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• Define Ideology: Does it, indeed, contribute in any nation’s emergence? Highlights Pakistan’s case (“Two Nation Theory”). Answer: An ideology is a set of conscious and insensible ideas which make up one's goals, expectations, as well as actions. An ideology is a complete normative vision, a way of looking by things, as argued in several philosophical propensities and a set of ideas proposed through the dominant class of a society to all constituents of this society, as optional in some Marxist as well as Critical theory accounts. While the theory of “ideology” explains a set of ideas broad in its normative get in touch with, an ideology is less surrounding than as expressed in concepts such like wildfire, fantasy moreover ontology. Ideologies are schemes of inattentive meaning applied to public issues, thus making this concept middle to politics. Utterly, in societies that differentiate between the public as well as private life, every political or else economic propensity entails an ideology, whether before not it is advocated as an explicit scheme of consideration. Two Nation Theories: The two-nation theory is the ideology that the main identity with unifying denominator of Muslims in the South Asian subcontinent be their religion, relatively than their foreign language or civilization, and therefore Indian Hindus also Muslims are two separate nations, regardless of national or extra commonalities. The two-nation theory was a beginning principle of the Pakistan Movement and the partition of India in 1947. The ideology that faith is the determining issue in defining the population of Indian Muslims was agree to by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who termed it as the awaken of Muslims for the foundation of Pakistan. It is also a basis of motivation to several Hindu separatist organizations, via causes as diverse as the redefinition of Indian Muslims while non-Indian foreign person also second-class general public in India, the exclusion of all Muslims as of India, establishment of a lawfully Hindu state in India, prevention of conversions to Islam, also the promotion of conversions or recon versions of Indian Muslims to Hinduism. There are unreliable understanding of the two-nation hypothesis, based on whether the two assumed population can coexist in one province or not, via very different inferences. One explanation argues for ruler autonomy, including the correct to separate, for Muslim-majority areas of the Indian subcontinent, except without some transfer of populations. A different understanding contends that Hindus plus Muslims constitute "two distinct along with frequently aggressive ways of life, moreover that therefore they cannot coexist in single nation. In this edition, a relocate of populations is an attractive step towards an absolute separation of two mismatched nations that "cannot coexist in a melodious relationship". Opposition to the hypothesis has come from two resources the first is the idea of a single Indian nation, of which Hindus plus Muslims are two intertwined group of people. This is a founding rule of the modern, publicly secular, state of India. still after the formation of Pakistan, disputes on whether Muslims along with Hindus are separate nationalities or not continuous in that state as well. The second cause of opposition is the idea that as Indians are not individual nation, neither be the Muslims or Hindus of the subcontinent, as well as it is as a substitute the comparatively all the same provincial units of the subcontinent which are accurate nations in addition to deserving of power; this view has been obtainable by the Balochistan, Sindhi, along with the Pashto sub nationalities of Pakistan. In his 1945 volume Pakistan or The division of India, Indian statesman as well as Buddhist (Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar) writes a sub-chapter patrician If Muslims truly moreover deeply desires Pakistan, their option have to be accepted. He declared that, if the Muslims were twisted on the foundation of Pakistan, the demand should be real conceded in the significance of the safety of India. He asks over whether Muslims in the army could be real trusted to protect India in the happening of Muslims occupied India or in the casing of a Muslim revolt. According to him, the statement that Hindus plus Muslims could live below one state if they were separate nations was except "an unfilled discourse, a mad scheme, to which no rational man would be in agreement."