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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Copyright (c) 2023 theleekycauldron

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* Implement open and close by-month dicts for all users
* Move subpages to proctor/open/, create /close/ and /user/ (by close)
import pywikibot as pwb
import datetime as dt
from datetime import datetime
import re
import json
import math

tag = " [[[User:GalliumBot#proctor|proctor]] v0.0.0]"
site = pwb.Site('en','wikipedia')

start = datetime(2011,7,1,0,0,0)
monthyears = []
while start<datetime.now():
    monthyears.append(start.strftime("%B %Y"))
    start = datetime(start.year if start.month<12 else start.year+1,start.month+1 if start.month<12 else 1,start.day,0,0,0)

class User:
    def __init__(self,name,date):
        self.name = name
        self.date = date
        self.opened = {k: {} for k in monthyears}
        self.closed = {k: 0 for k in monthyears}
    def __repr__(self):
        return f"User(name={self.name}, date={self.date}, count={self.count()})"
    def count(self):
        return sum(len(my) for my in self.opened.values())
    def mu(self,u):
        for my in monthyears:
            self.opened[my] = {**self.opened[my],**u.opened[my]}
        self.date = max(self.date,u.date)
    def out(self):
        names = {
            "Theleekycauldron": "theleekycauldron",
            "Yoninah": "Yoninah|aftername=<small>([[Z\"L]])</small>",
            "PumpkinSky": "PumpkinSky|aftername=<small>(+[[Wikipedia:Sockpuppetry|sockpuppets]])</small>"
            name = names[self.name]
        except KeyError:
            name = self.name
        diff = datetime.now()-self.date
        active = diff.days < 30
        return f"{{{{/Template|{name}|{self.count():,}|{self.date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}{'|a=y' if active else ''}}}}}"

def get_datetime_from_timestamp(ts):
    return datetime(ts.year,ts.month,ts.day,ts.hour,ts.minute,ts.second)

def analyze_cat(my,users,unknowns,breaks=[]):
    catstring = f"Category:Passed DYK nominations from {my}"
    cat = pwb.Category(site,catstring)

    l = len(list(cat.articles()))
    catsizelast = sum(len(users[user].opened[my]) for user in users)
    if l-unknowns==catsizelast:
       return users, [], unknowns, False
    unknowns = 0
    users = {}
    for page in cat.articles():
        revisions = page.revisions()
        revision = next(revisions)
        nextrevision = revision
        notFound = False
        while True:
            revision = nextrevision
            nextrevision = next(revisions,None)
            if nextrevision is None:
            text = page.getOldVersion(nextrevision.revid)
            if "{{DYKsubpage" in text:
                name = revision.user
                date = get_datetime_from_timestamp(revision.timestamp)
        if notFound:
            unknowns += 1
        firstUser = re.search("\[\[User:([^\]\|]+)",page.text).group(1)
        if firstUser != name:
            #print(page.title(),"is suspicious...",name,firstUser)
        createNew = True
        short = page.title()[page.title().index("/")+1:]
        print(" || ".join([name,short,date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")]))
        if name not in users:
            users[name] = User(name,date)
        users[name].opened[my][short] = date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        users[name].date = max(users[name].date,date)
    return users, breaks, unknowns, True
def compile_users(users):
    users.sort(key = lambda x:x.count(),reverse=True)
    nl = "\n"
    return f"""{{{{Wikipedia:List of Wikipedians by number of DYK promotions/header}}}}

{{| class="wikitable sortable"
!Date of last promotion
{nl.join([n.out() for n in filter(lambda x:x.count()>=100,users)])}
If you want, you can add this cool [[Wikipedia:Userboxes|userbox]] to [[Special:MyPage|your userpage]]! (The template can be found at [[Template:User DYK promotions]])
{{{{User DYK promotions|0}}}}
[[Category:Wikipedia Did you know administration]]"""

def merge(d1,d2):
    for n in d2:
        if n in d1:
            d1[n] = d2[n]
    return d1
def json_eq(j1,j2):
    return j1.replace(" ","").replace("\n","") == j2.replace(" ","").replace("\n","")

def to_open_json(users,my):
    json_log = pwb.Page(site,f"User:GalliumBot/proctor/open/{my}.json")
    dump = {u.name:u.opened[my] for u in users}
    dump = json.dumps(dump)
    json_log.text = dump
    json_log.save(summary="updating list"+tag)

def from_json(my):
    open_log = pwb.Page(site,f"User:GalliumBot/proctor/open/{my}.json")
    open_json = json.loads(open_log.text)
    users = {u: User(u,max(datetime.strptime(d,"%Y-%m-%d") for d in open_json[u].values())) for u in open_json}

    for user in open_json:
        users[user].opened[my] = open_json[user]
    return users
def to_close_json(users):

    for user in users:
        for myo in monthyears:
            monthyearsclose = list(datetime.strptime(d,"%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%B %Y") for d in user.opened[myo].values())
            for myc in set(monthyearsclose):
                user.closed[myc] += monthyearsclose.count(myc)

    for user in users:
        user.usercount = dict(filter(lambda x:x[1]>0, user.closed.items()))
        user.usercount = {my: [user.usercount[my],0,0] for my in user.usercount}
    print("Updating close jsons...")
    for my in monthyears:
        json_log = pwb.Page(site,f"User:GalliumBot/proctor/close/{my}.json")
        counts = [u.closed[my] for u in users]
        for user in users:
                user.usercount[my][1] = f"{user.closed[my]/sum(counts):.2%}"
                user.usercount[my][2] = f"#{counts.index(user.closed[my])+1}"
            except KeyError:
        close_dump = {u.name:u.closed[my] for u in filter(lambda x:x.closed[my]>0,users)}
        close_dump = json.dumps(close_dump)
        if json_eq(json_log.text,close_dump):
        json_log.text = close_dump
        json_log.save(summary="updating list"+tag)
    print("Updating user jsons...")   
    for user in users:
        user_json = pwb.Page(site,f"User:GalliumBot/proctor/user/{user.name}.json")
        dumps = json.dumps(user.usercount)
        if json_eq(user_json.text,dumps):
        user_json.text = dumps
        user_json.save(summary="updating list"+tag)
def from_unknowns():
    json_log = pwb.Page(site,f"User:GalliumBot/proctor/unknowns.json")
    return json.loads(json_log.text)
def to_unknowns(unknowns):
    json_log = pwb.Page(site,f"User:GalliumBot/proctor/unknowns.json")
    dumps = json.dumps(unknowns)
    if json_eq(json_log.text,dumps):
        return None
    json_log.text = dumps
    json_log.save(summary="updating list"+tag)
def main():
    now1 = datetime.now()
    users = {}
    breaks = []
        unknowns = from_unknowns()
        for my in monthyears[::-1]:
            if my in unknowns:
            unknowns[my] = 0
    except Exception:
        unknowns = dict.fromkeys(monthyears,0)
    do_close_json = False
    for my in monthyears:
            usersmonth = from_json(my)
        except Exception:
            usersmonth = {}
        usersmonth, breaks, unknown, edit = analyze_cat(my, usersmonth, unknowns[my], breaks=breaks)
        unknowns[my] = unknown
            #User-specific things
            hg = users.pop("HalfGig")
        except KeyError:
        users = merge(users,usersmonth)
        usersmonth = list(usersmonth.values())
        usersmonth.sort(key = lambda x:x.name)
        if edit:
            do_close_json = True
    #Finish up
    users = list(users.values())
    users.sort(key = lambda x:x.name)
    if do_close_json:
    now2 = datetime.now()

    dykpc = pwb.Page(site,"Wikipedia:List of Wikipedians by number of DYK promotions")
    dykpc.text = compile_users(users)
    dykpc.save(summary="updating list"+tag)
if __name__ == "__main__":