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Nationwide Teacher In-service Advancement Education Information Web


Initiatives and purpose


The Nationwide Teacher In-Service Education Information Web (http://inservice.nknu.edu.tw) provides teachers with a communication platform for in-service teacher advancement education in Taiwan. That is to encourage teachers to have a continuous growth in teaching. The information of advancement activities and teachers’ participation records are showed by digital platform.

With the implementation of reformation of education policy in Taiwan, in order to integrate the resources of teachers' in-service advancement education and to encourage teachers to participate in the in-service advancement education activities positively, the Ministry of Education established 12 regional teacher's in-service advancement education centers in 2003. The National Kaohsiung Normal University (NKNU) was chosen as the general coordinator and was responsible for setting up, managing the Nationwide Teacher In-Service Education Information Web (http://inservice.nknu.edu.tw).

This network provides activities and individual’s learning records for K-12 teachers. This database-technology platform is in an electronic format to record teacher's training progress and learning time. It establishes a regulating mechanism to integrate educational and administrative resources from education institutions and local authorized educational authorities respectively. That is for fulfilling the ideals of educational reform in an effective way.

The purposes of Nationwide Teacher In-service Advancement Education Information Web are as follows:

  • To provide a platform about in-service education information for teachers teaching in K-12 schools. It also has the information about validate training hours and training records in electronic format, etc. It will enable teachers from all over the country to review their whole life-long training records and will help promote the policies about teachers’ in-service advancement education.
  • To establish a regulating mechanism for integrate educational and administrative resources from education institutions and local authorized educational authorities. It will help training organizations to plan training activities and programs that are meet the needs of teachers who participate in the in-service education.
  • To supply course information and requests, and to open different training options and ways for teachers. It will be a great help for administrators in policy making and teachers can get trainings nearby.
  • To provide in-service advancement education consultation and communication channels for teachers. It will solve teachers’ problems effectively and increase the opportunities of receiving suggestions.
  • To supply records in teachers’ training detail for education organizations, establish a frame of reference with educational policy-making, and fulfill the needs of educational reform.



Originally the Nationwide Teacher In-service Advancement Education Information Web was supervised, responsible and promoted by universities with teacher education. In February 2008 the organization of this web service was restructured, the duties were transferred to local education bureaus according to an order from the Ministry of Education. However, the Nationwide Teacher Advancement Education Promotion Center still keep on integrating resources of teachers’ training affairs and promoting the training affairs offered by related organizations. The organization is to share teachers’ training materials between the cyber systems of local teacher in-service learning and Nationwide Teacher In-service Advancement Education Information Web.

At the present time, there are three models for integrating the cyber systems of local teacher in-service advancement education and Nationwide Teacher In-service Advancement Education Information Web: 1) online register/log-in model, 2) post-end model, and 3) database model.

The Nationwide Teacher In-service Advancement Education Information Web will develop into a one-stop internet platform and ensure teachers on training records can be record correctly and completely. It will also help related organizations to make important policies.

Organization Structure


The Nationwide Teacher In-service Advancement Education Information Web coordinates by NKNU. It coordinates Local Teacher Advancement Education Management &Promotion Centers, Training Providers, and E-paper Publishing units.

Local Teacher Advancement Education Management & Promotion Centers refer to Central Region Office of the Ministry of Education and local education bureaus. Training Providers are composed of National Academy for Educational Research Preparatory Office, universities with teacher education, discipline centers, high schools, vocational schools, elementary schools, special education schools, social education institutions, and non-profit organizations etc. Local education bureaus are the editorial units of E-paper Publishing, and teacher education universities are the advisory units.


Nationwide Teacher In-service Advancement Education Information Web