EPLOT - Repayment on Account
  • ESWTMON01 - Monitoring of Switch Documents
  • IUEEDPPLOTAALC2 - Distribute Aggr. Paymnt from Billing

  • Invoicing tcodes IS-U-IN
  • EA60 - Print Invoicing Document
  • EA29 - Mass Processing: Bill Printout
  • EA40 - Display Print Document
  • EA19 - Create Bill (Individual Creation)
  • EN00 - Number Range Maintenance: ISU_ERDK
  • EA13 - Print/Billing Document Reversal
  • EA15 - Reversal of Invoicing Documents
  • EA10 - Document Invoicing
  • E61M - Adjust BB Plans Automatically
  • EA26 - Mass Processing: Create Bill
  • EA10_AGGRBILL - Create Aggregated Bill
  • EA14 - Print/Billing Document Reversal
  • EK96 - Adjust Balance-Forward Amount
  • EA61 - Create BB Plan
  • EK94 - Display Payment Plan

  • IS-U General tcodes
  • EMIGALL - IS-U Migration
  • EK02 - Acct Determ.: IS-U Rev. Accts
  • EK01 - Acct Determ.: IS-U Receiv. Accounts
  • SLOG - Overview of Static Extract Creation
  • MEER - Mass Act: Create Electronic Bill
  • CAUSE - Causes: Check Solution Path
  • BREE - BRE Execution
  • EWAS - IS-U Waste Management
  • BNR - Number Range Maintenance: ISU_DBRE
  • EASIBI - Create Individual Bill
  • EINF - IS-U Information System
  • BTREE - Overview of BRE Programs
  • EL28 - Single Entry
  • EL01 - Execute Order Creation
  • ES32 - Display Installation

  • Master Data tcodes IS-U-MD
  • ES32 - Display Installation
  • ES31 - Change Installation
  • EPRODCUST - IS-U MD Template: Customizing
  • ES55 - Create Connect. Object
  • ES30 - Create Installation
  • ES60 - Create Premise
  • ES20 - Create Contract
  • ES64 - Change Connection Object
  • ES65 - Create Device Loc.
  • ES56 - Change Connect. Object
  • ES22 - Display Contract
  • ES57 - Display Connect. Object
  • ES21 - Chg. Contract
  • ES51 - Create Ownership
  • EC55C - Tabstrip- ISU - Move-Out

  • Customer Service tcodes IS-U-CS
  • EC85 - Create Disc. Doc.
  • ECRMREPL - Error Handling Replication CRM/IS-U
  • EC86 - Change Disc. Doc.
  • EC50E - Create Move-In Document
  • EC30 - Maintain rate data
  • EC55E - Move-Out
  • EC70 - Accel.Entry: Move-In / Out / In/Out
  • EC20 - IS-U Front Office
  • ECNC - IS-U Navigator: Customizing
  • EC50 - Create Move-In Doc.
  • EC60 - Initial Processing: Move-In/Out
  • EN50 - No. Range Maint.: ISU_EEIN
  • EWBC - Customizing: Front Office Processes
  • EC87 - Display Disc. Doc.
  • EC56E - Change Move-Out

  • Device Management tcodes IS-U-DM
  • EL28 - Single Entry
  • EL01 - Execute Order Creation
  • EL31 - Manual Monitoring
  • EL29 - Correction of Plausible Results
  • EG31 - Full Installation
  • EG32 - Full Removal
  • EL37 - Reverse Meter Reading Order Creation
  • EL35 - Meter Reading Order Output
  • EL27 - Correction of Implausible Results
  • EL09 - Execute Order Creation
  • EL06 - Execute Mass Order Creation
  • EL16 - Execute Order Output
  • EG01 - Create Device Category
  • EG42 - Device modification
  • ELMU - Upload

  • Energy Data Management tcodes IS-U-EDM
  • EEDM06 - Create Profile Header
  • EDM1 - Monitor Profile Import
  • EEDM07 - Change Profile Header
  • EEDM10 - Change Point of Delivery
  • EEDM11 - Display Point of Delivery
  • EEDM01 - Maintain Profile
  • EDATEXMON01 - Monitoring of Data Exchange Tasks
  • EEDM02 - Display Profile
  • EEDMSETTLCREATE - Create Settlement Document
  • EEDM09 - Create Point of Delivery
  • EEDMSETTLUNIT01 - Create Settlement Unit
  • EEDMIDESERVPROV02 - Change Service Provider
  • EEDM08 - Display Profile Header
  • EEDM04 - Maintain Profile Allocation
  • EEDM05 - Display Profile Allocation

  • Waste Management tcodes IS-U-WA
  • ENROUTE - Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EROUTE
  • EWAGG - Guarantor Contract
  • EN10 - Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EWAORD
  • EWAWA01 - Accelerated Weight Entry
  • ELOC - Manage Container Location
  • EWAORDRESL - Confirmation

EABICO transaction code guide:

You can call up the bill correction function from the Customer Interaction Center (CIC), or in the full screen version using the transaction code EABICO . Enter the print document number in the initial screen of the transaction and select execute. To start the bill correction application from the CIC, select a print document in the navigation tree. Choose the document and use the right mouse button to open the context menu. Choose bill correction . To display the print document in PDF format, switch to the tab page Orig. Bill .

If an optical archive is available, the system reads the print document from the archive.

If an optical archive is not available, the system simulates billing, converts and displays simulation result as a PDF file

You can override the application form stored in the print document for bill printout simulation. You can do this in table TE441 ( Override Bill Form ). For more information, see the section on Customizing Settings: Bill Correction ).

Bill Correction Tab Page The bill correction tab page contains the following: A reversal list A list of relevant meter reading results An area for creating a customer contact On this tab page, you execute the necessary actions for correcting the bill (this means reversing and branching to the change meter reading results transaction). Messages that have been written to the application log are displayed here. You can hide or display the list of meter reading results using the ( ) meter reading date hide or display button. You can manually hide or display the application log using the ( ) hide or display log button.

Reversal list

Once you have selected a print document and chosen the bill correction function, the system generates a reversal list. If the print document that you have selected is not the most recent document, and, as result, its reversal requires the reversal of other (more recent) documents, these are also displayed. The reversal list contains the print documents and the billing documents. Documents that belong together are displayed in the same color. A traffic light in the document reversible field indicates whether a document can be reversed or not. When the reversal list is generated for the first time, some documents may not be reversible (for example, the print document was selected and the accompanying billing document is reversed for adjustment). These are displayed in the reversal list for the sake of clarity; however, the traffic light in document reversible field is red. You can also see from the information in the Status field that these documents were reversed before the function was called.

The Dunning field displays whether items from a selected print document have already been dunned. The quick info for traffic light provides information on the dunning level. Using ( ) you branch to the dunning history of the appropriate business partner. There you can, for example, reverse the dunning. The Interest Calculation field displays whether interest has already been calculated for items from a selected print document. The quick info for traffic light provides information on the interest calculation period. Using ( ) you branch to a dialog field with the interest calculation details. You can cancel the interest calculation documents there. Note that this cancels all displayed interest calculation documents.

The event Select Additional Documents for Bill Reversal (ISU_SAMPLE_R502) generates the reversal list. In this event, you can select other documents that you want included in the reversal list. The function module Select Additional Documents for Bill Reversal (ISU_BC_EXAMPLE_R502) contains an example of how you can define this event. In this function module, the system checks whether the devices installed in the installations that have so far been selected are also installed for billing purposes in other installations. If they are, the corresponding documents are also selected since they may have to be reversed if meter reading results are changed. The reversal reason is used for the interface of event R502. As result, you can select additional documents for reversal based on the reversal reason. When you first call up the function, the system uses the default reversal reason (see the section on Customizing Settings ). If you change the reversal reason, event R502 is called again and the reversal list is adjusted accordingly. Documents that were additionally selected by event R502 are flagged in the field Dependent . If no dependent documents exist, the field is not displayed.

You can select the documents to be reversed in the reversal list. Use the fields FR (full reversal) or AS (adjustment reversal) for this. If you set the flag Reversal , the Adjustment Reversal function is automatically deactivated. When you select a document for reversal, the more recent documents (which also have to be reversed) are automatically selected as well.

The selected documents are reversed using ( ) Reverse . Once the documents have been successfully reversed, the fields Doc. Reversible and Status are updated. Change Meter Reading Results List

This list contains the meter reading results for documents displayed in the reversal list. In addition to this, the previous meter reading result (for each register) is also displayed in the list. The list also contains unbilled meter reading results. You can select the meter reading results to be changed using the field Change Meter Reading Data . Selecting the icon ( ) Change Meter Reading Results takes you to the full screen of the transaction Correct Meter Reading Results . Once the changes have been made to the meter reading results, the list of meter reading results is updated. Simulation and rebilling

After you have corrected meter reading results or changed any other incorrect data (rate data, master data and so on), you can check the results using a billing simulation. Execute simulation using ( ) Simulate Billing . All billing orders that were generated by the reversal are simulated and the simulation documents are invoiced. This function is not available when you leave and re-enter the bill correction transaction. Real billing documents that have not yet been invoiced and that also exist in the system for the contract account are also included in invoicing simulation. You can view the simulation results on the tab page New Bill . Bill printout is simulated and displayed in PDF format. You can override the application form stored in the print document using the table TE441 (see the section on Customizing settings ).

Select ( ) Bill if you want rebilling to take place immediately. Billing orders generated during reversal are rebilled, and the corresponding contract accounts are invoiced. This function is not available when you leave and re-enter the bill correction transaction. You can access the function restore original invoicing units after a bill reversal using Customizing (see the Invoicing unit under Restore Original Invoicing Units After a Bill Reversal ). You can also individually influence the structure of the invoicing units using event R403, Invoicing Grouping, (see documentation on the function module ISU_SAMPLE_R403). During rebilling, a bill printout is simulated and the print document is displayed as a PDF. Rebilling also updates the reversal list. The rebilled documents are displayed, and the reversed documents are deleted from the list.

Bill printout

You can print the newly created bill directly, by using the ( ) Print icon. Only bills that have the status rebilled can be printed. If the printout is successful, the status is updated in the reversal list. Using the settings in Customizing, you can specify whether the reversal document is to be printed or not.


Process Steps

1. Analyze the billing history:

a. Utilize the CFS in CRM to determine if the contract account has invoiced in SAP.

b. Determine the appropriate periods for rebilling.

2. To reverse the incorrect SAP-originated bills and invoices, access the context menu of the appropriate CFS and execute the Bill Correction option on the earliest incorrect invoice. SAP Easy Access u2192 Utilities u2192 Customer Service u2192 Front Office/Customer Interaction Center u2192 Customer Interaction Center Access a Customer Fact Sheet with the Print Document u2192 Access the Front Office Process for Bill Correction from the earliest print document to be reversed.

3. Reverse the required invoices.

4. Correct the rate data if this is the source of the billing error. o Correct the rate category, the rate types or the installation facts as appropriate. o Use the environment on the left-hand pane of the bill correction screen to change any or all of these values by using the rate maintenance call from each relevant installation.

5. If meter reading was the source of the billing error, then establish correct meter reads in SAP like this: u2022 Ensure that the Meter Readings are displayed u2022 Correct or estimate the readings that are now available for change on the Bill Correction screen.

6. Rebill the account using the corrected meter reading or rate data.

7. Record a contact log entry to document the cancellation transaction. Enter a billing block on at least one of the contracts if the correction cannot be completed prior to the nightly batch processing. This will prevent accidental re-billing. This can be accomplished from the Contractu2019s context menu from any relevant CFS.

Bill and invoice the account from the Bill Correction Screen

Review the corrected invoice on the New Bill tab.