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This is a replacement account for Basejumper. I forgot my previous password.

Hello. My name is Basejumper. I am 45 years old. I work as a reporter, though I don't feel saying for which publication. Ironically my speling is oful, unles uzing a spelcheker. ;) I have no intention of using spellcheck or any wrting technique on wikipedia, so don't bother criticizing. If I ever became inclined to edit an article, I would; but I don't have that intention, rather I plan to participate in various discussions and enjoy the cooperative nature of wikipedia with people who share my interests. Other's can edit.

I've been around wikipedia for some time, and don't really have an urge to contribute so much. It seemed it could be entertaining to have one of these accounts, though.

Lately, I've actually edited several articles. This is done in my new role as BLP Nazi (like the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld, not as a racist editor), which I accidentally fell into while reviewing BLP articles.

My Home


I grew up in Tennessee and Kentucky. They will always remain my home. My family and I moved to Israel with Nefesh B'Nefesh about a year ago.

Now we live in a suburb of Beit Shemesh called Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph. The hoods and woods are wonderful. There are some of the best biking trails in the country here. They will probably be destroyed with the building of Ramat Gimel and Dalet.

My Politics


I have no politics. I have never voted in my life and don't see the point. If Ron Paul runs, I'll vote.

I am very Green, if that is really a political stance. I don't see the need to be stupid with natures largesse. Since moving to Israel, I have become very upset with the environmental situation here. The Jordan River has been destroyed, the Negev has hightened radiation levels, the groundwater has been poisoned by the irresponsable military-industrial complex. These things need to be repaired.

About Me


I enjoy studying various religions. That is something that is intellectually stimulating to me. My main fascination is how a force like religion can be used for good or evil. I have met many religious leaders, the following religious leaders you might know:


Mother Angelica of Mother Angelica Live on EWTN: I found her to be a devoted woman with a naturally sweet disposition. She also had quite the intellect.

Pope John Paul II The trait of Pope John Paul that impacted me the most was his focus. He was an intensely focused individual with an incredible will that could be sensed.

Jim Baker Reverend Baker struck me as simply a normal man with a high paying job and a kind demeanor. He seemed in over his head.

Russ Bixler He was identical to Jim Baker, but with less facade. He did not have the salesman's sheen that Jim Baker had.

Pat Robertson Like any other CEO, only smarter.

and perhaps most interestingly David Koresh This individual was noticeably insane, and palpably evil.


R' Menachem Mendel Schneerson Seemed caring, but there was a quality that bothered me. I honestly was frightened that if he passed away his followers would pass the kool-aid. They did not.

R' Shlomo Halberstam A genuine saint, whatever that means. I broke down into tears when he touched my arm. I hadn't cried since childhood, and haven't cried since.

R' Berel Wein. He is a fascinating man and an expert in history. Sometimes he would mix his ideas of what was with the academic consensus to arrive at hybrid opinion much more interesting than the truth.

R' Noah Weinburgh of Aish HaTorah. He was like Jim Baker but less outwardly friendly. In the end I refuesed to write the article about him.


The Dalei Lama. I was not impressed. Mysticism doesn't apeal to me, nor do liberal politics. The truth is I would not have been impressed to meat Ghandi either.

Personally I am what would be called in the United States, Modern Orthodox, that is a branch of Judaism. Some might say I'm Conservadox. Half of my family are Christians, split between Evangelicals and Catholics. In Israel, where I now live, I do not fit into any mold. Modern Orthodoxy, here, is politicized. I do not share those politics or any politics.

I feel Democracy is a farse. Democracy is Aristocracy with the cruelty to convince the Plebian masses they chose their masters. Now you see why I can't say what publication I work for. I'd probably lose my job.

My Family


I live with my wife and kids and various friends off and on. We nearly always have guests.

I do not live an active gay lifestyle.

Hobbies I Enjoy





I play the Recorder and the Piano. No, the Recorder is not a child's instrument. The Piano is. A monkey could play piano.

Competitive Judo

Horseback riding


I am interested in the Bear Community