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User:AnomieBOT/Nobots Hall of Shame/10

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This page lists uses of {{bots}} or {{nobots}} in the Template namespace, organized by the bot being allowed/excluded. If a page allows/excludes multiple bots, it will be listed multiple times.

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Pages in the Template namespace excluding certain bots

Bot Exclusions Page list
<all> 8
Citation bot (talk · contribs) 17
JJMC89 bot II (talk · contribs) 15
AWB (talk · contribs) 3
Cewbot (talk · contribs) 1
CheMoBot (talk · contribs) 1
Cyberbot I (talk · contribs) 1
SporkBot (talk · contribs) 1

Pages in the Template namespace allowing certain bots

Bot Allowances Page list
<all> 1

Pages in the Template namespace with multiple exclusion templates
