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User:Erin.merkel/Library Class

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This subpage was created during my Training Workshop.

Primary Heading Level 2


Image of brain (thumbnail size, location of image on page, message that comes up when scrolling over, caption)

Image of brain coral
Color slide of brain coral

Level 3... secondary


Level 4

Level 5
  • this is my first bullet
  • second bullet
  • last bullet
  1. first numbered bullet
  2. second numbered bullet
  3. third numbered bullet

All about citations


First citation, which only use once. [1]

Second citation, use again later. [2]

Here's the second time using the Chiang citation. [2] Another way.


  1. ^ Camihort, K. (2009). Students as Creators of Knowledge: When Wikipedia Is the Assignment. Athletic Therapy Today, 14(2), 30-34.
  2. ^ a b Chiang, C. D., Lewis, C. L., Wright, M. E., Agapova, S. S., Akers, B. B., Azad, T. D., & ... Hsiung, S. S. (2012). Learning Chronobiology by Improving Wikipedia. Journal Of Biological Rhythms, 27(4), 333-336. doi:10.1177/0748730412449578