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User:It's gonna be awesome/concerning new capital in Taiwan

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The new capital is suggested to be located at Yunlin county.


  • Yunlin is exactly at the middle of Western Taiwan. There is currently no alternative road for residents from eastern Taiwan to travel to Zhongxing New Village, Nantou county, they still have to take a detour to avoid central mountain range.
  • It will take further time for people all the way from corners of Taiwan to arrive inside Nantou county when they finally arrive western Taiwan counties such as Taichung, Chunghwa and Yunlin.
  • Zhongxing New Village is without reach of any express way.
  • A scientific park has been installed in the village already.
  • Zhuoshui River has been a separation between rich and poetry, strong and weak in Taiwan as a result of central government's long-standing bias.[1] New capital should establish across the river to reach in Yunlin County.
  • Yunlin is one of the poorest and poorest-treated places in Taiwan. [2] Nevertheless, it bears Formosa Plastics Group's petrochemistry industrial zone[3] which supplies 10% of Taiwan's yearly GDP. [4] By hosting new capital city, Yunlin people will be expected willing to welcome further investment to expand the industrial zone closely watched by the central government. [5][6][7][8][9][10] Justice for Yunlin residents should be done.

Geographic reasons


Yunlin is almost centrally located in the western plain in Taiwan. Consequently, it has capacity to load millions of people that move with the capital.

Some buildings of the heavily polluting Sixth Naphtha Cracker Plant of the Formosa Plastics Group Mail-Liao Industrial Complex in northwestern Yunlin County, Taiwan, on 15 March 2014.


  1. ^ "名家專欄《姚人多專欄》弱智的台北媒體是高雄人的悲哀". 南方快報:屬於全體台灣派所共有的網路媒體 (in Chinese). Retrieved 2018-04-07. 中山高速公路自北向南到了員林左右,便從原本的二線道縮成兩線道,開車的人無須費神去看車窗外的路標,從寬到狹的車道便讓人永遠不會搞錯:南部到了。對養尊處優的台北知識菁英來說,這是另外一個世界,不僅路比較窄,同時也沒有好的工作機會。 我不是很清楚當年蓋這條高速公路的人心裡在想什麼,他們可能是認為從台北開來的車子到了彰化附近便少了大半,所以,員林以南如果還是維持三線道將是一項浪費。
  2. ^ "【報導者專題—六輕環境難民】煙囪下的「富可敵縣」之路". Yahoo奇摩新聞 (in Chinese). 2018-04-02. Retrieved 2018-04-07.
  3. ^ 想想論壇 (2015-08-17). "從天津爆炸看六輕》帶來台塑利益與政府 GDP 數字,卻留給雲林人夢靨?". BuzzOrange (in Chinese). Retrieved 2018-04-07.
  4. ^ "台塑麥寮六輕". 經濟部標準檢驗局 (in Chinese). 2012-09-05. Retrieved 2018-04-07.
  5. ^ "工業局「喬」不成 六輕四期擴廠3案合併重辦環評 - 生活". 自由時報電子報 (in Chinese). 2017-03-16. Retrieved 2018-04-07.
  6. ^ 李志村 (2014-09-09). "觀念平台-建請修正「財政收支劃分法」". 中時電子報 (in Chinese). Retrieved 2018-04-07.
  7. ^ "政府管太多:稅收分不到 地方懶招商". 蘋果日報 (in Chinese). 2013-08-29. Retrieved 2018-04-07.
  8. ^ "焦點消息-縣府新聞 (雲林縣政府)". 雲林縣政府 (in Chinese). 2010-12-16. Retrieved 2018-04-07.
  9. ^ 台灣好新聞 (2015-07-15). "雲林財政問題 沈宗隆要求重修財政收支劃分法". 蕃新聞 (in Chinese). Retrieved 2018-04-07.
  10. ^ 面對後六都時代下非直轄市地方財政收支劃分之困境與轉機-以雲林縣為實證觀察分析
  11. ^ a b 李晏甄 (January 2011). "台灣南北對立想像的興起". 臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統、國立政治大學 (in Chinese). Archived from the original (PDF) on December 2017. Retrieved December 23, 2017. {{cite journal}}: Check date values in: |archivedate= (help)
  12. ^ a b "地政學訊". 國立政治大學 (in Chinese). 2014-01-11. Archived from the original on 2017-12-17. Retrieved 2017-12-17. ......然南北城鄉的租稅負擔更隱含租稅之不公平。舉例而言,根據本年 7、8 月份屏東市台北市高雄市內政部房屋實價登錄網站資料,相同樓高及類似區段的大樓產品,成交總價分別為 320 萬元、3,100萬元及 512 萬元,平均單價則分別為每 58,000 元、708,000 元及 134,000元,如以房屋稅占分算房屋賣價之租稅負擔率分別為 0.39%、0.35%及0.31%,看似負擔率相當,但加計該負擔之地價稅後,情形便大不相同,租稅負擔率分別為 0.29%、005%及0.17%,顯示屏東縣民同樣擁有大樓房屋之租稅負擔率竟高於台北市或高雄市居民 6 倍及 2 倍,此種扭曲的不公平稅制實有違量能課稅之基本財稅理論,也是財政當局尤應正視之處。造成北部房價高漲原因,不外乎政府長期重北輕南之經濟政策,人口高度集中都會區,南部鮮少重大建設提供就業機會,自然使得多數人去競逐供給有限的不動產,尤其土地資源不可增加及不能挪移的特性,更推波助瀾這股沛然莫之能禦的漲勢。 {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  13. ^ 洪安怡 (2018-04-07). "不只台西褐爆! 環團爆料:崙背也褐爆". 中時電子報 (in Chinese). Retrieved 2018-04-07.
  14. ^ "雲林台西空品「危害褐爆」 AQI竟封頂達500上限 - 生活". 自由時報電子報 (in Chinese). 2018-04-07. Retrieved 2018-04-07.