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User:Arianna Szn/Women's empowerment

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Women Empowerment


Through the many years men have caused a lot of harm to women. They were considered to be practically nonexistent in prior eras. As though voting, a core right, and all other rights belonged only to men. Women became more aware of their powers as time changed the revolution for women's emancipation started there. It helped them understand their rights and how they should establish themselves in society rather than relying solely on men. It acknowledged that circumstance can not favor people based only on their gender. [1]

The term women empowerment can refer to a variety of things, including the raising the status of women including knowledge, understanding ,literacy and more . It may also mean acknowledging women's viewpoint and making an attempt to achieve them. The difference in social issues can empower women with the tools and freedom to make life changing decision. Women might have a chance to rethink gender roles and other kinds of responsibilities giving them more flexibility to achieve their ambitions, their goals and future.

Different type of Empowerment


Economic Empowerment

The Economic power of Women Empowerment Keynote Speech By Christine Lagarde https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2015/09/28/04/53/sp091214

Economic Empowerment is the ability of both men and Women to participate in contribute to, and benefit from growth processes in ways that respect their dignity acknowledge the value of their achievement and enable negotiations for a more equitable distribution of the benefits of growth is knows as economic empowerment. Women access to economic resources and opportunities such as employment, and economic opportunities, developing skills and market information, rises with economic empowerment.[2].

Women's economic empowerment and involvement are essential for advancing their right's, giving them sense of control , and influencing society. It about establishing just equal society. Women frequently experience discrimination and enduring gender inequality; some women may endure forms of exclusion and prejudice due to characteristics like religion and race.[3] The empowerment of women and the realization of gender equality contribute to society's assurance of a nation's sustainable growth. Many global leaders and academic have emphasized that women's empowerment and gender equality are essential for sustainable development.[4].

Pay disparities are just one aspect of gender discrimination at work. Women continue to face obstacles when trying to advance into executive positions, especially black women LGBTQ + women and women of color. They are also more likely to experience stereotypes and biases which are offensive remarks or insensitive inquiries based on a person's race , ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation.

Women of color experience a lack equitable accessibility and privileges in workplace environments , even if they have the option to settle for secure jobs. In the job , they experience additional disadvantages. Many academics advise looking at the social inequities that affect women in regular organizational life that influenced by race , class and gender while discussing women's empowerment .[5]

Political Empowerment


Political empowerment refers to the act of giving those who lack power access to various aspects of authority. Participation in democratic decision- making is a requirement for political empowerment. The notion of power is embraced by a mainstream understanding of political empowerment. In light of this idea. Political empowerment must involve granting members of underprivileged populations access to various government positions.[6]

Donna Brazile an American Political strategist talks to a group of people of the social capital for women's political empowerment https://www.iknowpolitics.org/en/news/world-news/importance-social-capital-womens-political-empowerment

Women's political empowerment is a social process that is essential to long term growth. On Decisions made in politics, the economy ,society and family, Women still have less sway then men. In term of Political involvement , there are still significant gender gaps. They still have a limited voice determining funding and political agendas and are underrepresented in political committees. Obstacles that women must overcome include deeply ingrained social stereotypes , a lack of time , talent , and political networks. [7]

Women are still underrepresented in leadership roles and judgement at the top levels. This covers positions in industry , government and the community. Unconscious bias. bad hiring procedures , and poor workplace environments are challenges to women in leadership positions. In industries with a male predominance women also encounter structural and cultural barrier.[8] Due to obstacles in the form of money , society , and the law , women have been unable to assume leadership roles in their communities. Women in fields where men who are predominate are likewise impacted by organizational and cultural restrictions. These sectors span many different fields , such as science ,engineering and finance [9]

Social Empowerment


Social empowerment refers to the ability of women and girls to take individual and group actions to alter social dynamics as well as the structure and discourse that exclude them and them in poverty is referred to as social empowerment. [10]

Individual asset(like land, housing ,livestock ,and savings) and capabilities of all kinds-human( like social belonging, a sense of identity, and leadership relationships-all have a significant impact on how empowered poor people are and their capacity to hold others accountable(self-esteem, self-confidence, the ability to imagine and aspire to a better future). Collective human assets and capacities[disambiguation needed], such as voice, organization ,representation ,and identity are also significant.[11]

Cultural Empowerment


Cultural rights provide people influence over how their lives will unfold , making it easier for them to exercise other rights. Being able to challenge presumptive qualities and skills associated with men and women, which I'm a great portion of, limit the range of activities that a man or woman can engage in a particular community, which accounts for a significant portion of the transformative nature of cultural rights. [12]

Ways to help Women Empowerment

  1. Boost her self-esteem
  2. Shut down the negativity
  3. Giving job opportunities
  4. Fight against injustice

Self Worth


Self-esteem originate internally. it implies that a women knows she is okay exactly the way she is and is not dependent on anyone else to make her feel good about herself. She is self-assured and conscious of her skills and abilities. She desired to impact them to others. Self-esteem can also be a fundamental identity issue that is necessary for happiness and personal validation. Once attained it emerges from within. But from the outside in, it might be harmed or stunted. To gain your self esteem you can develop your own leadership style. Being an empowered woman does not imply adopting the same leadership style as historically dominant men; Rather professional are able to create their own method for uplift and inspiration[disambiguation needed].[13]

Poor Self-Esteem


Depression and anxiety are frequent consequences of low self-esteem. Additionally physical health suffers. Women who have this issue frequently skip personal days because they genuinely don't believe they are worth the effort[disambiguation needed]. Additionally relationships are affected because they don't believe they deserve to have their needs met or find it awkward to ask, they don't get what they need from their relationship. if they are unable to set boundaries or demand the respect they want or deserved. Cultural messages and abusive experience combine to undermine women's self-esteem. Abuse widespread and surpasses all social boundaries[disambiguation needed] it always conveys the ideas that the victim is unimportant .

35-women empowerment Quotes to empower womenwomen.https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Women_empowerment_Quotes.jpg

Shut down the negativity


Women are frequently held to unattainable beauty standards, which is why it's no wonder that women are portrayed in publications, on TV, and more recently on Social media. Increase the status of women by speaking out against offensive[disambiguation needed] remarks made online, at work in class, and elsewhere. By encouraging knowledge, authenticity and body acceptance, you can combat negativity. Accept them as they are and give them credit for the qualities they possess.[14]

Giving Job opportunities


Women's employment is seen as a key factor in the empowerment of women. Women's condition can be improved both within and outside the house by participating in the work market. Women's economic standing is improved by employment and other income-generating activities, which result in better treatment for them. Speak up if you notice someone receiving unequal treatment in a meeting or on a paycheck. In order to empower one another at work, Women must collaborate. You can move things along if you can move things along if you work together as strong empowering team of women in employment. [15]

Fight against injustice


Defend women's rights and participate in the process. Invite the role models to help in the community use your knowledge to vote, contract your legislators and inspire[disambiguation needed] more women to take up the cause of equal rights for women.[16]


  1. “United Nations: Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.” \“United Nations: Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment.” United Nations Sustainable Development,https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/gender-equality/.Accessed 29 Nov. 2022/.Accessed 29 Nov. 2022Endorse the Women’s Empowerment Principles | UN Global
  2. Compact.https://www.unglobalcompact.org/take-action/action/womens-principles . Accessed 29 Nov. 2022.
  3. Empowered Women Make a Difference and Change the World.” Opportunity International,https://opportunity.org/news/blog/2017/03/empowered-women-change-the-world . Accessed 29 Nov. 2022. . Accessed 29 Nov. 2022.
  4. “Women’s Empowerment.” Wikipedia, 23 Nov. 2022. Wikipedia,Women's empowerment
  5. “Feminism.” Wikipedia, 7 Dec. 2022. Wikipedia, Feminismtitle=Feminism&oldid=1126141571.
  6. Editors, History com. “Feminism’s Long History.” HISTORY, https://www.history.com/topics/womens-history/feminism-womens-history. Accessed 8 Dec. 2022.
  7. Women’s Economic Empowerment - OECD.” https://www.oecd.org/social/gender-development/womenseconomicempowerment.htm
  8. Gender Inequality in the Workplace: The Fight Against Bias.https://www.betterup.com/blog/gender-inequality-in-the-work-place#:~:text=Gender%20inequality%20in%20the%20workplace%20takes%20many%20forms%20%E2%80%94%20unequal%20pay,incidence%20of%20burnout%20in%20women. Accessed 8 Dec. 2022.
  9. Budryte, Dovile. “Political Empowerment.” Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, edited by Alex C. Michalos, Springer Netherlands, 2014, pp. 4876–79. Springer Link, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-0753-5_2196
  10. Political-Empowerment.https://www.betterup.com/blog/gender-inequality-in-the-work-place#:~:text=Gender%20inequality%20in%20the%20workplace%20takes%20many%20forms%20%E2%80%94%20unequal%20pay,incidence%20of%20burnout%20in%20women. . Accessed 8 Dec. 2022
  11. “15 Ways to Empower Women.” Rothy’s,https://rothys.com/blogs/the-loop/15-ways-to-empower-women . Accessed 8 Dec. 2022.
  12. EE4women – Empowering Women Changes the World.https://ee4women.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAkMGcBhCSARIsAIW6d0CzwSOZgd-f4agc7_tPS9mhR0yTSXHKp6AVaJzocUZmJZ1mBoQdM8oaAsw4EALw_wcB . Accessed 8 Dec. 2022.
  13. Social and Economic Empowerment - GSDRC. 27 Aug. 2014, https://gsdrc.org/topic-guides/voice-empowerment-and-accountability/supplements/social-and-economic-empowerment/, https://gsdrc.org/topic-guides/voice-empowerment-and-accountability/supplements/social-and-economic-empowerment/.
  14. “Social and Economic Empowerment of Women and Girls.” Simavi | Powerful Women, Healthy Societies | Africa En Asia, https://simavi.nl/en/social-and-economic-empowerment-of-women-and-girls. Accessed 8 Dec. 2022.
  15. “Women’s Cultural Rights: Empowering and Transformative.” OHCHR,https://www.ohchr.org/en/stories/2012/11/womens-cultural-rights-empowering-and-transformative . Accessed 8 Dec. 2022.
  16. Gender & Politics.https://www.hks.harvard.edu/centers/wappp/research/gender-politics . Accessed 8 Dec. 2022.
  17. Gender Equality in Leadership, Empowerment and Cultural Change | Victorian Government.https://www.vic.gov.au/gender-equality-leadership-empowerment-and-cultural-change. Accessed 8 Dec. 2022.