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User:Info.economics/Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty of Economics

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Corvinus University of Budapest, The Faculty of Economics


The Faculty of Economics is the flagship institution in the education and research of economics in Hungary. Combining excellence in research, teaching and learning, our Faculty is one of the most popular and populous faculties at Corvinus University of Budapest, with more than 1500 enrolled students and around 140 academics.

The Faculty has an excellent reputation as a leader in Hungary and abroad for offering high quality programmes and courses that are diverse, flexible and widely renowned. It offers a relatively wide range of undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes, mostly in Hungarian, but some also in English.

Main building of Corvinus University



Our Faculty was ranked 6th in 2009 in the field of economics in the evaluation by the Financial Times:

Best in Economics

  1. London School of Economics
  2. Mannheim Business School
  3. Stockholm School of Economics
  4. University of Cologne, Faculty of Management
  5. Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
  6. Corvinus University of Budapest
  7. National Chengchi University
  8. Business School of the Montreal University
  9. Kozminski University, Warsaw
  10. Manchester Business School

The Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) studied nearly 4000 European institutions of higher education with a focus on numerous academic disciplines, thus, on economics as well. CHE considered several aspects when compiling its Excellence Ranking List but specifically had its focus on a given institution’s strength in research and its efforts to get involved in the international academic life. Universities that were awarded at least two stars made the Excellence Group. In the ranking of 2009, The Faculty of Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest was awarded three stars.

Ranking in Hungarian higher education in 2008:

  • In general rankings among economics faculties, we are ranked 1st place.
  • Our Faculty ranked 4th in the category of optimal student-to-instructor ratio (27 students/1 qualified instructor).
  • In the category of “Prestige of Economic Institutes”, our Faculty was ranked 2nd place, based on a survey of 3200 employers.



The Faculty provides high-profile economics education for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students. Due to the Bologna process, Corvinus University of Budapest has moved away from its previous practice of five-year long university education (combining both undergraduate and graduate education) and is now heading towards separate BA and MA programmes.

From September 2008, our own master's programme started, namely MA in International Economy and Business with a specialisation in International Economic Analysis or Comparative European Economic and Business Studies in English. The aim of this programme is to train graduates with a thorough understanding of the processes of international economy, ranging from the fields of international business and economics to international politics and international law. This qualification should be attractive to students seeking analytical and business skills in an international context.

The Faculty will launch a new programme in English from next year. This programme will be Master of Arts in Public Policy and Management. The aim of this programme is to train graduates who can apply their practical and theoretical knowledge in economics, social sciences, management, and law to solve and analyze issues in public policy and state administration.

The Faculty of Economics at Corvinus University of Budapest offers students the opportunity to participate in the International MA in Economy, State and Society (IMESS) with Reference to Central and Eastern Europe Programme. The highly competitive IMESS is a two- year, English-language master’s programme, in which students spend the first year at University College London, UK and continue their studies at Corvinus University of Budapest. Upon successful completion, students are awarded a double-degree from both institutions.

The Faculty of Economics hosts several dozen undergraduate and graduate students every year from all parts of the world, especially from the EU, the USA, Canada, Turkey, Russia and China. Students who choose our University will find themselves in a beautiful city with lively cultural activities, and will also have the chance to follow courses that will enable them with sound knowledge in the field of both theoretical and applied economics. Regarding the applied fields, the main focus is on economic policy (such as public policy, public finance, monetary policy or regional policy) in CEE and the European Union. Since the ultimate aim of both the Erasmus and the CEEPUS programmes is that students should also widen their understanding of contemporary world economy and politics, the Faculty also offers courses for those who have not yet heard about the region and its economic and political transformation.

International Co-operations


The Faculty of Economics has established contacts with more than 60 universities all over the world. Co-operation can take the form of student exchange (study semesters, completion of a master’s thesis), teaching staff exchange (permanent or short-term lectureships, guest lectures), administrative staff exchange, or double degree programmes. We welcome visiting teachers, lecturers and experts to enrich our curriculum by teaching in our degree programmes in their own fields of expertise.

The main department involved is the Department of World Economy, which has been for over 50 years fostering scientific relationships with the higher education institutions of Europe, Asia and America. It is a natural consequence that the impact of these relations is markedly visible in the curriculum, in the related studying materials, and on the courses themselves. It must be emphasised, in addition, that several Western universities (Sorbonne Nouvelle, University College London, Groningen University and University of Bologna among them) have already made significant steps toward forming a system of double or joint diplomas with Corvinus University.

One of the chief guarantees of the high quality education is that its lecturers are the permanent participants, at home and abroad, of international scientific life. Moreover, three of our professors are full members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and two of our lecturers have been awarded the honourable title Jean Monnet Professor. The Department of World Economy has been chosen as the president of the European Study Centres (ETKA) and it is also a member of an Erasmus Mundus consortium. The Department (and the Faculty) has a close relationship with the major Hungarian research institutions (such as the Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences).