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                      Routine Letters and Goodwill Messages

1. Important of business letters Business letters are important because requires need a permanent record, need to be kept confidential and it is necessary to have a persuasive, well-considered presentation. Communicators know how dangerous it is if the information to be sent by misdirected, forwarded or retrieved by an unintended audience.

2. Analyzing the Structure and Characteristics The business letters divided into three parts: a. Opening: Must elaborate the meaning expresses explicitly b. Body: Explains purpose’s nuts and bolts c. Closing: a polite ending of the letter

3. Direct Requests for information or Action: Before write any request letters, ask yourself if it’s worth to write a letter by considering your time and workload. Open it with a clear question or a polite request. In the body, you have to explain your purpose and give details about it. In the closing, tell what is to be done and show your appreciation.


        Order letters:  This type of letter is to order supplies, merchandise or services.

How to write an order letter: In the opening, you should let the reader know that is a purchase letter and include the most information you can about your order and write them as clearly as you can like in a list. In the closing, you should include how you’re going to pay and the place to deliver the merchandise and also your appreciation. Direct Claim: Use to identify or correct a wrong. You should open your letter with a clear problem statement and if it’s possible, the way that they can remedy the situation. In the body of your claim letter, try to explain and justify your request by providing the more possible details that can help your reader help you. Close the letter by a summary of the action requested and end it with a goodwill statement.

5. Direct Replies Direct replies are addressed to customers. Subject lines are used so that the reader recognize the letter at first sight. The writer should open directly about the topic that the readers want. The first sentence should contain the information about the readers’ requests. The Information should be also arranged in proper order. Arrange the information so that the readers with have an easier time to locate the information that they want. Using Headings and numbers are ideal for organizing the information. The writer must focus on the positive news rather than the negative news if ever there is a problem with the request. Although the negative news should also be present in the letter, the writer should begin and end the letter with the positive news.

6. Good Will messages Goodwill messages should always be short, specific, sincere, spontaneous and short because the reader might not have a lot of available time. Always mention what the writer is thanking for either for a favor or a gift. However, for sympathy letters, writer must sensitive words in understanding of the situation. In case of death, the writer should express their condolences for the deceased by parsing them in their own personal way and incase of misfortune, the writer must understand the impact of misfortune to the person.

7. Adjustments

An adjustment letter is the favourable response that a company or a business gives to a claim. This means that when a customer requests for example an extended warranty on a product it is approved by the company. A business makes adjustments due to two reasons. First, costumers are protected by law for recovery of damages and secondly the business wants to keep its clients and a good reputation in order to prosper. An adjustment letter has three goals. It has to rectify a wrong if it exists, regain the confidence of the client and to promote future business. A good adjustment letter must contain five important points. The opening words have to be those of good news in order to set a certain positive mood. Secondly, it has to explain the reasons why the product has failed or why something went wrong since companies always want to back up their products. It could have an apology but that depends some studies have advised against it. Even if the letter does not have an apology, language must be verified in order to be sensitive and respectful. Finally, a letter of adjustment has to close positively by expressing that the problem is solved and that business relations shall continue.