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Demonstration of convolution

Work documentation[edit]

Status: in progress
Status: in progress
Status: not started
  • Create a page for Linton Stephens
Status: not started

Control equations[edit]

CMOS equations[edit]

Profile of a single CMOS transistor

C code[edit]

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
void main()
   int outcome;
   float a, b, Ea, Eb, Sa, Sb;
   printf("Enter player A's initial rating: ");
   scanf("%f", &a);
   printf("Enter player B's initial rating: ");
   scanf("%f", &b);
   printf("Did player A win(1), lose(2), or draw(3)? ");
   scanf("%i", &outcome);
   while((outcome != 1) && (outcome != 2) && (outcome !=3))
      printf("\nERROR -- must choose 1, 2, or 3\n\n");
      printf("Did player A win(1), lose(2), or draw(3)? ");
      scanf("%i", &outcome);
   Ea = 1 / (1 + pow(10,((b-a)/400)));
   Eb = 1 / (1 + pow(10,((a-b)/400)));
   if ( outcome == 1 )
      Sa = 1;
      Sb = 0;
   else if ( outcome == 2 )
      Sa = 0;
      Sb = 1;
      Sa = 0.5;
      Sb = 0.5;
   printf("\nPlayer A has a new rating of %f\n", a + 32*(Sa - Ea));
   printf("Player B has a new rating of %f\n\n", b + 32*(Sb - Eb));


Natural log integral:

Pulse function:

Fourier transform of double-sided exponential:

Absolute value interpretation:


My edit count