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Netiv HaAsara massacre research


References for Netiv HaAsara massacre article
(Source, Date, lang)
Referenced information (editor summary)
Kibbutz History
Path to Peace wall
(pathtopeacewall.com, n.d., en)[1]
'...[W]e were alone,'
(Times of Israel, 13 October 2023, en)[2]


  • evacuees say they spent 12 hours in safe rooms, while militants roamed kibbutz killing residents
  • evacuated to Ma’ale Hahamisha, Yearim Hotel
  • Astonished that attacks could be carried out, broken sense of self security, anger at government
  • Moshav several 100m from north Gaza border, closest civilian community to border

Glen Eilon

  • Angry and wants revenge
  • Eilon, 82, wife, youngest son and daughter-in-law + three young (12, 8, 5) grandchildren were not harmed
  • Some militants entered on motorized para-gliders. Two landed behind Eilon’s and his eldest son’s houses
  • A neighbour lost two sons
  • 2 elderly neighbours were burnt to death in their house when militants couldn’t gain entry to their safe room {probably the Inon’s?]
  • Young mother killed by grenade thrown into bathroom
  • The paragliders walked between his and neighbour’s houses and started indiscriminately shooting 100m down the road
  • He and his family went to safe room when rocket barrage started at about 6am
  • They didn’t know for 2 hours that this was an incursion because power and internet access was down much of the time.
  • They heard Kalashnikovs being in their street and realized how bad it was
  • His family were terrified but there was nothing he could do
  • After 12 hours the gunfire stopped and the were told by the mocha’s security center that the could leave which they did, by car, at around 6pm.
  • “Where were our vaunted security forces, where were the soldiers, where was the army for the first seven hours? People were screaming for help but there were no tanks, no jeeps, no soldiers.”
  • Although aligned with the right wing, he believes that the government and especially the prime minister are to blame for the disaster and lack of immediate response. He called for prime minister to apologize and resign
  • Not sure if they’ll be able to return because of Moshav’s proximity to Gaza, but if they can he will.
  • his son was buried in Netiv HaAsara 30 years ago after an accidental weapon explosion, and he visits the grave every week, which he feels he can’t abandon

David and Liat Ben Shimol

  • 12 hours in safe room, with children, 14-year old Shira and 10-year old Ariel, third daughter 18-year old Noga 18 in San Francisco volunteering with Jewish Agency
  • The rocket fire seem worse than normal, at 8am we’re told to stay in safe room after getting cell reception for a couple moments
  • They heard gun fire starting at around 10am but didn’t know what was happening (no power / internet)
  • An hour later, husbands cousin, member of security team, called to say that he was wounded in the leg, they should lock themselves in because there were militants everywhere
  • Liat said that there was no help from the IDF and they were alone
  • Son had panic attack daughter was praying and reciting psalms
  • Militants shot at residents in house two doors from them, but didn’t try and enter their house
  • When they had cell reception they heard voice messages from residents calling for help, but when the called back and got no response they new they were dead
  • Elderly woman close to them said she was wounded and bleeding and needed help. No one could help. She was fianlly rescued, survived.
  • When told they could leave they rushed to leave by car. They saw several corpses that had already been covered by emergency personnel. And smelled houses burning everywhere.
  • They insist they will go back and rebuild the moshav although it will be difficult
  • She says kids from the moshav want to contribute especially joining army.
IDF eliminates senior Hamas commander
(The Jerusalem Post, 31 October 2023, en)[3]
Naseem Abu Ajina commander Beit Lahia Battalion Hamas's Northern Division, who orchestrated Erez and Netiv HaAsara attacks, killed
80 years after WWII, Holocaust survivor escapes Hamas attack
(Al-Monitor, 17 October 2023, en)[4]
  • Yaakov Weissmann survived Holocaust hiding with non-Jewish family in France when 4
  • He was born in France in 1940, his parents having fled pogroms in Poland in 1933
  • His father was arrested by French Nazi sympathizers in 1944 and sent to Aushwitz
  • He and his sister were sheltered by non-Jews near Lyon who said they were their niece and nephew
  • He moved to Israel first living in original Netiv HaAsara in Sinai and then moving to its present position after the peace agreement returned Sinai
  • Survived Netiv HaAsara massacre at 83
  • Heard rockets around 6:00 am
  • 800 residents used to bombs
  • He and wife were in safety room with gun in 15s
  • Heard machine bun fire and realized that an infiltration had begun and that people would be killed
  • He?wife and 23 descendants in village not harmed
  • 20 were killed
  • 5 members of the security team died defending the village
  • He is sad for the people he new who,died and angry because the IDF were caught off guard
  • He is now in a retirement home in Modiin in central Israel
  • He wants the people responsible to pay and won’t be happy until hamas is eliminated as the government has promise
  • He wants to return after the war, but would understand if his daughters didn’t want to
ליל הבדולח של נתיב העשרה: הגבורה העילאית של אנשי המושב צמוד הגדר - שנתקלו ראשונים
(The Kristallnacht of Netiv HaAsara: The Supreme Bravery of the Residents of the Border Settlement - Who Encountered the Terrorists First)
(Israel Hayom, 12 October 2023, he)[5]
"ידעתי שאם אעזוב את ידית הדלת, זה יהיה כמו מטווח ברווזים"
("I knew that if I let go of the doorknob, it would be like a duck shoot.")
(103fm.maariv.co.il, 8 October 2023, he)[6]
In the Aftermath of the Hamas Attack: Portraits of Survivors
(New York Times, 3 November 2023,en)[7]
Inside an Israeli village attacked by Hamas: 'Today, nobody lives here'
(Global News, 20 November 2023, en)[8]
The sole avenue of coexistence that became a Hamas killing field
Times of Israel, 23 November 2023, en)[9]
Why Israel showed searing images of the Hamas attack
(CNN, 29 October 2023, en)[10]
Casualties and hostages
Border town identifies at least 15 of its residents killed in Hamas attack
(Times of Israel, 7 October 2023, en)[11]

Initial list:

  • [1] Aryeh Akuni
  • [2] Ruti Akuni
  • [3] Or Akuni
  • [4] Marina Almagor
  • [5] Adi Baharav
  • [6] Nurit Berger

[7] Missing from list: Chaimi Ben-Naim
[8] Missing from list: Yakovi Inon
[9] Missing from list: Bilha Inon
[10] Missing from list: Gilad Kfir

  • [11] Tal Keren
  • [12] Orit Molcho
  • [13] Shlomi Molcho

[14] Missing from list: Andrei Poshivi

  • [15] Hevik Segel
  • [16] Oren Stern
  • [17] Gil Ta'aseh

[18] Missing from list: Or Ta'aseh

  • [19] Amit Wax
  • [20] Yigael Wax
  • [21] Dani Wabak

[22] Missing from list: 3rd ~17-year old boy killed with Or Ta'asa and Tal Keren

Operation Swords of Iron: These are the victims
(Israel Hayom, 20 October 2023, en)[12]
  • [1] Aryeh Akuni
  • [2] Ruti Akuni
  • [3] Or Akuni
  • [4] Marina Almagor
  • [5] Adi Baharav
  • [6] Nurit Berger

[7] Missing from list: Chaimi Ben-Naim

  • [8] Yakovi Inon, 78
  • [9] Bilha Inon, 75

[10] Missing from list: Gilad Kfir

  • [11] Tal Keren
  • [12] Ayelet Molcho
  • [13] Shlomi Molcho
  • [14] Inspector Andrei Poshivi, Town station patrol officer Southern Region
  • [15] Havik Segal
  • [16] Oren Stern
  • [17] Master Sgt. Gil Ta'asa, 46, Team leader in Ashkelon Fire and Rescue Services

[18] Missing from list: Or Ta'aseh

  • [19] Amit Vaks
  • [20] Yigal Vaks
  • [21] Dani Woveck

[22] Missing from list: 3rd ~17-year old boy killed with Or Ta'asa and Tal Keren

בדרכם האחרונה: חללי חרבות ברזל
On Their Final Journey: The Fallen of Swords of Iron
(izkorharavot.com, n.d., he)[13]

  • [1] Aryeh Akuni
  • [2] Ruti Akuni
  • [3] Or Akuni
  • [4] Marina Almagor
  • [5] Adi Baharav Rabinowitz
  • [6] Nurit Berger
  • [7] Chaimi Ben-Naim

[8] Missing from list: Yakovi Inon

  • [9] Bilha Inon
  • [10] Gilad Kfir
  • [11] Tal Keren
  • [12] Ayelet Molcho
  • [13] Shlomi Molcho

[14] Missing from list: Andrei Poshivi

  • [15] Havik Segal
  • [16] Oren Stern
  • [17] Gil Ta'asa
  • [18] Or Ta'aseh
  • [19] Amit Vaks
  • [20] Yigal Vaks
  • [21] Dani Woveck

[22] Missing from list: 3rd ~17-year old boy killed with Or Ta'asa and Tal Keren

Condolences to the Families of the Fallen
(nachamuami.com, n.d., en)[14]
  • [1] Aryeh Akuni
  • [2] Ruti Akuni
  • [3] Or Akuni, 32
  • [4] Marina Almagor, 76
  • [5] Captain Adi Baharav Rabinowitz, 62, security team
  • [6] Nurit Berger
  • [7] Chaimi Ben-Naim
  • [8] Yakovi Inon, 78
  • [9] Bilha Inon
  • [10] Gilad Kfir, 48
  • [11] Tal Keren, 17

[12] Missing from list: Ayelet Molcho

  • [13] Shlomi Molcho, 62
  • [14] Inspector Andrei Poshivi, 39
  • [15] Havik Segal, 78, one of the moshav founders
  • [16] Oren Stern, 49
  • [17] Master Sgt. Gil Ta'asa, 47
  • [18] Or Ta'aseh, 16
  • [19] Sgt. Maj. Amit Vaks, 47
  • [20] Yigal Vaks, 53
  • [21] Dani Woveck, 45

[22] Missing from list: 3rd ~17-year old boy killed with Or Ta'asa and Tal Keren

Survivor of Hamas terror attack refuses to leave Gaza border home after husband and son murdered
(Ynet.com, 29 October 2023, en)[15]
Gil and Or Tasa, 46 & 17: Father, son murdered on same day in two locations
(Times of Israel, 18 November 2023, en)[16]

Gil (46) with sons, Koren (12), Shai(8) in shelter

  • Gil shot at terrorists with service revolver until bullets finished
  • Militants threw grenade into shelter, Gil jumped on it to protect his sons and it exploded
  • Koren was injured in leg by shrapnel, Shai was injured in eye which he lost sight in, had blood all over them
  • Militants drank soda and then left
  • They went to their mothers house

Or (17) was fishing on Zikkim beach with friends

  • Found out 4 days later that he had been killed

Sabine at her house next door (separated) with other son, Zohar (15)

  • She committed to rebuilding the moshav in Gil and Or’s memory
2 Israeli-American brothers were among several Netiv HaAsara residents who were killed
(CNN, 11 October 2023, en)[17]
  • Israeli-American brothers Igal (53) and Amit (48) Wachs reported killed by ex-wife of Igal, Liat Oren-Wachs (have 11-year-old son), the moshav also released their names in their list of 15 deaths
  • Part of security team
  • her brother called her to tell her that Amit and Igal were killed in the incursion
  • Igal moved to Israel two years ago 9 (from Boston and New York) to look after mother with cancer
  • Amit lived in moshav whole life, had wife 2 daughters and a son
  • Father from Argentina

...[P]eace, not revenge
IThe Guardian, 19 October 2023, en)[18]

  • Magen Inon PhD, father of three, Israeli living in London, dictated article about his parents Bilha and Yakov Inon, who were killed during the attack
  • Received message on family text group saying they could hear shooting but were locked in house and safe , no contact after that
  • Eventually got hold of neighbor hiding with children in a closet who said his parents house was completely burnt down, assumed parents dead although not officially notified
  • No hostages were taken
  • Later during the shiva week neighbors told him that his parents house was hit by a shoulder rocket and they died immediately
  • During attack he received messages from friends asking for help as they held their shelter doors closed against militants trying to open them.
  • Talks about flash floods he used to enjoy watching young and compares to "Now, it feels as if a flash flood of blood engulfs the landscape and my grief is one small branch caught in the current."
  • Family is scared, hurt and distraught.

Gilad Kfir, 48: Photographer who never got to meet his baby girl
(Times of Israel, 18 December 2023, en)[19]
Arieh, Ruti & Or Akuni: 68, 67, 32: Parents, daughter slain at home
(Times of Israel, 19 December 2023, en)[20]
Ayelet and Shlomi Molcho, 54 & 63: Animal lovers with 'shy smiles'
9Times of Israel, 30 November 2023, en)[21]
Danny Vovk, 45: ZAKA diver 'fended off 20 terrorists' before death
(Times of Israel, 25 October 2023, en)[22]
שבת, 7 לאוקטובר-הרכיבה שלא תשכח לעולם
Saturday, October 7 - the ride you will never forget
(bike.co.il, 12 October 2023, he)[23]
Chaimi Ben-Naim went a bicycle ride on the morning of the attack, his body found 4 days later
The October 7th Geo-visualization Project
(oct7map.com, n.d., en)[24]
The Israel-Hamas war has not quashed their compassion, their empathy, their hope
(NPR, 5 November 2023, en)[25]
Left, Right, Haredi: Three Great Awakenings of the Gaza War
(Mosaic, 31 October 2023, en)[26]

Details of casualties and hostages unfolding over time


Groups of people highlighted by colour, have linked stories covered above.

Name Age Gender Description 7 October 2023 As of 13 February 2024
Amit Wax 47[14]–48[17] Male American-Israeli brothers, members of the security team Killed [11][12][13][14][17] -
Yigal Wax 53[14][17] Male
Adi Baharav Rabinowitz 62[14] Male member of the security team[14] Killed[11][12][13][14] -
Oren Stern 49[14] Male member of the security team Killed [11][12][13][14] -
Aryeh Akuni 68[20] Male Husband, wife, and daughter Killed[11][12][13][14] -
Ruti Akuni 67[20] Female
Or Akuni 32[14][20] Female
Shlomi Molcho 62[14]-63[21] Male Husband and wife Killed[11][12][13][14] -
Ayelet Molcho 54[21] Female Killed[11][12][13]
Gil Ta'asa 46[12][16]-47[14] Male Team leader Ashkelon Fire and Rescue,[12][14] Father and son Killed[11][12][13][14][16] -
Or Ta'asa 16-17[14][16] Male Killed[13][14][16]
Tal Keren 17[14] Male Died with Or Ta'asa Killed[11][12][13][14] -
Unnamed Male Died with Or Ta'asa and Tal Keren Killed -
Yakov Inon 78[12][14] Male Husband and wife Killed[12][14][18] -
Bilha Inon 7546[12] Female Killed[12][13][14][18]
Nurit Berger Female Killed[11][12][13][14] -
Hevik Segel 78[14] Female A moshav founder[14] Killed[11][12][13][14] -
Marina Almagor 76[14] Female Killed[11][12][13][14] -
Dani Vobek 45[14][22] Male Volunteer ZAKA diver Killed[11][12][13][14] -
Gilad Kfir 48[14][19] Male Photographer[19] Killed[13][14][19] -
Andrei Poshivi 39[14] Male Police Inspector[12][14] Killed[12][14] -
Chaim Ben-Naim Male Cyclist[23] Killed[13][14][23] -
Unnamed male Male Shimols’ cousin, member of the security team[2] Shot in leg[2] ?
Unnamed female Elderly[2] Female Shimols’ neighbour[2] Wounded[2] Survived[2]
35[5] Hamas militants 6 paragliders, 29 by car[5] STATUS711[27] STATUSNOW[28]


  1. ^ "Path to Peace wall". n.d. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g Sharon, Jeremy (13 October 2023). "'There was no air force, no soldiers, we were alone,' says Hamas massacre survivor". The Times of Israel. Archived from the original on 14 October 2023. Retrieved 22 January 2023.
  3. ^ "IDF eliminates senior Hamas commander". The Jerusalem Post. 31 October 2023. Retrieved 26 December 2023.
  4. ^ "Israel, the Weissmann family's pioneer dream". Al-Monitor. 17 October 2023. Retrieved 20 February 2024.
  5. ^ a b c Ariel, Tal (12 October 2023). "ליל הבדולח של נתיב העשרה: הגבורה העילאית של אנשי המושב צמוד הגדר - שנתקלו ראשונים" [The Kristallnacht of Netiv HaAsara: The Supreme Bravery of the Residents of the Border Settlement - Who Encountered the Terrorists First]. Israel Hayom (in Hebrew). Retrieved 22 January 2024.
  6. ^ ""ידעתי שאם אעזוב את ידית הדלת, זה יהיה כמו מטווח ברווזים"" ["I knew that if I let go of the doorknob, it would be like a duck shoot."]. 103fm.maariv.co.il (in Hebrew). 8 October 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  7. ^ "In the Aftermath of the Hamas Attack: Portraits of Survivors". New York Times. 3 November 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  8. ^ "Inside an Israeli village attacked by Hamas: 'Today, nobody lives here'". Global News. 20 November 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  9. ^ "The sole avenue of coexistence that became a Hamas killing field". Times of Israel]. 23 November 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  10. ^ "Why Israel showed searing images of the Hamas attack". CNN. 29 October 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m "Border town identifies at least 15 of its residents killed in Hamas attack". Times of Israel. 7 October 2023. Archived from the original on 7 October 2023. Retrieved 22 January 2023.
  12. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u "Operation Swords of Iron: These are the victims". Israel Hayom. 20 October 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q "בדרכם האחרונה: חללי חרבות ברזל" [On Their Final Journey: The Fallen Swords of Iron] (in Hebrew). n.d. [from 7 October 2023 onwards]. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak "Condolences to the Families of the Fallen". n.d. [from 7 October 2023 onwards]. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  15. ^ "Survivor of Hamas terror attack refuses to leave Gaza border home after husband and son murdered". Ynet.com. 29 October 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  16. ^ a b c d e "Gil and Or Tasa, 46 & 17: Father, son murdered on same day in two locations". Times of Israel]. 18 November 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  17. ^ a b c d "2 Israeli-American brothers were among several Netiv HaAsara residents who were killed". CNN. 11 October 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  18. ^ a b c "I lost my parents in the Hamas attack. My family want peace, not revenge for their deaths". The Guardian. 19 October 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  19. ^ a b c d "Gilad Kfir, 48: Photographer who never got to meet his baby girl". Times of Israel]. 18 December 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  20. ^ a b c d "Arieh, Ruti & Or Akuni: 68, 67, 32: Parents, daughter slain at home". Times of Israel]. 19 December 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  21. ^ a b c "Ayelet and Shlomi Molcho, 54 & 63: Animal lovers with 'shy smiles'". Times of Israel]. 30 November 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  22. ^ a b "Danny Vovk, 45: ZAKA diver 'fended off 20 terrorists' before death". Times of Israel]. 25 October 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  23. ^ a b c "שבת, 7 לאוקטובר-הרכיבה שלא תשכח לעולם" [Saturday, October 7 - the ride you will never forget]. bike.co.I’ll (in Hebrew). 12 October 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  24. ^ "The October 7th Geo-visualization Project". n.d. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  25. ^ "The Israel-Hamas war has not quashed their compassion, their empathy, their hope". NPR. 5 November 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  26. ^ "Left, Right, Haredi: Three Great Awakenings of the Gaza War". Mosaic. 31 October 2023. Retrieved 24 January 2024.
  27. ^ Cite error: The named reference REFNAME711 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  28. ^ Cite error: The named reference REFNAMEASAT was invoked but never defined (see the help page).

Editing tools


Article title analysis template

TLDR, see !vote

You’re welcome to call me a nerd or something similar - no offense will be taken.

  • Recognizability – by someone familiar with subject but not necessarily an expert
  • Naturalness
  • Readers will naturally search
  • Editors will naturally link
  • Usually what it’s commonly called in English.
  • Precision – unambiguously identifies subject
  • Concision – no longer than necessary to identify
  • Consistency – consistent with the pattern of similar articles
  • When
  • Where
  • What
Analysis of article names
Key: 1 = complies (or doesn’t need to comply), ½ = partially complies, 0 = doesn’t comply
Options Total Recognise Natuaral Precise Concise Consistent
Readers Editors Common When Where What
A - 7 October attacks 61% ½
readers less recognise
readers less search
Editors more link
AGF it’s common
ambiguous for some
2nd most concise
7 October
requires "Israel"
attack, no "Hamas-led"
B - 7 October attack 67% ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 1
most concise
1 0 ½
C - 7 October Hamas-led attack on Israel 72% 1
Hamas, attack, Israel
Hamas, attack, Israel
editors used to E)
AGF not common
4th most concise
7 October
Hamas-led attack
D - 7 October 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel 72% 1
½ 0 1 0
least concise
1 1
E - (no change) 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel 83% 1 1 1
editors already use)
0 1 ½
3rd most concise
1 1 1


Research Template

Research Template

References for ARTICLENAME article
(Source, Date, lang)
Referenced information (editor summary)
(Source, Date, lang)[1]
(Source, Date, lang)[2]
(Source, Date, lang)[3]
(Source, Date, lang)[4]
(Source, Date, lang)[5]
(Source, Date, lang)[6]
(Source, Date, lang)[7]
(Source, Date, lang)[8]

Details of casualties and hostages unfolding over time


Groups of people highlighted by colour, have linked stories covered above.

Name Age Gender Description 7 October 2023 As of 8 January 2024


  1. ^ [URL "TITLE"] [TRANSTITLE]. LINK. DATE. Retrieved ACCESSDATE. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help); Check date values in: |access-date= and |date= (help)
  2. ^ [URL "TITLE"] [TRANSTITLE]. LINK. DATE. Retrieved ACCESSDATE. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help); Check date values in: |access-date= and |date= (help)
  3. ^ [URL "TITLE"] [TRANSTITLE]. LINK. DATE. Retrieved ACCESSDATE. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help); Check date values in: |access-date= and |date= (help)
  4. ^ [URL "TITLE"] [TRANSTITLE]. LINK. DATE. Retrieved ACCESSDATE. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help); Check date values in: |access-date= and |date= (help)
  5. ^ [URL "TITLE"] [TRANSTITLE]. LINK. DATE. Retrieved ACCESSDATE. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help); Check date values in: |access-date= and |date= (help)
  6. ^ [URL "TITLE"] [TRANSTITLE]. LINK. DATE. Retrieved ACCESSDATE. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help); Check date values in: |access-date= and |date= (help)
  7. ^ [URL "TITLE"] [TRANSTITLE]. LINK. DATE. Retrieved ACCESSDATE. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help); Check date values in: |access-date= and |date= (help)
  8. ^ [URL "TITLE"] [TRANSTITLE]. LINK. DATE. Retrieved ACCESSDATE. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help); Check date values in: |access-date= and |date= (help)
  9. ^ a b Cite error: The named reference REFNAME711 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  10. ^ a b Cite error: The named reference REFNAMEASAT was invoked but never defined (see the help page).

Generic Table

Generic Table
Difference in use between nusachim
Askenaz Edut HaMizrach Sefard Chabad

Four Nusachim Siddurim (Sefaria) + Two physical Nusach Ashkenaz Siddurim

Nusach references

Sefaria Siddur Ashkenaz[1]

Sefaria Siddur Edot HaMizrach[2]

Sefaria Siddur Sefaria[3]

Sefaria Siddur Chabad[4]

Artscroll Siddur Ashkenaz[5]: 264–267 

AUthorised Daily Prayer Book[6]: 312–315 

{cite web} template


{cite web}[7]

{cite AV media}


{cite AV media}[8]

{cite book} template


{cite book}[9]



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Citation checkers



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  • Red = Generally unreliable, deprecated, or blacklisted

Notes for Hashem's Names and blessing definitions

HaShems names and Blessing definitions

Tags: [note 1][note 2]

[note 1] [note 2]

  1. ^ a b
    Obscuring the 7 Holy Names
    This article is only a general overview. It may not mention all differences between nusachim or quote all related Halacha. For specifics consult your rabbi or a posek.
    English Translit. Hebrew
    Why obscure?: To observe prohibition against writing HaShem's names where they may be destroyed (Deuteronomy 12:3–4), incl. in printed electronic media
    4‑letter name HaShem HaShem יְיָ‎ / השם
    12‑, 42‑, 72‑letter names Only 3‑letter acronyms in grey with letters replaced by "∞" and warnings
    Ado‑ai (for 4-letter) HaShem HaShem יְיָ‎ / השם
    Ado‑ai (itself) Lrd Adoai אֲדֹי
    Kel Gd Kel קֵל
    Elokim Gd Elokim אֱלֹקִים
    Ekyeh Ekyeh Ekyeh אֶֽקְיֶ֑ה
    Shakkai Alm-ghty Shakkai שַׁקַי֙
    Tzvakot Hsts Tzvakot צְבָאקֹת
    Exceptions: Words only containing part of the 4-letter name, or Kel used in personal names (Joel / Yoel / יואל‎)
  2. ^ a b
    Different components of a Jewish prayer service
    This article is only a general overview. It may not mention all differences between nusachim or quote all related Halacha. For specifics consult your rabbi or a posek.
    Blessing an aspect or action of HaShem
    • Blessed are you HaShem our G‑d, king of the world…
    • בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה השם אֱלֹקֵינוּ מֶֽלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם
    Command Blessing before performing a commandment
    • Blessed are you HaShem our G‑d, king of the world, who sanctified us with your commandments and commanded…
    • …⁠בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה השם אֱלֹקֵינוּ מֶֽלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם אֲשֶׁר קִדְּ֒שָֽׁנוּ בְּמִצְוֹתָיו וְצִוָּנוּ
    Blessing the 4-letter name to close off another component
    • Blessed is his sanctified Name, whose kingdom lasts forever.
    • בָּרוּךְ שֵׁם כְּבוֹד מַלְכוּתוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד
    Request related to surrounding blessings
    • [L‑rd of the world] May it be your will HaShem my G‑d and G‑d of my fathers that…
    • …⁠יְהִי רָצוֹן מִלְּפָנֶֽיךָ השם אֱלֹקֵינוּ וֵאלֹקֵי אֲבוֹתֵֽינוּ‎ [רִבּוֹנוֹ שֶׁל עוֹלָם]
    • Introduction providing more context to blessings
    • Reading from Torah, Mishna or Talmud)
    • Psalm or Poem related to blessings around it
    • Kaddish recited at the end of sections of a service


  1. ^ "Siddur Askenaz: Weekday Shacharit, Torah Reading, Birkat Hagomel", Sefaria (in Hebrew and English), n.d. [composed in France c. 1055 – c. 1105 CE], retrieved 10 December 2023{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  2. ^ "Siddur Edot HaMizrach: Shabbat Shacharit, HaGomel", Sefaria (in Hebrew), retrieved 14 December 2023
  3. ^ "Siddur Sefard: Weekday Shacharit, Torah Reading", Sefaria (in Hebrew and English), n.d. [composed c.1710 – c.1810 CE], retrieved 14 December 2023{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  4. ^ Zalman, Rabbi Shneur, ed. (n.d.) [composed c.1765 – c.1795 CE], "Siddur Chabad: Weekday Shacharit, Torah Reading", Sefaria (in Hebrew), retrieved 14 December 2023{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: year (link)
  5. ^ Scherman, Rabbi Nossen (1984), Zlotowitz, Rabbi Meir and Brander, Rabbi Sheah (eds.), The Complete Artscroll Siddur: Nusach Ashkenaz: Weekday / Sabbath / Festival (in Hebrew and English) (First ed.), Brooklyn, NY, United States: Mesorah Publications Ltd as Artscroll (published July 1985), pp. 74–76, 264–267, 632, ISBN 0-89906-654-2
  6. ^ Hertz, Dr J H (1976), The Authorised Daily Prayer Book: Hebrew Text English Translation with Commentaries and Notes (in Hebrew and English) (Revised ed.), London, United Kingdom: The Soncino Press Ltd, pp. 96–97, 312–315, 996–1004
  7. ^ Gaon, Rabbi Saadia (n.d.) [c. 10th century CE], Davidson, Prof. Israel; Assaf, Prof. Simcha; and Yoel, Prof. Issachar [in Hebrew] (eds.), "סדור רב סעדיה גאון", hebrewbooks.org (in Hebrew and Arabic) (Second ed.), Jerusalem, Israel, OCLC 233315029, retrieved 11 November 2023{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link) CS1 maint: year (link)
  8. ^ Cohen, Rabbi Yaakov (11 May 2017). Kabbalah 101: Psalm 67, The Menorah and Counting the Omer (Podcast) (in English and Hebrew). TORCH Center, Houston, Texas, United States: TORCH. Retrieved 3 December 2023.
  9. ^ Scherman, Rabbi Nossen (1984), Zlotowitz, Rabbi Meir and Brander, Rabbi Sheah (eds.), The Complete Artscroll Siddur: Nusach Ashkenaz: Weekday / Sabbath / Festival (in Hebrew and English) (First ed.), NY, United States: Mesorah Publications Ltd as Artscroll (published July 1985), pp. 74–76, 264–267, ISBN 0-89906-654-2{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  10. ^ For journal articles to pass MEDRS, make sure they are secondary sources (review, systematic review, meta-analysis, guideline, practice guideline) and not primary sources (study, clinical trial, etc.)