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Currently attending a Community College before graduating High School. Trying to find a balance between my worlds of home, school, and work is a little difficult. I mostly enjoy movies and television shows, particularly science fiction, comedy, horror, and comic book themed. I appreciate listening to music during mundane activities such as homework. For creativity purposes and for fun, I create some of my own music using devices and apps that contain different rhythms and tones of looped sounds. I then mash them together to make joyful tunes. To stay active, biking is an important part of the day, especially from getting to place to place.

Wikipedia has a gigantic amount of information and articles that were collaborated by many people. One of the things that I can see myself writing about is movies. I enjoy them a lot. I look up information such as; facts, budgets, how much the film grossed opening night, and worldwide. I don't see myself writing about the actors in the films because I don't want to be bias and I don't want to make incorrect assumptions based off of what I've read. I am also descent at summarizing what I have seen.

Article Evaluation


I wanted to look at the information of my hometown, Lake Stevens, through Wikipedia. I stumbled upon the school district section. There was a link to the Lake Stevens High School Wikipedia page. When I visited the Lake Stevens High School page on Wikipedia, and found three aspects of it worth commenting on: Structure/Completeness, Lack of Citations, and Grammar/Voice.



The first thing I notice about this website is that it has a multiple issue banner, so right off the bat, I know this needs some help. This also lacks pictures of the high school trophies/awards that they’ve won, the posters of the theater’s performances, and of the campus itself. I am aware that it is currently undergoing construction for modernization and it is mentioned on the page.

Lack of Citations


There are some citations on the page, but not many. References are listed below, but they are not cited in the article above. In the boys soccer paragraph, it contains a citation-less sentence, “The boys' soccer team has been nationally ranked by the Adidas National Soccer Association of America”. (Wikipedia contributors, Sports, Athletics and Clubs). Giving the reader suspicion of whether or not what is said is true. This article can use more citations and could make it more trustworthy.



When writing in Wikipedia, it is important to have no biased claims. The Lake Stevens High School is very passionate about their sports teams. In the sports, athletics and clubs section, there is a paragraph that contains a biased sentence, “The Lake Stevens High School football team is currently led by football head coach Tom Tri. He has led the Lake Stevens Vikings to numerous undefeated, playoff seasons ever since his takeover in 2004”. (Wikipedia contributors, Sports, Athletics and Clubs). Wikipedia's purpose is to benefit readers by acting as an encyclopedia, not to show enthusiasm in a high school team. This sentence and more could be written differently to improve the page overall.



This page does include a good amount of information about the Lake Stevens High School. But it pertains to a particular audience. This page also lacks sources and citations, so it makes it more difficult to verify what information on the page is true. This page could be improved if pictures were included, revised sentences to sound less biased, to make it a better Wikipedia page.

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