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User:Jawr256/New Europe/Romaria

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Romaria is a nation of New Europe. It is governed by King Nigel Gott


File:Romarian Laws.png
A copy of the official and original laws of Romaria

The Original Laws of Romaria and its Empire


(Written 23rd May 2006)

  1. Everyone is created equal.
  2. All taxes must be paid or further taxes will be enforced and if these arenot paid,the offender will eventually suffer death.
  3. No one must kill another person.
  4. No one must offend and insult the King in anyway.
  5. Everyone (over 21) must have a job.
  6. No one should hurt anyone else.
  7. Everyone is welcome.
  8. Everyone must have 8 years education.
  9. Everyone must serve 1 year military service.
  10. Everyone is entitled to a free website (500mb storage and 1gb bandwidth).
  11. There must be government hostels for homeless people.
  12. No calling people names.
  13. When anyone reaches the age of 42 they receive ₤100.
  14. Everyone over 21 must pay a fixed tax of ₤50 per month.

New Laws


To follow

See also

New Europe
The New Russian Federation
Avian Chavoslovakia Greater Germany Greater Jimonia New Yugoslavia Romaria The Russian Federation