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User:Goose0919/Child marriage in the United States/Bibliography

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You will be compiling your bibliography and creating an outline of the changes you will make in this sandbox.



My Proposal Topic is: Child marriage in the United States

Explanation for Revision

The Current Wikipedia page is underdeveloped I want to proposes new stubs which will be titled, “Advocacy and Awareness,” “Cultural Perspectives,” and expansions on “Psychological Health,” and “Education. I want to emphasizes the societal, legislative, and global significance of child marriage in the US.Child marriage in the U.S. affects our values and childhood views; a detailed page can educate and highlight societal changes.

Here are the sources and references that I will be using for my edits:

Alanen, J. (2012). Shattering the silence surrounding forced and early marriage in the United states. Children's Legal Rights Journal, 32(2), 1-37.

- This source dives into the silenced issue of forced and early marriages in the United States, aiming to break the silence on this matter.

Ahmed, S., Khan, S., Alia, M., & Noushad, S. (2013). Psychological impact evaluation of early marriages. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENDORSING HEALTH SCIENCE RESEARCH (IJEHSR), 1(2), 84. https://doi.org/10.29052/ijehsr.v1.i2.2013.84-86

- This research evaluates the psychological impacts of early marriages. It would detail the mental health consequences and the psychological strains faced by childhood marriage.

Aryama, V. G. (2018). don't: the need for solution to the child marriage problem in the united states. Women's Rights Law Reporter, 39(3-4), 386-428.

- This source addressess the issue of child marriage in the U.S.

Buchmann, N., Field, E., Glennerster, R., Nazneen, S., & Yu Wang, X. (2023). Review of A signal to end child marriage: theory and experimental evidence from bangladesh. American Economic Review, 2649–2652.

- A review of a study from Bangladesh that investigates potential signals to end child marriage. Examines economic and social issues through a societal lens.

Forced Marriage Initiative . (n.d.). Child marriage poses serious risks to children - tahirih justice center. Tahirh Justice Center. https://www.tahirih.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Child-Marriage-Impacts-One-Pager-updated-5.8.-2020-REGULAR-PRINT.pdf

- This source emphasizes the risks posed to children involved in child marriages. The center focuses on aiding women and girls to escape violence.

Malhotra, A., Warner, A., McGonagle, A., & Lee-Rife, S. (2011). Solutions to End Child Marriage: What the Evidence Says. INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR RESEARCH ON WOMEN, 3–9.

- This source provides solutions to combat child marriage worldwide.

Reiss, F. (2021). Child marriage in the United States: Prevalence and implications. Journal of Adolescent Health, 69(6). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2021.07.001

- Details the potential implications of child marriage in the United States. Offers insights into how prevalent the issue is and discusses health and well-being outcomes.

Arthur, M., Earle, A., Raub, A., Vincent, I., Atabay, E., Latz, I., ... & Heymann, J. (2018). Child marriage laws around the world: Minimum marriage age, legal exceptions, and gender disparities. Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, 39(1), 51-74.

- This article explores the legal ages of child marriage globally, highlighting the gender disparities and exceptions in various jurisdictions.

Baxter, T. D. (2018). Child Marriage as Constitutional Violation.

- Baxter delves into the constitutionality and legal implications surrounding child marriage.

Erulkar, A. (2013). Adolescence lost: The realities of child marriage. Journal of Adolescent Health, 52(5), 513-514

- Erulkar discusses the harsh realities faced by children forced into early marriages.

Fan, S., & Koski, A. (2022). The health consequences of child marriage: a systematic review of the evidence. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1-17.

- This systematic review uncovers the health impacts on individuals subjected to child marriage.

Iustitiani, N. S., & Ajisuksmo, C. R. (2018). Supporting Factors and Consequences of Child Marriage. ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal, 33(2), 100-111.

- The study investigates the factors leading to child marriage and its subsequent consequences.

Kohno, A., Techasrivichien, T., Suguimoto, S. P., Dahlui, M., Nik Farid, N. D., & Nakayama, T. (2020). Investigation of the key factors that influence the girls to enter into child marriage: A meta-synthesis of qualitative evidence. PloS One, 15(7), e0235959

- Through a meta-synthesis of qualitative data, this research identifies the primary reasons pushing girls into child marriages.

Koski, A., & Heymann, J. (2018). Child marriage in the United States: How common is the practice, and which children are at greatest risk?. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 50(2), 59-65

- An examination of the prevalence and risks associated with child marriage within the United States.

Lundberg, S., & Pollak, R. A. (2015). The evolving role of marriage: 1950-2010. The Future of Children, 29-50.

- This paper sheds light on the changing perceptions and roles of marriage from the 1950s to the 2010s.

Malhotra, A., & Elnakib, S. (2021). 20 years of the evidence base on what works to prevent child marriage: A systematic review. Journal of Adolescent Health, 68(5), 847-862.

- A comprehensive review evaluating two decades of evidence-based strategies to combat child marriage.

McFarlane, J., Nava, A., Gilroy, H., & Maddoux, J. (2016). Child brides, forced marriage, and partner violence in America: Tip of an iceberg revealed. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 127(4), 706-713.

- An exploration of the intersections between child marriages, forced marriages, and instances of partner violence in America.

Squitteri, J. (2023). Sexual Violence Travesty: Legal Loopholes for Marital Rape and Child Marriage in the United States.

- A critique of the existing legal gaps in the US, particularly focusing on marital rape and child marriage.

Uecker, J. E., & Stokes, C. E. (2008). Early marriage in the United States. Journal of Marriage and Family, 70(4), 835-846.

- The study analyzes the trends and implications of early marriages in the United States.

de Alwis, R. D. S. (2007). Child marriage and the law. Division of Policy and Practice: Unite for Children.

- An exploration of the legal standpoints related to child marriages.

Van Roost, K., Horn, M., & Koski, A. (2022). Child marriage or statutory rape? A comparison of law and practice across the United States. Journal of Adolescent Health, 70(3), S72-S77.

- This article scrutinizes child marriage practices against statutory rape laws across the US, comparing legal provisions to actual practices.

Psaki, S. R., Melnikas, A. J., Haque, E., Saul, G., Misunas, C., Patel, S. K., Ngo, T., & Amin, S. (2021). What are the drivers of Child marriage? A conceptual framework to guide policies and programs. Journal of Adolescent Health, 69(6).https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2021.09.001

- A conceptual framework designed to understand the primary drivers behind child marriages, aiming to inform policy and program interventions.

Girls Not Brides. (2022). Girls can be trailblazers in gender advocacy to end child marriage. [https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/articles/girls-can-be-trailblazers-gender-advocacy-end-child-marriage/]

- An advocacy article emphasizing the role of girls in leading gender advocacy efforts to end child marriages.

Human Rights Watch. (2016). [Country chapters - Africa]. World Report 2016. [https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2016/country-chapters/africa]

- A segment of the annual report focused on child marriage practices in various African countries.

Save the Children. (n.d.). Child marriage: A violation of child rights. [https://www.savethechildren.org/us/charity-stories/child-marriage-a-violation-of-child-rights]

- An informative piece detailing child marriage as a grave violation of child rights.

UNICEF USA. (n.d.). End child marriage. [https://www.unicefusa.org/what-unicef-does/child-protection/end-child-marriage]

- A campaign overview detailing UNICEF's efforts to end child marriage globally.

Zonta International. (2021). Ending Child Marriage. [https://zonta.org/Web/Programs/ISP/Ending_Child_Marriage]

- An overview of Zonta's global initiatives and efforts to terminate child marriages.



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