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Alla Kigel / Алла Кигель

File:Alla Kigel NYC.jpg
Alla Kigel / Алла Кигель
Born (1932-08-29) August 29, 1932 (age 92)
Moscow, Russia, (USSR)
Occupation(s)Theatre director, TV reporter/director, and Educator.
  • [1960th. Alla Grigorievna Kigel was one of few female Theatre directors in Soviet Union at that time.

A successor to Stanislavsky traditions, she worked with actors on the discovery of their characters through the text, helping them improve their technique.]

  • Alla Kigel was born August 29 1932 in Moscow.

A daughter of the famous Russian theater designer Gregory Lvovich Kigel (Gregory L. Kigel) (Григорий Львович Кигель)[1]. Alla’s first directorial debut was in 1945 at her High school with the school drama club, Alla did two plays “The Splendors and Miseries of Courtesans”(Russian: Блеск и нищета куртизанок) by Honoré de Balzac and The Gypsies (Russian: Цыганы) by Alexander Pushkin. In 1950 Alla Kigel tried to get into GITIS, but the school declined because she wasn't a male and she was Jewish. At that time in the universities the quota was one Jewish enrolled in a class, preferably male. Because she couldn’t get in, and she was eager to learn, Alla decided to become a criminal lawyer.

The same 1950 she got into "State Moscow Law School" which gave her investigative skills that helped her later on to become a better theater director. In 1955 after graduating law school Alla worked for three years with the Law Enforcement Agency of the State Police in Sartavalla, Russia, where she was a Criminal Investigator. In 1958 Alla is back in Moscow, Russia. Working for Law Enforcement Agency of the State Police as a Social Worker, while continuing work with the Law Enforcement Agency up to 1965. During that time in 1959 her dream of becoming a director came true, when Alla Grigorievna Kigel enrolled in Schucenskoe University.[2]

File:Alla Kigel 1950s.jpg
Alla Kigel 1950s

In 1965 Alla Kigel made appearances on radio and television, public lectures, open rehearsals and seminars in Russia and in other countries, directed TV productions for television, as well as various theaters in Moscow, Odessa, Riga, Kiev, etc. She conducted research in the field of theater, television, and human communications, developed an original rehearsal method and taught it to actors and drama teachers. Alla also lead seminars for young directors. Subjects included: Methodology of Theater as Reflection of Social Processes, The World as Stimulus of Emotions and Carrier of Meaning, The Nature of Psychological Theater, Psychological Gesture of Mikhail Chekhov, Movement as Manifestation of Character, The Art of Intrigue, Problem of Post-perception etc. 1968 In Tokyo, Japan. Alla Kigel presented a one-hour film “A Word about Prince Igor’s Regiment” on a Festival of Educational Television. She won a special award for directing. From1974 to 1981 Alla Taught acting and directing at Drama School in Moscow Institute of Culture. During the time that she was working for Moscow Institute of Culture in 1979 Alla Taught Seminars on the Art of Drama in Higher Theater School, Wroclav, Poland. From1981 to 1987 Alla directed plays by Russian and Western classics: Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Mikhail Lermontov, Nikolai Gogol, Alexander Pushkin, Shakespeare, Akatugava, Bernard Shaw, Jack London, Durrenmatt, Richard Nash, De Filippo, etc. at Central Television Station of the USSR, Moscow, Russia. At the same time from 1981 up to 1983 she conducted lectures on aesthetics at Tomsk Drama Theater at Tomsk State University. Russia. In 1988 to1989 Alla was the Artistic Manager of the Actor’s Center, Russian Theater Union. Moscow, Russia. She directed six plays at Creative Workshop for rehabilitating actors that needed professional assistance with their craft. During 1990-1992 Alla worked at the Russian Open University, Moscow, Russia. She supervised the Audio-visual Center and The Center for Theatrical Anthropology. During this time Alla G. Kigel also toured around the world doing a series of lectures. She lectured at ‘’’Sorbonne Nouvelle’’’, The ‘’’Institute National des Langues’’’ et Civilizations Orientales. Paris, France. She conducted Theater Master classes based on Russian Literature. In Peniche Opera Theatre in Paris, France she gave a seminar on the Art of Drama. In “Al Arbat Studio” Paris, France she directed open rehearsals. In “Jerusalem University” Jerusalem, Israel she conducted a seminar for college professors on the Art of Socratic Dialogue and the Methods of Torah Studying as applied to Teaching of Humanities. From 1991 to 1992 Alla worked for theState Television of the USSR in Moscow, Russia. Then she produced TV program Alla Kigel’s School, “The Art of Socratic Dialogue”, and a TV series consisting of 16 programs and was dedicated to the application of drama methods in general education.

In march 1992 Alla Kigel emigrated to the United States in New York City where she began working privately and trained professional actors and directors. In 1992 Alla started working for a Russian American TV Station/WMNB Radio Station where she presently still works. She has created and directed radio and TV programs as well as hosted open line shows. In 1999-2000 she was involved with the. 'Chekhov Now Off-Broadway arts Festival. Where she conducted a workshop for young drama directors and prepared a stage adaptation of Chekhov’s short story “Enemies” In 2001to 2003. RTN Gold Radio Station. Hosed an open line show “Dialogue”

2006. Theatrcal Institut of Shchukinskoe drama school (Theatrical Institute of shlaukins drama school)???

In 2007. Master class Alla Kigel (Мастер-класс Аллы Кигель) / Working with an actor and text analysis (Работа с актером и анализ текста)[3]

2012. Six Master Classes in Moscow theater schools: GITIS, VGIK, Moscow Art Theatre School.


  • 1950-1954, a Masters Degree in Law, from the "State Moscow Law School".
  • 1959 her dream to be a director came true. She enrolled in Shchukinskoe University (Театральное училище им. Б. В. Щукина) .
  • 1993 "Columbia University" Public Relations Course


  • 2012. Six Master Classes in Moscow theater schools: GITIS, VGIK, Moscow Art Theatre School.
  • 2001-2003. RTN Gold Radio Station. Fort Lee, NJ. Hosed an open line show “Dialogue”
  • 1999-2000. Chekhov Now Off-Broadway arts Festival. Conducted a workshop for young drama directors. Prepared a stage adaptation of Chekhov’s short story “Enemies[1]
  • 1992-Present. WMNB Radio / TV Station Fort Lee, NJ. Created and directed radio / TV programs, Hosted an open line shows.
  • 1991-1992. State Television of the USSR.


  • Dramatization of the novel (A Hero of Our Time)" ("Инсценировки романа ((Герой нашего времени)) Lermontov's Encyclopedia page.515-16 [4] "ФЭБ: Лермонтовская энциклопедия" (Soviet Encyclopedia(Сов. Энцикл.))1981
  • "Game of portraits (Игра портретов)" -Sovetskiy Ekran / Советский экран1975
  • "Not that Pechorin (Не тот Печорин)"-letereturnaya gazeta 10/1/1975
  • "Examine next to the footlights / Екзамен у рампы" Komsomolskaya Pravda/ Комсомольская Правда 1/23/1979
  • Moskovsky Komsomolets (Московский Комсомолец) 6.16.1988
  • телеканал «Культура»(Алла Кигель задает вопросы) -Юлия Казюкова, телеканал «Культура» /14/05/2007 [5]

Iaroslavny (talk) 07:46, 13 March 2013 (UTC)