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Talk:Tokisaki Kurumi

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The complex and deceptive Kurumi Tokisaki, "Nightmare", is dreaded by all and friend to none.

She's both gentle and brutal, insane and wise, thoughtful and impulsive, composed and hysterical. She's one and many... and even past and future. She's the best ally one can have, but also the worst possible enemy. She loves and hates, and she wants to destroy in order to save because she's a villain... but also a heroine. Kurumi would leave peacefully among inoffensive humans after having killed thousands of them, or she would let heself get killed in order to avoid an unnecessary fight, or maybe kill several human beings in order to save a kitty. She would also praise the person she was about to kill a moment ago before dying herself, or even save that person's life, the one she had sworn to destroy.

Mysterious, undecipherable, contradictory, unpredictable. No one knows what's really behind her maniacal laugh; no one knows what she is really thinking. Because she wears a very effective mask: fear.