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Canadian abstract artist Christian McLeod. Born 1969, Barry's Bay, Ontario, Canada.

Christian McLeod, engages the viewer with paintings of expression that revive, activate and surprise with memories of imagined sanctuary.

McLeod’s paintings produce new matter from the kinetic energy of oil-based pigments colliding across his canvasses. He daubs and scrapes, pushing and pulling mounds of oil-based colours until he has seized a sliver of time, a snapshot of change. In vibrant abstract works, McLeod interprets the beauty and destruction of the contemporary landscape, capturing the shift between a perceived image and the particles that comprise the whole picture.

After graduating from the Toronto School of Art in 1992 McLeod moved to Spain, where he exhibited locally on the island of Ibiza. He’s also lived and worked in Mexico and Germany. Currently, his art practice is based in Toronto, Canada.

McLeod’s work is showcased in corporate and public collections, including MHPM in Halifax and Calgary and The Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa, Ontario, and in private collections across Canada, the U.S., Spain, the Netherlands and New Zealand. His paintings have also been chosen to represent charitable organizations (such as Casey House’s Art with Heart fundraiser) and for book covers for the University of Oxford Press. For two years in a row, McLeod’s paintings have been selected for “Ideas and Visions for a New Concept of Architecture a project with the School of Architecture, University of Valencia, Spain. His work has also been featured in recent articles in Chatelaine, Ottawa Magazine, and Fashion and Culture magazine 1969. Christian McLeod’s painting ‘Perhaps the terrace of this garden overlooks only the lake of our minds’ will be published by Oxford Press on the cover of Philip Goff's book – Consciousness and Fundamental Reality.